You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

388 lines
12 KiB

function shift_link($shift) {
return page_link_to('shifts') . '&action=view&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'];
function shift_delete_link($shift) {
return page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&delete_shift=' . $shift['SID'];
function shift_edit_link($shift) {
return page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&edit_shift=' . $shift['SID'];
* Edit a single shift.
function shift_edit_controller() {
global $privileges;
// Schicht bearbeiten
$msg = "";
$valid = true;
if (! in_array('admin_shifts', $privileges)) {
if (! isset($_REQUEST['edit_shift']) || ! test_request_int('edit_shift')) {
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['edit_shift'];
// Locations laden
$rooms = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Room` WHERE `show`='Y' ORDER BY `Name`");
$room_array = [];
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
$room_array[$room['RID']] = $room['Name'];
$shift = sql_select("
SELECT `ShiftTypes`.`name`, `Shifts`.*, `Room`.* FROM `Shifts`
JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`)
JOIN `ShiftTypes` ON (`ShiftTypes`.`id` = `Shifts`.`shifttype_id`)
WHERE `SID`='" . sql_escape($shift_id) . "'");
if (count($shift) == 0) {
$shift = $shift[0];
// Engeltypen laden
$types = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`");
$angel_types = [];
$needed_angel_types = [];
foreach ($types as $type) {
$angel_types[$type['id']] = $type;
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = 0;
$shifttypes_source = ShiftTypes();
$shifttypes = [];
foreach ($shifttypes_source as $shifttype) {
$shifttypes[$shifttype['id']] = $shifttype['name'];
// Benötigte Engeltypen vom Raum
$needed_angel_types_source = sql_select("SELECT `AngelTypes`.*, `NeededAngelTypes`.`count` FROM `AngelTypes` LEFT JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id` AND `NeededAngelTypes`.`room_id`='" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . "') ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`");
foreach ($needed_angel_types_source as $type) {
if ($type['count'] != "") {
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = $type['count'];
// Benötigte Engeltypen von der Schicht
$needed_angel_types_source = sql_select("SELECT `AngelTypes`.*, `NeededAngelTypes`.`count` FROM `AngelTypes` LEFT JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id` AND `NeededAngelTypes`.`shift_id`='" . sql_escape($shift_id) . "') ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`");
foreach ($needed_angel_types_source as $type) {
if ($type['count'] != "") {
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = $type['count'];
$shifttype_id = $shift['shifttype_id'];
$title = $shift['title'];
$rid = $shift['RID'];
$start = $shift['start'];
$end = $shift['end'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
// Name/Bezeichnung der Schicht, darf leer sein
$title = strip_request_item('title');
// Auswahl der sichtbaren Locations für die Schichten
if (isset($_REQUEST['rid']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['rid']) && isset($room_array[$_REQUEST['rid']])) {
$rid = $_REQUEST['rid'];
} else {
$valid = false;
$rid = $rooms[0]['RID'];
$msg .= error(_("Please select a room."), true);
if (isset($_REQUEST['shifttype_id']) && isset($shifttypes[$_REQUEST['shifttype_id']])) {
$shifttype_id = $_REQUEST['shifttype_id'];
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_('Please select a shifttype.'), true);
if (isset($_REQUEST['start']) && $tmp = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['start']))) {
$start = $tmp->getTimestamp();
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_("Please enter a valid starting time for the shifts."), true);
if (isset($_REQUEST['end']) && $tmp = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['end']))) {
$end = $tmp->getTimestamp();
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_("Please enter a valid ending time for the shifts."), true);
if ($start >= $end) {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_("The ending time has to be after the starting time."), true);
foreach ($needed_angel_types_source as $type) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]))) {
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]);
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(sprintf(_("Please check your input for needed angels of type %s."), $type['name']), true);
if ($valid) {
$shift['shifttype_id'] = $shifttype_id;
$shift['title'] = $title;
$shift['RID'] = $rid;
$shift['start'] = $start;
$shift['end'] = $end;
$result = Shift_update($shift);
if ($result === false) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to update shift.');
sql_query("DELETE FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `shift_id`='" . sql_escape($shift_id) . "'");
$needed_angel_types_info = [];
foreach ($needed_angel_types as $type_id => $count) {
sql_query("INSERT INTO `NeededAngelTypes` SET `shift_id`='" . sql_escape($shift_id) . "', `angel_type_id`='" . sql_escape($type_id) . "', `count`='" . sql_escape($count) . "'");
$needed_angel_types_info[] = $angel_types[$type_id]['name'] . ": " . $count;
engelsystem_log("Updated shift '" . $shifttypes[$shifttype_id] . ", " . $title . "' from " . date("Y-m-d H:i", $start) . " to " . date("Y-m-d H:i", $end) . " with angel types " . join(", ", $needed_angel_types_info));
success(_("Shift updated."));
'SID' => $shift_id
$angel_types = "";
foreach ($types as $type) {
$angel_types .= form_spinner('type_' . $type['id'], $type['name'], $needed_angel_types[$type['id']]);
return page_with_title(shifts_title(), [
'<noscript>' . info(_("This page is much more comfortable with javascript."), true) . '</noscript>',
form_select('shifttype_id', _('Shifttype'), $shifttypes, $shifttype_id),
form_text('title', _("Title"), $title),
form_select('rid', _("Room:"), $room_array, $rid),
form_text('start', _("Start:"), date("Y-m-d H:i", $start)),
form_text('end', _("End:"), date("Y-m-d H:i", $end)),
'<h2>' . _("Needed angels") . '</h2>',
form_submit('submit', _("Save"))
function shift_delete_controller() {
global $privileges;
if (! in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
// Schicht komplett löschen (nur für admins/user mit user_shifts_admin privileg)
if (! isset($_REQUEST['delete_shift']) || ! preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['delete_shift'])) {
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['delete_shift'];
$shift = Shift($shift_id);
if ($shift === false) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to load shift.');
if ($shift == null) {
// Schicht löschen bestätigt
if (isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) {
$result = Shift_delete($shift_id);
if ($result === false) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to delete shift.');
engelsystem_log("Deleted shift " . $shift['name'] . " from " . date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . " to " . date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['end']));
success(_("Shift deleted."));
return page_with_title(shifts_title(), [
error(sprintf(_("Do you want to delete the shift %s from %s to %s?"), $shift['name'], date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']), date("H:i", $shift['end'])), true),
'<a class="button" href="?p=user_shifts&delete_shift=' . $shift_id . '&delete">' . _("delete") . '</a>'
function shift_controller() {
global $user, $privileges;
if (! in_array('user_shifts', $privileges)) {
if (! isset($_REQUEST['shift_id'])) {
$shift = Shift($_REQUEST['shift_id']);
if ($shift === false) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to load shift.');
if ($shift == null) {
error(_('Shift could not be found.'));
$shifttype = ShiftType($shift['shifttype_id']);
if ($shifttype === false || $shifttype == null) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to load shift type.');
$room = Room($shift['RID']);
if ($room === false || $room == null) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to load room.');
$angeltypes = AngelTypes();
if ($angeltypes === false) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to load angeltypes.');
$user_shifts = Shifts_by_user($user);
if ($user_shifts === false) {
engelsystem_error('Unable to load users shifts.');
$signed_up = false;
foreach ($user_shifts as $user_shift) {
if ($user_shift['SID'] == $shift['SID']) {
$signed_up = true;
return [
Shift_view($shift, $shifttype, $room, in_array('admin_shifts', $privileges), $angeltypes, in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges), in_array('admin_rooms', $privileges), in_array('shifttypes', $privileges), $user_shifts, $signed_up)
function shifts_controller() {
if (! isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
case 'view':
return shift_controller();
case 'next':
return shift_next_controller();
* Redirects the user to his next shift.
function shift_next_controller() {
global $user, $privileges;
if (! in_array('user_shifts', $privileges)) {
$upcoming_shifts = ShiftEntries_upcoming_for_user($user);
if ($upcoming_shifts === false) {
return false;
if (count($upcoming_shifts) > 0) {
* Export all shifts using api-key.
function shifts_json_export_all_controller() {
global $api_key;
if ($api_key == "") {
engelsystem_error("Config contains empty apikey.");
if (! isset($_REQUEST['api_key'])) {
engelsystem_error("Missing parameter api_key.");
if ($_REQUEST['api_key'] != $api_key) {
engelsystem_error("Invalid api_key.");
$shifts_source = Shifts();
if ($shifts_source === false) {
engelsystem_error("Unable to load shifts.");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8");
11 years ago
* Export filtered shifts via JSON.
* (Like iCal Export or shifts view)
function shifts_json_export_controller() {
global $ical_shifts, $user;
if (! isset($_REQUEST['key']) || ! preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/", $_REQUEST['key'])) {
engelsystem_error("Missing key.");
$key = $_REQUEST['key'];
$user = User_by_api_key($key);
if ($user === false) {
engelsystem_error("Unable to find user.");
if ($user == null) {
engelsystem_error("Key invalid.");
if (! in_array('shifts_json_export', privileges_for_user($user['UID']))) {
engelsystem_error("No privilege for shifts_json_export.");
$ical_shifts = load_ical_shifts();
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8");
* Returns shifts to export.
* Users shifts or user_shifts filter based shifts if export=user_shifts is given as param.
function load_ical_shifts() {
global $user, $ical_shifts;
11 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['export']) && $_REQUEST['export'] == 'user_shifts') {
require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/user_shifts.php');
return $ical_shifts;
return Shifts_by_user($user);