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106 lines
3.5 KiB

14 years ago
function user_news() {
return "<a href=\"#Neu\">" . Get_Text(3) . "</a>" . user_news_output();
function user_news_output() {
global $DISPLAY_NEWS, $privileges;
if (isset ($_POST["text"]) && isset ($_POST["betreff"]) && IsSet ($_POST["date"])) {
if (!isset ($_POST["treffen"]))
$_POST["treffen"] = 0;
$SQL = "INSERT INTO `News` (`Datum`, `Betreff`, `Text`, `UID`, `Treffen`) " .
"VALUES ('" . sql_escape($_POST["date"]) . "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["betreff"]) . "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["text"]) . "', '" . sql_escape($_SESSION['uid']) .
"', '" . sql_escape($_POST["treffen"]) . "');";
$Erg = sql_query($SQL);
if ($Erg == 1)
$html .= Get_Text(4);
if (!IsSet ($_GET["news_begin"]))
$_GET["news_begin"] = 0;
if (!IsSet ($_GET["DISPLAY_NEWS"]))
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `News` ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT " . intval($_GET["news_begin"]) . ", " . intval($_GET["DISPLAY_NEWS"]);
$Erg = sql_query($SQL);
// anzahl zeilen
$news_rows = mysql_num_rows($Erg);
for ($n = 0; $n < $news_rows; $n++) {
if (mysql_result($Erg, $n, "Treffen") == 0)
$html .= "<p class='question'>";
$html .= "<p class='engeltreffen'>";
$html .= "<u>" . ReplaceSmilies(mysql_result($Erg, $n, "Betreff")) . "</u>\n";
// Schow Admin Page
if ($_SESSION['CVS']["admin/news.php"] == "Y")
$html .= " <a href=\"./../admin/news.php?action=change&date=" . mysql_result($Erg, $n, "Datum") . "\">[edit]</a><br />\n\t\t";
$html .= "<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;<font size=1>" . mysql_result($Erg, $n, "Datum") . ", ";
$html .= UID2Nick(mysql_result($Erg, $n, "UID")) . "</font>";
// avatar anzeigen?
$html .= DisplayAvatar(mysql_result($Erg, $n, "UID"));
$html .= "</p>\n";
$html .= "<p class='answer'>" . ReplaceSmilies(nl2br(mysql_result($Erg, $n, "Text"))) . "</p>\n";
$RefID = mysql_result($Erg, $n, "ID");
$countSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `news_comments` WHERE `Refid`='$RefID'";
$countErg = sql_query($countSQL);
$countcom = mysql_result($countErg, 0, "COUNT(*)");
$html .= "<p class='comment' align='right'><a href=\"./news_comments.php?nid=$RefID\">$countcom comments</a></p>\n\n";
$html .= "<div align=\"center\">\n\n";
$rowerg = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `News`");
$rows = mysql_num_rows($rowerg);
$dis_rows = round(($rows / $DISPLAY_NEWS) + 0.5);
$html .= Get_Text(5);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $dis_rows; $i++) {
if (!((($i * $DISPLAY_NEWS) - $_GET["news_begin"]) == $DISPLAY_NEWS)) {
$html .= "<a href=\"./news.php?news_begin=" . (($i * $DISPLAY_NEWS) - $DISPLAY_NEWS -1) . "\">$i</a>&nbsp; ";
} else {
$html .= "$i&nbsp; ";
$html .= '</div>
<br /><hr />
<h2>' . Get_Text(6) . '</h2>
<a name="Neu">&nbsp;</a>
<form action="" method="post">
// Datum mit uebergeben, um doppelte Eintraege zu verhindern
// (Reload nach dem Eintragen!)
<input type="hidden" name="date" value="' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '">
<td align="right">' . Get_Text(7) . '</td>
<td><input type="text" name="betreff" size="60"></td>
<td align="right">' . Get_Text(8) . '</td>
<td><textarea name="text" cols="50" rows="10"></textarea></td>
if (in_array('news_add_meeting', $privileges)) {
$html .= ' <tr>
<td align="right">' . Get_Text(9) . '</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="treffen" size="1" value="1"></td>
$html .= '</table>
<br />
<input type="submit" value="' . Get_Text("save") . '">
return $html;