use Engelsystem\Database\DB;
* @return string
function login_title()
return _('Login');
* @return string
function register_title()
return _('Register');
* @return string
function logout_title()
return _('Logout');
* Engel registrieren
* @return string
function guest_register()
global $user, $privileges;
$tshirt_sizes = config('tshirt_sizes');
$enable_tshirt_size = config('enable_tshirt_size');
$min_password_length = config('min_password_length');
$event_config = EventConfig();
$request = request();
$session = session();
$msg = '';
$nick = '';
$lastName = '';
$preName = '';
$age = 0;
$tel = '';
$dect = '';
$mobile = '';
$mail = '';
$email_shiftinfo = false;
$email_by_human_allowed = false;
$jabber = '';
$hometown = '';
$comment = '';
$tshirt_size = '';
$password_hash = '';
$selected_angel_types = [];
$planned_arrival_date = null;
$angel_types_source = AngelTypes();
$angel_types = [];
foreach ($angel_types_source as $angel_type) {
$angel_types[$angel_type['id']] = $angel_type['name'] . ($angel_type['restricted'] ? ' (restricted)' : '');
if (!$angel_type['restricted']) {
$selected_angel_types[] = $angel_type['id'];
foreach ($tshirt_sizes as $key => $size) {
if (empty($size)) {
if (!in_array('register', $privileges) || (!isset($user) && !config('registration_enabled'))) {
error(_('Registration is disabled.'));
return page_with_title(register_title(), [
if ($request->has('submit')) {
$valid = true;
if ($request->has('nick') && strlen(User_validate_Nick($request->input('nick'))) > 1) {
$nick = User_validate_Nick($request->input('nick'));
if (count(DB::select('SELECT `UID` FROM `User` WHERE `Nick`=? LIMIT 1', [$nick])) > 0) {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(sprintf(_('Your nick "%s" already exists.'), $nick), true);
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(sprintf(
_('Your nick "%s" is too short (min. 2 characters).'),
), true);
if ($request->has('mail') && strlen(strip_request_item('mail')) > 0) {
$mail = strip_request_item('mail');
if (!check_email($mail)) {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_('E-mail address is not correct.'), true);
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_('Please enter your e-mail.'), true);
if ($request->has('email_shiftinfo')) {
$email_shiftinfo = true;
if ($request->has('email_by_human_allowed')) {
$email_by_human_allowed = true;
if ($request->has('jabber') && strlen(strip_request_item('jabber')) > 0) {
$jabber = strip_request_item('jabber');
if (!check_email($jabber)) {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_('Please check your jabber account information.'), true);
if ($enable_tshirt_size) {
if ($request->has('tshirt_size') && isset($tshirt_sizes[$request->input('tshirt_size')])) {
$tshirt_size = $request->input('tshirt_size');
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_('Please select your shirt size.'), true);
if ($request->has('password') && strlen($request->postData('password')) >= $min_password_length) {
if ($request->postData('password') != $request->postData('password2')) {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(_('Your passwords don\'t match.'), true);
} else {
$valid = false;
$msg .= error(sprintf(
_('Your password is too short (please use at least %s characters).'),
), true);
if ($request->has('planned_arrival_date')) {
$tmp = parse_date('Y-m-d H:i', $request->input('planned_arrival_date') . ' 00:00');
$result = User_validate_planned_arrival_date($tmp);
$planned_arrival_date = $result->getValue();
if (!$result->isValid()) {
$valid = false;
error(_('Please enter your planned date of arrival. It should be after the buildup start date and before teardown end date.'));
$selected_angel_types = [];
foreach (array_keys($angel_types) as $angel_type_id) {
if ($request->has('angel_types_' . $angel_type_id)) {
$selected_angel_types[] = $angel_type_id;
// Trivia
if ($request->has('lastname')) {
$lastName = strip_request_item('lastname');
if ($request->has('prename')) {
$preName = strip_request_item('prename');
if ($request->has('age') && preg_match('/^\d{0,4}$/', $request->input('age'))) {
$age = strip_request_item('age');
if ($request->has('tel')) {
$tel = strip_request_item('tel');
if ($request->has('dect')) {
$dect = strip_request_item('dect');
if ($request->has('mobile')) {
$mobile = strip_request_item('mobile');
if ($request->has('hometown')) {
$hometown = strip_request_item('hometown');
if ($request->has('comment')) {
$comment = strip_request_item_nl('comment');
if ($valid) {
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, NULL, ?, FALSE)
// Assign user-group and set password
$user_id = DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId();
DB::insert('INSERT INTO `UserGroups` (`uid`, `group_id`) VALUES (?, -20)', [$user_id]);
set_password($user_id, $request->postData('password'));
// Assign angel-types
$user_angel_types_info = [];
foreach ($selected_angel_types as $selected_angel_type_id) {
'INSERT INTO `UserAngelTypes` (`user_id`, `angeltype_id`) VALUES (?, ?)',
[$user_id, $selected_angel_type_id]
$user_angel_types_info[] = $angel_types[$selected_angel_type_id];
'User ' . User_Nick_render(User($user_id))
. ' signed up as: ' . join(', ', $user_angel_types_info)
success(_('Angel registration successful!'));
// User is already logged in - that means a supporter has registered an angel. Return to register page.
if (isset($user)) {
// If a welcome message is present, display registration success page.
if ($event_config != null && $event_config['event_welcome_msg'] != null) {
return User_registration_success_view($event_config['event_welcome_msg']);
$buildup_start_date = time();
$teardown_end_date = null;
if ($event_config != null) {
if (isset($event_config['buildup_start_date'])) {
$buildup_start_date = $event_config['buildup_start_date'];
if (isset($event_config['teardown_end_date'])) {
$teardown_end_date = $event_config['teardown_end_date'];
return page_with_title(register_title(), [
_('By completing this form you\'re registering as a Chaos-Angel. This script will create you an account in the angel task scheduler.'),
div('row', [
div('col-md-6', [
div('row', [
div('col-sm-4', [
form_text('nick', _('Nick') . ' ' . entry_required(), $nick)
div('col-sm-8', [
form_email('mail', _('E-Mail') . ' ' . entry_required(), $mail),
_('The engelsystem is allowed to send me an email (e.g. when my shifts change)'),
_('Humans are allowed to send me an email (e.g. for ticket vouchers)'),
div('row', [
div('col-sm-6', [
_('Planned date of arrival') . ' ' . entry_required(),
$planned_arrival_date, $buildup_start_date, $teardown_end_date
div('col-sm-6', [
$enable_tshirt_size ? form_select('tshirt_size',
_('Shirt size') . ' ' . entry_required(),
$tshirt_sizes, $tshirt_size) : ''
div('row', [
div('col-sm-6', [
form_password('password', _('Password') . ' ' . entry_required())
div('col-sm-6', [
form_password('password2', _('Confirm password') . ' ' . entry_required())
_('What do you want to do?') . sprintf(
' (<a href="%s">%s</a>)',
page_link_to('angeltypes', ['action' => 'about']),
_('Description of job types')
_('Restricted angel types need will be confirmed later by a supporter. You can change your selection in the options section.')
div('col-md-6', [
div('row', [
div('col-sm-4', [
form_text('dect', _('DECT'), $dect)
div('col-sm-4', [
form_text('mobile', _('Mobile'), $mobile)
div('col-sm-4', [
form_text('tel', _('Phone'), $tel)
form_text('jabber', _('Jabber'), $jabber),
div('row', [
div('col-sm-6', [
form_text('prename', _('First name'), $preName)
div('col-sm-6', [
form_text('lastname', _('Last name'), $lastName)
div('row', [
div('col-sm-3', [
form_text('age', _('Age'), $age)
div('col-sm-9', [
form_text('hometown', _('Hometown'), $hometown)
form_info(entry_required() . ' = ' . _('Entry required!'))
// form_textarea('comment', _('Did you help at former CCC events and which tasks have you performed then?'), $comment),
form_submit('submit', _('Register'))
* @return string
function entry_required()
return '<span class="text-info glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span>';
* @return bool
function guest_logout()
return true;
* @return string
function guest_login()
$nick = '';
$request = request();
$session = session();
$valid = true;
if ($request->has('submit')) {
if ($request->has('nick') && strlen(User_validate_Nick($request->input('nick'))) > 0) {
$nick = User_validate_Nick($request->input('nick'));
$login_user = DB::selectOne('SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `Nick`=?', [$nick]);
if (!empty($login_user)) {
if ($request->has('password')) {
if (!verify_password($request->postData('password'), $login_user['Passwort'], $login_user['UID'])) {
$valid = false;
error(_('Your password is incorrect. Please try it again.'));
} else {
$valid = false;
error(_('Please enter a password.'));
} else {
$valid = false;
error(_('No user was found with that Nickname. Please try again. If you are still having problems, ask a Dispatcher.'));
} else {
$valid = false;
error(_('Please enter a nickname.'));
if ($valid && !empty($login_user)) {
$session->set('uid', $login_user['UID']);
$session->set('locale', $login_user['Sprache']);
$event_config = EventConfig();
return page([
div('col-md-12', [
div('row', [
div('row', [
div('col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3 col-md-4 col-md-offset-4', [
div('panel panel-primary first', [
div('panel-heading', [
'<span class="icon-icon_angel"></span> ' . _('Login')
div('panel-body', [
form_text_placeholder('nick', _('Nick'), $nick),
form_password_placeholder('password', _('Password')),
form_submit('submit', _('Login')),
!$valid ? buttons([
button(page_link_to('user_password_recovery'), _('I forgot my password'))
]) : ''
div('panel-footer', [
glyph('info-sign') . _('Please note: You have to activate cookies!')
div('row', [
div('col-sm-6 text-center', [
heading(register_title(), 2),
div('col-sm-6 text-center', [
heading(_('What can I do?'), 2),
'<p>' . _('Please read about the jobs you can do to help us.') . '</p>',
page_link_to('angeltypes', ['action' => 'about']),
_('Teams/Job description') . ' »'
* @return string
function get_register_hint()
global $privileges;
if (in_array('register', $privileges) && config('registration_enabled')) {
return join('', [
'<p>' . _('Please sign up, if you want to help us!') . '</p>',
button(page_link_to('register'), register_title() . ' »')
return error(_('Registration is disabled.'), true);