configured var dump server

Allen Taylor 5 years ago committed by Igor Scheller
parent f0bddb321c
commit 02ba802d6b

@ -54,6 +54,27 @@ at least `phpdbg -qrr`(which has problems with switch case statements) as using
php -d pcov.enabled=1 vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Unit --coverage-text
### Var Dump server
Symfony Var Dump server is configured to allow for easier debugging. It is not meant as a replacement for xdebug but can actually be used together with xdebug.
This Var Dump Server is especially useful for when you want to debug a request without messing up the output e.g API calls ot HTML layout.
To use simply call the method `dump` and pass the arguments in exactly the same way you would when using `var_dump`.
This will send the output to the Var Dump server which can be viewed in the terminal.
This does however require that you start the var-dump-server otherwise the output will be printed in your browser
You can also `dump` and `die` if you wish to not let your code continue any further by calling the `dd` method
To view the output of `dump` call the following commands:
# or for running in docker
docker exec -it engelsystem_dev_es_php_fpm_1 vendor/bin/var-dump-server
For more information check out the Var Dump Server documentation: [Symfony VarDumper](
## Translation
We use gettext. You may use POEdit to extract new texts from the sourcecode.
Please config POEdit to extract also the twig template files using the following settings:

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
// Application middleware

@ -263,4 +263,11 @@ return [
. 'you want to to contribute, have found any [bugs]( '
. 'or need help.'
// var dump server
'var_dump_server' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => '9912',
'enable' => false,

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
namespace Engelsystem\Helpers;
use Engelsystem\Config\Config;
use Engelsystem\Container\ServiceProvider;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\CliDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider\CliContextProvider;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider\SourceContextProvider;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ServerDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper;
class DumpServerServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
$app = $this->app;
/** @var Config $config */
$config = $app->get('config');
// setup var dump server to use for easier debugging
$varDumpServerConfig = $config->get('var_dump_server');
if (
|| $config->get('environment') !== 'development'
|| !class_exists(ServerDumper::class)
) {
$dumper = new ServerDumper(
'tcp://' . $varDumpServerConfig['host'] . ':' . $varDumpServerConfig['port'],
in_array(PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg']) ? $app->get(CliDumper::class) : $app->get(HtmlDumper::class),
'cli' => new CliContextProvider(),
'source' => new SourceContextProvider(),
$cloner = $app->get(VarCloner::class);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
static function ($var) use ($cloner, $dumper) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
namespace Engelsystem\Test\Unit\Helpers;
use Engelsystem\Config\Config;
use Engelsystem\Helpers\DumpServerServiceProvider;
use Engelsystem\Test\Unit\ServiceProviderTest;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\CliDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ServerDumper;
class DumpServerServiceProviderTest extends ServiceProviderTest
* @covers \Engelsystem\Helpers\DumpServerServiceProvider::register
public function testRegisterIfClassExists(): void
if (class_exists(ServerDumper::class) === false) {
self::markTestSkipped('ServerDumper class does not exist. Skipping.');
$varDumpServerConfig = [
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 80,
'enable' => true
$config = new Config();
$config->set('var_dump_server', $varDumpServerConfig);
$config->set('environment', 'development');
// mock to test that the code has passed the enabled checks and started to configure the var dump server
$app = $this->getApp(['get']);
new CliDumper(),
new VarCloner()
$dumpServiceProvider = new DumpServerServiceProvider($app);
public function notEnabledDataProvider(): array
return [
[false, 'development'],
[false, 'production'],
[true, 'production'],
* @covers \Engelsystem\Helpers\DumpServerServiceProvider::register
* @dataProvider notEnabledDataProvider
* @param bool $enable
* @param string $environment
public function testRegisterShouldNotEnable(bool $enable, string $environment): void
$varDumpServerConfig = [
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 80,
'enable' => $enable
$config = new Config();
$config->set('var_dump_server', $varDumpServerConfig);
$config->set('environment', $environment);
// asset get is called once only
$app = $this->getApp(['get']);
$dumpServiceProvider = new DumpServerServiceProvider($app);