diff --git a/includes/pages/admin_questions.php b/includes/pages/admin_questions.php
index 8df779ac..df5e9196 100644
--- a/includes/pages/admin_questions.php
+++ b/includes/pages/admin_questions.php
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function admin_new_questions() {
$new_messages = sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `Questions` WHERE `AID`=0");
if ($new_messages > 0)
- return '
Es gibt unbeantwortete Fragen!
+ return 'Es gibt unbeantwortete Fragen!
return "";
diff --git a/includes/pages/admin_shifts.php b/includes/pages/admin_shifts.php
index ebe3cd7a..303c580c 100644
--- a/includes/pages/admin_shifts.php
+++ b/includes/pages/admin_shifts.php
@@ -3,270 +3,270 @@
// Assistent zum Anlegen mehrerer neuer Schichten
function admin_shifts() {
- $msg = "";
- $ok = true;
+ $msg = "";
+ $ok = true;
- $rid = 0;
- $start = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00")->getTimestamp();
- $end = $start +24 * 60 * 60;
- $mode = '';
- $angelmode = '';
- $length = '';
- $change_hours = '';
+ $rid = 0;
+ $start = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00")->getTimestamp();
+ $end = $start +24 * 60 * 60;
+ $mode = '';
+ $angelmode = '';
+ $length = '';
+ $change_hours = '';
- // Locations laden (auch unsichtbare - fuer Erzengel ist das ok)
- $rooms = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Room` ORDER BY `Name`");
- $room_array = array ();
- foreach ($rooms as $room)
- $room_array[$room['RID']] = $room['Name'];
+ // Locations laden (auch unsichtbare - fuer Erzengel ist das ok)
+ $rooms = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Room` ORDER BY `Name`");
+ $room_array = array ();
+ foreach ($rooms as $room)
+ $room_array[$room['RID']] = $room['Name'];
- // Engeltypen laden
- $types = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`");
- $needed_angel_types = array ();
- foreach ($types as $type)
- $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = 0;
+ // Engeltypen laden
+ $types = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`");
+ $needed_angel_types = array ();
+ foreach ($types as $type)
+ $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = 0;
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['preview']) || isset ($_REQUEST['back'])) {
- // Name/Bezeichnung der Schicht, darf leer sein
- $name = strip_request_item('name');
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['preview']) || isset ($_REQUEST['back'])) {
+ // Name/Bezeichnung der Schicht, darf leer sein
+ $name = strip_request_item('name');
- // Auswahl der sichtbaren Locations für die Schichten
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['rid']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['rid']) && isset ($room_array[$_REQUEST['rid']]))
- $rid = $_REQUEST['rid'];
- else {
- $ok = false;
- $rid = $rooms[0]['RID'];
- $msg .= error("Wähle bitte einen Raum aus.", true);
- }
+ // Auswahl der sichtbaren Locations für die Schichten
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['rid']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['rid']) && isset ($room_array[$_REQUEST['rid']]))
+ $rid = $_REQUEST['rid'];
+ else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $rid = $rooms[0]['RID'];
+ $msg .= error("Wähle bitte einen Raum aus.", true);
+ }
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['start']) && $tmp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['start'])))
- $start = $tmp->getTimestamp();
- else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte gib einen Startzeitpunkt für die Schichten an.", true);
- }
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['start']) && $tmp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['start'])))
+ $start = $tmp->getTimestamp();
+ else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte gib einen Startzeitpunkt für die Schichten an.", true);
+ }
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['end']) && $tmp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['end'])))
- $end = $tmp->getTimestamp();
- else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte gib einen Endzeitpunkt für die Schichten an.", true);
- }
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['end']) && $tmp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['end'])))
+ $end = $tmp->getTimestamp();
+ else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte gib einen Endzeitpunkt für die Schichten an.", true);
+ }
- if ($start >= $end) {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Das Ende muss nach dem Startzeitpunkt liegen!", true);
- }
+ if ($start >= $end) {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Das Ende muss nach dem Startzeitpunkt liegen!", true);
+ }
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
- if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'single') {
- $mode = 'single';
- }
- elseif ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'multi') {
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['length']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", trim($_REQUEST['length']))) {
- $mode = 'multi';
- $length = trim($_REQUEST['length']);
- } else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte gib eine Schichtlänge in Minuten an.", true);
- }
- }
- elseif ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'variable') {
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['change_hours']) && preg_match("/^([0-9]{2}(,|$))/", trim(str_replace(" ", "", $_REQUEST['change_hours'])))) {
- $mode = 'variable';
- $change_hours = explode(",", $_REQUEST['change_hours']);
- } else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte gib die Schichtwechsel-Stunden kommagetrennt ein.", true);
- }
- }
- } else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte wähle einen Modus.", true);
- }
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
+ if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'single') {
+ $mode = 'single';
+ }
+ elseif ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'multi') {
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['length']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", trim($_REQUEST['length']))) {
+ $mode = 'multi';
+ $length = trim($_REQUEST['length']);
+ } else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte gib eine Schichtlänge in Minuten an.", true);
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'variable') {
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['change_hours']) && preg_match("/^([0-9]{2}(,|$))/", trim(str_replace(" ", "", $_REQUEST['change_hours'])))) {
+ $mode = 'variable';
+ $change_hours = explode(",", $_REQUEST['change_hours']);
+ } else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte gib die Schichtwechsel-Stunden kommagetrennt ein.", true);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte wähle einen Modus.", true);
+ }
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['angelmode'])) {
- if ($_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'location') {
- $angelmode = 'location';
- }
- elseif ($_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'manually') {
- $angelmode = 'manually';
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]))) {
- $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]);
- } else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte überprüfe die Eingaben für die benötigten Engel des Typs " . $type['name'] . ".", true);
- }
- }
- if (array_sum($needed_angel_types) == 0) {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Es werden 0 Engel benötigt. Bitte wähle benötigte Engel.", true);
- }
- } else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte Wähle einen Modus für die benötigten Engel.", true);
- }
- } else {
- $ok = false;
- $msg .= error("Bitte wähle benötigte Engel.", true);
- }
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['angelmode'])) {
+ if ($_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'location') {
+ $angelmode = 'location';
+ }
+ elseif ($_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'manually') {
+ $angelmode = 'manually';
+ foreach ($types as $type) {
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]))) {
+ $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]);
+ } else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte überprüfe die Eingaben für die benötigten Engel des Typs " . $type['name'] . ".", true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (array_sum($needed_angel_types) == 0) {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Es werden 0 Engel benötigt. Bitte wähle benötigte Engel.", true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte Wähle einen Modus für die benötigten Engel.", true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ok = false;
+ $msg .= error("Bitte wähle benötigte Engel.", true);
+ }
- // Beim Zurück-Knopf das Formular zeigen
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['back']))
- $ok = false;
+ // Beim Zurück-Knopf das Formular zeigen
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['back']))
+ $ok = false;
- // Alle Eingaben in Ordnung
- if ($ok) {
- if ($angelmode == 'location') {
- $needed_angel_types = array ();
- $needed_angel_types_location = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `room_id`=" . sql_escape($rid));
- foreach ($needed_angel_types_location as $type)
- $needed_angel_types[$type['angel_type_id']] = $type['count'];
- }
- $shifts = array ();
- if ($mode == 'single') {
- $shifts[] = array (
- 'start' => $start,
- 'end' => $end,
- 'RID' => $rid,
- 'name' => $name
- );
- }
- elseif ($mode == 'multi') {
- $shift_start = $start;
- do {
- $shift_end = $shift_start + $length * 60;
+ // Alle Eingaben in Ordnung
+ if ($ok) {
+ if ($angelmode == 'location') {
+ $needed_angel_types = array ();
+ $needed_angel_types_location = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `room_id`=" . sql_escape($rid));
+ foreach ($needed_angel_types_location as $type)
+ $needed_angel_types[$type['angel_type_id']] = $type['count'];
+ }
+ $shifts = array ();
+ if ($mode == 'single') {
+ $shifts[] = array (
+ 'start' => $start,
+ 'end' => $end,
+ 'RID' => $rid,
+ 'name' => $name
+ );
+ }
+ elseif ($mode == 'multi') {
+ $shift_start = $start;
+ do {
+ $shift_end = $shift_start + $length * 60;
- if ($shift_end > $end)
- $shift_end = $end;
- if ($shift_start >= $shift_end)
- break;
+ if ($shift_end > $end)
+ $shift_end = $end;
+ if ($shift_start >= $shift_end)
+ break;
- $shifts[] = array (
- 'start' => $shift_start,
- 'end' => $shift_end,
- 'RID' => $rid,
- 'name' => $name
- );
+ $shifts[] = array (
+ 'start' => $shift_start,
+ 'end' => $shift_end,
+ 'RID' => $rid,
+ 'name' => $name
+ );
- $shift_start = $shift_end;
- } while ($shift_end < $end);
- }
- elseif ($mode == 'variable') {
- rsort($change_hours);
- $day = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", date("Y-m-d", $start) . " 00:00")->getTimestamp();
- $change_index = 0;
- // Ersten/nächsten passenden Schichtwechsel suchen
- foreach ($change_hours as $i => $change_hour) {
- if ($start < $day + $change_hour * 60 * 60)
- $change_index = $i;
- elseif ($start == $day + $change_hour * 60 * 60) {
- // Start trifft Schichtwechsel
- $change_index = ($i +count($change_hours) - 1) % count($change_hours);
- break;
- } else
- break;
- }
+ $shift_start = $shift_end;
+ } while ($shift_end < $end);
+ }
+ elseif ($mode == 'variable') {
+ rsort($change_hours);
+ $day = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", date("Y-m-d", $start) . " 00:00")->getTimestamp();
+ $change_index = 0;
+ // Ersten/nächsten passenden Schichtwechsel suchen
+ foreach ($change_hours as $i => $change_hour) {
+ if ($start < $day + $change_hour * 60 * 60)
+ $change_index = $i;
+ elseif ($start == $day + $change_hour * 60 * 60) {
+ // Start trifft Schichtwechsel
+ $change_index = ($i +count($change_hours) - 1) % count($change_hours);
+ break;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
- $shift_start = $start;
- do {
- $day = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", date("Y-m-d", $shift_start) . " 00:00")->getTimestamp();
- $shift_end = $day + $change_hours[$change_index] * 60 * 60;
+ $shift_start = $start;
+ do {
+ $day = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", date("Y-m-d", $shift_start) . " 00:00")->getTimestamp();
+ $shift_end = $day + $change_hours[$change_index] * 60 * 60;
- if ($shift_end > $end)
- $shift_end = $end;
- if ($shift_start >= $shift_end)
- $shift_end += 24 * 60 * 60;
+ if ($shift_end > $end)
+ $shift_end = $end;
+ if ($shift_start >= $shift_end)
+ $shift_end += 24 * 60 * 60;
- $shifts[] = array (
- 'start' => $shift_start,
- 'end' => $shift_end,
- 'RID' => $rid,
- 'name' => $name
- );
+ $shifts[] = array (
+ 'start' => $shift_start,
+ 'end' => $shift_end,
+ 'RID' => $rid,
+ 'name' => $name
+ );
- $shift_start = $shift_end;
- $change_index = ($change_index +count($change_hours) - 1) % count($change_hours);
- } while ($shift_end < $end);
- }
+ $shift_start = $shift_end;
+ $change_index = ($change_index +count($change_hours) - 1) % count($change_hours);
+ } while ($shift_end < $end);
+ }
- $shifts_table = "";
- foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
- $shifts_table .= '' . date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . ' - ' . date("H:i", $shift['end']) . ' ' . $room_array[$shift['RID']] . ' | ';
- $shifts_table .= '' . $shift['name'];
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- if (isset ($needed_angel_types[$type['id']]) && $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] > 0)
- $shifts_table .= ' ' . $type['name'] . ': ' . $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] . ' missing';
- }
- $shifts_table .= ' |
- }
+ $shifts_table = "";
+ foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
+ $shifts_table .= '' . date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . ' - ' . date("H:i", $shift['end']) . ' ' . $room_array[$shift['RID']] . ' | ';
+ $shifts_table .= '' . $shift['name'];
+ foreach ($types as $type) {
+ if (isset ($needed_angel_types[$type['id']]) && $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] > 0)
+ $shifts_table .= ' ' . $type['name'] . ': ' . $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] . ' missing';
+ }
+ $shifts_table .= ' |
+ }
- // Fürs Anlegen zwischenspeichern:
- $_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts'] = $shifts;
- $_SESSION['admin_shifts_types'] = $needed_angel_types;
+ // Fürs Anlegen zwischenspeichern:
+ $_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts'] = $shifts;
+ $_SESSION['admin_shifts_types'] = $needed_angel_types;
- $hidden_types = "";
- foreach ($needed_angel_types as $type_id => $count)
- $hidden_types .= '';
- return template_render('../templates/admin_shift_preview.html', array (
- 'shifts_table' => $shifts_table,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'rid' => $rid,
- 'start' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $start),
- 'end' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $end),
- 'mode' => $mode,
- 'length' => $length,
- 'change_hours' => $change_hours,
- 'angelmode' => $angelmode,
- 'needed_angel_types' => $hidden_types
- ));
- }
+ $hidden_types = "";
+ foreach ($needed_angel_types as $type_id => $count)
+ $hidden_types .= '';
+ return template_render('../templates/admin_shift_preview.html', array (
+ 'shifts_table' => $shifts_table,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'rid' => $rid,
+ 'start' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $start),
+ 'end' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $end),
+ 'mode' => $mode,
+ 'length' => $length,
+ 'change_hours' => $change_hours,
+ 'angelmode' => $angelmode,
+ 'needed_angel_types' => $hidden_types
+ ));
+ }
- }
- elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
- if (!is_array($_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts']) || !is_array($_SESSION['admin_shifts_types'])) {
- header("Location: ?p=admin_shifts");
- die();
- }
+ }
+ elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
+ if (!is_array($_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts']) || !is_array($_SESSION['admin_shifts_types'])) {
+ header("Location: ?p=admin_shifts");
+ die();
+ }
- foreach ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts'] as $shift) {
- sql_query("INSERT INTO `Shifts` SET `start`=" . sql_escape($shift['start']) . ", `end`=" . sql_escape($shift['end']) . ", `RID`=" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . ", `name`='" . sql_escape($shift['name']) . "'");
- $shift_id = sql_id();
- foreach ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_types'] as $type_id => $count) {
- sql_query("INSERT INTO `NeededAngelTypes` SET `shift_id`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . ", `angel_type_id`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . ", `count`=" . sql_escape($count));
- }
- }
+ foreach ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts'] as $shift) {
+ sql_query("INSERT INTO `Shifts` SET `start`=" . sql_escape($shift['start']) . ", `end`=" . sql_escape($shift['end']) . ", `RID`=" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . ", `name`='" . sql_escape($shift['name']) . "'");
+ $shift_id = sql_id();
+ foreach ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_types'] as $type_id => $count) {
+ sql_query("INSERT INTO `NeededAngelTypes` SET `shift_id`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . ", `angel_type_id`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . ", `count`=" . sql_escape($count));
+ }
+ }
- $msg = success("Schichten angelegt.", true);
- } else {
- unset ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts']);
- unset ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_types']);
- }
+ $msg = success("Schichten angelegt.", true);
+ } else {
+ unset ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_shifts']);
+ unset ($_SESSION['admin_shifts_types']);
+ }
- $room_select = html_select_key('rid', 'rid', $room_array, $_REQUEST['rid']);
- $angel_types = "";
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $angel_types .= template_render('../templates/admin_shifts_angel_types.html', array (
- 'id' => $type['id'],
- 'type' => $type['name'],
- 'value' => $needed_angel_types[$type['id']]
- ));
- }
- return template_render('../templates/admin_shifts.html', array (
- 'angel_types' => $angel_types,
- 'room_select' => $room_select,
- 'msg' => $msg,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'start' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $start),
- 'end' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $end),
- 'mode_single_selected' => $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'single' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
- 'mode_multi_selected' => $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'multi' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
- 'mode_multi_length' => !empty ($_REQUEST['length']) ? $_REQUEST['length'] : '120',
- 'mode_variable_selected' => $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'variable' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
- 'mode_variable_hours' => !empty ($_REQUEST['change_hours']) ? $_REQUEST['change_hours'] : '00, 04, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22',
- 'angelmode_location_selected' => $_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'location' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
- 'angelmode_manually_selected' => $_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'manually' ? 'checked="checked"' : ''
- ));
+ $room_select = html_select_key('rid', 'rid', $room_array, $_REQUEST['rid']);
+ $angel_types = "";
+ foreach ($types as $type) {
+ $angel_types .= template_render('../templates/admin_shifts_angel_types.html', array (
+ 'id' => $type['id'],
+ 'type' => $type['name'],
+ 'value' => $needed_angel_types[$type['id']]
+ ));
+ }
+ return template_render('../templates/admin_shifts.html', array (
+ 'angel_types' => $angel_types,
+ 'room_select' => $room_select,
+ 'msg' => $msg,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'start' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $start),
+ 'end' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $end),
+ 'mode_single_selected' => $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'single' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'mode_multi_selected' => $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'multi' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'mode_multi_length' => !empty ($_REQUEST['length']) ? $_REQUEST['length'] : '120',
+ 'mode_variable_selected' => $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'variable' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'mode_variable_hours' => !empty ($_REQUEST['change_hours']) ? $_REQUEST['change_hours'] : '00, 04, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22',
+ 'angelmode_location_selected' => $_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'location' ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'angelmode_manually_selected' => $_REQUEST['angelmode'] == 'manually' ? 'checked="checked"' : ''
+ ));
diff --git a/includes/pages/user_messages.php b/includes/pages/user_messages.php
index eb8f0136..70ea5c63 100644
--- a/includes/pages/user_messages.php
+++ b/includes/pages/user_messages.php
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function user_unread_messages() {
$new_messages = sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `Messages` WHERE isRead='N' AND `RUID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']));
if ($new_messages > 0)
- return sprintf('%s %s %s
', page_link_to("user_messages"), Get_Text("pub_messages_new1"), $new_messages, Get_Text("pub_messages_new2"));
+ return sprintf('%s %s %s
', page_link_to("user_messages"), Get_Text("pub_messages_new1"), $new_messages, Get_Text("pub_messages_new2"));
return "";
diff --git a/includes/pages/user_news.php b/includes/pages/user_news.php
index fce935e6..fcf2437c 100644
--- a/includes/pages/user_news.php
+++ b/includes/pages/user_news.php
@@ -1,170 +1,170 @@
- $dis_rows = ceil(sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `News` WHERE `Treffen`=1") / $DISPLAY_NEWS);
+ $html .= "';
- return $html;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $dis_rows; $i++) {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $i == $_REQUEST['page'])
+ $html .= ($i +1) . " ";
+ else
+ $html .= '' . ($i +1) . ' ';
+ }
+ $html .= '';
+ return $html;
function display_news($news) {
- global $privileges, $p;
- $html = "";
- $html .= '';
- $html .= '';
- $html .= date("Y-m-d H:i", $news['Datum']) . ', ';
- $html .= UID2Nick($news['UID']);
- if ($p != "news_comments")
- $html .= ', Kommentare (' . sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `news_comments` WHERE `Refid`='" . sql_escape($news['ID']) . "'") . ') »';
- $html .= ' ';
- $html .= '' . ($news['Treffen'] == 1 ? '[Meeting] ' : '') . ReplaceSmilies($news['Betreff']) . '
- $html .= '' . ReplaceSmilies(nl2br($news['Text'])) . '
- if (in_array("admin_news", $privileges))
- $html .= "Edit \n";
- $html .= '';
- return $html;
+ global $privileges, $p;
+ $html = "";
+ $html .= '';
+ $html .= '';
+ $html .= date("Y-m-d H:i", $news['Datum']) . ', ';
+ $html .= UID2Nick($news['UID']);
+ if ($p != "news_comments")
+ $html .= ', Kommentare (' . sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `news_comments` WHERE `Refid`='" . sql_escape($news['ID']) . "'") . ') »';
+ $html .= ' ';
+ $html .= '' . ($news['Treffen'] == 1 ? '[Meeting] ' : '') . ReplaceSmilies($news['Betreff']) . '
+ $html .= '' . ReplaceSmilies(nl2br($news['Text'])) . '
+ if (in_array("admin_news", $privileges))
+ $html .= "Edit \n";
+ $html .= '';
+ return $html;
function user_news_comments() {
- global $user;
- $html = "";
- if (isset ($_REQUEST["nid"]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,}$/", $_REQUEST['nid']) && sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `News` WHERE `ID`=" . sql_escape($_REQUEST['nid']) . " LIMIT 1") > 0) {
- $nid = $_REQUEST["nid"];
- list ($news) = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `News` WHERE `ID`=" . sql_escape($nid) . " LIMIT 1");
- if (isset ($_REQUEST["text"])) {
- $text = preg_replace("/([^\p{L}\p{P}\p{Z}\p{N}\n]{1,})/ui", '', strip_tags($_REQUEST['text']));
- sql_query("INSERT INTO `news_comments` (`Refid`, `Datum`, `Text`, `UID`) VALUES ('" . sql_escape($nid) . "', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "', '" . sql_escape($text) . "', '" . sql_escape($user["UID"]) . "')");
- $html .= success("Eintrag wurde gespeichert", true);
- }
- $html .= '« Back';
- $html .= display_news($news);
- $html .= 'Kommentare
- $comments = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `news_comments` WHERE `Refid`='" . sql_escape($nid) . "' ORDER BY 'ID'");
- foreach ($comments as $comment) {
- $html .= '';
- }
- $html .= "";
- $html .= '
- Neuer Kommentar:
- ';
- } else {
- $html .= "Fehlerhafter Aufruf!";
- }
- return $html;
+ global $user;
+ $html = "";
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST["nid"]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,}$/", $_REQUEST['nid']) && sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `News` WHERE `ID`=" . sql_escape($_REQUEST['nid']) . " LIMIT 1") > 0) {
+ $nid = $_REQUEST["nid"];
+ list ($news) = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `News` WHERE `ID`=" . sql_escape($nid) . " LIMIT 1");
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST["text"])) {
+ $text = preg_replace("/([^\p{L}\p{P}\p{Z}\p{N}\n]{1,})/ui", '', strip_tags($_REQUEST['text']));
+ sql_query("INSERT INTO `news_comments` (`Refid`, `Datum`, `Text`, `UID`) VALUES ('" . sql_escape($nid) . "', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "', '" . sql_escape($text) . "', '" . sql_escape($user["UID"]) . "')");
+ $html .= success("Eintrag wurde gespeichert", true);
+ }
+ $html .= '« Back';
+ $html .= display_news($news);
+ $html .= 'Kommentare
+ $comments = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `news_comments` WHERE `Refid`='" . sql_escape($nid) . "' ORDER BY 'ID'");
+ foreach ($comments as $comment) {
+ $html .= '';
+ }
+ $html .= "";
+ $html .= '
+ Neuer Kommentar:
+ ';
+ } else {
+ $html .= "Fehlerhafter Aufruf!";
+ }
+ return $html;
function user_news() {
- global $DISPLAY_NEWS, $privileges, $user;
- $html = "";
- if (isset ($_POST["text"]) && isset ($_POST["betreff"]) && in_array("admin_news", $privileges)) {
- if (!isset ($_POST["treffen"]) || !in_array("admin_news", $privileges))
- $_POST["treffen"] = 0;
- sql_query("INSERT INTO `News` (`Datum`, `Betreff`, `Text`, `UID`, `Treffen`) " .
- "VALUES ('" . sql_escape(time()) . "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["betreff"]) . "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["text"]) . "', '" . sql_escape($user['UID']) .
- "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["treffen"]) . "');");
- $html .= success(Get_Text(4), true);
- }
- if (isset ($_REQUEST['page']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,}$/", $_REQUEST['page']))
- $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
- else
- $page = 0;
- $news = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `News` ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT " . sql_escape($page * $DISPLAY_NEWS) . ", " . sql_escape($DISPLAY_NEWS));
- foreach ($news as $entry)
- $html .= display_news($entry);
- $html .= "';
- if (in_array("admin_news", $privileges)) {
- $html .= '
- ' . Get_Text(6) . '
- ';
- }
- return $html;
+ global $DISPLAY_NEWS, $privileges, $user;
+ $html = "";
+ if (isset ($_POST["text"]) && isset ($_POST["betreff"]) && in_array("admin_news", $privileges)) {
+ if (!isset ($_POST["treffen"]) || !in_array("admin_news", $privileges))
+ $_POST["treffen"] = 0;
+ sql_query("INSERT INTO `News` (`Datum`, `Betreff`, `Text`, `UID`, `Treffen`) " .
+ "VALUES ('" . sql_escape(time()) . "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["betreff"]) . "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["text"]) . "', '" . sql_escape($user['UID']) .
+ "', '" . sql_escape($_POST["treffen"]) . "');");
+ $html .= success(Get_Text(4), true);
+ }
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['page']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,}$/", $_REQUEST['page']))
+ $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
+ else
+ $page = 0;
+ $news = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `News` ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT " . sql_escape($page * $DISPLAY_NEWS) . ", " . sql_escape($DISPLAY_NEWS));
+ foreach ($news as $entry)
+ $html .= display_news($entry);
+ $html .= "';
+ if (in_array("admin_news", $privileges)) {
+ $html .= '
+ ' . Get_Text(6) . '
+ ';
+ }
+ return $html;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/layout.html b/templates/layout.html
index 721001d4..695b6c9c 100644
--- a/templates/layout.html
+++ b/templates/layout.html
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@