add user arrived page
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
ALTER TABLE `UserCVS` ADD `admin/userArrived.php` CHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' AFTER `admin/UserPicture.php` ;
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('admin/userArrived.php', 'DE', 'User gekommen');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('admin/userArrived.php', 'EN', 'User Arrived');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_WriteError', 'DE', 'Fehler beim speichern bei Engel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_WriteError', 'EN', 'Error by writing Engel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_Text1', 'DE', 'Über die Suchen-Funktion des Browsers kann diese Liste schnell nach einem Nick abgesucht werden.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_Text1', 'EN', 'Use the search function of the browser, this list can be quickly searched for a nick.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_Text2', 'DE', 'Hinter diesem erscheint ein Link, über den man eintragen kann, dass der Engel gekommen ist.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_Text2', 'EN', 'Behind that will see a link that you can enter, that the angel has come.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableToppic', 'DE', 'Liste aller Engel:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableToppic', 'EN', 'List of Engels:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableTD_Nick', 'DE', 'Nick');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableTD_Nick', 'EN', 'Nick');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableTD_ArrivedShow', 'DE', 'Gekommen?');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableTD_ArrivedShow', 'EN', 'Arrived?');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableTD_ArrivedSet', 'DE', 'Gekommen Setzen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableTD_ArrivedSet', 'EN', 'Set arrived:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableEntry_Arrived', 'DE', 'anwesend');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableEntry_Arrived', 'EN', 'arrived');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableEntry_Set', 'DE', 'XXXXXXXX');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_TableEntry_Set', 'EN', 'XXXXXXXX');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_WriteOK', 'DE', 'Als gekommen makiert');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pri_userArrived_WriteOK', 'EN', 'Set as arrived');
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
$title = "Engel Arrived";
$header = "Engel was arrived";
include ("../../includes/header.php");
include ("../../includes/funktion_db_list.php");
If (IsSet($_GET["arrived"])) {
$SQL="UPDATE `User` SET `Gekommen`='1' WHERE `UID`='". $_GET["arrived"]. "' limit 1";
$Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
if ($Erg == 1) {
echo "<h2>". Get_Text("pri_userArrived_WriteOK"). " \"". UID2Nick($_GET["arrived"]). "\"</h2>";
} else {
echo "<h1>". Get_Text("pri_userArrived_WriteError"). " \"". UID2Nick($_GET["arrived"]). "\"</h1>";
echo Get_Text("pri_userArrived_Text1"). "<br>";
echo Get_Text("pri_userArrived_Text2"). "<br><br>";
echo Get_Text("pri_userArrived_TableToppic");
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `User` ORDER BY `Nick` ASC";
$Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
$rowcount = mysql_num_rows($Erg);
echo "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"border\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n";
echo "\t<tr class=\"contenttopic\">\n";
echo "\t\t<td>". Get_Text("pri_userArrived_TableTD_Nick"). "</td>\n";
echo "\t\t<td>". Get_Text("pri_userArrived_TableTD_ArrivedShow"). "</td>\n";
echo "\t\t<td>". Get_Text("pri_userArrived_TableTD_ArrivedSet"). "</td>\n";
echo "\t</td>\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$rowcount; $i++){
echo "\t<tr class=\"content\">\n";
$eUID=mysql_result($Erg, $i, "UID");
echo "\t\t<td>".UID2Nick($eUID)."</td>\n";
echo "\t\t<td>".mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Gekommen")."</td>\n";
if (mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Gekommen") =="1")
echo "\t\t<td>". Get_Text("pri_userArrived_TableEntry_Arrived"). "</td>";
} else {
echo "\t\t<td><a href=\"./userArrived.php?arrived=$eUID\">". Get_Text("pri_userArrived_TableEntry_Set"). "</a></td>";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
include ("../../includes/footer.php");
Reference in New Issue