del unbenoetigte files
add mysql-DB git-svn-id: svn:// 29ba0400-6e00-0410-a75a-ca02368028f8main
@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.6.2
-- Host: localhost
-- Erstellungszeit: 10. September 2005 um 18:11
-- Server Version: 4.0.24
-- PHP-Version: 4.3.10-15
-- Datenbank: `Himmel`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `EngelType`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
`TID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`Man` text,
UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `FAQ`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
`FID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Frage` text NOT NULL,
`Antwort` text NOT NULL,
-- Daten für Tabelle `FAQ`
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (1, 'Komme ich als Engel billiger/kostenlos auf den Congress?<br>\r\nDo I get in cheaper / for free to the congress as an angel ?', 'Nein, jeder Engel muss normal Eintritt bezahlen.<br>\r\nNo, every angel has to pay full price.');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (2, 'Was bekomme ich für meine Mitarbeit?<br>\r\nWhat do I get for helping ? \r\n', 'Jeder Engel der arbeitet bekommt ein kostenloses (Camp-)T-Shirt nach der Veranstalltung <br>\r\nEvery working angel gets a free (Camp-) shirt after the event. ');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (3, 'Wie lange muss ich als Engel arbeiten?<br>\r\nHow long do I have to work as an angel ?', 'Diese Frage ist schwer zu beantworten. Es hängt z.B. davon ab, was man macht (z.B. Workshop-Engel) und wieviele Engel wir zusammenbekommen. <br>\r\nThis is difficult to answer. It depends on what you''ll have to do (e.g. workshop angel) and how many angels will be there. ');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (6, 'Ich bin erst XX Jahre alt. Kann ich überhaupt helfen?<br>\r\nI''m only XX years old. Can I help anyway?', 'Du bist alt genug, zum Camp zu kommen? Dann bist Du alt genug zu helfen. <br>\r\nYou''re old enough to come to the Camp? So you''re old enough to help, too.');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (8, 'Wer ist eigentlich alles Erzengel?<br>\r\nWho <b>are</b> the Arch-Angels?\r\n', 'Erzengel sind dieses Jahr: Daizy, Flip, Hasi, Enno, Nachtkind und SaniFox. <br>\r\nThe ArchAngels for this year are: Daizy, Flip, Hasi, Enno, Nachtkind und SaniFox. \r\n');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (9, 'Gibt es dieses Jahr wieder einen IRC-Channel für Engel?<br>\r\nWill there be an IRC-channel for angels again?', 'Ja, im IRC-Net existiert #congress-engel. Einfach mal reinschaun!<br>\r\nYes, in the IRC-net there''s #congress-engel. Just have a look!');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (10, 'Wie gehe ich mit den Besuchern um? <br>\r\nHow do I treat visitors?', 'Man soll gegenüber den Besuchern immer höflich und freundlich sein, auch wenn diese gestresst sind. Wenn man das Gefühl hat, dass man mit der Situation nicht mehr klarkommt, sollte man sich jemanden zur Unterstützung holen, bevor man selbst auch gestresst wird :-) <br>\r\nYou should always be polite and friendly, especially if they are stressed. When you feel you can''t handle it on your own, get someone to help you out before you get so stressed yourself that you get impolite.');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (11, 'Wann sind die Engelbesprechungen? <br>\r\nWhen are the angels briefings?', 'Das wird vor Ort noch festgelegt und steht im Himmelnewssystem.<br>\r\nThe information on the Angel Briefings will be in the news section of this system.');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (12, 'Was muss ich noch bedenken?<br>\r\nAnything else I should know?', 'Man sollte nicht total übermüdet oder ausgehungert, wenn man einen Einsatz hat. Eine gewisse Fitness ist hilfreich.<br>\r\nYou should not be exhausted or starving when you arrive for a shift. A reasonable amount of fitness for work would be very helpful.');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (13, 'Ich habe eine Frage, auf die ich in der FAQ keine Antwort gefunden habe. Wohin soll ich mich wenden? <br>\r\nI have a guestion not answered here. Who can I ask?', 'Bei weitere Fragen kannst du die Anfragen an die Erzengel Formular benutzen.<br>\r\nIf you have further questions, you can use the Questions for the ArchAngels form.');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (20, 'Wer muss alles Eintritt zahlen?<br>\r\nWho has to pay the full entrance price?', 'Jeder. Zumindest, solange er/sie älter als 12 Jahre ist...<br>\r\n<b>Everyone</b> who is at older than 12 years old.');
INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (21, 'Wurde dieses System schonmal gehackt?\\\\n\r\nHas this System ever been hacked?', 'J4, N4TUERL1CH!\\\\n\r\nY35, 0FC0UR53!');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `News`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Datum` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`Betreff` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
`Text` text NOT NULL,
`UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Treffen` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Questions`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 17. Mai 2005 um 20:09
`QID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Question` text NOT NULL,
`AID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Answer` text NOT NULL,
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Fragen und Antworten' AUTO_INCREMENT=18 ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Room`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 17. Mai 2005 um 19:58
`RID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Name` varchar(35) NOT NULL default '',
`Man` text,
`FromPentabarf` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`show` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`Number` int(11) default NULL,
`DEFAULT_EID_1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_4` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_5` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_6` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_8` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_15` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_17` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_18` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_19` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_20` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DEFAULT_EID_21` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `ShiftEntry`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
`SID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`TID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Comment` text
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Shifts`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 17. Mai 2005 um 19:55
`SID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`DateS` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`DateE` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`Len` float NOT NULL default '0',
`RID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Man` text,
`FromPentabarf` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Sprache`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 31. März 2005 um 22:23
`TextID` varchar(35) NOT NULL default 'pub_sprache_',
`Sprache` char(2) NOT NULL default 'DE',
`Text` text NOT NULL,
KEY `TextID` (`TextID`,`Sprache`)
-- Daten für Tabelle `Sprache`
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('1', 'DE', 'Hallo ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('1', 'EN', 'Hello ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('2', 'DE', ',\r\n\r\ndu bist jetzt in unserem Engelsystem angemeldet.\r\nWähle zum Abmelden bitte immer den Abmelden-Button auf der rechten Seite.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('3', 'DE', 'Neuen Eintrag erfassen...');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('3', 'EN', 'Create new entry...');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('4', 'EN', 'Entry saved.\r\n\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('4', 'DE', 'Eintrag wurde gesichert.\n\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('2', 'EN', ',\r\n\r\nyou are now logged in on the angelsystem.\r\nTo log out please choose the logout-button on the right side.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('5', 'DE', 'Seite: ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('5', 'EN', 'Page: ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('6', 'DE', 'Neue News erstellen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('6', 'EN', 'Create new News:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('7', 'DE', 'Betreff:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('7', 'EN', 'Subject:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('8', 'EN', 'Text:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('8', 'DE', 'Text:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('9', 'DE', 'Treffen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('9', 'EN', 'Meeting:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('10', 'DE', 'Sichern');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('10', 'EN', 'save');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('11', 'DE', 'zurück ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('11', 'EN', 'back ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('12', 'DE', 'top');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('12', 'EN', 'top ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('13', 'DE', 'auf dieser Seite kannst Du deine persönlichen Einstellungen ändern, wie zum Beispiel dein Kennwort, Farbeinstellungen usw.\r\n\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('13', 'EN', 'here you can change your personal settings i.e. password, colour settings etc.\r\n\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('14', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dein Kennwort für unsere Himmelsverwaltung ändern. ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('14', 'EN', 'Here you can change your password.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('15', 'DE', 'Altes Passwort:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('15', 'EN', 'Old password:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('16', 'DE', 'Neues Passwort:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('16', 'EN', 'New password:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('17', 'DE', 'Passwortbestätigung:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('17', 'EN', 'password confirmation:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('18', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dir dein Farblayout aussuchen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('18', 'EN', 'Here you can choose your colour settings:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('19', 'DE', 'Farblayout:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('19', 'EN', 'colour settings:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('20', 'DE', 'Hier kannst Du dir deine Sprache aussuchen:\r\nHere you can choose your language:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('20', 'EN', 'Here you can choose your language:\r\nHier kannst Du dir deine Sprache aussuchen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('21', 'DE', 'Sprache:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('21', 'EN', 'Language:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('22', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dir einen Avatar aussuchen. Dies lässt neben deinem Nick z. B. in den News das Bildchen erscheinen.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('22', 'EN', 'Here you can choose your avatar. It will be displayed next to your Nick. ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('23', 'DE', 'Avatar:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('23', 'EN', 'Avatar:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('24', 'DE', 'Keiner');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('24', 'EN', 'nobody');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('25', 'DE', 'Eingegebene Kennwörter sind nicht gleich -> OK.\r\nCheck ob altes Passwort ok ist:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('25', 'EN', 'Check if the incoming passwords are identic. -> OK.\r\nCheck if the old password is correct:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('26', 'DE', '-> OK.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('26', 'EN', '-> OK.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('27', 'DE', 'Setzen des neuen Kennwortes...:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('27', 'EN', 'Set new password...:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('28', 'DE', 'Neues Kennwort wurde gesetzt.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('28', 'EN', 'New password saved.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('29', 'DE', 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.\r\nProbiere es nocheinmal.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('29', 'EN', 'An error has occured.\r\nPlease try again.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('30', 'DE', '-> nicht OK.\r\nBitte nocheinmal probieren.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('30', 'EN', '-> not OK.\r\nPlease try again.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('31', 'DE', 'Kennwörter sind nicht gleich. Bitte wiederholen.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('31', 'EN', 'The passwords are not identic. Please try again.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('32', 'DE', 'Neues Farblayout wurde gesetzt. Mit der nächsten Seite wird es aktiv.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('32', 'EN', 'New colour settings are saved. On the next page it will be active.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('33', 'DE', 'Sprache wurde gesetzt. Mit der nächsten Seite wies es aktiv.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('33', 'EN', 'Language is saved. On the next page it will be active.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('34', 'DE', 'Avatar wurde gesetzt.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('34', 'EN', 'Avatar is saved.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('34', 'EN', 'Avatar is saved.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('35', 'DE', '<b>Neue Anfrage:</b>\r\nIn diesem Formular hast du die Möglichkeit, den Erzengeln eine Frage zu stellen. Wenn diese beantwortet ist, wirst du hier darüber informiert. Sollte die Frage von allgemeinen Interesse sein, wird diese in die Engel-FAQ übernommen.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('35', 'EN', '<b>New Question:</b>\r\nWith the form you have the choice to ask your (local) Archangels. If you question is answered you will be informed (Section: answered questions).\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('36', 'DE', 'Stelle hier deine Frage');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('36', 'EN', 'Tell us your question');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('37', 'DE', 'Deine Anfrage war:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('37', 'EN', 'Your question was:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('38', 'DE', 'Diese liegt nun bei den Erzengeln zur Beantwortung.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('38', 'EN', 'This lies now with the archangels for answer.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('39', 'DE', 'Deine bisherigen Anfragen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('39', 'EN', 'Your past inquiries:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('40', 'DE', 'Offene Anfragen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('40', 'EN', 'Open inquiries:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('41', 'DE', 'keine vorhanden...');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('41', 'EN', 'nothing exists...');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('42', 'DE', 'Beantwortete Anfragen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('42', 'EN', 'Answered inquiries:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_pass_no_ok', 'DE', 'Dein Passwort ist nicht korrekt. Bitte probiere es nocheinmal:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_unset', 'DE', 'Es wurde kein User mit deinem Nick gefunden. bitte probiere es nochmal oder wende dich an die Erzengel.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_more_as_one', 'DE', 'Fuer deinen Nick gab es mehrere User... bitte wende dich an die Erzengel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('Hello', 'DE', 'Hallo ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('Hello', 'EN', 'Hello ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_beschreibung', 'DE', 'hier kannst du dich für Schichten eintragen. Dazu wähle such dir eine freie Schicht und klicke auf den Link! Du kannst dir eine Schicht über den Raum bzw. Datum aussuchen. Wähle hierfür einen Tag / ein Datum aus.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_auswahl_raeume', 'DE', 'Zur Auswahl stehende Räume:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_1', 'DE', 'Und natürlich kannst du dir auch ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_2', 'DE', 'alles ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_3', 'DE', 'auf einmal anzeigen lassen.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_1', 'DE', 'Anzeige des Schichtplans am ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_2', 'DE', ' im Raum: ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_3', 'DE', 'Anzeige des Schichtplans für den ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_engel', 'DE', 'engel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_engel', 'EN', 'engel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_ist', 'DE', 'ist');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_sind', 'DE', 'sind');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weitere', 'DE', ' weitere');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weiterer', 'DE', ' weiterer');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_werden', 'DE', ' werden ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_wird', 'DE', ' wird ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_noch_gesucht', 'DE', ' noch gesucht');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_und', 'DE', ' und ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung', 'DE', 'hier kannst du dich zum Wecken eintragen. Dazu sage einfach wann und wo und der Engel vom Dienst wird dich wecken.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung2', 'DE', 'Deine bisherigen eingetragenen Zeiten:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Datum', 'DE', 'Datum');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Ort', 'DE', 'Ort');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Bemerkung', 'DE', 'Bermerkung');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_change', 'EN', 'delete');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Text2', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du einen neuen Eintrag erfassen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_bouton', 'DE', 'Weck mich!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_bouton', 'EN', 'wake me up!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_del', 'EN', 'delete');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung1', 'DE', 'hier siehst du die Schichten, für die du dich eingetragen hast.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung2', 'DE', 'Bitte versuche, pünktlich zu den Schichten zu erscheinen.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung3', 'DE', 'Hier hast du auch die Möglichkeit, dich bis ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung4', 'DE', ' Stunden vor Schichtbeginn auszutragen.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl1', 'DE', 'Du hast dich für ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl2', 'DE', ' Schichten eingetragen');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Datum', 'DE', 'Datum');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Uhrzeit', 'DE', 'Uhrzeit');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Ort', 'DE', 'Ort');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Bemerkung', 'DE', 'Bemerkung');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen', 'DE', 'austragen');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen_n_c', 'EN', 'no longer possible');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_delate1', 'DE', 'Schicht wird ausgetragen...');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ok', 'DE', 'Schicht wurde ausgetragen.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ko', 'DE', 'Sorry, ein kleiner Fehler ist aufgetreten... probiere es doch bitte nocheinmal :)');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_after', 'DE', 'zu spät');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_pass_no_ok', 'EN', 'Your password is not correct. Please try it again:\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_unset', 'EN', 'No user was found with that Nickname. Please try again. If you are still having problems, see an ArchAngel\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_more_as_one', 'EN', 'This nickname is registered for more than one user, please contact an ArchAngel.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_beschreibung', 'EN', 'Here, you can register for shifts. To do this, please choose an empty shift, and click the link. You can choose the place, time and date of the shift. You can choose the date at the right.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_auswahl_raeume', 'EN', 'Here, please choose the area you want to work in.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_1', 'EN', 'And naturally you can also choose to show\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_2', 'EN', 'everything');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_3', 'EN', ' at once.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_auswahl_raeume', 'EN', 'To the selection of available areas.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_1', 'EN', 'Show the shift schedule\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_2', 'EN', ' in Area: ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_3', 'EN', 'Show the shift schedule for\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_ist', 'EN', 'is');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_sind', 'EN', 'are ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung', 'EN', 'Here you can register for a wake-up "call". Simply say when and where the angel should come to wake you.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weitere', 'EN', ' more');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weiterer', 'EN', ' more');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_werden', 'EN', ' are ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_wird', 'EN', ' is ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_noch_gesucht', 'EN', ' still needed ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_und', 'EN', ' and ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung2', 'EN', 'The wake-up calls you have ordered:\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Datum', 'EN', 'Date');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Ort', 'EN', 'Place');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_change', 'EN', 'delete');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Bemerkung', 'EN', 'Notes');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_change', 'DE', 'löschen');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_del', 'DE', 'löschen');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Text2', 'EN', 'Schedule a new wake-up here::');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung1', 'EN', 'Here are the shifts that you have signed up for.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung2', 'EN', 'Please try to arrive for your shift on time. Be punctual!\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung3', 'EN', 'Here you can remove yourself from a shift up to\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung4', 'EN', ' hours before your shift is scheduled to begin.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl1', 'EN', 'You have signed up for ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl2', 'EN', ' shift(s) so far');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Datum', 'EN', 'Date');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Uhrzeit', 'EN', 'Time');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Ort', 'EN', 'Place');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Bemerkung', 'EN', 'Notes');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Error', 'EN', 'One error war occurred');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen', 'EN', 'remove');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen_n_c', 'EN', 'is no longer possible');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen_n_c', 'DE', 'nicht mehr möglich');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_delate1', 'EN', 'Shift is being removed...');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ok', 'EN', 'Shift has been removed.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ko', 'EN', 'Sorry, something went wrong somewhere. Please try it again. :)\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_after', 'EN', 'sorry, too late!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text1', 'DE', 'Hallo liebe Chaoten willkommen an der Himmelspforte! ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text2', 'DE', 'Ich bin Gabriel und muss jetzt entscheiden, ob Du Engel oder Daemon\r\nbist.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text1', 'EN', 'Hello, Chaos-guys, welcome to the Gate of Heaven!\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text3', 'DE', 'Dazu beantworte mir bitte folgende Fragen:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text2', 'EN', 'I''m Gabriel and must decide now, if you are an angel or a daemon.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text4', 'EN', 'Please note: You have to activate cookies!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text4', 'DE', 'Achtung: Cookies müssen aktiviert sein');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text3', 'EN', 'Please answer the following questions:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_nick', 'DE', 'Wie ist Dein Nick:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_pass', 'DE', 'Wie ist Dein Passwort:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_send', 'DE', 'mach mal Gabriel!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_nick', 'EN', 'What is your Loginname:\r\n');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_pass', 'EN', 'What is your password:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_logout', 'DE', 'Du wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_logout', 'EN', 'You have been successfully logged out.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_index', 'DE', 'Index');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_FAQ', 'DE', 'FAQ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_plan', 'DE', 'Lageplan');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_index', 'EN', 'Index');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_FAQ', 'EN', 'FAQ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_menuname', 'DE', 'Menü');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_plan', 'EN', 'Map');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_news', 'EN', 'News');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_news', 'DE', 'News');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Engelbesprechung', 'DE', 'Engelbesprechung');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_menuname', 'EN', 'Menu');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Schichtplan', 'DE', 'Schichtplan');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Wecken', 'DE', 'Wecken');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_mySchichtplan', 'DE', 'Mein Schichtplan');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_questionEngel', 'DE', 'Anfragen an die Erzengel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Einstellungen', 'DE', 'Einstellungen');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Engelbesprechung', 'EN', 'Angel meeting');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Abmelden', 'DE', 'Abmelden');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Schichtplan', 'EN', 'Available Shifts');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Wecken', 'EN', 'Wake-up Service');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_send', 'EN', 'do it Gabriel!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_mySchichtplan', 'EN', 'My Shifts');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_questionEngel', 'EN', 'Questions for the ArchAngels');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Abmelden', 'EN', 'Logout');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Einstellungen', 'EN', 'Options');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_Name', 'DE', 'Himmel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_Name', 'EN', 'Heaven');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_MakeUser', 'DE', 'Benutzer Anlegen');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_MakeUser', 'EN', 'Create a new accont');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Waeckerlist', 'DE', 'Weckerlist');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Waeckerlist', 'EN', 'Wake-up list');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Text1', 'DE', 'dies ist die Weckliste. Schaue hier bitte, wann die Leute geweckt werden wollen und erledige dies... schliesslich willst du bestimmt nicht deren Schichten uebernehmen :-)\r\n<br><br>\r\nDie bisherigen eingetragenen Zeiten:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Nick', 'DE', 'Nick');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Nick', 'EN', 'Nick');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Datum', 'DE', 'Datum');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Datum', 'EN', 'Date');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Ort', 'DE', 'Ort');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Ort', 'EN', 'Place');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Comment', 'DE', 'Bemerkung');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Comment', 'EN', 'Comment');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Text1', 'EN', 'this is the wack-up list. Peace show hire, how wont to wack-up and wack up this person... schliesslich willst du bestimmt nicht deren Schichten uebernehmen :-)\r\n<br><br>\r\nShow all entreys:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('nonpublic/waeckliste.php', 'DE', 'Weckdienst - Liste der zu weckenden Engel');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('nonpublic/waeckliste.php', 'EN', 'Wackup list - list of the to wackup engels');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_ToManyYousers', 'DE', 'FEHLER: Es wurden keine weiteren Engel benötigt !!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_ToManyYousers', 'EN', 'ERROR: There are enogh Engels for this chip');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Len', 'DE', 'Länge');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Len', 'EN', 'lenght');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_AllreadyinShift', 'DE', 'du bist bereits in einer Schicht eingetragen!');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_AllreadyinShift', 'EN', 'you are at this time entrit in another shift');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Error', 'DE', 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_WriteOK', 'DE', 'Du bist jetzt der Schicht zugeteilt. Vielen Dank für deine Mitarbeit.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Text1', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dich in eine Schicht eintragen. Als Kommentar kannst du etwas x-belibiges eintragen, wie z. B.\r\nwelcher Vortrag dies ist oder ähnliches. Den Kommentar kannst nur du sehen. ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Date', 'DE', 'Datum');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Place', 'DE', 'Ort');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Job', 'DE', 'Aufgabe');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Len', 'DE', 'Dauer');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_TextFor', 'DE', 'Text zur Schicht');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Comment', 'DE', 'Dein Kommentar');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_submit', 'DE', 'Ja, ich will helfen..."');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text5', 'DE', 'Bitte überprüfen Sie den SSL Key');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text5', 'EN', 'Please check your SSL-Key:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_Edit_Text1', 'DE', 'Hier könnt ihr euren Kommentar ändern:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_Text1', 'DE', 'Text wird gespeichert');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_OK', 'DE', 'erfolgreich gespeichert.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_KO', 'DE', 'Fehler beim speichern');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_text1', 'DE', 'hir kanst du die übersetzten text bearbeiten.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_text1', 'EN', 'hire can you edit the text of the engelsystem');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_TextID', 'EN', 'TextID');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_TextID', 'DE', 'TextID');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Sprache', 'DE', 'Sprache ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Sprache', 'EN', 'Language ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Place', 'EN', 'place');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Edit', 'DE', 'Bearbeiten');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Edit', 'EN', 'edit');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Date', 'EN', 'Date');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_KO', 'EN', 'save KO');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_OK', 'EN', 'save OK');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_Text1', 'EN', 'Text was saved');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_Edit_Text1', 'EN', 'Here can you change your comment:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Comment', 'EN', 'Your comment');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text1', 'DE', 'Diese Funktion ermöglicht es den Erzengeln, schnell die Engel mit einer vorgebbaren Anzahl an der Stunden als Aktiv zu markieren.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text1', 'EN', 'This Funktion enabled the erzengels, to set engels as Active, who has enough hours worked.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text2', 'DE', 'Über die Engelliste kann dies für einzelne Engel erledigt werden.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text2', 'EN', 'Over the engellist can you do this for singel engels.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text31', 'DE', 'Alle Engel mit mindestens');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text31', 'EN', 'All engels with at least');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text32', 'DE', 'Schichten als Aktiv markieren');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text32', 'EN', 'mark shifts as "Activ"');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Nick', 'DE', 'Nick');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Nick', 'EN', 'Nick');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Anzahl', 'DE', 'Anzahl Schichten');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Anzahl', 'EN', 'number of shifts');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Time', 'DE', 'Gesamtzeit');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Time', 'EN', 'summery time');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_submit', 'EN', 'Yes, I will help..."');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Len', 'EN', 'len');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Job', 'EN', 'job');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_1', 'DE', 'Alle Engel mit mindestens ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_1', 'EN', 'All engels with at least ');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_2', 'DE', ' Schichten werden jetzt als "Aktiv" markiert');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_2', 'EN', ' shifs was market as "active"');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Active', 'DE', 'Aktiv');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Active', 'EN', 'active');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_TextFor', 'EN', 'text for shift');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_WriteOK', 'EN', 'You was written for the shift as an engel. Thank you for your cooperation.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Text1', 'EN', 'Hire can you entry you for a shift. As commend can you written wat you wont, it is only for you.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_colision', 'DE', '<h1>Fehler</h1>\r\nÜberschneidung von schichten:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_colision', 'EN', '<h1>error</h1>\r\noverlap on shift:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_EmptyShifts', 'DE', 'Die nästen 15 freien Schichten:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_EmptyShifts', 'EN', 'The next 15 empty shifts:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_date', 'DE', 'Datum');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_date', 'EN', 'Date');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_time', 'DE', 'Zeit');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_time', 'EN', 'Time');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_room', 'DE', 'Raum');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_room', 'EN', 'room');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_commend', 'DE', 'Kommentar');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_commend', 'EN', 'comment');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Name', 'DE', 'Nachname:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Name', 'EN', 'Lastname:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Nick', 'DE', 'Nick:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Nick', 'EN', 'nick:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Vorname', 'DE', 'Vorname:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Vorname', 'EN', 'first name:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Alter', 'DE', 'Alter:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Alter', 'EN', 'Age:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Telefon', 'DE', 'Telefon:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Telefon', 'EN', 'Phone:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Handy', 'DE', 'Handy:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Handy', 'EN', 'Mobile Phone:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_DECT', 'DE', 'DECT:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_DECT', 'EN', 'DECT:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_email', 'DE', 'E-Mail:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_email', 'EN', 'email:');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Text_UserData', 'EN', 'Here you can change your user details.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_UserDateSaved', 'DE', 'Deine Beschreibung für unsere Himmelsverwaltung wurde ändern.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_UserDateSaved', 'EN', 'Your user details was saved.');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_SchichtplanBeamer', 'DE', 'Schischtplan für Beamer optimiert');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_SchichtplanBeamer', 'EN', 'Shifts for beamer optimice');
INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_einstellungen_Text_UserData', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du deine Beschreibung für unsere Himmelsverwaltung ändern.');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `User`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 10. September 2005 um 18:05
-- Letzter Check am: 03. September 2005 um 11:48
`UID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Nick` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
`Name` varchar(23) default NULL,
`Vorname` varchar(23) default NULL,
`Alter` int(4) default NULL,
`Telefon` varchar(40) default NULL,
`DECT` varchar(4) default NULL,
`Handy` varchar(40) default NULL,
`email` varchar(123) default NULL,
`Size` varchar(4) default NULL,
`Passwort` varchar(40) default NULL,
`Gekommen` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`Aktiv` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`Tshirt` tinyint(4) default '0',
`color` tinyint(4) default '1',
`Sprache` char(2) default 'EN',
`Avatar` int(11) default '0',
`lastLogIn` datetime default NULL,
`Art` varchar(30) default NULL,
`kommentar` text,
UNIQUE KEY `Nick` (`Nick`)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `UserCVS`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 13:14
-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 13:14
`UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`MenueShowAdminSection` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`logout.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/index.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/news.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/newsAddMeting` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`nonpublic/news_comments.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/myschichtplan.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/engelbesprechung.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`admin/index.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`nonpublic/schichtplan.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/schichtplan_add.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/schichtplan_beamer.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/wecken.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`nonpublic/waeckliste.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`nonpublic/faq.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`nonpublic/einstellungen.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`admin/list.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/room.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/EngelType.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/schichtplan.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/shiftadd.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/schichtplan_druck.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/user.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/user2.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/aktiv.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/tshirt.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/news.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/faq.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/free.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/sprache.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`admin/dect.php` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`Netz` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
`Kassen` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Wecken`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`Ort` text NOT NULL,
`Bemerkung` text NOT NULL,
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `news_comments`
-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `news_comments`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `news_comments` (
`ID` bigint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Refid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Datum` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`Text` text NOT NULL,
`UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `Refid` (`Refid`)
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
_ __ __ _ _ _
_ __ | |__ _ __ | \/ |_ _ / \ __| |_ __ ___ (_)_ __
| '_ \| '_ \| '_ \| |\/| | | | | / _ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| | '_ \
| |_) | | | | |_) | | | | |_| |/ ___ \ (_| | | | | | | | | | |
| .__/|_| |_| .__/|_| |_|\__, /_/ \_\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|
|_| |_| |___/ 2.3.0
phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 - 11. August 2002
A set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the WWW.
After 12 months of work and 4 release candidate versions,
the phpMyAdmin developers are pleased to announce the availability
of phpMyAdmin 2.3.0.
phpMyAdmin is intended to handle the administration of MySQL over
the Web, and is now one of the most popular PHP script used
worldwide: more than 1.2 million download in the past year!
phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 includes the following highlights:
Some improvements:
* new page layout for table and db properties
* centralized db for support tables
* can specify a different charset for MySQL and HTML
* utf-8 charset support
* schema output in PDF
* operators in field selection
* translation feedback page
* print view for SQL results
* EXPLAIN support
* generate PHP code from a query
* full database search
* IP-based Allow/Deny
* foreign table display field
* support for some MyISAM table options
* XML export
* query-by-example: automatic joins
* faster table delete under MySQL 4
Some fixes:
* CURDATE did not work in the function list
* javascript error with Mozilla and Opera
* a mysql error when dropping fields
* alter table was not working on a replicate
* bookmark error when the table no longer exists
* bad limit of the number of characters for numeric fields
* problem with headers in Apache 2
Detailed list of changes since version 2.2.0 is available under
This software is available under the GNU General Public License V2.0.
You can get the newest version at
Available file formats are: .zip, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2.
If you install phpMyAdmin on your system, it's recommended to
subscribe to the news mailing list by adding your address under
This way, you will be informed of new updates and security fixes.
It is a read only list, and traffic is not greater than a few
mail every year.
Support and Documentation
The documentation is included in the software package as text and
HTML file, but can also be downloaded from:
The software is provided as is without any express or implied
warranty, but there is a bugs tracker page under:
|||| [click on "Bugs"]
In addition, there are also a number of discussion lists
related to phpMyAdmin. A list of mailing lists with archives
is available at:
|||| or
|||| [click on "Lists"]
Finally, an users support forum is also available under:
Known bugs
* ...
To be informed about new releases fixing these problems, please
subscribe to the news mailing list under
or regularly check the sourceforge bugs tracker.
phpMyAdmin is intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW.
Currently it can:
- create and drop databases
- create, copy, drop and alter tables
- delete, edit and add fields
- execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
- manage keys on fields
- load text files into tables
- create and read dumps of tables
- export and import CSV data
- support single- and multi-user configuration
- communicate in more than 41 different languages
Author & Copyright
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Tobias Ratschiller <>
Copyright (C) 2001- Marc Delisle <>
Olivier Müller <>
Loïc Chapeaux <>
Robin Johnson <>
Armel Fauveau <>
Geert Lund <>
Korakot Chaovavanich <>
Pete Kelly <>
Steve Alberty <>
Benjamin Gandon <>
Alexander M. Turek <>
Mike Beck <>
+ many other people (check the CREDITS file)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
EOF -- Olivier Müller / 2002.08.11
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
$Id: CREDITS,v 1.23 2001/08/19 20:06:21 swix Exp $
phpMyAdmin - Credits
Please have a look to the Documentation.txt or
Documentation.html files.
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
/.cvsignore/1.6/Mon Aug 26 11:58:24 2002//
/ANNOUNCE.txt/1.5/Wed Aug 14 21:24:26 2002//
/CREDITS/1.23/Sun Aug 19 20:06:21 2001//
/ChangeLog/1.1813/Wed Dec 4 18:21:20 2002//
/Documentation.html/1.366/Wed Dec 4 18:22:31 2002//
/Documentation.txt/1.65/Wed Dec 4 18:23:37 2002//
/INSTALL/1.7/Fri Aug 3 09:19:35 2001//
/LICENSE/1.3/Fri Aug 3 14:04:10 2001//
/README/1.12/Wed Aug 14 21:24:28 2002//
/TODO/1.6/Fri Aug 3 14:18:35 2001//
/badwords.txt/1.2/Wed Apr 17 20:00:09 2002//
/chk_rel.php3/1.3/Wed Oct 23 04:17:42 2002//
/ Nov 8 22:20:22 2002//
/db_create.php3/1.17/Tue Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/db_datadict.php3/1.5/Thu Nov 28 09:15:46 2002//
/db_details.php3/1.176/Tue Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/db_details_common.php3/1.6/Wed Oct 23 04:17:42 2002//
/db_details_db_info.php3/1.5/Wed Oct 23 04:17:42 2002//
/db_details_export.php3/1.10/Tue Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/db_details_importdocsql.php3/1.6/Tue Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/db_details_links.php3/1.18/Wed Oct 23 04:17:42 2002//
/db_details_qbe.php3/1.15/Tue Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/db_details_structure.php3/1.39/Thu Nov 28 09:15:46 2002//
/db_printview.php3/1.24/Thu Nov 28 09:15:46 2002//
/db_search.php3/1.8/Mon Dec 2 11:13:46 2002//
/db_stats.php3/1.45/Thu Nov 28 09:15:47 2002//
/ Oct 23 04:17:42 2002//
/ Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/ Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/index.php3/1.35/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/ldi_check.php3/1.20/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/ldi_table.php3/1.23/Tue Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/left.php3/1.109/Tue Nov 19 14:09:38 2002//
/main.php3/1.124/Thu Nov 28 11:13:18 2002//
/ Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/pdf_pages.php3/1.19/Tue Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/pdf_schema.php3/1.33/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/phpinfo.php3/1.9/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/read_dump.php3/1.44/Sat Nov 23 17:44:33 2002//
/sql.php3/1.144/Wed Dec 4 18:00:16 2002//
/tbl_addfield.php3/1.29/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/tbl_alter.php3/1.29/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/tbl_change.php3/1.122/Fri Nov 29 11:31:21 2002//
/tbl_create.php3/1.29/Tue Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/tbl_dump.php3/1.70/Tue Nov 5 15:12:00 2002//
/tbl_indexes.php3/1.25/Tue Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/tbl_move_copy.php3/1.10/Fri Nov 8 22:20:23 2002//
/tbl_printview.php3/1.58/Mon Dec 2 16:00:40 2002//
/ Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/tbl_properties.php3/1.181/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/tbl_properties_common.php3/1.9/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/tbl_properties_export.php3/1.22/Tue Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/tbl_properties_links.php3/1.29/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/tbl_properties_operations.php3/1.21/Fri Nov 29 11:31:21 2002//
/tbl_properties_options.php3/1.16/Tue Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/tbl_properties_structure.php3/1.24/Thu Nov 28 09:15:47 2002//
/tbl_properties_table_info.php3/1.15/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/tbl_query_box.php3/1.12/Tue Nov 19 14:09:39 2002//
/tbl_relation.php3/1.25/Sat Nov 23 18:18:36 2002//
/tbl_rename.php3/1.19/Wed Oct 23 04:17:43 2002//
/tbl_replace.php3/1.61/Sat Nov 16 11:21:35 2002//
/tbl_select.php3/1.50/Fri Nov 29 11:31:21 2002//
/translators.html/1.45/Wed Dec 4 18:23:04 2002//
/user_details.php3/1.84/Sun Dec 1 12:41:58 2002//
/user_password.php3/1.13/Fri Oct 25 13:55:55 2002//
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
$Id: INSTALL,v 1.7 2001/08/03 09:19:35 swix Exp $
phpMyAdmin - Installation
Please have a look to the Documentation.txt or
Documentation.html files.
@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
$Id: README,v 1.12 2002/08/14 21:24:28 swix Exp $
phpMyAdmin - Readme
A set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the WWW.
Version 2.3.0 - August 2002
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Tobias Ratschiller <>
Copyright (C) 2001- Olivier Müller <>
Loïc Chapeaux <>
Marc Delisle <>
[check Documentation.txt/.html file for more details]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
PHP3 (>= 3.0.8) or PHP4
MySQL (tested with 3.21.x, 3.22.x, 3.23.x and 4.0.x)
a web-browser (doh!)
phpMyAdmin is intended to handle the adminstration of MySQL over the WWW.
Currently it can:
- create and drop databases
- create, copy, drop and alter tables
- delete, edit and add fields
- execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
- manage keys on fields
- load text files into tables
- create and read dumps of tables
- export and import CSV data
- administer one single database
- communicate in more than 38 different languages
You can get the newest version at
Please see the Documentation.txt/.html file.
Please see the Documentation.txt/.html file.
Now in ChangeLog
Basic documentation available in Documentation.txt/.html
There is are 2 support forums under
The phpMyAdmin Devel team
PS: Please, don't send us emails with question like "How do I compile
PHP3 with MySQL-support". We do answer all emails regarding
phpMyAdmin, but we just don't have the time to be your free helpdesk.
Please send your questions to the appropiate mailinglists / forums.
Before contacting us, please read the Documentation.html (esp. the
FAQ part).
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Wed Dec 4 10:24:27 PST 2002
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
$Id: TODO,v 1.6 2001/08/03 14:18:35 loic1 Exp $
phpMyAdmin - Todo
We are currently using the Sourceforge Tracker as Todo list:
-- swix/20010704
@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: chk_rel.php,v 1.3 2002/10/23 04:17:42 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets some core libraries
* Gets the relation settings
$cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam(TRUE);
* Displays the footer
echo "\n";
@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.151 2002/11/08 22:20:22 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* phpMyAdmin Configuration File
* All directives are explained in Documentation.html
* Sets the php error reporting - Please do not change this line!
if (!isset($old_error_reporting)) {
@ini_set('display_errors', '1');
* Your phpMyAdmin url
* Complete the variable below with the full url ie
* It must contain characters that are valid for a URL, and the path is
* case sensitive on some Web servers, for example Unix-based servers.
* In most cases you can leave this variable empty, as the correct value
* will be detected automatically. However, we recommend that you do
* test to see that the auto-detection code works in your system. A good
* test is to browse a table, then edit a row and save it. There will be
* an error message if phpMyAdmin cannot auto-detect the correct value.
* If the auto-detection code does work properly, you can set to TRUE the
* $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] variable below.
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';
* Disable the default warning about $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] not being set
* You should use this if and ONLY if the PmaAbsoluteUri auto-detection
* works perfectly.
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] = TRUE;
* Disable the default warning that is displayed on the DB Details Structure page if
* any of the required Tables for the relationfeatures could not be found
$cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] = FALSE;
* Server(s) configuration
$i = 0;
// The $cfg['Servers'] array starts with $cfg['Servers'][1]. Do not use $cfg['Servers'][0].
// You can disable a server config entry by setting host to ''.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = ''; // Path to the socket - leave blank for default socket
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp'; // How to connect to MySQL server ('tcp' or 'socket')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = ''; // MySQL control user settings
// (this user must have read-only
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = ''; // access to the "mysql/user"
// and "mysql/db" tables)
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = ''; // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // MySQL password (only needed
// with 'config' auth_type)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = ''; // If set to a db-name, only
// this db is displayed
// at left frame
// It may also be an array
// of db-names
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = ''; // Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = ''; // Database used for Relation, Bookmark and PDF Features
// - leave blank for no support
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = ''; // Bookmark table - leave blank for no bookmark support
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // table to describe the relation between links (see doc)
// - leave blank for no relation-links support
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // table to describe the display fields
// - leave blank for no display fields support
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // table to describe the tables position for the PDF
// schema - leave blank for no PDF schema support
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // table to describe pages of relationpdf
// - leave blank if you don't want to use this
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_comments'] // table to store columncomments
= ''; // - leave blank if you don't want to use this
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] // Host authentication order, leave blank to not use
= '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] // Host authentication rules, leave blank for defaults
= array();
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_comments'] = '';
= '';
= array();
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_comments'] = '';
= '';
= array();
// If you have more than one server configured, you can set $cfg['ServerDefault']
// to any one of them to autoconnect to that server when phpMyAdmin is started,
// or set it to 0 to be given a list of servers without logging in
// If you have only one server configured, $cfg['ServerDefault'] *MUST* be
// set to that server.
$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 1; // Default server (0 = no default server)
$cfg['Server'] = '';
* Other core phpMyAdmin settings
$cfg['OBGzip'] = TRUE; // use GZIP output buffering if possible
$cfg['PersistentConnections'] = FALSE; // use persistent connections to MySQL database
$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 300; // maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit)
$cfg['SkipLockedTables'] = FALSE; // mark used tables, make possible to show
// locked tables (since MySQL 3.23.30)
$cfg['ShowSQL'] = TRUE; // show SQL queries as run
$cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] = FALSE; // show a 'Drop database' link to normal users
$cfg['Confirm'] = TRUE; // confirm 'DROP TABLE' & 'DROP DATABASE'
$cfg['LoginCookieRecall'] = TRUE; // recall previous login in cookie auth. mode or not
$cfg['UseDbSearch'] = TRUE; // whether to enable the "database search" feature
// or not
// Left frame setup
$cfg['LeftFrameLight'] = TRUE; // use a select-based menu and display only the
// current tables in the left frame.
$cfg['ShowTooltip'] = TRUE; // display table comment as tooltip in left frame
$cfg['LeftDisplayLogo'] = TRUE; // display logo at top of left frame
// In the main frame, at startup...
$cfg['ShowStats'] = TRUE; // allow to display statistics and space usage in
// the pages about database details and table
// properties
$cfg['ShowMysqlInfo'] = FALSE; // whether to display the "MySQL runtime
$cfg['ShowMysqlVars'] = FALSE; // information", "MySQL system variables", "PHP
$cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = FALSE; // information" and "change password" links for
$cfg['ShowChgPassword'] = FALSE; // simple users or not
$cfg['SuggestDBName'] = TRUE; // suggest a new DB name if possible (false = keep empty)
// In browse mode...
$cfg['ShowBlob'] = FALSE; // display blob field contents
$cfg['NavigationBarIconic'] = TRUE; // do not display text inside navigation bar buttons
$cfg['ShowAll'] = FALSE; // allows to display all the rows
$cfg['MaxRows'] = 30; // maximum number of rows to display
$cfg['Order'] = 'ASC'; // default for 'ORDER BY' clause (valid
// values are 'ASC', 'DESC' or 'SMART' -ie
// descending order for fields of type
// ascending order else-)
// In edit mode...
$cfg['ProtectBinary'] = 'blob'; // disallow editing of binary fields
// valid values are:
// FALSE allow editing
// 'blob' allow editing except for BLOB fields
// 'all' disallow editing
$cfg['ShowFunctionFields'] = TRUE; // Display the function fields in edit/insert mode
$cfg['CharEditing'] = 'input';
// Which editor should be used for CHAR/VARCHAR fields:
// input - allows limiting of input length
// textarea - allows newlines in fields
// For the export features...
$cfg['ZipDump'] = TRUE; // Allow the use of zip/gzip/bzip
$cfg['GZipDump'] = TRUE; // compression for
$cfg['BZipDump'] = TRUE; // dump files
// Default Tabs display settings
$cfg['DefaultTabDatabase'] = 'db_details_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'db_details_structure.php' = tables list
// 'db_details.php' = sql form
// 'db_search.php' = search query
$cfg['DefaultTabTable'] = 'tbl_properties_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'tbl_properties_structure.php' = fields list
// 'tbl_properties.php' = sql form
// 'tbl_select.php = select page (buggy!)
// 'tbl_change.php = insert row page
* Link to the official MySQL documentation.
* Be sure to include no trailing slash on the path.
* See for more information
* about MySQL manuals and their types.
$cfg['MySQLManualBase'] = '';
* Type of MySQL documentation:
* old - old style used in phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 and sooner
* searchable - "Searchable, with user comments"
* chapters - "HTML, one page per chapter"
* big - "HTML, all on one page"
* none - do not show documentation links
$cfg['MySQLManualType'] = 'searchable';
* Language and charset conversion settings
// Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined
$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'de-iso-8859-1';
// Force: always use this language - must be defined in
// libraries/select_lang.lib.php
// $cfg['Lang'] = 'en-iso-8859-1';
// Default charset to use for recoding of MySQL queries, does not take
// any effect when charsets recoding is switched off by
// $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] or in language file
// (see $cfg['AvailableCharsets'] to possible choices, you can add your own)
$cfg['DefaultCharset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
// Allow charset recoding of MySQL queries, must be also enabled in language
// file to make harder using other language files than unicode.
// Default value is FALSE to avoid problems on servers without the iconv
// extension and where dl() is not supported
$cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] = FALSE;
// You can select here which functions will be used for charset conversion.
// Possible values are:
// auto - automatically use available one (first is tested iconv, then
// recode)
// recode - use recode_string function
$cfg['RecodingEngine'] = 'auto';
// Available charsets for MySQL conversion. currently contains all which could
// be found in lang/* files and few more.
// Charsets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently
// use some of these move them to the top.
$cfg['AvailableCharsets'] = array(
// Loads language file
* Customization & design
$cfg['LeftWidth'] = 150; // left frame width
$cfg['LeftBgColor'] = '#D0DCE0'; // background color for the left frame
$cfg['RightBgColor'] = '#F5F5F5'; // background color for the right frame
$cfg['RightBgImage'] = ''; // path to a background image for the right frame
// (leave blank for no background image)
$cfg['LeftPointerColor'] = '#CCFFCC'; // color of the pointer in left frame
// (blank for no pointer)
$cfg['Border'] = 0; // border width on tables
$cfg['ThBgcolor'] = '#D3DCE3'; // table header row colour
$cfg['BgcolorOne'] = '#CCCCCC'; // table data row colour
$cfg['BgcolorTwo'] = '#DDDDDD'; // table data row colour, alternate
$cfg['BrowsePointerColor'] = '#CCFFCC'; // color of the pointer in browse mode
// (blank for no pointer)
$cfg['BrowseMarkerColor'] = '#FFCC99'; // color of the marker (visually marks row
// by clicking on it) in browse mode
// (blank for no marker)
$cfg['TextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) in edit mode
// (this value will be emphasized (*2) for sql
// query textareas)
$cfg['TextareaRows'] = 7; // textarea size (rows) in edit mode
$cfg['TextareaAutoSelect'] = TRUE; // autoselect when clicking in the textarea of the querybox
$cfg['CharTextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['CharTextareaRows'] = 2; // textarea size (rows) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['LimitChars'] = 50; // max field data length in browse mode
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtLeft'] = TRUE; // show edit/delete links on left side of browse
// (or at the top with vertical browse)
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtRight'] = FALSE; // show edit/delete links on right side of browse
// (or at the bottom with vertical browse)
$cfg['DefaultDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction (horizontal|vertical)
$cfg['RepeatCells'] = 100; // repeat header names every X cells? (0 = deactivate)
* SQL Query box settings
* These are the links display in all of the SQL Query boxes
$cfg['SQLQuery']['Edit'] = TRUE; // Edit link to change a query
$cfg['SQLQuery']['Explain'] = TRUE; // EXPLAIN on SELECT queries
$cfg['SQLQuery']['ShowAsPHP'] = TRUE; // Wrap a query in PHP
$cfg['SQLQuery']['Validate'] = FALSE; // Validate a query (see $cfg['SQLValidator'] as well)
* web-server upload directory
$cfg['UploadDir'] = ''; // for example, './upload/'; you must end it with
// a slash, and you leave it empty for no upload
// directory
* SQL Parser Settings
$cfg['SQP']['enable'] = TRUE; // Totally turn off the SQL Parser (not recommended)
$cfg['SQP']['fmtType'] = 'html'; // Pretty-printing style to use on queries (html, text, none)
$cfg['SQP']['fmtInd'] = '1'; // Amount to indent each level (floats ok)
$cfg['SQP']['fmtIndUnit'] = 'em'; // Units for indenting each level (CSS Types - {em,px,pt})
$cfg['SQP']['fmtColor'] = array( // Syntax colouring data
'comment' => '#808000',
'comment_mysql' => '',
'comment_ansi' => '',
'comment_c' => '',
'digit' => '',
'digit_hex' => 'teal',
'digit_integer' => 'teal',
'digit_float' => 'aqua',
'punct' => 'fuchsia',
'alpha' => '',
'alpha_columnType' => '#FF9900',
'alpha_columnAttrib' => '#0000FF',
'alpha_reservedWord' => '#990099',
'alpha_functionName' => '#FF0000',
'alpha_identifier' => 'black',
'alpha_variable' => '#800000',
'quote' => '#008000',
'quote_double' => '',
'quote_single' => '',
'quote_backtick' => ''
* If you wish to use the SQL Validator service, you should be
* aware of the following:
* All SQL statements are stored anonymously for statistical purposes.
* Mimer SQL Validator, Copyright 2002 Upright Database Technology.
* All rights reserved.
$cfg['SQLValidator']['use'] = FALSE; // Make the SQL Validator available
$cfg['SQLValidator']['username'] = ''; // If you have a custom username, specify it here (defaults to anonymous)
$cfg['SQLValidator']['password'] = ''; // Password for username
* MySQL settings
// Column types;
// varchar, tinyint, text and date are listed first, based on estimated popularity
$cfg['ColumnTypes'] = array(
// Atributes
$cfg['AttributeTypes'] = array(
// Available functions
if ($cfg['ShowFunctionFields']) {
$cfg['Functions'] = array(
} // end if
* Unset magic_quotes_runtime - do not change!
* File Revision - do not change either!
$cfg['FileRevision'] = '$Revision: 1.151 $';
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_create.php,v 1.17 2002/11/19 14:09:38 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets some core libraries
$js_to_run = 'functions.js';
* Defines the url to return to in case of error in a sql statement
$err_url = 'main.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server;
* Ensures the db name is valid
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 32306) {
PMA_checkReservedWords($db, $err_url);
* Executes the db creation sql query
$local_query = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$result = PMA_mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE ' . PMA_backquote($db)) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE, $err_url);
* Displays the result and moves back to the calling page
$message = $strDatabase . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($db) . ' ' . $strHasBeenCreated;
@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_datadict.php,v 1.5 2002/11/28 09:15:46 rabus Exp $ */
* Gets the variables sent or posted to this script, then displays headers
if (!isset($selected_tbl)) {
* Gets the relations settings
* Defines the url to return to in case of error in a sql statement
if (isset($table)) {
$err_url = 'tbl_properties.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db)
. '&table=' . urlencode($table);
} else {
$err_url = 'db_details.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db);
* Selects the database and gets tables names
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$rowset = mysql_query($sql);
$count = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rowset)) {
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) {
$myfieldname = 'Tables_in_' . htmlspecialchars($db);
else {
$myfieldname = 'Tables in ' . htmlspecialchars($db);
$table = $row[$myfieldname];
$cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
if ($cfgRelation['commwork']) {
$comments = PMA_getComments($db, $table);
if ($count != 0) {
echo '<div style="page-break-before: always">' . "\n";
echo '<h1>' . $table . '</h1>' . "\n";
* Gets table informations
// The 'show table' statement works correct since 3.23.03
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($table, TRUE) . '\'';
$result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
$showtable = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result);
$num_rows = (isset($showtable['Rows']) ? $showtable['Rows'] : 0);
$show_comment = (isset($showtable['Comment']) ? $showtable['Comment'] : '');
} else {
$local_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table);
$result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
$showtable = array();
$num_rows = PMA_mysql_result($result, 0, 'count');
$show_comment = '';
} // end display comments
if ($result) {
* Gets table keys and retains them
$local_query = 'SHOW KEYS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table);
$result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
$primary = '';
$indexes = array();
$lastIndex = '';
$indexes_info = array();
$indexes_data = array();
$pk_array = array(); // will be use to emphasis prim. keys in the table
// view
while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// Backups the list of primary keys
if ($row['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') {
$primary .= $row['Column_name'] . ', ';
$pk_array[$row['Column_name']] = 1;
// Retains keys informations
if ($row['Key_name'] != $lastIndex ){
$indexes[] = $row['Key_name'];
$lastIndex = $row['Key_name'];
$indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Sequences'][] = $row['Seq_in_index'];
$indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Non_unique'] = $row['Non_unique'];
if (isset($row['Cardinality'])) {
$indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Cardinality'] = $row['Cardinality'];
// I don't know what does following column mean....
// $indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Packed'] = $row['Packed'];
$indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Comment'] = $row['Comment'];
$indexes_data[$row['Key_name']][$row['Seq_in_index']]['Column_name'] = $row['Column_name'];
if (isset($row['Sub_part'])) {
$indexes_data[$row['Key_name']][$row['Seq_in_index']]['Sub_part'] = $row['Sub_part'];
} // end while
if ($result) {
* Gets fields properties
$local_query = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table);
$result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
$fields_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result);
// Check if we can use Relations (Mike Beck)
if (!empty($cfgRelation['relation'])) {
// Find which tables are related with the current one and write it in
// an array
$res_rel = PMA_getForeigners($db, $table);
if (count($res_rel) > 0) {
$have_rel = TRUE;
} else {
$have_rel = FALSE;
else {
$have_rel = FALSE;
} // end if
* Displays the comments of the table if MySQL >= 3.23
if (!empty($show_comment)) {
echo $strTableComments . ' : ' . $show_comment . '<br /><br />';
* Displays the table structure
<table width="100%" bordercolorlight="black" border="border" style="border-collapse: collapse;background-color: white">
<th width="50"><?php echo $strField; ?></th>
<th width="50"><?php echo $strType; ?></th>
<!--<th width="50"><?php echo $strAttr; ?></th>-->
<th width="50"><?php echo $strNull; ?></th>
<th width="50"><?php echo $strDefault; ?></th>
<!--<th width="50"><?php echo $strExtra; ?></th>-->
echo "\n";
if ($have_rel) {
echo ' <th width="50">' . $strLinksTo . '</th>' . "\n";
if ($cfgRelation['commwork']) {
echo ' <th width="400">' . $strComments . '</th>' . "\n";
$i = 0;
while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$bgcolor = ($i % 2) ?$cfg['BgcolorOne'] : $cfg['BgcolorTwo'];
$type = $row['Type'];
// reformat mysql query output - staybyte - 9. June 2001
// loic1: set or enum types: slashes single quotes inside options
if (eregi('^(set|enum)\((.+)\)$', $type, $tmp)) {
$tmp[2] = substr(ereg_replace('([^,])\'\'', '\\1\\\'', ',' . $tmp[2]), 1);
$type = $tmp[1] . '(' . str_replace(',', ', ', $tmp[2]) . ')';
$type_nowrap = '';
} else {
$type_nowrap = ' nowrap="nowrap"';
$type = eregi_replace('BINARY', '', $type);
$type = eregi_replace('ZEROFILL', '', $type);
$type = eregi_replace('UNSIGNED', '', $type);
if (empty($type)) {
$type = ' ';
$binary = eregi('BINARY', $row['Type'], $test);
$unsigned = eregi('UNSIGNED', $row['Type'], $test);
$zerofill = eregi('ZEROFILL', $row['Type'], $test);
$strAttribute = ' ';
if ($binary) {
$strAttribute = 'BINARY';
if ($unsigned) {
$strAttribute = 'UNSIGNED';
if ($zerofill) {
$strAttribute = 'UNSIGNED ZEROFILL';
if (!isset($row['Default'])) {
if ($row['Null'] != '') {
$row['Default'] = '<i>NULL</i>';
} else {
$row['Default'] = htmlspecialchars($row['Default']);
$field_name = htmlspecialchars($row['Field']);
echo "\n";
<td width=50 class='print' nowrap="nowrap">
echo "\n";
if (isset($pk_array[$row['Field']])) {
echo ' <u>' . $field_name . '</u> ' . "\n";
} else {
echo ' ' . $field_name . ' ' . "\n";
<td width="50" class="print"<?php echo $type_nowrap; ?>><?php echo $type; ?><bdo dir="ltr"></bdo></td>
<!--<td width="50" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $strAttribute; ?></td>-->
<td width="50" class="print"><?php echo (($row['Null'] == '') ? $strNo : $strYes); ?> </td>
<td width="50" class="print" nowrap="nowrap"><?php if (isset($row['Default'])) echo $row['Default']; ?> </td>
<!--<td width="50" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $row['Extra']; ?> </td>-->
echo "\n";
if ($have_rel) {
echo ' <td width="50" class="print">';
if (isset($res_rel[$field_name])) {
echo htmlspecialchars($res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_table'] . ' -> ' . $res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_field']);
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
if ($cfgRelation['commwork']) {
echo ' <td width="400" class="print">';
if (isset($comments[$field_name])) {
echo htmlspecialchars($comments[$field_name]);
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
} // end while
echo "\n";
echo '</div>' . "\n";
} //ends main while
* Displays the footer
echo "\n";
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2">
function printPage()
|||| = 'hidden';
// Do print the page
if (typeof(window.print) != 'undefined') {
|||| = '';
echo '<br /><br /> <input type="button" style="visibility: ; width: 100px; height: 25px" name="print" value="' . $strPrint . '" onclick="printPage()">' . "\n";
@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_details.php,v 1.176 2002/11/19 14:09:38 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Runs common work
$url_query .= '&goto=db_details.php';
* Database work
if (isset($show_query) && $show_query == '1') {
// This script has been called by read_dump.php
if (isset($sql_query_cpy)) {
$query_to_display = $sql_query_cpy;
// Other cases
else if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$query_to_display = stripslashes($sql_query);
else {
$query_to_display = $sql_query;
} else {
$query_to_display = '';
* Gets informations about the database and, if it is empty, move to the
* "db_details_structure.php" script where table can be created
$sub_part = '';
if ($num_tables == 0 && empty($db_query_force)) {
$is_info = TRUE;
// loic1: defines wether file upload is available or not
$is_upload = (PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION >= 40000 && function_exists('ini_get'))
? ((strtolower(ini_get('file_uploads')) == 'on' || ini_get('file_uploads') == 1) && intval(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')))
// loic1: php 3.0.15 and lower bug -> always enabled
: (PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION < 30016 || intval(@get_cfg_var('upload_max_filesize')));
$auto_sel = ($cfg['TextareaAutoSelect'])
? "\n" . ' onfocus="if (typeof(document.layers) == \'undefined\' || typeof(textarea_selected) == \'undefined\') {textarea_selected = 1; this.form.elements[\'sql_query\'].select();}"'
: '';
<!-- Query box, sql file loader and bookmark support -->
<a name="querybox"></a>
<form method="post" action="read_dump.php"<?php if ($is_upload) echo ' enctype="multipart/form-data"'; echo "\n"; ?>
onsubmit="return checkSqlQuery(this)">
<input type="hidden" name="is_js_confirmed" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="convcharset" value="<?php echo $convcharset; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="pos" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="goto" value="db_details.php" />
<input type="hidden" name="zero_rows" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($strSuccess); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="prev_sql_query" value="<?php echo ((!empty($query_to_display)) ? urlencode($query_to_display) : ''); ?>" />
<?php echo sprintf($strRunSQLQuery, $db) . ' ' . PMA_showMySQLDocu('Reference', 'SELECT'); ?> :<br />
<div style="margin-bottom: 5px">
<textarea name="sql_query" cols="<?php echo $cfg['TextareaCols'] * 2; ?>" rows="<?php echo $cfg['TextareaRows']; ?>" wrap="virtual" dir="<?php echo $text_dir; ?>"<?php echo $auto_sel; ?>>
<?php echo ((!empty($query_to_display)) ? htmlspecialchars($query_to_display) : ''); ?>
</textarea><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="show_query" value="1" id="checkbox_show_query" checked="checked" />
<label for="checkbox_show_query"><?php echo $strShowThisQuery; ?></label><br />
// loic1: displays import dump feature only if file upload available
if ($is_upload) {
echo ' <i>' . $strOr . '</i> ' . $strLocationTextfile . ' :<br />' . "\n";
<div style="margin-bottom: 5px">
<input type="file" name="sql_file" class="textfield" /><br />
if ($cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] && $allow_recoding) {
$temp_charset = reset($cfg['AvailableCharsets']);
echo $strCharsetOfFile . "\n"
. ' <select name="charset_of_file" size="1">' . "\n"
. ' <option value="' . $temp_charset . '"';
if ($temp_charset == $charset) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $temp_charset . '</option>' . "\n";
while ($temp_charset = next($cfg['AvailableCharsets'])) {
echo ' <option value="' . $temp_charset . '"';
if ($temp_charset == $charset) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $temp_charset . '</option>' . "\n";
echo ' </select><br />' . "\n" . ' ';
} // end if (recoding)
$is_gzip = ($cfg['GZipDump'] && @function_exists('gzopen'));
$is_bzip = ($cfg['BZipDump'] && @function_exists('bzdecompress'));
if ($is_bzip || $is_gzip) {
echo ' ' . $strCompression . ':' . "\n"
. ' <input type="radio" id="radio_sql_file_compression_plain" name="sql_file_compression" value="text/plain" checked="checked" />' . "\n"
. ' <label for="radio_sql_file_compression_plain">' . $strNone . '</label> ' . "\n";
if ($is_gzip) {
echo ' <input type="radio" id="radio_sql_file_compression_gzip" name="sql_file_compression" value="application/x-gzip" />' . "\n"
. ' <label for="radio_sql_file_compression_gzip">' . $strGzip . '</label> ' . "\n";
if ($is_bzip) {
echo ' <input type="radio" id="radio_sql_file_compression_bzip" name="sql_file_compression" value="application/x-bzip" />' . "\n"
. ' <label for="radio_sql_file_compression_bzip">' . $strBzip . '</label> ' . "\n";
} else {
echo ' <input type="hidden" name="sql_file_compression" value="text/plain" />' . "\n";
} // end if (is upload)
echo "\n";
// web-server upload directory
// (TODO: display the charset selection, even if is_upload == FALSE)
if ($cfg['UploadDir'] != '') {
if ($handle = @opendir($cfg['UploadDir'])) {
$is_first = 0;
while ($file = @readdir($handle)) {
if (is_file($cfg['UploadDir'] . $file) && substr($file, -4) == '.sql') {
if ($is_first == 0) {
echo "\n";
echo ' <i>' . $strOr . '</i> ' . $strWebServerUploadDirectory . ' :<br />' . "\n";
echo ' <div style="margin-bottom: 5px">' . "\n";
echo ' <select size="1" name="sql_localfile">' . "\n";
echo ' <option value="" selected="selected"></option>' . "\n";
} // end if (is_first)
echo ' <option value="' . htmlspecialchars($file) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($file) . '</option>' . "\n";
} // end if (is_file)
} // end while
if ($is_first > 0) {
echo ' </select>' . "\n"
. ' </div>' . "\n\n";
} // end if (isfirst > 0)
else {
echo ' <div style="margin-bottom: 5px">' . "\n";
echo ' <font color="red">' . $strError . '</font><br />' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $strWebServerUploadDirectoryError . "\n";
echo ' </div>' . "\n";
} // end if (web-server upload directory)
// Bookmark Support
if ($cfg['Bookmark']['db'] && $cfg['Bookmark']['table']) {
if (($bookmark_list = PMA_listBookmarks($db, $cfg['Bookmark'])) && count($bookmark_list) > 0) {
echo " <i>$strOr</i> $strBookmarkQuery :<br />\n";
echo ' <div style="margin-bottom: 5px">' . "\n";
echo ' <select name="id_bookmark">' . "\n";
echo ' <option value=""></option>' . "\n";
while (list($key, $value) = each($bookmark_list)) {
echo ' <option value="' . $value . '">' . htmlentities($key) . '</option>' . "\n";
echo ' </select>' . "\n";
echo ' <input type="radio" name="action_bookmark" value="0" id="radio_bookmark0" checked="checked" style="vertical-align: middle" /><label for="radio_bookmark0">' . $strSubmit . '</label>' . "\n";
echo ' <input type="radio" name="action_bookmark" value="1" id="radio_bookmark1" style="vertical-align: middle" /><label for="radio_bookmark1">' . $strBookmarkView . '</label>' . "\n";
echo ' <input type="radio" name="action_bookmark" value="2" id="radio_bookmark2" style="vertical-align: middle" /><label for="radio_bookmark2">' . $strDelete . '</label>' . "\n";
echo ' <br />' . "\n";
echo ' </div>' . "\n";
// Encoding setting form appended by Y.Kawada
if (function_exists('PMA_set_enc_form')) {
echo PMA_set_enc_form(' ');
<input type="submit" name="SQL" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" />
* Displays the footer
echo "\n";
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_details_common.php,v 1.6 2002/10/23 04:17:42 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets some core libraries
if (!defined('PMA_GRAB_GLOBALS_INCLUDED')) {
if (!defined('PMA_COMMON_LIB_INCLUDED')) {
if (!defined('PMA_BOOKMARK_LIB_INCLUDED')) {
* Defines the urls to return to in case of error in a sql statement
$err_url_0 = 'main.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server;
$err_url = $cfg['DefaultTabDatabase']
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db);
* Ensures the database exists (else move to the "parent" script) and displays
* headers
if (!isset($is_db) || !$is_db) {
// Not a valid db name -> back to the welcome page
if (!empty($db)) {
$is_db = @PMA_mysql_select_db($db);
if (empty($db) || !$is_db) {
header('Location: ' . $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . 'main.php?lang=' . $lang . '&convcharset=' . $convcharset . '&server=' . $server . (isset($message) ? '&message=' . urlencode($message) : '') . '&reload=1');
} // end if (ensures db exists)
// Displays headers
if (!isset($message)) {
$js_to_run = 'functions.js';
// Reloads the navigation frame via JavaScript if required
if (isset($reload) && $reload) {
echo "\n";
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2">
window.parent.frames['nav'].location.replace('./left.php?lang=<?php echo $lang; ?> &convcharset=<?php echo $convcharset; ?>&server=<?php echo $server; ?>&db=<?php echo urlencode($db); ?>');
echo "\n";
} else {
* Set parameters for links
$url_query = 'lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db);
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_details_db_info.php,v 1.5 2002/10/23 04:17:42 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets the list of the table in the current db and informations about these
* tables if possible
// staybyte: speedup view on locked tables - 11 June 2001
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) {
// Special speedup for newer MySQL Versions (in 4.0 format changed)
if ($cfg['SkipLockedTables'] == TRUE && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32330) {
$local_query = 'SHOW OPEN TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$db_info_result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url_0);
// Blending out tables in use
if ($db_info_result != FALSE && mysql_num_rows($db_info_result) > 0) {
while ($tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_row($db_info_result)) {
// if in use memorize tablename
if (eregi('in_use=[1-9]+', $tmp[1])) {
$sot_cache[$tmp[0]] = TRUE;
if (isset($sot_cache)) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$db_info_result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url_0);
if ($db_info_result != FALSE && mysql_num_rows($db_info_result) > 0) {
while ($tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_row($db_info_result)) {
if (!isset($sot_cache[$tmp[0]])) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . ' LIKE \'' . addslashes($tmp[0]) . '\'';
$sts_result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url_0);
$sts_tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($sts_result);
$tables[] = $sts_tmp;
} else { // table in use
$tables[] = array('Name' => $tmp[0]);
$sot_ready = TRUE;
if (!isset($sot_ready)) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$db_info_result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url_0);
if ($db_info_result != FALSE && mysql_num_rows($db_info_result) > 0) {
while ($sts_tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($db_info_result)) {
$tables[] = $sts_tmp;
$num_tables = (isset($tables) ? count($tables) : 0);
} // end if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303)
else {
$db_info_result = PMA_mysql_list_tables($db);
$num_tables = ($db_info_result) ? @mysql_numrows($db_info_result) : 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
$tables[] = PMA_mysql_tablename($db_info_result, $i);
* Displays top menu links
echo '<!-- Top menu links -->' . "\n";
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_details_export.php,v 1.10 2002/11/19 14:09:38 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets some core libraries
$sub_part = '_export';
$url_query .= '&goto=db_details_export.php';
* Displays the form
<!-- Dump of a database -->
<form method="post" action="tbl_dump.php" name="db_dump">
<?php echo $strViewDumpDB; ?><br />
$colspan = '';
if ($num_tables > 1) {
$colspan = ' colspan="2"';
<select name="table_select[]" size="6" multiple="multiple">
$i = 0;
echo "\n";
$is_selected = (!empty($selectall) ? ' selected="selected"' : '');
while ($i < $num_tables) {
$table = htmlspecialchars((PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) ? $tables[$i]['Name'] : $tables[$i]);
echo ' <option value="' . $table . '"' . $is_selected . '>' . $table . '</option>' . "\n";
} // end while
} // end if
echo "\n";
<td valign="middle">
<input type="radio" name="what" value="structure" id="radio_dump_structure" checked="checked" />
<label for="radio_dump_structure"><?php echo $strStrucOnly; ?></label><br />
<input type="radio" name="what" id="radio_dump_data" value="data" />
<label for="radio_dump_data"><?php echo $strStrucData; ?></label><br />
<input type="radio" name="what" id="radio_dump_dataonly" value="dataonly" />
<label for="radio_dump_dataonly"><?php echo $strDataOnly; ?></label><br />
<input type="radio" name="what" id="radio_dump_xml" value="xml" />
<label for="radio_dump_xml"><?php echo $strExportToXML; ?></label>
if ($num_tables > 1) {
$checkall_url = 'db_details_export.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db)
. '&goto=db_details_export.php';
<br />
<a href="<?php echo $checkall_url; ?>&selectall=1#dumpdb" onclick="setSelectOptions('db_dump', 'table_select[]', true); return false;"><?php echo $strSelectAll; ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $checkall_url; ?>#dumpdb" onclick="setSelectOptions('db_dump', 'table_select[]', false); return false;"><?php echo $strUnselectAll; ?></a>
} // end if
echo "\n";
<td<?php echo $colspan; ?>>
<input type="checkbox" name="drop" value="1" id="checkbox_dump_drop" />
<label for="checkbox_dump_drop"><?php echo $strStrucDrop; ?></label>
<td<?php echo $colspan; ?>>
<input type="checkbox" name="showcolumns" value="yes" id="checkbox_dump_showcolumns" />
<label for="checkbox_dump_showcolumns"><?php echo $strCompleteInserts; ?></label>
<td<?php echo $colspan; ?>>
<input type="checkbox" name="extended_ins" value="yes" id="checkbox_dump_extended_ins" />
<label for="checkbox_dump_extended_ins"><?php echo $strExtendedInserts; ?></label>
// Add backquotes checkbox
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32306) {
<td<?php echo $colspan; ?>>
<input type="checkbox" name="use_backquotes" value="1" id="checkbox_dump_use_backquotes" />
<label for="checkbox_dump_use_backquotes"><?php echo $strUseBackquotes; ?></label>
} // end backquotes feature
echo "\n";
<td<?php echo $colspan; ?>>
<input type="checkbox" name="asfile" value="sendit" id="checkbox_dump_asfile" onclick="return checkTransmitDump(this.form, 'transmit')" />
<label for="checkbox_dump_asfile"><?php echo $strSend; ?></label>
// charset of file
if ($cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] && $allow_recoding) {
$temp_charset = reset($cfg['AvailableCharsets']);
echo "\n" . ' , ' . $strCharsetOfFile . "\n"
. ' <select name="charset_of_file" size="1">' . "\n"
. ' <option value="' . $temp_charset . '"';
if ($temp_charset == $charset) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $temp_charset . '</option>' . "\n";
while ($temp_charset = next($cfg['AvailableCharsets'])) {
echo ' <option value="' . $temp_charset . '"';
if ($temp_charset == $charset) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $temp_charset . '</option>' . "\n";
} // end while
echo ' </select>';
} // end if
echo "\n";
// zip, gzip and bzip2 encode features
if (PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION >= 40004) {
$is_zip = (isset($cfg['ZipDump']) && $cfg['ZipDump'] && @function_exists('gzcompress'));
$is_gzip = (isset($cfg['GZipDump']) && $cfg['GZipDump'] && @function_exists('gzencode'));
$is_bzip = (isset($cfg['BZipDump']) && $cfg['BZipDump'] && @function_exists('bzcompress'));
if ($is_zip || $is_gzip || $is_bzip) {
echo "\n" . ' (' . "\n";
if ($is_zip) {
<input type="checkbox" name="zip" value="zip" id="checkbox_dump_zip" onclick="return checkTransmitDump(this.form, 'zip')" />
echo '<label for="checkbox_dump_zip">' . $strZip . '</label>'
. (($is_gzip || $is_bzip) ? ' ' : '') . "\n";
if ($is_gzip) {
echo "\n"
<input type="checkbox" name="gzip" value="gzip" id="checkbox_dump_gzip" onclick="return checkTransmitDump(this.form, 'gzip')" />
echo '<label for="checkbox_dump_gzip">' . $strGzip . '</label>'
. (($is_bzip) ? ' ' : '') . "\n";
if ($is_bzip) {
echo "\n"
<input type="checkbox" name="bzip" value="bzip" id="checkbox_dump_bzip" onclick="return checkTransmitDump(this.form, 'bzip')" />
echo '<label for="checkbox_dump_bzip">' . $strBzip . '</label>' . "\n";
echo "\n" . ' )';
} // end *zip feature
echo "\n";
// Encoding setting form appended by Y.Kawada
if (function_exists('PMA_set_enc_form')) {
echo ' <br />' . "\n"
. PMA_set_enc_form(' ');
<td<?php echo $colspan; ?>>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang;?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db);?>" />
<a href="./Documentation.html#faqexport" target="documentation"><?php echo $strDocu; ?></a>
* Displays the footer
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_details_importdocsql.php,v 1.6 2002/11/19 14:09:38 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* This script imports relation infos from docSQL (
* Get the values of the variables posted or sent to this script and display
* the headers
* Executes import if required
if (isset($do) && $do == 'import') {
// echo '<h1>Starting Import</h1>';
if (substr($docpath, strlen($docpath) - 2, 1) != '/') {
$docpath = $docpath . '/';
if (is_dir($docpath)) {
// Get relation settings
$cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
// Do the work
$handle = opendir($docpath);
while ($file = @readdir($handle)) {
$filename = basename($file);
// echo '<p>Working on file ' . $filename . '</p>';
if (strpos(' ' . $filename, '_field_comment.txt')) {
$tab = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - strlen('_field_comment.txt'));
//echo '<h1>Working on Table ' . $_tab . '</h1>';
$fd = fopen($docpath . $file, 'r');
if ($fd) {
while (!feof($fd)) {
$line = fgets($fd, 4096);
//echo '<p>' . $line . '</p>';
$inf = explode('|',$line);
if (!empty($inf[1]) && strlen(trim($inf[1])) > 0) {
$qry = 'INSERT INTO ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['column_comments'])
. ' (db_name, table_name, column_name, comment) '
. ' VALUES('
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\','
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes(trim($tab)) . '\','
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes(trim($inf[0])) . '\','
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes(trim($inf[1])) . '\')';
if (PMA_query_as_cu($qry)) {
echo '<p>Added comment for column ' . htmlspecialchars($tab) . '.' . htmlspecialchars($inf[0]) . '</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>Writing of comment not possible</p>';
echo "\n";
} // end inf[1] exists
if (!empty($inf[2]) && strlen(trim($inf[2])) > 0) {
$for = explode('->', $inf[2]);
$qry = 'INSERT INTO ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['relation'])
. '(master_db, master_table, master_field, foreign_db, foreign_table, foreign_field)'
. ' VALUES('
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\', '
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes(trim($tab)) . '\', '
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes(trim($inf[0])) . '\', '
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\', '
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes(trim($for[0])) . '\','
. '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes(trim($for[1])) . '\')';
if (PMA_query_as_cu($qry)) {
echo '<p>Added relation for column ' . htmlspecialchars($tab) . '.' . htmlspecialchars($inf[0]) . ' to ' . htmlspecialchars($for) . '</p>';
} else {
echo "<p>writing of Relation not possible</p>";
echo "\n";
} // end inf[2] exists
echo '<p><font color="green">Import finished</font></p>' . "\n";
} else {
echo '<p><font color="red">File could not be read</font></p>' . "\n";
} else {
echo '<p><font color="yellow">Ignoring file ' . $file . '</font></p>' . "\n";
} // end working on table
} // end while
} else {
echo 'This was not a Directory' . "\n";
* Try to get the "$DOCUMENT_ROOT" variable whatever is the register_globals
* value
if (empty($DOCUMENT_ROOT)) {
if (!empty($_SERVER) && isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
else if (!empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS) && isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
else if (!empty($_ENV) && isset($_ENV['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
else if (!empty($HTTP_ENV_VARS) && isset($HTTP_ENV_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
else if (@getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT')) {
else {
} // end if
* Displays the form
<form method="post" action="db_details_importdocsql.php">
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="submit_show" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="import" />
<b>Please enter absolute path on webserver to docSQL Directory:</b>
<br /><br />
<input type="text" name="docpath" size="50" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($DOCUMENT_ROOT); ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Import files" />
* Displays the footer
echo "\n";
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_details_links.php,v 1.18 2002/10/23 04:17:42 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Counts amount of navigation tabs
$db_details_links_count_tabs = 0;
* If coming from a Show MySQL link on the home page,
* put something in $sub_part
if (empty($sub_part)) {
$sub_part = '_structure';
* Prepares links
// Export link if there is at least one table
if ($num_tables > 0) {
$lnk3 = 'db_details_export.php';
$arg3 = $url_query;
$lnk4 = 'db_search.php';
$arg4 = $url_query;
else {
$lnk3 = '';
$arg3 = '';
$lnk4 = '';
$arg4 = '';
// Drop link if allowed
if (!$cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase']) {
// Check if the user is a Superuser
$links_result = @PMA_mysql_query('USE mysql');
$cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] = (!PMA_mysql_error());
if ($cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase']) {
$lnk5 = 'sql.php';
$arg5 = $url_query . '&sql_query='
. urlencode('DROP DATABASE ' . PMA_backquote($db))
. '&zero_rows='
. urlencode(sprintf($strDatabaseHasBeenDropped, htmlspecialchars(PMA_backquote($db))))
. '&goto=main.php&back=db_details' . $sub_part . '.php&reload=1';
$att5 = 'class="drop" '
. 'onclick="return confirmLink(this, \'DROP DATABASE ' . PMA_jsFormat($db) . '\')"';
else {
$lnk5 = '';
* Displays tab links
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" class="tabs">
<td width="8"> </td>
echo PMA_printTab($strStructure, 'db_details_structure.php', $url_query);
echo PMA_printTab($strSQL, 'db_details.php', $url_query . '&db_query_force=1');
echo PMA_printTab($strExport, $lnk3, $arg3);
echo PMA_printTab($strSearch, $lnk4, $arg4);
// Query by example and dump of the db are only displayed if there is at least
// one table in the db
if ($num_tables > 0) {
echo PMA_printTab($strQBE, 'db_details_qbe.php', $url_query);
} // end if
// Displays drop link
if ($lnk5) {
echo PMA_printTab($strDrop, $lnk5, $arg5, $att5);
} // end if
echo "\n";
<br />
@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_details_structure.php,v 1.39 2002/11/28 09:15:46 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Prepares the tables list if the user where not redirected to this script
* because there is no table in the database ($is_info is TRUE)
if (empty($is_info)) {
$url_query .= '&goto=db_details_structure.php';
// Drops/deletes multiple tables if required
if ((!empty($submit_mult) && isset($selected_tbl))
|| isset($mult_btn)) {
$action = 'db_details_structure.php';
// Gets the database structure
$sub_part = '_structure';
echo "\n";
* Settings for relations stuff
$cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
* Displays the tables list
<!-- TABLE LIST -->
// 1. No tables
if ($num_tables == 0) {
echo $strNoTablesFound . "\n";
// 2. Shows table informations on mysql >= 3.23.03 - staybyte - 11 June 2001
else if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) {
<form method="post" action="db_details_structure.php" name="tablesForm">
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="convcharset" value="<?php echo $convcharset; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?>" />
<table border="<?php echo $cfg['Border']; ?>">
<th> <?php echo $strTable; ?> </th>
<th colspan="6"><?php echo $strAction; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $strRecords; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $strType; ?></th>
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
echo '<th>' . $strSize . '</th>';
echo "\n";
$i = $sum_entries = 0;
(double) $sum_size = 0;
$checked = (!empty($checkall) ? ' checked="checked"' : '');
while (list($keyname, $sts_data) = each($tables)) {
$table = $sts_data['Name'];
$table_encoded = urlencode($table);
$table_name = htmlspecialchars($table);
// Sets parameters for links
$tbl_url_query = $url_query . '&table=' . $table_encoded;
$bgcolor = ($i++ % 2) ? $cfg['BgcolorOne'] : $cfg['BgcolorTwo'];
echo "\n";
<td align="center" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<input type="checkbox" name="selected_tbl[]" value="<?php echo $table_encoded; ?>" id="checkbox_tbl_<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php echo $checked; ?> />
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><label for="checkbox_tbl_<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $table_name; ?></label> </b>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
if (!empty($sts_data['Rows'])) {
echo '<a href="sql.php?' . $tbl_url_query . '&sql_query='
. urlencode('SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table))
. '&pos=0">' . $strBrowse . '</a>';
} else {
echo $strBrowse;
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
if (!empty($sts_data['Rows'])) {
echo '<a href="tbl_select.php?' . $tbl_url_query . '">'
. $strSelect . '</a>';
} else {
echo $strSelect;
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="tbl_change.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>">
<?php echo $strInsert; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="tbl_properties_structure.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>">
<?php echo $strProperties; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="sql.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>&reload=1&sql_query=<?php echo urlencode('DROP TABLE ' . PMA_backquote($table)); ?>&zero_rows=<?php echo urlencode(sprintf($strTableHasBeenDropped, htmlspecialchars($table))); ?>"
onclick="return confirmLink(this, 'DROP TABLE <?php echo PMA_jsFormat($table); ?>')">
<?php echo $strDrop; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
if (!empty($sts_data['Rows'])) {
echo '<a href="sql.php?' . $tbl_url_query
. '&sql_query=';
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40000) {
echo urlencode('TRUNCATE ' . PMA_backquote($table))
. '&zero_rows='
. urlencode(sprintf($strTableHasBeenEmptied, htmlspecialchars($table)))
. '" onclick="return confirmLink(this, \'TRUNCATE ';
} else {
echo urlencode('DELETE FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table))
. '&zero_rows='
. urlencode(sprintf($strTableHasBeenEmptied, htmlspecialchars($table)))
. '" onclick="return confirmLink(this, \'DELETE FROM ';
echo PMA_jsFormat($table) . '\')">' . $strEmpty . '</a>';
} else {
echo $strEmpty;
echo "\n";
// loic1: Patch from Joshua Nye <josh at> to get valid
// statistics whatever is the table type
if (isset($sts_data['Rows'])) {
// MyISAM, ISAM or Heap table: Row count, data size and index size
// is accurate.
if (isset($sts_data['Type']) && ereg('^(MyISAM|ISAM|HEAP)$', $sts_data['Type'])) {
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
$tblsize = doubleval($sts_data['Data_length']) + doubleval($sts_data['Index_length']);
$sum_size += $tblsize;
list($formated_size, $unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($tblsize, 3, ($tblsize > 0) ? 1 : 0);
$sum_entries += $sts_data['Rows'];
$display_rows = number_format($sts_data['Rows'], 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator);
// InnoDB table: Row count is not accurate but data and index
// sizes are.
else if (isset($sts_data['Type']) && $sts_data['Type'] == 'InnoDB') {
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
$tblsize = $sts_data['Data_length'] + $sts_data['Index_length'];
$sum_size += $tblsize;
list($formated_size, $unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($tblsize, 3, ($tblsize > 0) ? 1 : 0);
//$display_rows = ' - ';
// get row count with another method
$local_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM '
. PMA_backquote($db) . '.'
. PMA_backquote($table);
$table_info_result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query)
or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url_0);
$row_count = PMA_mysql_result($table_info_result, 0, 'count');
$sum_entries += $row_count;
$display_rows = number_format($row_count, 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator);
// Merge or BerkleyDB table: Only row count is accurate.
else if (isset($sts_data['Type']) && ereg('^(MRG_MyISAM|BerkeleyDB)$', $sts_data['Type'])) {
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
$formated_size = ' - ';
$unit = '';
$sum_entries += $sts_data['Rows'];
$display_rows = number_format($sts_data['Rows'], 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator);
// Unknown table type.
else {
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
$formated_size = 'unknown';
$unit = '';
$display_rows = 'unknown';
<td align="right" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
echo "\n" . ' ' . $display_rows . "\n";
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
<?php echo (isset($sts_data['Type']) ? $sts_data['Type'] : ' '); ?>
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
echo "\n";
<td align="right" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
<a href="tbl_properties_structure.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>#showusage"><?php echo $formated_size . ' ' . $unit; ?></a>
echo "\n";
} // end if
} else {
<td colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<?php echo $strInUse . "\n"; ?>
echo "\n";
// Show Summary
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
list($sum_formated, $unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($sum_size, 3, 1);
echo "\n";
<th align="center" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><?php echo sprintf($strTables, number_format($num_tables, 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator)); ?></b>
<th colspan="6" align="center">
<b><?php echo $strSum; ?></b>
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><?php echo number_format($sum_entries, 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator); ?></b>
<th align="center">
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
echo "\n";
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><?php echo $sum_formated . ' ' . $unit; ?></b>
echo "\n";
// Check all tables url
$checkall_url = 'db_details_structure.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db);
echo "\n";
<td colspan="<?php echo (($cfg['ShowStats']) ? '11' : '10'); ?>" valign="bottom">
<img src="./images/arrow_<?php echo $text_dir; ?>.gif" border="0" width="38" height="22" alt="<?php echo $strWithChecked; ?>" />
<a href="<?php echo $checkall_url; ?>&checkall=1" onclick="setCheckboxes('tablesForm', true); return false;">
<?php echo $strCheckAll; ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $checkall_url; ?>" onclick="setCheckboxes('tablesForm', false); return false;">
<?php echo $strUncheckAll; ?></a>
<img src="./images/spacer.gif" border="0" width="38" height="1" alt="" />
<select name="submit_mult" dir="ltr" onchange="this.form.submit();">
echo "\n";
echo ' <option value="' . $strWithChecked . '" selected="selected">'
. $strWithChecked . '</option>' . "\n";
echo ' <option value="' . $strDrop . '" >'
. $strDrop . '</option>' . "\n";
echo ' <option value="' . $strEmpty . '" >'
. $strEmpty . '</option>' . "\n";
echo ' <option value="' . $strPrintView . '" >'
. $strPrintView . '</option>' . "\n";
echo ' <option value="' . $strOptimizeTable . '" >'
. $strOptimizeTable . '</option>' . "\n";
echo ' <option value="' . $strRepairTable . '" >'
. $strRepairTable . '</option>' . "\n";
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// Fake js to allow the use of the <noscript> tag
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" />
} // end case mysql >= 3.23.03
// 3. Shows tables list mysql < 3.23.03
else {
$i = 0;
echo "\n";
<form action="db_details_structure.php">
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="convcharset" value="<?php echo $convcharset; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?>" />
<table border="<?php echo $cfg['Border']; ?>">
<th> <?php echo $strTable; ?> </th>
<th colspan="6"><?php echo $strAction; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $strRecords; ?></th>
$checked = (!empty($checkall) ? ' checked="checked"' : '');
while ($i < $num_tables) {
$table = $tables[$i];
$table_encoded = urlencode($table);
$table_name = htmlspecialchars($table);
// Sets parameters for links
$tbl_url_query = $url_query . '&table=' . $table_encoded;
$bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? $cfg['BgcolorOne'] : $cfg['BgcolorTwo'];
echo "\n";
<td align="center" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<input type="checkbox" name="selected_tbl[]" value="<?php echo $table_encoded; ?>" id="checkbox_tbl_<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php echo $checked; ?> />
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" class="data">
<b> <label for="checkbox_tbl_<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $table_name; ?></label> </b>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="sql.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>&sql_query=<?php echo urlencode('SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table)); ?>&pos=0"><?php echo $strBrowse; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="tbl_select.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>"><?php echo $strSelect; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="tbl_change.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>"><?php echo $strInsert; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="tbl_properties.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>"><?php echo $strProperties; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="sql.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>&reload=1&sql_query=<?php echo urlencode('DROP TABLE ' . PMA_backquote($table)); ?>&zero_rows=<?php echo urlencode(sprintf($strTableHasBeenDropped, $table_name)); ?>"><?php echo $strDrop; ?></a>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<a href="sql.php?<?php echo $tbl_url_query; ?>&sql_query=<?php echo urlencode('DELETE FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table)); ?>&zero_rows=<?php echo urlencode(sprintf($strTableHasBeenEmptied, $table_name)); ?>"><?php echo $strEmpty; ?></a>
<td align="right" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<?php PMA_countRecords($db, $table); echo "\n"; ?>
} // end while
echo "\n";
// Check all tables url
$checkall_url = 'db_details_structure.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db);
<td colspan="9">
<img src="./images/arrow_<?php echo $text_dir; ?>.gif" border="0" width="38" height="22" alt="<?php echo $strWithChecked; ?>" />
<a href="<?php echo $checkall_url; ?>&checkall=1" onclick="setCheckboxes('tablesForm', true); return false;">
<?php echo $strCheckAll; ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $checkall_url; ?>" onclick="setCheckboxes('tablesForm', false); return false;">
<?php echo $strUncheckAll; ?></a>
<td colspan="9">
<img src="./images/spacer.gif" border="0" width="38" height="1" alt="" />
<i><?php echo $strWithChecked; ?></i>
<input type="submit" name="submit_mult" value="<?php echo $strDrop; ?>" />
<?php $strOr . "\n"; ?>
<input type="submit" name="submit_mult" value="<?php echo $strEmpty; ?>" />
} // end case mysql < 3.23.03
echo "\n";
<hr />
* Work on the database
if ($num_tables > 0) {
<!-- Printable view of a table -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px"><a href="db_printview.php?<?php echo $url_query; ?>"><?php echo $strPrintView; ?></a></div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px"><a href="./db_datadict.php?<?php echo $url_query; ?>"><?php echo $strDataDict; ?></a></div>
} // end if
<!-- Create a new table -->
<form method="post" action="tbl_create.php"
onsubmit="return (emptyFormElements(this, 'table') && checkFormElementInRange(this, 'num_fields', 1))">
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="convcharset" value="<?php echo $convcharset; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?>" />
echo ' ' . sprintf($strCreateNewTable, htmlspecialchars($db)) . ' :<br />' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $strName . ' : ' . "\n";
echo ' ' . '<input type="text" name="table" maxlength="64" class="textfield" />' . "\n";
echo ' ' . '<br />' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $strFields . ' : ' . "\n";
echo ' ' . '<input type="text" name="num_fields" size="2" class="textfield" />' . "\n";
echo ' ' . ' <input type="submit" value="' . $strGo . '" />' . "\n";
if ($num_tables > 0
&& !$cfgRelation['allworks'] && $cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] == FALSE) {
echo ' <li>' . "\n";
echo ' <div style="margin-bottom: 10px">' . "\n";
echo ' <font color="red">' . $strError . '</font><br />' . "\n";
$url_to_goto = '<a href="' . $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . 'chk_rel.php?' . $url_query . '">';
echo ' ' . sprintf($strRelationNotWorking, $url_to_goto, '</a>') . "\n";
echo ' </div>' . "\n";
echo ' </li>' . "\n";
} // end if
// is this OK to check for 'class' support?
$takeaway = $url_query . '&table=' . urlencode($table);
if ($cfgRelation['pdfwork'] && $num_tables > 0) {
<!-- Work on PDF Pages -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px"><a href="pdf_pages.php?<?php echo $takeaway; ?>"><?php echo $strEditPDFPages; ?></a></div>
<!-- PDF schema -->
// We only show this if we find something in the new pdf_pages table
$test_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages'])
. ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\'';
$test_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($test_query);
if ($test_rs && mysql_num_rows($test_rs) > 0) {
echo "\n";
<form method="post" action="pdf_schema.php">
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="convcharset" value="<?php echo $convcharset; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?>" />
<?php echo $strDisplayPDF; ?> :<br />
<?php echo $strPageNumber; ?>
<select name="pdf_page_number">
while ($pages = @PMA_mysql_fetch_array($test_rs)) {
echo "\n" . ' '
. '<option value="' . $pages['page_nr'] . '">' . $pages['page_nr'] . ': ' . $pages['page_descr'] . '</option>';
} // end while
echo "\n";
</select><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="show_grid" id="show_grid_opt" />
<label for="show_grid_opt"><?php echo $strShowGrid; ?></label><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="show_color" id="show_color_opt" checked="checked" />
<label for="show_color_opt"><?php echo $strShowColor; ?></label><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="show_table_dimension" id="show_table_dim_opt" />
<label for="show_table_dim_opt"><?php echo $strShowTableDimension; ?></label><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="all_tab_same_wide" id="all_tab_same_wide" />
<label for="all_tab_same_wide"><?php echo $strAllTableSameWidth; ?></label>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" />
} // end if
} // end if
if ($num_tables > 0
&& $cfgRelation['relwork'] && $cfgRelation['commwork']) {
<!-- import docSQL files -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px"><a href="db_details_importdocsql.php?<?php echo $takeaway . '">' . $strImportDocSQL; ?></a></div>
echo "\n" . '</ul>';
* Displays the footer
echo "\n";
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_printview.php,v 1.24 2002/11/28 09:15:46 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets the variables sent or posted to this script, then displays headers
* Defines the url to return to in case of error in a sql statement
$err_url = 'db_details.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&db=' . urlencode($db);
* Gets the list of the table in the current db and informations about these
* tables if possible
// staybyte: speedup view on locked tables - 11 June 2001
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) {
// Special speedup for newer MySQL Versions (in 4.0 format changed)
if ($cfg['SkipLockedTables'] == TRUE && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32330) {
$local_query = 'SHOW OPEN TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
// Blending out tables in use
if ($result != FALSE && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// if in use memorize tablename
if (eregi('in_use=[1-9]+', $tmp[0])) {
$sot_cache[$tmp[0]] = TRUE;
if (isset($sot_cache)) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
if ($result != FALSE && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if (!isset($sot_cache[$tmp[0]])) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . ' LIKE \'' . addslashes($tmp[0]) . '\'';
$sts_result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
$sts_tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($sts_result);
$tables[] = $sts_tmp;
} else { // table in use
$tables[] = array('Name' => $tmp[0]);
$sot_ready = TRUE;
if (!isset($sot_ready)) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url);
if ($result != FALSE && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($sts_tmp = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$tables[] = $sts_tmp;
$num_tables = (isset($tables) ? count($tables) : 0);
} // end if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303)
else {
$result = PMA_mysql_list_tables($db);
$num_tables = ($result) ? @mysql_numrows($result) : 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
$tables[] = PMA_mysql_tablename($result, $i);
* If there is at least one table, displays the printer friendly view, else
* an error message
// 1. No table
if ($num_tables == 0) {
echo $strNoTablesFound;
// 2. Shows table informations on mysql >= 3.23.03 - staybyte - 11 June 2001
else if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) {
<!-- The tables list -->
<table border="<?php echo $cfg['Border']; ?>">
<th> <?php echo $strTable; ?> </th>
<th><?php echo $strRecords; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $strType; ?></th>
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
echo '<th>' . $strSize . '</th>';
echo "\n";
$i = $sum_entries = $sum_size = 0;
while (list($keyname, $sts_data) = each($tables)) {
$table = $sts_data['Name'];
$bgcolor = ($i++ % 2) ? $cfg['BgcolorOne'] : $cfg['BgcolorTwo'];
echo "\n";
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><?php echo htmlspecialchars($table); ?> </b>
echo "\n";
$mergetable = FALSE;
$nonisam = FALSE;
if (isset($sts_data['Type'])) {
if ($sts_data['Type'] == 'MRG_MyISAM') {
$mergetable = TRUE;
} else if (!eregi('ISAM|HEAP', $sts_data['Type'])) {
$nonisam = TRUE;
if (isset($sts_data['Rows'])) {
if ($mergetable == FALSE) {
if ($cfg['ShowStats'] && $nonisam == FALSE) {
$tblsize = $sts_data['Data_length'] + $sts_data['Index_length'];
$sum_size += $tblsize;
if ($tblsize > 0) {
list($formated_size, $unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($tblsize, 3, 1);
} else {
list($formated_size, $unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($tblsize, 3, 0);
} else if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
$formated_size = ' - ';
$unit = '';
$sum_entries += $sts_data['Rows'];
else if ($cfg['ShowStats'] && $mergetable == TRUE) {
$formated_size = ' - ';
$unit = '';
else if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
$formated_size = 'unknown';
$unit = '';
<td align="right" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
echo "\n" . ' ';
if ($mergetable == TRUE) {
echo '<i>' . number_format($sts_data['Rows'], 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator) . '</i>' . "\n";
} else {
echo number_format($sts_data['Rows'], 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator) . "\n";
<td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<?php echo (isset($sts_data['Type']) ? $sts_data['Type'] : ' '); ?>
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
echo "\n";
<td align="right" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
<?php echo $formated_size . ' ' . $unit . "\n"; ?>
echo "\n";
} // end if
} else {
<td colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>">
<?php echo $strInUse . "\n"; ?>
echo "\n";
// Show Summary
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
list($sum_formated, $unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($sum_size, 3, 1);
echo "\n";
<th align="center">
<b><?php echo sprintf($strTables, number_format($num_tables, 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator)); ?></b>
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><?php echo number_format($sum_entries, 0, $number_decimal_separator, $number_thousands_separator); ?></b>
<th align="center">
if ($cfg['ShowStats']) {
echo "\n";
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><?php echo $sum_formated . ' ' . $unit; ?></b>
echo "\n";
} // end case mysql >= 3.23.03
// 3. Shows tables list mysql < 3.23.03
else {
$i = 0;
echo "\n";
<!-- The tables list -->
<table border="<?php echo $cfg['Border']; ?>">
<th> <?php echo $strTable; ?> </th>
<th><?php echo $strRecords; ?></th>
while ($i < $num_tables) {
$bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? $cfg['BgcolorOne'] : $bgcolor = $cfg['BgcolorTwo'];
echo "\n";
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
<b><?php echo htmlspecialchars($tables[$i]); ?> </b>
<td align="right" bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
<?php PMA_countRecords($db, $tables[$i]); ?>
} // end while
echo "\n";
} // end if
* Displays the footer
echo "\n";
@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_search.php,v 1.8 2002/12/02 11:13:46 lem9 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Credits for this script goes to Thomas Chaumeny <chaume92 at>
* Gets some core libraries and send headers
// If config variable $cfg['Usedbsearch'] is on FALSE : exit.
if (!$cfg['UseDbSearch']) {
PMA_mysqlDie($strAccessDenied, '', FALSE, $err_url);
} // end if
$url_query .= '&goto=db_search.php';
* Get the list of tables from the current database
$list_tables = PMA_mysql_list_tables($db);
$num_tables = ($list_tables ? mysql_num_rows($list_tables) : 0);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
$tables[] = PMA_mysql_tablename($list_tables, $i);
if ($num_tables) {
* Displays top links
$sub_part = '';
* 1. Main search form has been submitted
if (isset($submit_search)) {
* Builds the SQL search query
* @param string the table name
* @param string the string to search
* @param integer type of search (1 -> 1 word at least, 2 -> all words,
* 3 -> exact string, 4 -> regexp)
* @return array 3 SQL querys (for count, display and delete results)
* @global string the url to retun to in case of errors
function PMA_getSearchSqls($table, $search_str, $search_option)
global $err_url;
// Statement types
$sqlstr_select = 'SELECT';
$sqlstr_delete = 'DELETE';
// Fields to select
$local_query = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ' FROM ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['db']);
$res = @PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE, $err_url);
$res_cnt = ($res ? mysql_num_rows($res) : 0);
for ($i = 0; $i < $res_cnt; $i++) {
$tblfields[] = PMA_backquote(PMA_mysql_result($res, $i, 'field'));
} // end if
$sqlstr_fieldstoselect = ' ' . implode(', ', $tblfields);
$tblfields_cnt = count($tblfields);
if ($res) {
// Table to use
$sqlstr_from = ' FROM ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['db']) . '.' . PMA_backquote($table);
// Beginning of WHERE clause
$sqlstr_where = ' WHERE';
$search_words = (($search_option > 2) ? array($search_str) : explode(' ', $search_str));
$search_wds_cnt = count($search_words);
$like_or_regex = (($search_option == 4) ? 'REGEXP' : 'LIKE');
$automatic_wildcard = (($search_option <3) ? '%' : '');
for ($i = 0; $i < $search_wds_cnt; $i++) {
// Elimines empty values
if (!empty($search_words[$i])) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $tblfields_cnt; $j++) {
$thefieldlikevalue[] = $tblfields[$j]
. ' ' . $like_or_regex
. ' \''
. $automatic_wildcard
. $search_words[$i]
. $automatic_wildcard . '\'';
} // end for
$fieldslikevalues[] = ($search_wds_cnt > 1)
? '(' . implode(' OR ', $thefieldlikevalue) . ')'
: implode(' OR ', $thefieldlikevalue);
} // end if
} // end for
$implode_str = ($search_option == 1 ? ' OR ' : ' AND ');
$sqlstr_where .= ' ' . implode($implode_str, $fieldslikevalues);
// Builds complete queries
$sql['select_fields'] = $sqlstr_select . $sqlstr_fieldstoselect . $sqlstr_from . $sqlstr_where;
$sql['select_count'] = $sqlstr_select . ' COUNT(*) AS count' . $sqlstr_from . $sqlstr_where;
$sql['delete'] = $sqlstr_delete . $sqlstr_from . $sqlstr_where;
return $sql;
} // end of the "PMA_getSearchSqls()" function
* Strip slashes if necessary
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$search_str = stripslashes($search_str);
if (isset($table)) {
$table = stripslashes($table);
else if (isset($table_select)) {
$table_select_cnt = count($table_select);
for ($i = 0; $i < $table_select_cnt; $i++) {
$table_select[$i] = stripslashes($table_select[$i]);
} // end for
} // end if... else if...
} // end if
* Displays the results
if (!empty($search_str) && !empty($search_option)) {
$original_search_str = $search_str;
$search_str = PMA_sqlAddslashes($search_str, TRUE);
// Get the true string to display as option's comment
switch ($search_option) {
case 1:
$option_str = ' (' . $strSearchOption1 . ')';
case 2:
$option_str = ' (' . $strSearchOption2 . ')';
case 3:
$option_str = ' (' . $strSearchOption3 . ')';
case 4:
$option_str = ' (' . $strSearchOption4 . ')';
} // end switch
// If $table is defined or if there is only one table in $table_select
// set $onetable to the table's name (display is different if there is
// only one table).
// Recall:
// $tables is an array with all tables in database $db
// $num_tables is the size of $tables
if (isset($table)) {
$onetable = $table;
else if (isset($table_select)) {
$num_selectedtables = count($table_select);
if ($num_selectedtables == 1) {
$onetable = $table_select[0];
else if ($num_tables == 1) {
$onetable = $tables[0];
else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
$table_select[] = $tables[$i];
$num_selectedtables = $num_tables;
} // end if... else if... else
<br />
$url_sql_query = 'lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. '&goto=db_details.php'
. '&db=' . urlencode($db)
// . '&table=' . urlencode($table)
. '&pos=0'
. '&is_js_confirmed=0';
// Only one table defined in an variable $onetable
if (isset($onetable)) {
// Displays search string
echo ' ' . sprintf($strSearchResultsFor, htmlspecialchars($original_search_str), $option_str) . "\n";
echo ' <br />' . "\n";
// Gets the SQL statements
$newsearchsqls = PMA_getSearchSqls($onetable, $search_str, $search_option);
// Executes the "COUNT" statement
$local_query = $newsearchsqls['select_count'];
$res = @PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE, $err_url);
if ($res) {
$res_cnt = PMA_mysql_result($res, 0, 'count');
} else {
$res_cnt = 0;
} // end if... else ...
$num_search_result_total = $res_cnt;
echo ' <!-- Search results in table ' . $onetable . ' (' . $res_cnt . ') -->' . "\n"
. ' <br />' . "\n"
. ' ' . sprintf($strNumSearchResultsInTable, $res_cnt, htmlspecialchars($onetable)) . "\n";
if ($res_cnt > 0) {
echo ' <a href="sql.php?' . $url_sql_query
. '&sql_query=' .urlencode($newsearchsqls['select_fields'])
. '">' . $strBrowse . '</a>' . "\n";
echo ' <a href="sql.php?' . $url_sql_query
. '&sql_query=' .urlencode($newsearchsqls['delete'])
. '">' . $strDelete . '</a>' . "\n";
} // end if
} // end only one table
// Several tables defined in the array $table_select
else if (isset($table_select)) {
// Displays search string
echo ' ' . sprintf($strSearchResultsFor, htmlspecialchars($original_search_str), $option_str) . "\n";
echo ' <ul>' . "\n";
$num_search_result_total = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_selectedtables; $i++) {
// Gets the SQL statements
$newsearchsqls = PMA_getSearchSqls($table_select[$i], $search_str, $search_option);
// Executes the "COUNT" statement
$local_query = $newsearchsqls['select_count'];
$res = @PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE, $err_url);
if ($res) {
$res_cnt = PMA_mysql_result($res, 0, 'count');
} else {
$res_cnt = 0;
} // end if... else ...
$num_search_result_total += $res_cnt;
echo ' <!-- Search results in table ' . $table_select[$i] . ' (' . $res_cnt . ') -->' . "\n"
. ' <li>' . "\n"
. ' ' . sprintf($strNumSearchResultsInTable, $res_cnt, htmlspecialchars($table_select[$i])) . "\n";
if ($res_cnt > 0) {
echo ' <a href="sql.php?' . $url_sql_query
. '&sql_query=' .urlencode($newsearchsqls['select_fields'])
. '">' . $strBrowse . '</a>' . "\n";
echo ' <a href="sql.php?' . $url_sql_query
. '&sql_query=' .urlencode($newsearchsqls['delete'])
. '">' . $strDelete . '</a>' . "\n";
} // end if
echo ' </li>' . "\n";
} // end for
echo ' </ul>' . "\n";
echo ' <p>' . sprintf($strNumSearchResultsTotal, $num_search_result_total) . '</p>' . "\n";
} // end several tables
echo "\n";
<hr width="100%">
} // end if (!empty($search_str) && !empty($search_option))
} // end 1.
* 2. Displays the main search form
echo "\n";
$searched = (isset($original_search_str))
? htmlspecialchars($original_search_str)
: '';
if (empty($search_option)) {
$search_option = 1;
<!-- Display search form -->
<p align="center">
<b><?php echo $strSearchFormTitle; ?></b>
<a name="db_search"></a>
<form method="post" action="db_search.php" name="db_search">
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="convcharset" value="<?php echo $convcharset; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="db" value="<?php echo $db; ?>" />
<?php echo $strSearchNeedle; ?>
<input type="text" name="search_str" size="30" value="<?php echo $searched; ?>" />
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td valign="top">
<?php echo $strSearchType; ?>
<input type="radio" id="search_option_1" name="search_option" value="1"<?php if ($search_option == 1) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> />
<label for="search_option_1"><?php echo $strSearchOption1; ?></label> *<br />
<input type="radio" id="search_option_2" name="search_option" value="2"<?php if ($search_option == 2) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> />
<label for="search_option_2"><?php echo $strSearchOption2; ?></label> *<br />
<input type="radio" id="search_option_3" name="search_option" value="3"<?php if ($search_option == 3) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> />
<label for="search_option_3"><?php echo $strSearchOption3; ?></label><br />
<input type="radio" id="search_option_4" name="search_option" value="4"<?php if ($search_option == 4) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> />
<label for="search_option_4"><?php echo $strSearchOption4 . '</label> ' . PMA_showMySQLDocu('Regexp', 'Regexp'); ?><br />
<br />
* <?php echo $strSplitWordsWithSpace . "\n"; ?>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td valign="top">
<?php echo $strSearchInTables; ?>
if ($num_tables > 1) {
$i = 0;
echo ' <select name="table_select[]" size="6" multiple="multiple">' . "\n";
while ($i < $num_tables) {
if (!empty($unselectall)) {
$is_selected = '';
else if ((isset($table_select) && PMA_isInto($tables[$i], $table_select) != -1)
|| (!empty($selectall))
|| (isset($onetable) && $onetable == $tables[$i])) {
$is_selected = ' selected="selected"';
else {
$is_selected = '';
echo ' <option value="' . htmlspecialchars($tables[$i]) . '"' . $is_selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($tables[$i]) . '</option>' . "\n";
} // end while
echo ' </select>' . "\n";
<br />
<a href="db_search.php?<?php echo $url_query; ?>&selectall=1#db_search" onclick="setSelectOptions('db_search', 'table_select[]', true); return false;"><?php echo $strSelectAll; ?></a>
<a href="db_search.php?<?php echo $url_query; ?>&unselectall=1#db_search" onclick="setSelectOptions('db_search', 'table_select[]', false); return false;"><?php echo $strUnselectAll; ?></a>
else {
echo "\n";
echo ' ' . htmlspecialchars($tables[0]) . "\n";
echo ' <input type="hidden" name="table" value="' . htmlspecialchars($tables[0]) . '" />' . "\n";
} // end if... else...
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit_search" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" /></td>
* Displays the footer
echo "\n";
@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: db_stats.php,v 1.45 2002/11/28 09:15:47 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets the variables sent to this script and send headers
$js_to_run = 'functions.js';
* Ensures the current user is super-user
if (!@PMA_mysql_query('USE mysql', $userlink)) {
echo '<p><b>' . $strError . '</b></p>' . "\n";
echo '<p> ' . $strNoRights . '</p>' . "\n";
} // end if
* Drop databases if required
if ((!empty($submit_mult) && isset($selected_db))
|| isset($mult_btn)) {
$err_url = 'db_stats.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server;
$action = 'db_stats.php';
$show_query = '1';
* Sorts the databases array according to the user's choice
* @param array a record associated to a database
* @param array a record associated to a database
* @return integer a value representing whether $a should be before $b in the
* sorted array or not
* @global mixed the array to sort
* @global mixed 'key' if the table has to be sorted by key, the column
* number to use to sort the array else
* @access private
function PMA_dbCmp($a, $b)
global $dbs_array;
global $col;
$is_asc = ($GLOBALS['sort_order'] == 'asc');
// Sort by key (the db names) if required
if (!is_int($col) && $col == 'key') {
return (($is_asc) ? strcasecmp($a, $b) : -strcasecmp($a, $b));
// Sort by key (the db names) in ascending order if the columns' values are
// the same
else if ($dbs_array[$a][$col] == $dbs_array[$b][$col]) {
return strcasecmp($a, $b);
// Other cases
else {
$tmp = (($dbs_array[$a][$col] < $dbs_array[$b][$col]) ? -1 : 1);
return (($is_asc) ? $tmp : -$tmp);
} // end of the 'PMA_dbCmp()' function
* Get the list and number of available databases.
* Skipped if no server selected: in this case no database should be displayed
* before the user choose among available ones at the welcome screen.
if ($server > 0) {
// Get the valid databases list
$num_dbs = count($dblist);
$dbs = @mysql_list_dbs() or PMA_mysqlDie('', 'mysql_list_dbs()', '', 'main.php?lang' . $lang . '&server=' . $server);
if ($dbs) {
while ($a_db = PMA_mysql_fetch_object($dbs)) {
if (!$num_dbs) {
$dblist[] = $a_db->Database;
} else {
$true_dblist[$a_db->Database] = '';
} // end while
} // end if
if ($num_dbs && empty($true_dblist)) {
$dblist = array();
} else if ($num_dbs) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_dbs; $i++) {
if (isset($true_dblist[$dblist[$i]])) {
$dblist_valid[] = $dblist[$i];
if (isset($dblist_valid)) {
$dblist = $dblist_valid;
} else {
$dblist = array();
// Get the valid databases count
$num_dbs = count($dblist);
} else {
$num_dbs = 0;
* Displays the page
<h1 align="center">
<?php echo $strDatabasesStats; ?>
<table align="center" border="<?php echo $cfg['Border']; ?>" cellpadding="5">
<th align="<?php echo $cell_align_left; ?>"><big><?php echo $strHost . ' :'; ?></big></th>
<th align="<?php echo $cell_align_left; ?>"><big><?php echo $cfg['Server']['host']; ?></big></th>
<th align="<?php echo $cell_align_left; ?>"><big><?php echo $strGenTime . ' :'; ?></big></th>
<th align="<?php echo $cell_align_left; ?>"><big><?php echo PMA_localisedDate(); ?></big></th>
<br /><br />
* At least one db -> do the work
if ($num_dbs > 0) {
// Defines the urls used to sort the table
$common_url = 'db_stats.php?lang=' . $lang . '&convcharset=' . $convcharset . '&server=' . $server;
if (empty($sort_by)) {
$sort_by = 'db_name';
$sort_order = 'asc';
else if (empty($sort_order)) {
$sort_order = (($sort_by == 'db_name') ? 'asc' : 'desc');
$img_tag = ' ' . "\n"
. ' '
. '<img src="./images/' . $sort_order . '_order.gif" border="0" width="7" height="7"'
. ' alt="' . (($sort_order == 'asc') ? $strAscending : $strDescending) . '"'
. ' title="' . (($sort_order == 'asc') ? $strAscending : $strDescending) . '" />';
// Default order is ascending for db name, descending for sizes
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$url_sort[$i]['order'] = (($i == 0) ? 'asc' : 'desc');
$url_sort[$i]['img_tag'] = '';
if ($sort_by == 'db_name') {
$url_sort[0]['order'] = (($sort_order == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc');
$url_sort[0]['img_tag'] = $img_tag;
$col = 'key'; // used in 'PMA_dbCmp()'
} else if ($sort_by == 'tbl_cnt') {
$url_sort[1]['order'] = (($sort_order == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc');
$url_sort[1]['img_tag'] = $img_tag;
$col = 0;
} else if ($sort_by == 'data_sz') {
$url_sort[2]['order'] = (($sort_order == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc');
$url_sort[2]['img_tag'] = $img_tag;
$col = 1;
} else if ($sort_by == 'idx_sz') {
$url_sort[3]['order'] = (($sort_order == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc');
$url_sort[3]['img_tag'] = $img_tag;
$col = 2;
} else {
$url_sort[4]['order'] = (($sort_order == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc');
$url_sort[4]['img_tag'] = $img_tag;
$col = 3;
<form action="db_stats.php" name="dbStatsForm">
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="convcharset" value="<?php echo $convcharset; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server" value="<?php echo $server; ?>" />
<table align="center" border="<?php echo $cfg['Border']; ?>">
<th> </th>
<a href="<?php echo $common_url . '&sort_by=db_name&sort_order=' . $url_sort[0]['order']; ?>">
<?php echo $strDatabase . $url_sort[0]['img_tag']; ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $common_url . '&sort_by=tbl_cnt&sort_order=' . $url_sort[1]['order']; ?>">
<?php echo $strNumTables . $url_sort[1]['img_tag']; ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $common_url . '&sort_by=data_sz&sort_order=' . $url_sort[2]['order']; ?>">
<?php echo $strData . $url_sort[2]['img_tag']; ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $common_url . '&sort_by=idx_sz&sort_order=' . $url_sort[3]['order']; ?>">
<?php echo $strIndexes . $url_sort[3]['img_tag']; ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $common_url . '&sort_by=tot_sz&sort_order=' . $url_sort[4]['order']; ?>">
<?php echo $strTotalUC . $url_sort[4]['img_tag']; ?></a>
echo "\n";
$total_array[0] = 0; // number of tables
$total_array[1] = 0; // total data size
$total_array[2] = 0; // total index size
$total_array[3] = 0; // big total size
// Gets the tables stats per database
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_dbs; $i++) {
$db = $dblist[$i];
$tables = @PMA_mysql_list_tables($db);
// Number of tables
if ($tables) {
$dbs_array[$db][0] = mysql_numrows($tables);
} else {
$dbs_array[$db][0] = 0;
$total_array[0] += $dbs_array[$db][0];
// Size of data and indexes
$dbs_array[$db][1] = 0; // data size column
$dbs_array[$db][2] = 0; // index size column
$dbs_array[$db][3] = 0; // full size column
if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32303) {
$local_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
$result = @PMA_mysql_query($local_query);
// needs the "@" below otherwise, warnings in case of special DB names
if ($result && @mysql_num_rows($result)) {
while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$dbs_array[$db][1] += $row['Data_length'];
$dbs_array[$db][2] += $row['Index_length'];
$dbs_array[$db][3] = $dbs_array[$db][1] + $dbs_array[$db][2];
$total_array[1] += $dbs_array[$db][1];
$total_array[2] += $dbs_array[$db][2];
$total_array[3] += $dbs_array[$db][3];
} // end if
} // end if MySQL 3.23.03+
} // end for
// Sorts the dbs arrays
uksort($dbs_array, 'PMA_dbCmp');
// Check/unchek all databases url
$checkall_url = 'db_stats.php'
. '?lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. (empty($sort_by) ? '' : '&sort_by=' . $sort_by)
. (empty($sort_order) ? '' : '&sort_order=' . $sort_order);
$do_check = (empty($checkall))
? ''
: ' checked="checked"';
// Displays the tables stats per database
$i = 0;
while (list($db_name, $db_prop) = each($dbs_array)) {
$bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? $cfg['BgcolorOne'] : $cfg['BgcolorTwo'];
list($data_size, $data_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($dbs_array[$db_name][1], 3, 1);
list($idx_size, $idx_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($dbs_array[$db_name][2], 3, 1);
list($tot_size, $tot_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($dbs_array[$db_name][3], 3, 1);
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <td align="center" bgcolor="'. $bgcolor . '">' . "\n";
echo ' <input type="checkbox" name="selected_db[]" value="' . urlencode($db_name) . '"' . $do_check . ' /> ' . "\n";
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' <td bgcolor="'. $bgcolor . '"> <a href="index.php?lang=' . $lang . '&convcharset=' . $convcharset . '&server=' . $server . '&db=' . urlencode($db_name) . '" target="_parent">' . htmlspecialchars($db_name) . '</a> </td>' . "\n";
echo ' <td align="right" bgcolor="'. $bgcolor . '"> ' . $dbs_array[$db_name][0] . ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' <td align="right" bgcolor="'. $bgcolor . '"> ' . $data_size . '<bdo dir="' . $text_dir . '"> </bdo>' . $data_unit . ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' <td align="right" bgcolor="'. $bgcolor . '"> ' . $idx_size . '<bdo dir="' . $text_dir . '"> </bdo>' . $idx_unit . ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' <td align="right" bgcolor="'. $bgcolor . '"> <b>' . $tot_size . '<bdo dir="' . $text_dir . '"> </bdo>' . $tot_unit . '</b> </td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
} // end while
// Displays the server stats
list($data_size, $data_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($total_array[1], 3, 1);
list($idx_size, $idx_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($total_array[2], 3, 1);
list($tot_size, $tot_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($total_array[3], 3, 1);
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <th> </th>' . "\n";
echo ' <th> ' . $strSum . ': ' . $num_dbs . '</th>' . "\n";
echo ' <th align="right"> ' . $total_array[0] . ' </th>' . "\n";
echo ' <th align="right"> ' . $data_size . '<bdo dir="' . $text_dir . '"> </bdo>' . $data_unit . ' </th>' . "\n";
echo ' <th align="right"> ' . $idx_size . '<bdo dir="' . $text_dir . '"> </bdo>' . $idx_unit . ' </th>' . "\n";
echo ' <th align="right"> <b>' . $tot_size . '<bdo dir="' . $text_dir . '"> </bdo>' . $tot_unit . '</b> </th>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n\n";
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <td colspan="6">' . "\n";
echo ' <img src="./images/arrow_' . $text_dir . '.gif" border="0" width="38" height="22" alt="' . $strWithChecked . '" />' . "\n";
echo ' <a href="' . $checkall_url . '&checkall=1" onclick="setCheckboxes(\'dbStatsForm\', true); return false;">' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $strCheckAll . '</a>' . "\n";
echo ' / ' . "\n";
echo ' <a href="' . $checkall_url . '" onclick="setCheckboxes(\'dbStatsForm\', false); return false;">' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $strUncheckAll . '</a>' . "\n";
echo ' ' . "\n";
echo ' <i>' . $strWithChecked . '</i> <input type="submit" name="submit_mult" value="' . $strDrop . '" />' . "\n";
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
echo ' </table>' . "\n\n";
echo '</form>' . "\n";
} // end if ($num_dbs > 0)
* No database case
else {
<p align="center"><big> <?php echo $strNoDatabases; ?></big></p>
} // end if ($num_dbs == 0)
echo "\n";
* Displays the footer
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.17 2002/10/23 04:17:42 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
// In this file you may add PHP or HTML statements that will be used to define
// the footer for phpMyAdmin pages.
* Close MySql non-persistent connections
if (isset($GLOBALS['dbh']) && $GLOBALS['dbh']) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink']) && $GLOBALS['userlink']) {
* Sends bufferized data
if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['OBGzip']) && $GLOBALS['cfg']['OBGzip']
&& isset($GLOBALS['ob_mode']) && $GLOBALS['ob_mode']) {
@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.80 2002/11/19 14:09:38 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets a core script and starts output buffering work
if (!defined('PMA_COMMON_LIB_INCLUDED')) {
if (!defined('PMA_OB_LIB_INCLUDED')) {
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['OBGzip']) {
$GLOBALS['ob_mode'] = PMA_outBufferModeGet();
if ($GLOBALS['ob_mode']) {
* Sends http headers
// Don't use cache (required for Opera)
$GLOBALS['now'] = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT';
header('Expires: ' . $GLOBALS['now']); // rfc2616 - Section 14.21
header('Last-Modified: ' . $GLOBALS['now']);
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); // HTTP/1.1
header('Pragma: no-cache'); // HTTP/1.0
// Define the charset to be used
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $GLOBALS['charset']);
* Sends the beginning of the html page then returns to the calling script
// Gets the font sizes to use
// Defines the cell alignment values depending on text direction
if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] == 'ltr') {
$GLOBALS['cell_align_left'] = 'left';
$GLOBALS['cell_align_right'] = 'right';
} else {
$GLOBALS['cell_align_left'] = 'right';
$GLOBALS['cell_align_right'] = 'left';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php echo $GLOBALS['available_languages'][$GLOBALS['lang']][2]; ?>" lang="<?php echo $GLOBALS['available_languages'][$GLOBALS['lang']][2]; ?>" dir="<?php echo $GLOBALS['text_dir']; ?>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $GLOBALS['charset']; ?>" />
if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['PmaAbsoluteUri'])) {
echo '<base href="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . '" />' . "\n";
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>;
font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>;
color: #000000;
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RightBgImage'] == '') {
echo ' background-image: url(\'./images/vertical_line.gif\');' . "\n"
. ' background-repeat: repeat-y;' . "\n";
} else {
echo ' background-image: url(\'' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['RightBgImage'] . '\');' . "\n";
} // end if... else...
background-color: <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['RightBgColor'] . "\n"; ?>
pre, tt {font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>}
th {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; background-color: <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['ThBgcolor']; ?>}
td {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>}
form {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>}
input {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>}
input.textfield {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF}
select {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF}
textarea {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF}
h1 {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_bigger; ?>; font-weight: bold}
a:link {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; text-decoration: none; color: #0000FF}
a:visited {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; text-decoration: none; color: #0000FF}
a:hover {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; text-decoration: underline; color: #FF0000}
a.nav:link {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; color: #000000}
a.nav:visited {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; color: #000000}
a.nav:hover {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; color: #FF0000}
a.h1:link {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_bigger; ?>; font-weight: bold; color: #000000}
a.h1:visited {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_bigger; ?>; font-weight: bold; color: #000000}
a.h1:hover {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_bigger; ?>; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000}
a.drop:link {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; color: #ff0000}
a.drop:visited {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; color: #ff0000}
a.drop:hover {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; color: #ffffff; background-color:#ff0000; text-decoration: none}
.nav {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; color: #000000}
.warning {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000}
td.topline {font-size: 1px}
|||| {
border-top: 1px solid #999;
border-right: 1px solid #666;
border-left: 1px solid #999;
border-bottom: none;
border-radius: 2px;
-moz-border-radius: 2px;
table.tabs {
border-top: none;
border-right: none;
border-left: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
.syntax {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: <?php echo $font_smaller; ?>;}
.syntax_comment {}
.syntax_digit {}
.syntax_digit_hex {}
.syntax_digit_integer {}
.syntax_digit_float {}
.syntax_punct {}
.syntax_alpha {text-transform: lowercase;}
.syntax_alpha_columnType {text-transform: uppercase;}
.syntax_alpha_columnAttrib {text-transform: uppercase;}
.syntax_alpha_reservedWord {text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold;}
.syntax_alpha_functionName {text-transform: uppercase;}
.syntax_alpha_identifier {}
.syntax_alpha_variable {}
.syntax_quote {}
.syntax_quote_backtick {}
echo PMA_SQP_buildCssData();
$title = '';
if (isset($GLOBALS['db'])) {
$title .= str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['db']);
if (isset($GLOBALS['table'])) {
$title .= (empty($title) ? '' : '.') . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['table']);
if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']) && isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host'])) {
$title .= (empty($title) ? 'phpMyAdmin ' : ' ')
. sprintf($GLOBALS['strRunning'], (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose']) ? str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host']) : str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose'])));
$title .= (empty($title) ? '' : ' - ') . 'phpMyAdmin ' . PMA_VERSION;
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// Updates the title of the frameset if possible (ns4 does not allow this)
if (typeof(parent.document) != 'undefined' && typeof(parent.document) != 'unknown'
&& typeof(parent.document.title) == 'string') {
parent.document.title = '<?php echo $title; ?>';
// Add some javascript instructions if required
if (isset($js_to_run) && $js_to_run == 'functions.js') {
echo "\n";
// js form validation stuff
var errorMsg0 = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strFormEmpty']); ?>';
var errorMsg1 = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strNotNumber']); ?>';
var errorMsg2 = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strNotValidNumber']); ?>';
var noDropDbMsg = '<?php echo((!$GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowUserDropDatabase']) ? str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strNoDropDatabases']) : ''); ?>';
var confirmMsg = '<?php echo(($GLOBALS['cfg']['Confirm']) ? str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strDoYouReally']) : ''); ?>';
<script src="libraries/functions.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
} else if (isset($js_to_run) && $js_to_run == 'user_details.js') {
echo "\n";
// js form validation stuff
var jsHostEmpty = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strHostEmpty']); ?>';
var jsUserEmpty = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strUserEmpty']); ?>';
var jsPasswordEmpty = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strPasswordEmpty']); ?>';
var jsPasswordNotSame = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strPasswordNotSame']); ?>';
<script src="libraries/user_details.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
} else if (isset($js_to_run) && $js_to_run == 'indexes.js') {
echo "\n";
// js index validation stuff
var errorMsg0 = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strFormEmpty']); ?>';
var errorMsg1 = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strNotNumber']); ?>';
var errorMsg2 = '<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $GLOBALS['strNotValidNumber']); ?>';
<script src="libraries/indexes.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
} else if (isset($js_to_run) && $js_to_run == 'tbl_change.js') {
echo "\n";
<script src="libraries/tbl_change.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
} else {
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RightBgImage'] != '') {
$bkg_img = ' background="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['RightBgImage'] . '"';
} else {
$bkg_img = '';
<body bgcolor="<?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['RightBgColor'] . '"' . $bkg_img; ?>>
if (isset($GLOBALS['db'])) {
$header_url_qry = '?lang=' . urlencode($GLOBALS['lang'])
. '&convcharset=' . $GLOBALS['convcharset']
. '&server=' . $GLOBALS['server'];
echo '<h1>' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $GLOBALS['strDatabase'] . ' <i><a class="h1" href="db_details.php' . $header_url_qry . '&db=' . urlencode($GLOBALS['db']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['db']) . '</a></i>' . "\n";
if (!empty($GLOBALS['table'])) {
echo ' - ' . $GLOBALS['strTable'] . ' <i><a class="h1" href="tbl_properties.php' . $header_url_qry . '&db=' . urlencode($GLOBALS['db']) . '&table=' . urlencode($GLOBALS['table']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['table']) . '</a></i>' . "\n";
echo ' ' . sprintf($GLOBALS['strRunning'], ' <i>' . (($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose']) ? htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose']) : $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host']) . '</i>') . "\n";
echo '</h1>' . "\n";
echo "\n";
* Sets a variable to remember headers have been sent
$GLOBALS['is_header_sent'] = TRUE;
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.5 2002/10/23 04:17:43 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets a core script and starts output buffering work
if ($cfg['OBGzip']) {
$ob_mode = PMA_outBufferModeGet();
if ($ob_mode) {
* Sends http headers
// Don't use cache (required for Opera)
$now = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT';
header('Expires: ' . $now); // rfc2616 - Section 14.21
header('Last-Modified: ' . $now);
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); // HTTP/1.1
header('Pragma: no-cache'); // HTTP/1.0
// Define the charset to be used
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset);
* Sends the beginning of the html page then returns to the calling script
// Gets the font sizes to use
// Defines the cell alignment values depending on text direction
if ($text_dir == 'ltr') {
$cell_align_left = 'left';
$cell_align_right = 'right';
} else {
$cell_align_left = 'right';
$cell_align_right = 'left';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php echo $available_languages[$lang][2]; ?>" lang="<?php echo $available_languages[$lang][2]; ?>" dir="<?php echo $text_dir; ?>">
<title><?php echo $strSQLResult; ?> - phpMyAdmin <?php echo PMA_VERSION ?></title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $charset; ?>" />
<style type="text/css">
body {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff}
h1 {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_bigger; ?>; font-weight: bold}
table {border-width:1px; border-color:#000000; border-style:solid; border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0}
th {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; border-width:1px; border-color:#000000; border-style:solid; padding:2px}
td {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; border-width:1px; border-color:#000000; border-style:solid; padding:2px}
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1><?php echo $strSQLResult; ?></h1>
<b><?php echo $strHost; ?>:</b> <?php echo $cfg['Server']['host'] . ((!empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) ? ':' . $cfg['Server']['port'] : ''); ?><br />
<b><?php echo $strDatabase; ?>:</b> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?><br />
<b><?php echo $strGenTime; ?>:</b> <?php echo PMA_localisedDate(); ?><br />
<b><?php echo $strGenBy; ?>:</b> phpMyAdmin <?php echo PMA_VERSION; ?><br />
<b><?php echo $strSQLQuery; ?>:</b> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($full_sql_query); ?>;
* Sets a variable to remember headers have been sent
$is_header_sent = TRUE;
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
/arrow_ltr.gif/1.1/Sat Nov 10 13:13:35 2001/-kb/
/arrow_rtl.gif/1.1/Sat Nov 10 13:13:35 2001/-kb/
/asc_order.gif/1.1/Wed Aug 8 14:29:49 2001/-kb/
/browse.gif/1.3/Mon Jun 18 07:04:05 2001/-kb/
/desc_order.gif/1.1/Wed Aug 8 14:29:49 2001/-kb/
/fulltext.png/1.1/Wed Sep 5 19:25:10 2001/-kb/
/item_ltr.gif/1.1/Sat Nov 10 13:13:35 2001/-kb/
/item_rtl.gif/1.1/Sat Nov 10 13:13:35 2001/-kb/
/minus.gif/1.3/Mon Jun 18 07:04:05 2001/-kb/
/partialtext.png/1.1/Wed Sep 5 19:25:10 2001/-kb/
/plus.gif/1.3/Mon Jun 18 07:04:05 2001/-kb/
/pma_logo.png/1.1/Wed Aug 21 14:41:30 2002/-kb/
/spacer.gif/1.4/Sun Jul 1 09:13:31 2001/-kb/
/vertical_line.gif/1.1/Sun May 26 14:16:43 2002/-kb/
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 88 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 91 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 842 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 276 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 843 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 224 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 102 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 102 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 56 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 225 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 59 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 42 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 801 B |
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: index.php,v 1.35 2002/10/23 04:17:43 robbat2 Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Gets core libraries and defines some variables
// Gets the default font sizes
// Gets the host name
// loic1 - 2001/25/11: use the new globals arrays defined with php 4.1+
if (empty($HTTP_HOST)) {
if (!empty($_ENV) && isset($_ENV['HTTP_HOST'])) {
else if (!empty($HTTP_ENV_VARS) && isset($HTTP_ENV_VARS['HTTP_HOST'])) {
else if (@getenv('HTTP_HOST')) {
$HTTP_HOST = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
else {
$HTTP_HOST = '';
* Defines the frameset
// loic1: If left light mode -> urldecode the db name
if (isset($lightm_db)) {
$db = urldecode($lightm_db);
$url_query = 'lang=' . $lang
. '&convcharset=' . $convcharset
. '&server=' . $server
. (empty($db) ? '' : '&db=' . urlencode($db));
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $GLOBALS['charset']);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php echo $available_languages[$lang][2]; ?>" lang="<?php echo $available_languages[$lang][2]; ?>" dir="<?php echo $text_dir; ?>">
<title>phpMyAdmin <?php echo PMA_VERSION; ?> - <?php echo $HTTP_HOST; ?></title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $GLOBALS['charset']; ?>" />
<style type="text/css">
body {font-family: <?php echo $right_font_family; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $font_size; ?>}
<frameset cols="<?php echo $cfg['LeftWidth']; ?>,*" rows="*">
<frame src="left.php?<?php echo $url_query; ?>" name="nav" frameborder="1" />
<frame src="<?php echo (empty($db)) ? 'main.php' : $cfg['DefaultTabDatabase']; ?>?<?php echo $url_query; ?>" name="phpmain" />
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p><?php echo $strNoFrames; ?></p>
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
/ Aug 10 04:19:33 2002//
/ Aug 10 04:19:33 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:17 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:18 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:18 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:18 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:18 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:18 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:19 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:19 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:20 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:20 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:20 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:20 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:20 2002//
/ Aug 10 04:19:06 2002//
/ Nov 29 14:58:56 2002//
/ Nov 29 14:58:57 2002//
/ Nov 29 14:58:58 2002//
/ Nov 29 14:59:00 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:24 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:24 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:25 2002//
/ Nov 29 15:28:54 2002//
/ Nov 29 15:28:55 2002//
/ Nov 29 15:28:56 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:26 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:26 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:26 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:27 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:27 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:27 2002//
/ Dec 3 22:29:03 2002//
/ Dec 3 22:29:03 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:28 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:28 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:28 2002//
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/ Nov 28 09:15:29 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:29 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:29 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:30 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:30 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:30 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:30 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:30 2002//
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/ Nov 28 09:15:31 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:31 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:31 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:31 2002//
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/ Nov 29 14:13:15 2002//
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/ Dec 2 11:21:41 2002//
/ Dec 2 11:21:42 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:35 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:35 2002//
/ Dec 3 21:26:26 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:36 2002//
/ Nov 28 09:15:36 2002//
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/ Aug 10 04:19:33 2002//
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/ Nov 28 09:15:43 2002//
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# $Id:,v 1.5 2002/08/10 04:19:33 robbat2 Exp $
# Shell script that adds a message to all message files (Lem9)
# Example: '$strNewMessage' 'new message contents'
for file in *.inc.php3
echo $file " "
grep -v '?>' ${file} > ${file}.new
echo "$1 = '"$2"'; //to translate" >> ${file}.new
echo "?>" >> ${file}.new
rm $file
mv ${file}.new $file
echo " "
echo "Message added to add message files (including english)"
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# $Id:,v 1.4 2002/08/10 04:19:33 robbat2 Exp $
# Shell script that adds a message file to all message files
# adding "//to translate" on each line
# Example: xxx
for file in *.inc.php3
echo $file " "
grep -v '?>' ${file} > ${file}.new
sed 's/;/;\/\/to translate/' <$1 >> ${file}.new
echo "?>" >> ${file}.new
rm $file
mv ${file}.new $file
echo " "
echo "Messages added to add message files (including english)"
@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.25 2002/11/28 09:15:17 rabus Exp $ */
translated by Andreas Pauley <>
Dit lyk nogal snaaks in Afrikaans ;-).
Laat weet my asb. as jy aan beter taalgebruik kan dink.
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('So', 'Ma', 'Di', 'Wo', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mei', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Des');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAccessDenied = 'Toegang Geweier';
$strAction = 'Aksie';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Voeg By/Verwyder Veld Kolomme';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Voeg By/Verwyder Kriteria Ry';
$strAddNewField = 'Voeg \'n nuwe veld by';
$strAddPriv = 'Voeg nuwe regte by';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Jy het nuwe regte bygevoeg';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Voeg soek kriteria by (laaste deel van die "where" in SQL SELECT):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Voeg by indeks %s kolom(me)';
$strAddUser = 'Voeg \'n nuwe gebruiker by';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Jy het \'n nuwe gebruiker bygevoeg.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Geaffekteerde rye:';
$strAfter = 'Na %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Terug na vorige bladsy';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Voeg \'n nuwe ry by';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'vertoon alle tabelle met dieselfde wydte?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Verander tabel sorteer volgens';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analiseer tabel';
$strAnd = 'En';
$strAnIndex = '\'n Indeks is bygevoeg op %s';
$strAny = 'Enige';
$strAnyColumn = 'Enige Kolom';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Enige databasis';
$strAnyHost = 'Enige gasheer (host)';
$strAnyTable = 'Enige tabel';
$strAnyUser = 'Enige gebruiker';
$strAPrimaryKey = '\'n primere sleutel is bygevoeg op %s';
$strAscending = 'Dalend';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'By Begin van Tabel';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'By Einde van Tabel';
$strAttr = 'Kenmerke';
$strBack = 'Terug';
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN UITKNIPSEL';
$strBinary = 'Biner';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Biner - moenie verander nie';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Die boekmerk is verwyder.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiket';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Geboekmerkde SQL-stelling';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Boekmerk hierdie SQL-stelling';
$strBookmarkView = 'Kyk slegs';
$strBrowse = 'Beloer Data';
$strBzip = '"ge-bzip"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'kan ongelukkig nie die MySQL module laai nie, <br />kyk asb. na die PHP opstelling.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Kan nie iconv laai nie, of "recode" ekstensie word benodig vir die karakterstel omskakeling, stel PHP op om hierdie ekstensies toe te laat of verwyder karakterstel omskakeling in phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kannie die indeks hernoem na PRIMARY!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Kan nie iconv, libiconv of recode_string funksie gebruik terwyl die extensie homself as gelaai rapporteer nie. Kyk na jou PHP opstelling.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
$strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Verander';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Kies \'n Veld om te vertoon';
$strChangePassword = 'Verander wagwoord';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Karakterstel van die leer:';
$strCheckAll = 'Kies Alles';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Kontroleer Databasis Regte';
$strCheckTable = 'Kontroleer tabel';
$strChoosePage = 'Kies asb. \'n bladsy om te verander';
$strColComFeat = 'Kolom Kommentaar word vertoon';
$strColumn = 'Kolom';
$strColumnNames = 'Kolom name';
$strComments = 'Kommentaar';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Voltooi invoegings';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was nie in staat om jou konfigurasie leer te lees nie!<br />Dit kan moontlik gebeur wanneer PHP \'n fout in die leer vind of die leer sommer glad nie vind nie.<br />Volg asb. die skakel hieronder om die leer direk te roep, en lees dan enige foutboodskappe. In die meeste gevalle is daar net \'n quote of \'n kommapunt weg erens.<br />Indien jy \'n bladsy kry wat leeg is, is alles klopdisselboom.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Stel asb. die koordinate op van tabel %s';
$strConfirm = 'Wil jy dit regtig doen?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'HTTP Koekies moet van nou af geaktifeer wees.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopieer tabel na (databasis<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabel %s is gekopieer na %s.';
$strCreate = 'Skep';
$strCreateIndex = 'Skep \'n indeks op %s kolomme';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Skep \'n nuwe indeks';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Skep \'n nuwe databasis';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Skep \'n nuwe tabel op databasis %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Skep \'n nuwe bladsy';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Skepping van PDF\'s';
$strCriteria = 'Kriteria';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDatabase = 'Databasis ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databasis %s is verwyder.';
$strDatabases = 'databasisse';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Databasis statistieke';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Databasis (wildcards toegelaat):';
$strDataOnly = 'Slegs Data';
$strDefault = 'Verstekwaarde (default)';
$strDelete = 'Verwyder';
$strDeleted = 'Die ry is verwyder';
$strDeletedRows = 'Verwyderde rye:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Verwyder aksie het misluk!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Jy het die gebruiker %s verwyder.';
$strDescending = 'Dalend';
$strDisabled = 'Onbeskikbaar';
$strDisplay = 'Vertoon';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Vertoon Funksies';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Vertoon volgorde:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Vertoon PDF skema';
$strDoAQuery = 'Doen \'n "Navraag dmv Voorbeeld" (wildcard: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentasie';
$strDoYouReally = 'Wil jy regtig ';
$strDrop = 'Verwyder';
$strDropDB = 'Verwyder databasis %s';
$strDropTable = 'Verwyder tabel';
$strDumpingData = 'Stort data vir tabel';
$strDumpXRows = 'Stort %s rye beginnende by rekord # %s.';
$strDynamic = 'dinamies';
$strEdit = 'Verander';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Verander PDF Bladsye';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Verander Regte';
$strEffective = 'Effektief';
$strEmpty = 'Maak Leeg';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL het niks teruggegee nie (dus nul rye).';
$strEnabled = 'Beskikbaar';
$strEnd = 'Einde';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: MySQL regte name word in Engels vertoon ';
$strError = 'Fout';
$strExplain = 'Verduidelik SQL';
$strExport = 'Export';
$strExportToXML = 'Export na XML formaat';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Uitgebreide toevoegings';
$strExtra = 'Ekstra';
$strField = 'Veld';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Veld %s is verwyder';
$strFields = 'Velde';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Die veld telling is leeg! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Velde omring met';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Velde ontsnap (escaped) deur';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Velde beeindig deur';
$strFixed = 'vaste (fixed)';
$strFlushTable = 'Spoel die tabel ("FLUSH")';
$strFormat = 'Formaat';
$strFormEmpty = 'Daar ontbreek \'n waarde in die vorm !';
$strFullText = 'Volle Tekste';
$strFunction = 'Funksie';
$strGenBy = 'Voortgebring deur';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Algemene verwantskap funksies';
$strGenTime = 'Generasie Tyd';
$strGo = 'Gaan';
$strGrants = 'Vergunnings';
$strGzip = '"ge-gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'is verander.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'is geskep.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Jy moet ten minste een Kolom kies om te vertoon';
$strHome = 'Tuis';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Amptelike phpMyAdmin Tuisblad';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Aflaai bladsy';
$strHost = 'Gasheer (host)';
$strHostEmpty = 'Die gasheer naam is leeg!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Volteks';
$strIfYouWish = 'Indien jy slegs sommige van \'n tabel se kolomme wil laai, spesifiseer \'n komma-geskeide veldlys.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignoreer';
$strIndex = 'Indeks';
$strIndexes = 'Indekse';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indeks %s is verwyder';
$strIndexName = 'Indeks naam :';
$strIndexType = 'Indeks tipe :';
$strInsert = 'Voeg by';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Voeg by as \'n nuwe ry';
$strInsertedRows = 'Toegevoegde rye:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Voeg nuwe ry by';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Voeg data vanaf \'n teks leer in die tabel in';
$strInstructions = 'Instruksies';
$strInUse = 'in gebruik';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" is \'n gereserveerde woord, jy kan dit nie as \'n databasis/tabel/veld naam gebruik nie.';
$strKeepPass = 'Moenie die wagwoord verander nie';
$strKeyname = 'Sleutelnaam';
$strKill = 'Vermoor';
$strLength = 'Lengte';
$strLengthSet = 'Lengte/Waardes*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Hoeveelheid rye per bladsy';
$strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n';
$strLines = 'Lyne';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Lyne beeindig deur';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Skakel nie gevind nie';
$strLinksTo = 'Skakels na';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Soek die teksleer';
$strLogin = 'Teken aan';
$strLogout = 'Teken uit';
$strLogPassword = 'Wagwoord:';
$strLogUsername = 'Gebruiker Naam:';
$strMissingBracket = 'Hakie Ontbreek';
$strModifications = 'Veranderinge is gestoor';
$strModify = 'Verander';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Verander \'n indeks';
$strMoveTable = 'Skuif tabel na (databasis<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s is geskuif na %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Karakterstel';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL is herlaai.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL het gepraat: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% hardloop op %pma_s2% as %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Wys prosesse';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Wys MySQL in-proses informasie';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Wys MySQL stelsel veranderlikes';
$strName = 'Naam';
$strNext = 'Volgende';
$strNo = 'Nee';
$strNoDatabases = 'Geen databasisse';
$strNoDescription = 'geen Beskrywing';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" stellings word nie toegelaat nie.';
$strNoExplain = 'Ignoreer SQL Verduideliking';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin verkies \'n <b>frames-kapabele</b> blaaier.';
$strNoIndex = 'Geen indeks gedefinieer!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Geen indeks dele gedefinieer!';
$strNoModification = 'Geen verandering';
$strNone = 'Geen';
$strNoPassword = 'Geen Wagwoord';
$strNoPhp = 'Sonder PHP Kode';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Geen Regte';
$strNoQuery = 'Geen SQL stelling!';
$strNoRights = 'Jy het nie genoeg regte om nou hier te wees nie!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Geen tabelle in databasis gevind nie.';
$strNotNumber = 'Hierdie is nie \'n nommer nie';
$strNotOK = 'nie OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabel nie gevind nie of nie gesetel in %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' is nie \'n geldige ry-nommer nie!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Geen gebruiker(s) gevind nie.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Ignoreer SQL Validasie';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s resultate binne tabel <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Totaal:</b> <i>%s</i> ooreenkomste';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Dikwels kwotasie-karakters. OPSIONEEL beteken dat slegs char en varchar velde ingeslote is binne die "enclosed by"-character.';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOperations = 'Operasies';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimaliseer tabel';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opsioneel. Kontroleer hoe om spesiale karakters te lees en skryf.';
$strOptionally = 'OPSIONEEL';
$strOptions = 'Opsies';
$strOr = 'Of';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPageNumber = 'Bladsy nommer:';
$strPartialText = 'Gedeeltelike Tekste';
$strPassword = 'Wagwoord';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Die wagwoord is leeg!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Die wagwoorde is verskillend!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Skema van die "%s" databasis - Bladsy %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Ongedefinieerde PDF bladsy nommer!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Die "%s" databasis bestaan nie!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Geen tabelle';
$strPhp = 'Skep PHP Kode';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP Version';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentasie';
$strPmaUriError = 'Die <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> veranderlike MOET gestel wees in jou konfigurasie leer!';
$strPos1 = 'Begin';
$strPrevious = 'Vorige';
$strPrimary = 'Primere';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primere sleutel';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Die primere sleutel is verwyder';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Die naam van die primere sleutel moet PRIMARY wees!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>moet</b> die naam wees van die primere sleutel, en <b>slegs</b> van die primere sleutel!)';
$strPrintView = 'Drukker mooi (print view)';
$strPrivileges = 'Regte';
$strProperties = 'Eienskappe';
$strQBE = 'Navraag dmv Voorbeeld';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-navraag op databasis <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Rekords';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Toets referential integrity:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Die addisionele funksies om met geskakelde tabelle te werk is ge deaktiveer. Om uit te vind hoekom kliek %shier%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Relasie uitsig';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL herlaai het misluk.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Herlaai MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Onthou om die bediener (server) te herlaai.';
$strRenameTable = 'Hernoem tabel na';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabel %s is vernoem na %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Herstel tabel';
$strReplace = 'Vervang';
$strReplaceTable = 'Vervang tabel data met leer (file)';
$strReset = 'Herstel';
$strReType = 'Tik weer';
$strRevoke = 'Herroep';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Herroep Vergunning';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Jy het die Vergunnings-reg herroep vir %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Jy het die regte herroep vir %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Herroep Regte';
$strRowLength = 'Ry lengte';
$strRows = 'Rye';
$strRowsFrom = 'ry(e) beginnende vanaf rekord #';
$strRowSize = ' Ry grootte ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horisontale';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'in %s formaat en herhaal opskrifte na %s selle';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikale';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Ry Statistiek';
$strRunning = 'op bediener %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Doen Navraag';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Hardloop SQL stellings op databasis %s';
$strSave = 'Stoor';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Die skaal faktor is te klein om die skema op een bladsy te pas';
$strSearch = 'Soek';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Soek in databasis';
$strSearchInTables = 'Binne tabel(le):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Woord(e) of waarde(s) om voor te soek (wildcard: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'ten minste een van die woorde';
$strSearchOption2 = 'alle woorde';
$strSearchOption3 = 'die presiese frase';
$strSearchOption4 = 'as \'n regular expression';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Soek resultate vir "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Vind:';
$strSelect = 'Kies';
$strSelectADb = 'Kies asb. \'n databasis';
$strSelectAll = 'Kies Alles';
$strSelectFields = 'Kies Velde (ten minste een):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in navraag';
$strSelectTables = 'Kies Tabelle';
$strSend = 'Stoor as leer (file)';
$strServerChoice = 'Bediener Keuse';
$strServerVersion = 'Bediener weergawe';
$strSetEnumVal = 'If field type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Wys';
$strShowAll = 'Wys alles';
$strShowColor = 'Wys kleur';
$strShowCols = 'Wys kolomme';
$strShowGrid = 'Wys ruitgebied';
$strShowingRecords = 'Vertoon rye';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Wys PHP informasie';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Wys dimensie van tabelle';
$strShowTables = 'Wys tabelle';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Wys hierdie navraag weer hier ';
$strSingly = '(afsonderlik)';
$strSize = 'Grootte';
$strSort = 'Sorteer';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Spasie verbruik';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Woorde is geskei dmv \'n spasie karakter (" ").';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Jy het moontlik \'n fout in die SQL interpreteerder ontdek. Ondersoek asb. jou stelling deeglik, en maak seker dat jou kwotasies korrek en gebalanseerd is. Ander moontlike oorsake vir die fout mag wees dat jy probeer om \'n leer in te laai met binere data buite \'n gekwoteerde teks area. Jy kan jou SQL stelling ook probeer direk in die MySQL opdrag-raakvlak (command line interface). Die MySQL bediener se foutboodskap hieronder (indien enige) kan jou ook help om die probleem te diagnoseer. As jy dan nog steeds probleme het, of as die interpreteerder fouteer waar die opdrag-raakvlak slaag, verminder asb. jou SQL stelling toevoer na die enkele stelling wat die probleem veroorsaak, en rapporteer \'n fout met die data stuk in die UITKNIPSEL seksie hieronder:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Dit lyk of daar \'n fout is in jou SQL stelling. Die MySQL bediener se foutboodskap hieronder (indien enige) kan jou ook help om die probleem te diagnoseer';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-stelling';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL resultaat';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Ongeldige Identifiseerder';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Ongebalanseerde kwotasie-teken';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Onbekende Punktuasie String';
$strStatement = 'Stellings';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Struktuur en data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Voeg \'drop table\' by';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV vir M$ Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Slegs struktuur';
$strStructPropose = 'Stel tabel struktuur voor';
$strStructure = 'Struktuur';
$strSubmit = 'Stuur';
$strSuccess = 'Jou SQL-navraag is suksesvol uitgevoer';
$strSum = 'Som';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabel kommentaar';
$strTableEmpty = 'Die tabel naam is leeg!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s is verwyder';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s is leeg gemaak';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s is geflush';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabel instandhouding';
$strTables = '%s tabel(le)';
$strTableStructure = 'Tabel struktuur vir tabel';
$strTableType = 'Tabel tipe';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Omrede sy lengte,<br /> is hierdie veld moontlik nie veranderbaar nie ';
$strTheContent = 'Die inhoud van jou leer is ingevoeg.';
$strTheContents = 'Die inhoud van die leer vervang die inhoud van die geselekteerde tabel vir rye met \'n identiese primere of unieke sleutel.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Die beeindiger (terminator) van die velde.';
$strTotal = 'totaal';
$strType = 'Tipe';
$strUncheckAll = 'Kies Niks';
$strUnique = 'Uniek';
$strUnselectAll = 'Selekteer Niks';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Jy het die regte opgedateer vir %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Verander profiel:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Die profiel is opgedateer.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Verander Navraag';
$strUsage = 'Gebruik';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Omring tabel en veldname met backquotes';
$strUser = 'Gebruiker';
$strUserEmpty = 'Die gebruiker naam ontbreek!';
$strUserName = 'Gebruiker naam';
$strUsers = 'Gebruikers';
$strUseTables = 'Gebruik Tabelle';
$strValidateSQL = 'Valideer SQL';
$strValue = 'Waarde';
$strViewDump = 'Sien die storting (skema) van die tabel';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Sien die storting (skema) van die databasis';
$strWelcome = 'Welkom by %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Met gekose:';
$strWrongUser = 'Verkeerde gebruikernaam/wagwoord. Toegang geweier.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = '"ge-zip"';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.25 2002/11/28 09:15:18 rabus Exp $ */
translated by Andreas Pauley <>
Dit lyk nogal snaaks in Afrikaans ;-).
Laat weet my asb. as jy aan beter taalgebruik kan dink.
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('So', 'Ma', 'Di', 'Wo', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mei', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Des');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAccessDenied = 'Toegang Geweier';
$strAction = 'Aksie';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Voeg By/Verwyder Veld Kolomme';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Voeg By/Verwyder Kriteria Ry';
$strAddNewField = 'Voeg \'n nuwe veld by';
$strAddPriv = 'Voeg nuwe regte by';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Jy het nuwe regte bygevoeg';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Voeg soek kriteria by (laaste deel van die "where" in SQL SELECT):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Voeg by indeks %s kolom(me)';
$strAddUser = 'Voeg \'n nuwe gebruiker by';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Jy het \'n nuwe gebruiker bygevoeg.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Geaffekteerde rye:';
$strAfter = 'Na %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Terug na vorige bladsy';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Voeg \'n nuwe ry by';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'vertoon alle tabelle met dieselfde wydte?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Verander tabel sorteer volgens';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analiseer tabel';
$strAnd = 'En';
$strAnIndex = '\'n Indeks is bygevoeg op %s';
$strAny = 'Enige';
$strAnyColumn = 'Enige Kolom';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Enige databasis';
$strAnyHost = 'Enige gasheer (host)';
$strAnyTable = 'Enige tabel';
$strAnyUser = 'Enige gebruiker';
$strAPrimaryKey = '\'n primere sleutel is bygevoeg op %s';
$strAscending = 'Dalend';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'By Begin van Tabel';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'By Einde van Tabel';
$strAttr = 'Kenmerke';
$strBack = 'Terug';
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN UITKNIPSEL';
$strBinary = 'Biner';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Biner - moenie verander nie';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Die boekmerk is verwyder.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiket';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Geboekmerkde SQL-stelling';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Boekmerk hierdie SQL-stelling';
$strBookmarkView = 'Kyk slegs';
$strBrowse = 'Beloer Data';
$strBzip = '"ge-bzip"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'kan ongelukkig nie die MySQL module laai nie, <br />kyk asb. na die PHP opstelling.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Kan nie iconv laai nie, of "recode" ekstensie word benodig vir die karakterstel omskakeling, stel PHP op om hierdie ekstensies toe te laat of verwyder karakterstel omskakeling in phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kannie die indeks hernoem na PRIMARY!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Kan nie iconv, libiconv of recode_string funksie gebruik terwyl die extensie homself as gelaai rapporteer nie. Kyk na jou PHP opstelling.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
$strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Verander';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Kies \'n Veld om te vertoon';
$strChangePassword = 'Verander wagwoord';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Karakterstel van die leer:';
$strCheckAll = 'Kies Alles';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Kontroleer Databasis Regte';
$strCheckTable = 'Kontroleer tabel';
$strChoosePage = 'Kies asb. \'n bladsy om te verander';
$strColComFeat = 'Kolom Kommentaar word vertoon';
$strColumn = 'Kolom';
$strColumnNames = 'Kolom name';
$strComments = 'Kommentaar';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Voltooi invoegings';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was nie in staat om jou konfigurasie leer te lees nie!<br />Dit kan moontlik gebeur wanneer PHP \'n fout in die leer vind of die leer sommer glad nie vind nie.<br />Volg asb. die skakel hieronder om die leer direk te roep, en lees dan enige foutboodskappe. In die meeste gevalle is daar net \'n quote of \'n kommapunt weg erens.<br />Indien jy \'n bladsy kry wat leeg is, is alles klopdisselboom.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Stel asb. die koordinate op van tabel %s';
$strConfirm = 'Wil jy dit regtig doen?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'HTTP Koekies moet van nou af geaktifeer wees.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopieer tabel na (databasis<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabel %s is gekopieer na %s.';
$strCreate = 'Skep';
$strCreateIndex = 'Skep \'n indeks op %s kolomme';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Skep \'n nuwe indeks';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Skep \'n nuwe databasis';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Skep \'n nuwe tabel op databasis %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Skep \'n nuwe bladsy';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Skepping van PDF\'s';
$strCriteria = 'Kriteria';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDatabase = 'Databasis ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databasis %s is verwyder.';
$strDatabases = 'databasisse';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Databasis statistieke';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Databasis (wildcards toegelaat):';
$strDataOnly = 'Slegs Data';
$strDefault = 'Verstekwaarde (default)';
$strDelete = 'Verwyder';
$strDeleted = 'Die ry is verwyder';
$strDeletedRows = 'Verwyderde rye:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Verwyder aksie het misluk!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Jy het die gebruiker %s verwyder.';
$strDescending = 'Dalend';
$strDisabled = 'Onbeskikbaar';
$strDisplay = 'Vertoon';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Vertoon Funksies';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Vertoon volgorde:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Vertoon PDF skema';
$strDoAQuery = 'Doen \'n "Navraag dmv Voorbeeld" (wildcard: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentasie';
$strDoYouReally = 'Wil jy regtig ';
$strDrop = 'Verwyder';
$strDropDB = 'Verwyder databasis %s';
$strDropTable = 'Verwyder tabel';
$strDumpingData = 'Stort data vir tabel';
$strDumpXRows = 'Stort %s rye beginnende by rekord # %s.';
$strDynamic = 'dinamies';
$strEdit = 'Verander';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Verander PDF Bladsye';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Verander Regte';
$strEffective = 'Effektief';
$strEmpty = 'Maak Leeg';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL het niks teruggegee nie (dus nul rye).';
$strEnabled = 'Beskikbaar';
$strEnd = 'Einde';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: MySQL regte name word in Engels vertoon ';
$strError = 'Fout';
$strExplain = 'Verduidelik SQL';
$strExport = 'Export';
$strExportToXML = 'Export na XML formaat';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Uitgebreide toevoegings';
$strExtra = 'Ekstra';
$strField = 'Veld';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Veld %s is verwyder';
$strFields = 'Velde';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Die veld telling is leeg! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Velde omring met';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Velde ontsnap (escaped) deur';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Velde beeindig deur';
$strFixed = 'vaste (fixed)';
$strFlushTable = 'Spoel die tabel ("FLUSH")';
$strFormat = 'Formaat';
$strFormEmpty = 'Daar ontbreek \'n waarde in die vorm !';
$strFullText = 'Volle Tekste';
$strFunction = 'Funksie';
$strGenBy = 'Voortgebring deur';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Algemene verwantskap funksies';
$strGenTime = 'Generasie Tyd';
$strGo = 'Gaan';
$strGrants = 'Vergunnings';
$strGzip = '"ge-gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'is verander.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'is geskep.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Jy moet ten minste een Kolom kies om te vertoon';
$strHome = 'Tuis';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Amptelike phpMyAdmin Tuisblad';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Aflaai bladsy';
$strHost = 'Gasheer (host)';
$strHostEmpty = 'Die gasheer naam is leeg!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Volteks';
$strIfYouWish = 'Indien jy slegs sommige van \'n tabel se kolomme wil laai, spesifiseer \'n komma-geskeide veldlys.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignoreer';
$strIndex = 'Indeks';
$strIndexes = 'Indekse';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indeks %s is verwyder';
$strIndexName = 'Indeks naam :';
$strIndexType = 'Indeks tipe :';
$strInsert = 'Voeg by';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Voeg by as \'n nuwe ry';
$strInsertedRows = 'Toegevoegde rye:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Voeg nuwe ry by';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Voeg data vanaf \'n teks leer in die tabel in';
$strInstructions = 'Instruksies';
$strInUse = 'in gebruik';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" is \'n gereserveerde woord, jy kan dit nie as \'n databasis/tabel/veld naam gebruik nie.';
$strKeepPass = 'Moenie die wagwoord verander nie';
$strKeyname = 'Sleutelnaam';
$strKill = 'Vermoor';
$strLength = 'Lengte';
$strLengthSet = 'Lengte/Waardes*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Hoeveelheid rye per bladsy';
$strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n';
$strLines = 'Lyne';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Lyne beeindig deur';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Skakel nie gevind nie';
$strLinksTo = 'Skakels na';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Soek die teksleer';
$strLogin = 'Teken aan';
$strLogout = 'Teken uit';
$strLogPassword = 'Wagwoord:';
$strLogUsername = 'Gebruiker Naam:';
$strMissingBracket = 'Hakie Ontbreek';
$strModifications = 'Veranderinge is gestoor';
$strModify = 'Verander';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Verander \'n indeks';
$strMoveTable = 'Skuif tabel na (databasis<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s is geskuif na %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Karakterstel';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL is herlaai.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL het gepraat: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% hardloop op %pma_s2% as %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Wys prosesse';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Wys MySQL in-proses informasie';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Wys MySQL stelsel veranderlikes';
$strName = 'Naam';
$strNext = 'Volgende';
$strNo = 'Nee';
$strNoDatabases = 'Geen databasisse';
$strNoDescription = 'geen Beskrywing';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" stellings word nie toegelaat nie.';
$strNoExplain = 'Ignoreer SQL Verduideliking';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin verkies \'n <b>frames-kapabele</b> blaaier.';
$strNoIndex = 'Geen indeks gedefinieer!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Geen indeks dele gedefinieer!';
$strNoModification = 'Geen verandering';
$strNone = 'Geen';
$strNoPassword = 'Geen Wagwoord';
$strNoPhp = 'Sonder PHP Kode';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Geen Regte';
$strNoQuery = 'Geen SQL stelling!';
$strNoRights = 'Jy het nie genoeg regte om nou hier te wees nie!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Geen tabelle in databasis gevind nie.';
$strNotNumber = 'Hierdie is nie \'n nommer nie';
$strNotOK = 'nie OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabel nie gevind nie of nie gesetel in %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' is nie \'n geldige ry-nommer nie!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Geen gebruiker(s) gevind nie.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Ignoreer SQL Validasie';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s resultate binne tabel <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Totaal:</b> <i>%s</i> ooreenkomste';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Dikwels kwotasie-karakters. OPSIONEEL beteken dat slegs char en varchar velde ingeslote is binne die "enclosed by"-character.';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOperations = 'Operasies';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimaliseer tabel';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opsioneel. Kontroleer hoe om spesiale karakters te lees en skryf.';
$strOptionally = 'OPSIONEEL';
$strOptions = 'Opsies';
$strOr = 'Of';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPageNumber = 'Bladsy nommer:';
$strPartialText = 'Gedeeltelike Tekste';
$strPassword = 'Wagwoord';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Die wagwoord is leeg!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Die wagwoorde is verskillend!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Skema van die "%s" databasis - Bladsy %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Ongedefinieerde PDF bladsy nommer!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Die "%s" databasis bestaan nie!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Geen tabelle';
$strPhp = 'Skep PHP Kode';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP Version';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentasie';
$strPmaUriError = 'Die <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> veranderlike MOET gestel wees in jou konfigurasie leer!';
$strPos1 = 'Begin';
$strPrevious = 'Vorige';
$strPrimary = 'Primere';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primere sleutel';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Die primere sleutel is verwyder';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Die naam van die primere sleutel moet PRIMARY wees!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>moet</b> die naam wees van die primere sleutel, en <b>slegs</b> van die primere sleutel!)';
$strPrintView = 'Drukker mooi (print view)';
$strPrivileges = 'Regte';
$strProperties = 'Eienskappe';
$strQBE = 'Navraag dmv Voorbeeld';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-navraag op databasis <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Rekords';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Toets referential integrity:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Die addisionele funksies om met geskakelde tabelle te werk is ge deaktiveer. Om uit te vind hoekom kliek %shier%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Relasie uitsig';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL herlaai het misluk.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Herlaai MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Onthou om die bediener (server) te herlaai.';
$strRenameTable = 'Hernoem tabel na';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabel %s is vernoem na %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Herstel tabel';
$strReplace = 'Vervang';
$strReplaceTable = 'Vervang tabel data met leer (file)';
$strReset = 'Herstel';
$strReType = 'Tik weer';
$strRevoke = 'Herroep';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Herroep Vergunning';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Jy het die Vergunnings-reg herroep vir %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Jy het die regte herroep vir %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Herroep Regte';
$strRowLength = 'Ry lengte';
$strRows = 'Rye';
$strRowsFrom = 'ry(e) beginnende vanaf rekord #';
$strRowSize = ' Ry grootte ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horisontale';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'in %s formaat en herhaal opskrifte na %s selle';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikale';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Ry Statistiek';
$strRunning = 'op bediener %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Doen Navraag';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Hardloop SQL stellings op databasis %s';
$strSave = 'Stoor';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Die skaal faktor is te klein om die skema op een bladsy te pas';
$strSearch = 'Soek';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Soek in databasis';
$strSearchInTables = 'Binne tabel(le):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Woord(e) of waarde(s) om voor te soek (wildcard: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'ten minste een van die woorde';
$strSearchOption2 = 'alle woorde';
$strSearchOption3 = 'die presiese frase';
$strSearchOption4 = 'as \'n regular expression';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Soek resultate vir "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Vind:';
$strSelect = 'Kies';
$strSelectADb = 'Kies asb. \'n databasis';
$strSelectAll = 'Kies Alles';
$strSelectFields = 'Kies Velde (ten minste een):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in navraag';
$strSelectTables = 'Kies Tabelle';
$strSend = 'Stoor as leer (file)';
$strServerChoice = 'Bediener Keuse';
$strServerVersion = 'Bediener weergawe';
$strSetEnumVal = 'If field type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Wys';
$strShowAll = 'Wys alles';
$strShowColor = 'Wys kleur';
$strShowCols = 'Wys kolomme';
$strShowGrid = 'Wys ruitgebied';
$strShowingRecords = 'Vertoon rye';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Wys PHP informasie';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Wys dimensie van tabelle';
$strShowTables = 'Wys tabelle';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Wys hierdie navraag weer hier ';
$strSingly = '(afsonderlik)';
$strSize = 'Grootte';
$strSort = 'Sorteer';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Spasie verbruik';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Woorde is geskei dmv \'n spasie karakter (" ").';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Jy het moontlik \'n fout in die SQL interpreteerder ontdek. Ondersoek asb. jou stelling deeglik, en maak seker dat jou kwotasies korrek en gebalanseerd is. Ander moontlike oorsake vir die fout mag wees dat jy probeer om \'n leer in te laai met binere data buite \'n gekwoteerde teks area. Jy kan jou SQL stelling ook probeer direk in die MySQL opdrag-raakvlak (command line interface). Die MySQL bediener se foutboodskap hieronder (indien enige) kan jou ook help om die probleem te diagnoseer. As jy dan nog steeds probleme het, of as die interpreteerder fouteer waar die opdrag-raakvlak slaag, verminder asb. jou SQL stelling toevoer na die enkele stelling wat die probleem veroorsaak, en rapporteer \'n fout met die data stuk in die UITKNIPSEL seksie hieronder:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Dit lyk of daar \'n fout is in jou SQL stelling. Die MySQL bediener se foutboodskap hieronder (indien enige) kan jou ook help om die probleem te diagnoseer';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-stelling';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL resultaat';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Ongeldige Identifiseerder';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Ongebalanseerde kwotasie-teken';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Onbekende Punktuasie String';
$strStatement = 'Stellings';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Struktuur en data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Voeg \'drop table\' by';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV vir M$ Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Slegs struktuur';
$strStructPropose = 'Stel tabel struktuur voor';
$strStructure = 'Struktuur';
$strSubmit = 'Stuur';
$strSuccess = 'Jou SQL-navraag is suksesvol uitgevoer';
$strSum = 'Som';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabel kommentaar';
$strTableEmpty = 'Die tabel naam is leeg!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s is verwyder';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s is leeg gemaak';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s is geflush';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabel instandhouding';
$strTables = '%s tabel(le)';
$strTableStructure = 'Tabel struktuur vir tabel';
$strTableType = 'Tabel tipe';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Omrede sy lengte,<br /> is hierdie veld moontlik nie veranderbaar nie ';
$strTheContent = 'Die inhoud van jou leer is ingevoeg.';
$strTheContents = 'Die inhoud van die leer vervang die inhoud van die geselekteerde tabel vir rye met \'n identiese primere of unieke sleutel.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Die beeindiger (terminator) van die velde.';
$strTotal = 'totaal';
$strType = 'Tipe';
$strUncheckAll = 'Kies Niks';
$strUnique = 'Uniek';
$strUnselectAll = 'Selekteer Niks';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Jy het die regte opgedateer vir %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Verander profiel:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Die profiel is opgedateer.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Verander Navraag';
$strUsage = 'Gebruik';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Omring tabel en veldname met backquotes';
$strUser = 'Gebruiker';
$strUserEmpty = 'Die gebruiker naam ontbreek!';
$strUserName = 'Gebruiker naam';
$strUsers = 'Gebruikers';
$strUseTables = 'Gebruik Tabelle';
$strValidateSQL = 'Valideer SQL';
$strValue = 'Waarde';
$strViewDump = 'Sien die storting (skema) van die tabel';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Sien die storting (skema) van die databasis';
$strWelcome = 'Welkom by %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Met gekose:';
$strWrongUser = 'Verkeerde gebruikernaam/wagwoord. Toegang geweier.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = '"ge-zip"';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.36 2002/11/28 09:15:18 rabus Exp $ */
* Translated by: Laurent Dhima <laurenti at>
* Rishikuar nga: Arben Çokaj <>
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Djl', 'Hën', 'Mar', 'Mër', 'Enj', 'Pre', 'Sht'); //albanian days
$month = array('Jan', 'Shk', 'Mar', 'Pri', 'Maj', 'Qer', 'Kor', 'Gsh', 'Sht', 'Tet', 'Nën', 'Dhj'); //albanian months
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d %B, %Y at %I:%M %p'; //albanian time
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Një kyç primar u shtua tek %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Hyrja nuk u pranua';
$strAction = 'Aksioni';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Shto/Fshi fushën';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Shto/Fshi kriterin';
$strAddNewField = 'Shto një fushë të re';
$strAddPriv = 'Shto një privilegj të ri';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Ke shtuar një privilegj të ri.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Shto kushte kërkimi (trupi i specifikimit "where"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Shto tek treguesi i %s kolonës(ave)';
$strAddUser = 'Shto një përdorues të ri';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Ke shtuar një përdorues të ri.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Rreshtat e ndikuar:';
$strAfter = 'Mbas %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Mbrapa';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Shto një record të ri';
$strAll = 'Të gjithë';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'vizualizon të gjitha tabelat me të njëjtën gjërësi?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Transformo tabelën e renditur sipas';
$strAnIndex = 'Një tregues u shtua tek %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analizo tabelën';
$strAnd = 'Dhe';
$strAny = 'Çfarëdo';
$strAnyColumn = 'Çfarëdo kolone';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Çfarëdo databazë';
$strAnyHost = 'Çfarëdo host';
$strAnyTable = 'Çfarëdo tabelë';
$strAnyUser = 'Çfarëdo përdorues';
$strAscending = 'Ngjitje';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Në fillim të tabelës';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Në fund të tabelës';
$strAttr = 'Pronësi';
$strBack = 'Mbrapa';
$strBeginCut = 'FILLIMI I CUT';
$strBeginRaw = 'FILLIMI I RAW';
$strBinary = 'Binar';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Të dhëna të tipit binar - mos modifiko';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Bookmark u fshi.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiketë';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Query SQL shtuar të preferuarve';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Shtoja të preferuarve këtë query SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Vizualizo vetëm';
$strBrowse = 'Shfaq';
$strBzip = '"kompresuar me bzip2"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'nuk arrij të ngarkoj ekstensionin MySQL,<br />kontrollo konfigurimin e PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'I pamundur ngarkimi i ekstensionit iconv apo recode të nevoitshëm për konvertimin e karaktereve, konfiguroni php për të lejuar përdorimin e këtyre ekstensioneve ose disaktivoni konvertimin e set të karaktereve në phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'I pamundur riemërtimi i treguesit në PRIMAR!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'I pamundur përdorimi i funksioneve iconv apo libiconv apo recode_string për shkak se ekstensioni duhet të ngarkohet. Kontrolloni konfigurimin e php.';
$strCardinality = '';
$strCarriage = 'Kthimi në fillim: \\r';
$strChange = 'Modifiko';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Zgjidh fushën që dëshiron të shohësh';
$strChangePassword = 'Ndrysho password';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Set karakteresh të file:';
$strCheckAll = 'Seleksionoi të gjithë';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Kontrollo të drejtat e databazë';
$strCheckTable = 'Kontrollo tabelën';
$strChoosePage = 'Ju lutem zgjidhni faqen që dëshironi të modifikoni';
$strColComFeat = 'Vizualizimi i komenteve të kollonave';
$strColumn = 'Kollona';
$strColumnNames = 'Emrat e kollonave';
$strComments = 'Komente';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Të shtuarat komplet';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin nuk arrin të lexojë file e konfigurimit!<br />Kjo mund të ndodhë kur php gjen një parse error në të apo kur php nuk arrin ta gjejë këtë file.<br />Ju lutem ngarkoheni direkt file e konfigurimit duke përdorur link-un e mëposhtëm dhe lexoni mesazhin(et) e gabimeve php që merrni. Në shumicën e rasteve mund t\'ju mungojë një apostrofë apo një presje.<br />Nëse faqja që do t\'ju hapet është bosh (e bardhë), atëhere gjithçka është në rregull.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Ju lutem, konfiguroni koordinatat për tabelën %s';
$strConfirm = 'I sigurt që dëshiron ta bësh?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Nga kjo pikë e tutje, cookies duhet të jenë të aktivuara.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopjo tabelën tek (databazë<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabela %s u kopjua tek %s.';
$strCreate = 'Krijo';
$strCreateIndex = 'Krijo një tregues tek %s columns';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Krijo një tregues të ri';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Krijo një databazë të re';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Krijo një tabelë të re tek databazë %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Krijo një faqe të re';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Krijimi i PDF-ve';
$strCriteria = 'Kriteri';
$strData = 'Të dhëna';
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary';
$strDataOnly = 'Vetëm të dhëna';
$strDatabase = 'Databazë ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databaza %s u eleminua.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (wildcards e lejuara):';
$strDatabases = 'databazë';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistikat e databazës';
$strDefault = 'Paracaktuar';
$strDelPassMessage = 'Ke fshirë password për';
$strDelete = 'Fshi';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Fshirja dështoi!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Ke fshirë përdoruesin %s.';
$strDeleted = 'rreshti u fshi';
$strDeletedRows = 'rreshtat e fshirë:';
$strDescending = 'Zbritës';
$strDisabled = 'Disaktivuar';
$strDisplay = 'Vizualizo';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Vizualizo karakteristikat';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Mënyra e vizualizimit:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Shfaq skemën e PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Zbato "query nga shembull" (karakteri jolly: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Konfermo: ';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentet';
$strDrop = 'Elemino';
$strDropDB = 'Elemino databazën %s';
$strDropTable = 'Elemino tabelën';
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump i %s rreshta duke filluar nga rreshti %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dump i të dhënave për tabelën';
$strDynamic = 'dinamik';
$strEdit = 'Modifiko';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Modifiko Faqe PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Modifiko Privilegjet';
$strEffective = 'Efektiv';
$strEmpty = 'Zbraz';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL ka kthyer një të përbashkët boshe ( zero rreshta).';
$strEnabled = 'Aktivuar';
$strEnd = 'Fund';
$strEndCut = 'FUNDI I CUT';
$strEndRaw = 'FUNDI I RAW';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Shënim: emrat e privilegjeve të MySQL janë në Anglisht';
$strError = 'Gabim';
$strExplain = 'Shpjego SQL';
$strExport = 'Eksporto';
$strExportToXML = 'Eksporto në formatin XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Të shtuara të zgjeruara';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Fushë';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Fusha %s u eleminua';
$strFields = 'Fusha';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Numratori i fushave është bosh! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Fushë e përbërë nga';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Fushë e kufizuar nga';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Fushë e mbaruar nga';
$strFixed = 'fiks';
$strFlushTable = 'Rifillo ("FLUSH") tabelën';
$strFormEmpty = 'Mungon një vlerë në form!';
$strFormat = 'Formati';
$strFullText = 'Teksti i plotë';
$strFunction = 'Funksion';
$strGenBy = 'Gjeneruar nga';
$strGenTime = 'Gjeneruar më';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Karakteristikat e përgjithshme të relacionit';
$strGo = 'Zbato';
$strGrants = 'Lejo';
$strGzip = '"kompresuar me gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'u modifikua.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'u krijua.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Zgjidh të paktën një kolonë për t\'a vizualizuar';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Home page zyrtare e phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Home page e phpMyAdmin tek';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'Emri i host është bosh!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Teksti komplet';
$strIfYouWish = 'Për të ngarkuar të dhënat vetëm për disa kollona të tabelës, specifiko listën e fushave (të ndara me presje).';
$strIgnore = 'Injoro';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importo files docSQL';
$strInUse = 'në përdorim';
$strIndex = 'Treguesi';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Treguesi %s u eleminua';
$strIndexName = 'Emri i treguesit :';
$strIndexType = 'Tipi i treguesit :';
$strIndexes = 'Tregues';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'File i konfigurimit në përdorim përmban zgjedhje (root pa asnjë password) që korrispondojnë me të drejtat e account MySQL të paracaktuar. Një server MySQL funksionues me këto zgjedhje është i pambrojtur ndaj sulmeve, dhe ju duhet patjetër të korrigjoni këtë vrimë në siguri.';
$strInsert = 'Shto';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Shto një rresht të ri';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Shto një rresht të ri';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Shto një file teksti në tabelë';
$strInsertedRows = 'Rreshta të shtuar:';
$strInstructions = 'Instruksione';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" është një fjalë e rezervuar; nuk mund ta përdorësh si emër për databazë/tabelë/fushë.';
$strKeepPass = 'Mos ndrysho password';
$strKeyname = 'Emri i kyçit';
$strKill = 'Hiq';
$strLength = 'Gjatësia';
$strLengthSet = 'Gjatësia/Set*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'record për faqe';
$strLineFeed = 'Fundi i rreshtit: \\n';
$strLines = 'Record';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Rreshta që mbarojnë me';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link nuk u gjet';
$strLinksTo = 'Lidhje me';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Pozicioni i file';
$strLogPassword = 'Password:';
$strLogUsername = 'Emri i përdoruesit:';
$strLogin = 'Lidh';
$strLogout = 'Shkëput';
$strMissingBracket = 'Mungojnë thonjëza';
$strModifications = 'Ndryshimet u shpëtuan';
$strModify = 'Modifiko';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modifiko një tregues';
$strMoveTable = 'Sposto tabelën në (databazë<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabela %s u spostua tek %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Set karakteresh MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL u rifillua.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'Mesazh nga MySQL: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% në ekzekutim tek %pma_s2% si %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Vizualizo proceset në ekzekutim';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Vizualizo informacionet e runtime të MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Vizualizo të ndryshueshmet e sistemit të MySQL';
$strName = 'Emri';
$strNext = 'Në vazhdim';
$strNo = ' Jo ';
$strNoDatabases = 'Asnjë databazë';
$strNoDescription = 'asnjë Përshkrim';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Komandat "DROP DATABASE" janë disaktivuar.';
$strNoExplain = 'Mos Shpjego SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin funksionon më mirë me browser që suportojnë frames';
$strNoIndex = 'Asnjë tregues i përcaktuar!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Asnjë pjesë e treguesit është përcaktuar!';
$strNoModification = 'Asnjë ndryshim';
$strNoPassword = 'Asnjë password';
$strNoPhp = 'pa kod PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Asnjë privilegj';
$strNoQuery = 'Asnjë query SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'Nuk ke të drejta të mjaftueshme për të kryer këtë operacion!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Nuk gjenden tabela në databazë.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Nuk u gjet asnjë përdorues.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Mos vleftëso SQL';
$strNone = 'Askush';
$strNotNumber = 'Ky nuk është një numër!';
$strNotOK = 'jo OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabela nuk u gjet ose nuk është përcaktuar tek %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' nuk është një rresht i vlefshëm!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s korrispondon(jnë) tek tabela <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Gjithsej:</b> <i>%s</i> korrispondues(ë)';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Zakonisht nga dopjo thonjza. ME DËSHIRË tregon që vetëm fushat <I>char</I> dhe <I>varchar</I> duhet të delimitohen nga karakteri i treguar.';
$strOperations = 'Operacione';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimizo tabelën';
$strOptionalControls = 'Me dëshirë. Ky karakter kontrollon si të shkruash apo lexosh karakteret specialë.';
$strOptionally = 'ME DËSHIRË';
$strOptions = 'Mundësi';
$strOr = 'Ose';
$strOverhead = 'Tejkalim';
$strPHP40203 = 'Është në përdorim PHP 4.2.3, që përmban një bug serioz me stringat multi-byte strings (mbstring). Shiko raportin 19404 të bug PHP. Ky version i PHP nuk rekomandohet për t\'u përdorur me phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Versioni i PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Numri i faqes:';
$strPartialText = 'Tekst i pjesëshëm';
$strPassword = 'Password';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Password është bosh!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Password nuk korrispondon!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Skema e databazë "%s" - Faqja %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Numri i faqes së PDF i papërcaktuar!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Tabela "%s" nuk ekziston!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Asnjë tabelë';
$strPhp = 'Krijo kodin PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Dokumente të phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'Direktiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> DUHET të përcaktohet tek file i konfigurimit!';
$strPos1 = 'Fillim';
$strPrevious = 'Paraardhësi';
$strPrimary = 'Primar';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Kyç primar';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Kyçi primar u eleminua';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Emri i kyçit primar duhet të jetë... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>duhet</b> të jetë emri i, dhe <b>vetëm i</b>, një kyçi primar!)';
$strPrint = 'Printo';
$strPrintView = 'Vizualizo për printim';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegje';
$strProperties = 'Pronësi';
$strPutColNames = 'Vendos emrat e kollonave tek rreshti i parë';
$strQBE = 'Query nga shembull';
$strQBEDel = 'Fshi';
$strQBEIns = 'Shto';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query tek databazë <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Rifut';
$strRecords = 'Record';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Kontrollo integritetin e informacioneve:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Karakteristikat shtesë janë disaktivuar për sa i takon funksionimit me tabelat e link-uara. Për të zbuluar përse, klikoni %skëtu%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Shiko relacionin';
$strReloadFailed = 'Rinisja e MySQL dështoi.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Rifillo MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Kujtohu të rinisësh MySQL.';
$strRenameTable = 'Riemërto tabelën në';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabela %s u riemërtua %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Riparo tabelën';
$strReplace = 'Zëvëndëso';
$strReplaceTable = 'Zëvëndëso të dhënat e tabelës me file';
$strReset = 'Rinis';
$strRevoke = 'Hiq';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Hiq të drejtat';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Ke hequr privilegjet e të drejtave për %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Ke anulluar privilegjet për %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Anullo privilegjet';
$strRowLength = 'Gjatësia e rreshtit';
$strRowSize = 'Dimensioni i rreshtit';
$strRows = 'rreshta';
$strRowsFrom = 'rreshta duke filluar nga';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = ' horizontal ';
$strRowsModeOptions = ' në modalitetin %s dhe përsërit headers mbas %s qeli ';
$strRowsModeVertical = ' vertikal ';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistikat e rreshtave';
$strRunQuery = 'Dërgo Query';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Zbato query SQL tek databazë %s';
$strRunning = 'në ekzekutim tek %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Ka mundësi që ka një bug tek parser SQL. Ju lutem, kontrolloni query tuaj me kujdes, dhe kontrolloni që presjet të jenë ku duhet dhe jo të gabuara. Një shkak tjetër i mundshëm i gabimit mund të jetë që po mundoheni të uploadoni një file binar jashtë një zone teksti të kufizuar me presje. Mund edhe të provoni query tuaj MySQL nga interfaqja e shkruar e komandave. Gabimi i mëposhtëm i kthyer nga server-i MySQL, nëse ekziston një i tillë, mund tju ndihmojë në diagnostikimin e problemit. Nëse ka akoma probleme, apo n.q.s. parser-i SQL i phpMyAdmin gabon kur përkundrazi nga interfaqja e komandave të thjeshta nuk rezultojnë probleme, ju lutem zvogëloni query tuaj SQL në hyrje në query e vetme që shkakton probleme, dhe dërgoni një bug raportim me të dhënat rezultuese nga seksioni CUT i mëposhtëm:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Mesa duket ekziston një gabim tek query juaj SQL e futur. Gabimi i server-it MySQL i treguar më poshtë, nëse ekziston, mund t\'ju ndihmojë në diagnostikimin e problemit';
$strSQLQuery = 'query SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Rezultati SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Identifikues i pavlefshëm';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Thonjëza të pambyllura';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Stringë Punctuation e panjohur';
$strSave = 'Shpëto';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Faktori i shkallës është shumë i vogël për të plotësuar skemën në faqe';
$strSearch = 'Kërko';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Kërko në databazë';
$strSearchInTables = 'Tek tabela(at):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Fjala(ë) apo vlera(at) për t\'u kërkuar (karakteri Jolly: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'të paktën njërën nga fjalët';
$strSearchOption2 = 'të gjitha fjalët';
$strSearchOption3 = 'fraza precize';
$strSearchOption4 = 'si ekspresion i rregullt';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Kërko rezultatet për "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Gjej:';
$strSelect = 'Seleksiono';
$strSelectADb = 'Të lutem, seleksiono një databazë';
$strSelectAll = 'Seleksiono Gjithçka';
$strSelectFields = 'Seleksiono fushat (të paktën një):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'tek query';
$strSelectTables = 'Seleksiono Tabelat';
$strSend = 'Shpëtoje me emër...';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Zgjedhja e server';
$strServerVersion = 'Versioni i MySQL';
$strSetEnumVal = 'N.q.s. fusha është "enum" apo "set", shtoni të dhënat duke përdorur formatin: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Nëse megjithatë do t\'u duhet të vini backslashes ("\") apo single quote ("\'") para këtyre vlerave, backslash-ojini (për shembull \'\\\\xyz\' o \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Shfaq';
$strShowAll = 'Shfaqi të gjithë';
$strShowColor = 'Shfaq ngjyrën';
$strShowCols = 'Shfaq kollonat';
$strShowGrid = 'Shfaq rrjetën';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Trego info mbi PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Trego dimensionin e tabelave';
$strShowTables = 'Shfaq tabelat';
$strShowThisQuery = 'Tregoje përsëri këtë query';
$strShowingRecords = 'Vizualizimi i record ';
$strSingly = '(një nga një)';
$strSize = 'Dimensioni';
$strSort = 'rreshtimi';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Hapësira e përdorur';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Fjalët janë të ndara nga një hapsirë (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Instruksione';
$strStrucCSV = 'të dhëna CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Struktura dhe të dhëna';
$strStrucDrop = 'Shto \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV për të dhëna Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Vetëm struktura';
$strStructPropose = 'Propozo strukturën e tabelës';
$strStructure = 'Struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Dërgoje';
$strSuccess = 'Query u zbatua me sukses';
$strSum = 'Gjithsej';
$strTable = 'Tabela';
$strTableComments = 'Komente mbi tabelën';
$strTableEmpty = 'Emri i tabelës është bosh!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabela %s u eleminua';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabela %s u zbraz';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabela %s u rifreskua';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Administrimi i tabelës';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura e tabelës';
$strTableType = 'Tipi i tabelës';
$strTables = '%s tabela(at)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Për shkak të gjatësisë saj,<br /> kjo fushë nuk mund të modifikohet ';
$strTheContent = 'Përmbajtja e file u shtua.';
$strTheContents = 'Përmbajtja e file zëvëndëson rreshtat e tabelës me të njëjtin kyç primar apo kyç të vetëm.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Karakteri përfundues i fushave.';
$strTotal = 'Gjithsej';
$strType = 'Tipi';
$strUncheckAll = 'Deseleksionoi të gjithë';
$strUnique = 'I vetëm';
$strUnselectAll = 'Deseleksiono gjithçka';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Ke rifreskuar lejet për %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Rifresko profilin:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profili u rifreskua.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Rifresko Query';
$strUsage = 'Përdorimi';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Përdor backquotes me emrat e tabelave dhe fushave';
$strUseTables = 'Përdor tabelat';
$strUser = 'Përdorues';
$strUserEmpty = 'Emri i përdoruesit është bosh!';
$strUserName = 'Emri i përdoruesit';
$strUsers = 'Përdorues';
$strValidateSQL = 'Vleftëso SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'Miratuesi SQL nuk arrin të niset. Ju lutem kontrolloni instalimin e ekstensioneve të duhura php ashtu si përshkruhet tek %sdokumentimi%s.';
$strValue = 'Vlera';
$strViewDump = 'Vizualizo dump (skema) e tabelës';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Vizualizo dump (skema) e databazë';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'directory e upload të server-it web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Directory që keni zgjedhur për upload nuk arrin të gjehet';
$strWelcome = 'Mirësevini tek %s';
$strWithChecked = 'N.q.s.të seleksionuar:';
$strWrongUser = 'Emri i përdoruesit apo password i gabuar. Ndalohet hyrja.';
$strYes = ' Po ';
$strZip = '"kompresuar me zip"';
// To translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.36 2002/11/28 09:15:18 rabus Exp $ */
* Translated by: Laurent Dhima <laurenti at>
* Rishikuar nga: Arben Çokaj <>
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Djl', 'Hën', 'Mar', 'Mër', 'Enj', 'Pre', 'Sht'); //albanian days
$month = array('Jan', 'Shk', 'Mar', 'Pri', 'Maj', 'Qer', 'Kor', 'Gsh', 'Sht', 'Tet', 'Nën', 'Dhj'); //albanian months
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d %B, %Y at %I:%M %p'; //albanian time
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Një kyç primar u shtua tek %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Hyrja nuk u pranua';
$strAction = 'Aksioni';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Shto/Fshi fushën';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Shto/Fshi kriterin';
$strAddNewField = 'Shto një fushë të re';
$strAddPriv = 'Shto një privilegj të ri';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Ke shtuar një privilegj të ri.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Shto kushte kërkimi (trupi i specifikimit "where"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Shto tek treguesi i %s kolonës(ave)';
$strAddUser = 'Shto një përdorues të ri';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Ke shtuar një përdorues të ri.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Rreshtat e ndikuar:';
$strAfter = 'Mbas %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Mbrapa';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Shto një record të ri';
$strAll = 'Të gjithë';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'vizualizon të gjitha tabelat me të njëjtën gjërësi?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Transformo tabelën e renditur sipas';
$strAnIndex = 'Një tregues u shtua tek %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analizo tabelën';
$strAnd = 'Dhe';
$strAny = 'Çfarëdo';
$strAnyColumn = 'Çfarëdo kolone';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Çfarëdo databazë';
$strAnyHost = 'Çfarëdo host';
$strAnyTable = 'Çfarëdo tabelë';
$strAnyUser = 'Çfarëdo përdorues';
$strAscending = 'Ngjitje';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Në fillim të tabelës';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Në fund të tabelës';
$strAttr = 'Pronësi';
$strBack = 'Mbrapa';
$strBeginCut = 'FILLIMI I CUT';
$strBeginRaw = 'FILLIMI I RAW';
$strBinary = 'Binar';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Të dhëna të tipit binar - mos modifiko';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Bookmark u fshi.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiketë';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Query SQL shtuar të preferuarve';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Shtoja të preferuarve këtë query SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Vizualizo vetëm';
$strBrowse = 'Shfaq';
$strBzip = '"kompresuar me bzip2"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'nuk arrij të ngarkoj ekstensionin MySQL,<br />kontrollo konfigurimin e PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'I pamundur ngarkimi i ekstensionit iconv apo recode të nevoitshëm për konvertimin e karaktereve, konfiguroni php për të lejuar përdorimin e këtyre ekstensioneve ose disaktivoni konvertimin e set të karaktereve në phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'I pamundur riemërtimi i treguesit në PRIMAR!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'I pamundur përdorimi i funksioneve iconv apo libiconv apo recode_string për shkak se ekstensioni duhet të ngarkohet. Kontrolloni konfigurimin e php.';
$strCardinality = '';
$strCarriage = 'Kthimi në fillim: \\r';
$strChange = 'Modifiko';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Zgjidh fushën që dëshiron të shohësh';
$strChangePassword = 'Ndrysho password';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Set karakteresh të file:';
$strCheckAll = 'Seleksionoi të gjithë';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Kontrollo të drejtat e databazë';
$strCheckTable = 'Kontrollo tabelën';
$strChoosePage = 'Ju lutem zgjidhni faqen që dëshironi të modifikoni';
$strColComFeat = 'Vizualizimi i komenteve të kollonave';
$strColumn = 'Kollona';
$strColumnNames = 'Emrat e kollonave';
$strComments = 'Komente';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Të shtuarat komplet';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin nuk arrin të lexojë file e konfigurimit!<br />Kjo mund të ndodhë kur php gjen një parse error në të apo kur php nuk arrin ta gjejë këtë file.<br />Ju lutem ngarkoheni direkt file e konfigurimit duke përdorur link-un e mëposhtëm dhe lexoni mesazhin(et) e gabimeve php që merrni. Në shumicën e rasteve mund t\'ju mungojë një apostrofë apo një presje.<br />Nëse faqja që do t\'ju hapet është bosh (e bardhë), atëhere gjithçka është në rregull.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Ju lutem, konfiguroni koordinatat për tabelën %s';
$strConfirm = 'I sigurt që dëshiron ta bësh?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Nga kjo pikë e tutje, cookies duhet të jenë të aktivuara.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopjo tabelën tek (databazë<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabela %s u kopjua tek %s.';
$strCreate = 'Krijo';
$strCreateIndex = 'Krijo një tregues tek %s columns';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Krijo një tregues të ri';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Krijo një databazë të re';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Krijo një tabelë të re tek databazë %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Krijo një faqe të re';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Krijimi i PDF-ve';
$strCriteria = 'Kriteri';
$strData = 'Të dhëna';
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary';
$strDataOnly = 'Vetëm të dhëna';
$strDatabase = 'Databazë ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databaza %s u eleminua.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (wildcards e lejuara):';
$strDatabases = 'databazë';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistikat e databazës';
$strDefault = 'Paracaktuar';
$strDelPassMessage = 'Ke fshirë password për';
$strDelete = 'Fshi';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Fshirja dështoi!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Ke fshirë përdoruesin %s.';
$strDeleted = 'rreshti u fshi';
$strDeletedRows = 'rreshtat e fshirë:';
$strDescending = 'Zbritës';
$strDisabled = 'Disaktivuar';
$strDisplay = 'Vizualizo';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Vizualizo karakteristikat';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Mënyra e vizualizimit:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Shfaq skemën e PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Zbato "query nga shembull" (karakteri jolly: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Konfermo: ';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentet';
$strDrop = 'Elemino';
$strDropDB = 'Elemino databazën %s';
$strDropTable = 'Elemino tabelën';
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump i %s rreshta duke filluar nga rreshti %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dump i të dhënave për tabelën';
$strDynamic = 'dinamik';
$strEdit = 'Modifiko';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Modifiko Faqe PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Modifiko Privilegjet';
$strEffective = 'Efektiv';
$strEmpty = 'Zbraz';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL ka kthyer një të përbashkët boshe ( zero rreshta).';
$strEnabled = 'Aktivuar';
$strEnd = 'Fund';
$strEndCut = 'FUNDI I CUT';
$strEndRaw = 'FUNDI I RAW';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Shënim: emrat e privilegjeve të MySQL janë në Anglisht';
$strError = 'Gabim';
$strExplain = 'Shpjego SQL';
$strExport = 'Eksporto';
$strExportToXML = 'Eksporto në formatin XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Të shtuara të zgjeruara';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Fushë';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Fusha %s u eleminua';
$strFields = 'Fusha';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Numratori i fushave është bosh! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Fushë e përbërë nga';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Fushë e kufizuar nga';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Fushë e mbaruar nga';
$strFixed = 'fiks';
$strFlushTable = 'Rifillo ("FLUSH") tabelën';
$strFormEmpty = 'Mungon një vlerë në form!';
$strFormat = 'Formati';
$strFullText = 'Teksti i plotë';
$strFunction = 'Funksion';
$strGenBy = 'Gjeneruar nga';
$strGenTime = 'Gjeneruar më';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Karakteristikat e përgjithshme të relacionit';
$strGo = 'Zbato';
$strGrants = 'Lejo';
$strGzip = '"kompresuar me gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'u modifikua.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'u krijua.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Zgjidh të paktën një kolonë për t\'a vizualizuar';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Home page zyrtare e phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Home page e phpMyAdmin tek';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'Emri i host është bosh!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Teksti komplet';
$strIfYouWish = 'Për të ngarkuar të dhënat vetëm për disa kollona të tabelës, specifiko listën e fushave (të ndara me presje).';
$strIgnore = 'Injoro';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importo files docSQL';
$strInUse = 'në përdorim';
$strIndex = 'Treguesi';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Treguesi %s u eleminua';
$strIndexName = 'Emri i treguesit :';
$strIndexType = 'Tipi i treguesit :';
$strIndexes = 'Tregues';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'File i konfigurimit në përdorim përmban zgjedhje (root pa asnjë password) që korrispondojnë me të drejtat e account MySQL të paracaktuar. Një server MySQL funksionues me këto zgjedhje është i pambrojtur ndaj sulmeve, dhe ju duhet patjetër të korrigjoni këtë vrimë në siguri.';
$strInsert = 'Shto';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Shto një rresht të ri';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Shto një rresht të ri';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Shto një file teksti në tabelë';
$strInsertedRows = 'Rreshta të shtuar:';
$strInstructions = 'Instruksione';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" është një fjalë e rezervuar; nuk mund ta përdorësh si emër për databazë/tabelë/fushë.';
$strKeepPass = 'Mos ndrysho password';
$strKeyname = 'Emri i kyçit';
$strKill = 'Hiq';
$strLength = 'Gjatësia';
$strLengthSet = 'Gjatësia/Set*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'record për faqe';
$strLineFeed = 'Fundi i rreshtit: \\n';
$strLines = 'Record';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Rreshta që mbarojnë me';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link nuk u gjet';
$strLinksTo = 'Lidhje me';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Pozicioni i file';
$strLogPassword = 'Password:';
$strLogUsername = 'Emri i përdoruesit:';
$strLogin = 'Lidh';
$strLogout = 'Shkëput';
$strMissingBracket = 'Mungojnë thonjëza';
$strModifications = 'Ndryshimet u shpëtuan';
$strModify = 'Modifiko';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modifiko një tregues';
$strMoveTable = 'Sposto tabelën në (databazë<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabela %s u spostua tek %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Set karakteresh MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL u rifillua.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'Mesazh nga MySQL: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% në ekzekutim tek %pma_s2% si %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Vizualizo proceset në ekzekutim';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Vizualizo informacionet e runtime të MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Vizualizo të ndryshueshmet e sistemit të MySQL';
$strName = 'Emri';
$strNext = 'Në vazhdim';
$strNo = ' Jo ';
$strNoDatabases = 'Asnjë databazë';
$strNoDescription = 'asnjë Përshkrim';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Komandat "DROP DATABASE" janë disaktivuar.';
$strNoExplain = 'Mos Shpjego SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin funksionon më mirë me browser që suportojnë frames';
$strNoIndex = 'Asnjë tregues i përcaktuar!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Asnjë pjesë e treguesit është përcaktuar!';
$strNoModification = 'Asnjë ndryshim';
$strNoPassword = 'Asnjë password';
$strNoPhp = 'pa kod PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Asnjë privilegj';
$strNoQuery = 'Asnjë query SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'Nuk ke të drejta të mjaftueshme për të kryer këtë operacion!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Nuk gjenden tabela në databazë.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Nuk u gjet asnjë përdorues.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Mos vleftëso SQL';
$strNone = 'Askush';
$strNotNumber = 'Ky nuk është një numër!';
$strNotOK = 'jo OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabela nuk u gjet ose nuk është përcaktuar tek %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' nuk është një rresht i vlefshëm!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s korrispondon(jnë) tek tabela <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Gjithsej:</b> <i>%s</i> korrispondues(ë)';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Zakonisht nga dopjo thonjza. ME DËSHIRË tregon që vetëm fushat <I>char</I> dhe <I>varchar</I> duhet të delimitohen nga karakteri i treguar.';
$strOperations = 'Operacione';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimizo tabelën';
$strOptionalControls = 'Me dëshirë. Ky karakter kontrollon si të shkruash apo lexosh karakteret specialë.';
$strOptionally = 'ME DËSHIRË';
$strOptions = 'Mundësi';
$strOr = 'Ose';
$strOverhead = 'Tejkalim';
$strPHP40203 = 'Është në përdorim PHP 4.2.3, që përmban një bug serioz me stringat multi-byte strings (mbstring). Shiko raportin 19404 të bug PHP. Ky version i PHP nuk rekomandohet për t\'u përdorur me phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Versioni i PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Numri i faqes:';
$strPartialText = 'Tekst i pjesëshëm';
$strPassword = 'Password';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Password është bosh!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Password nuk korrispondon!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Skema e databazë "%s" - Faqja %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Numri i faqes së PDF i papërcaktuar!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Tabela "%s" nuk ekziston!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Asnjë tabelë';
$strPhp = 'Krijo kodin PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Dokumente të phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'Direktiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> DUHET të përcaktohet tek file i konfigurimit!';
$strPos1 = 'Fillim';
$strPrevious = 'Paraardhësi';
$strPrimary = 'Primar';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Kyç primar';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Kyçi primar u eleminua';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Emri i kyçit primar duhet të jetë... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>duhet</b> të jetë emri i, dhe <b>vetëm i</b>, një kyçi primar!)';
$strPrint = 'Printo';
$strPrintView = 'Vizualizo për printim';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegje';
$strProperties = 'Pronësi';
$strPutColNames = 'Vendos emrat e kollonave tek rreshti i parë';
$strQBE = 'Query nga shembull';
$strQBEDel = 'Fshi';
$strQBEIns = 'Shto';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query tek databazë <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Rifut';
$strRecords = 'Record';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Kontrollo integritetin e informacioneve:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Karakteristikat shtesë janë disaktivuar për sa i takon funksionimit me tabelat e link-uara. Për të zbuluar përse, klikoni %skëtu%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Shiko relacionin';
$strReloadFailed = 'Rinisja e MySQL dështoi.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Rifillo MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Kujtohu të rinisësh MySQL.';
$strRenameTable = 'Riemërto tabelën në';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabela %s u riemërtua %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Riparo tabelën';
$strReplace = 'Zëvëndëso';
$strReplaceTable = 'Zëvëndëso të dhënat e tabelës me file';
$strReset = 'Rinis';
$strRevoke = 'Hiq';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Hiq të drejtat';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Ke hequr privilegjet e të drejtave për %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Ke anulluar privilegjet për %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Anullo privilegjet';
$strRowLength = 'Gjatësia e rreshtit';
$strRowSize = 'Dimensioni i rreshtit';
$strRows = 'rreshta';
$strRowsFrom = 'rreshta duke filluar nga';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = ' horizontal ';
$strRowsModeOptions = ' në modalitetin %s dhe përsërit headers mbas %s qeli ';
$strRowsModeVertical = ' vertikal ';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistikat e rreshtave';
$strRunQuery = 'Dërgo Query';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Zbato query SQL tek databazë %s';
$strRunning = 'në ekzekutim tek %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Ka mundësi që ka një bug tek parser SQL. Ju lutem, kontrolloni query tuaj me kujdes, dhe kontrolloni që presjet të jenë ku duhet dhe jo të gabuara. Një shkak tjetër i mundshëm i gabimit mund të jetë që po mundoheni të uploadoni një file binar jashtë një zone teksti të kufizuar me presje. Mund edhe të provoni query tuaj MySQL nga interfaqja e shkruar e komandave. Gabimi i mëposhtëm i kthyer nga server-i MySQL, nëse ekziston një i tillë, mund tju ndihmojë në diagnostikimin e problemit. Nëse ka akoma probleme, apo n.q.s. parser-i SQL i phpMyAdmin gabon kur përkundrazi nga interfaqja e komandave të thjeshta nuk rezultojnë probleme, ju lutem zvogëloni query tuaj SQL në hyrje në query e vetme që shkakton probleme, dhe dërgoni një bug raportim me të dhënat rezultuese nga seksioni CUT i mëposhtëm:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Mesa duket ekziston një gabim tek query juaj SQL e futur. Gabimi i server-it MySQL i treguar më poshtë, nëse ekziston, mund t\'ju ndihmojë në diagnostikimin e problemit';
$strSQLQuery = 'query SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Rezultati SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Identifikues i pavlefshëm';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Thonjëza të pambyllura';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Stringë Punctuation e panjohur';
$strSave = 'Shpëto';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Faktori i shkallës është shumë i vogël për të plotësuar skemën në faqe';
$strSearch = 'Kërko';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Kërko në databazë';
$strSearchInTables = 'Tek tabela(at):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Fjala(ë) apo vlera(at) për t\'u kërkuar (karakteri Jolly: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'të paktën njërën nga fjalët';
$strSearchOption2 = 'të gjitha fjalët';
$strSearchOption3 = 'fraza precize';
$strSearchOption4 = 'si ekspresion i rregullt';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Kërko rezultatet për "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Gjej:';
$strSelect = 'Seleksiono';
$strSelectADb = 'Të lutem, seleksiono një databazë';
$strSelectAll = 'Seleksiono Gjithçka';
$strSelectFields = 'Seleksiono fushat (të paktën një):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'tek query';
$strSelectTables = 'Seleksiono Tabelat';
$strSend = 'Shpëtoje me emër...';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Zgjedhja e server';
$strServerVersion = 'Versioni i MySQL';
$strSetEnumVal = 'N.q.s. fusha është "enum" apo "set", shtoni të dhënat duke përdorur formatin: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Nëse megjithatë do t\'u duhet të vini backslashes ("\") apo single quote ("\'") para këtyre vlerave, backslash-ojini (për shembull \'\\\\xyz\' o \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Shfaq';
$strShowAll = 'Shfaqi të gjithë';
$strShowColor = 'Shfaq ngjyrën';
$strShowCols = 'Shfaq kollonat';
$strShowGrid = 'Shfaq rrjetën';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Trego info mbi PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Trego dimensionin e tabelave';
$strShowTables = 'Shfaq tabelat';
$strShowThisQuery = 'Tregoje përsëri këtë query';
$strShowingRecords = 'Vizualizimi i record ';
$strSingly = '(një nga një)';
$strSize = 'Dimensioni';
$strSort = 'rreshtimi';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Hapësira e përdorur';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Fjalët janë të ndara nga një hapsirë (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Instruksione';
$strStrucCSV = 'të dhëna CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Struktura dhe të dhëna';
$strStrucDrop = 'Shto \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV për të dhëna Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Vetëm struktura';
$strStructPropose = 'Propozo strukturën e tabelës';
$strStructure = 'Struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Dërgoje';
$strSuccess = 'Query u zbatua me sukses';
$strSum = 'Gjithsej';
$strTable = 'Tabela';
$strTableComments = 'Komente mbi tabelën';
$strTableEmpty = 'Emri i tabelës është bosh!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabela %s u eleminua';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabela %s u zbraz';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabela %s u rifreskua';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Administrimi i tabelës';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura e tabelës';
$strTableType = 'Tipi i tabelës';
$strTables = '%s tabela(at)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Për shkak të gjatësisë saj,<br /> kjo fushë nuk mund të modifikohet ';
$strTheContent = 'Përmbajtja e file u shtua.';
$strTheContents = 'Përmbajtja e file zëvëndëson rreshtat e tabelës me të njëjtin kyç primar apo kyç të vetëm.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Karakteri përfundues i fushave.';
$strTotal = 'Gjithsej';
$strType = 'Tipi';
$strUncheckAll = 'Deseleksionoi të gjithë';
$strUnique = 'I vetëm';
$strUnselectAll = 'Deseleksiono gjithçka';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Ke rifreskuar lejet për %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Rifresko profilin:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profili u rifreskua.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Rifresko Query';
$strUsage = 'Përdorimi';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Përdor backquotes me emrat e tabelave dhe fushave';
$strUseTables = 'Përdor tabelat';
$strUser = 'Përdorues';
$strUserEmpty = 'Emri i përdoruesit është bosh!';
$strUserName = 'Emri i përdoruesit';
$strUsers = 'Përdorues';
$strValidateSQL = 'Vleftëso SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'Miratuesi SQL nuk arrin të niset. Ju lutem kontrolloni instalimin e ekstensioneve të duhura php ashtu si përshkruhet tek %sdokumentimi%s.';
$strValue = 'Vlera';
$strViewDump = 'Vizualizo dump (skema) e tabelës';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Vizualizo dump (skema) e databazë';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'directory e upload të server-it web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Directory që keni zgjedhur për upload nuk arrin të gjehet';
$strWelcome = 'Mirësevini tek %s';
$strWithChecked = 'N.q.s.të seleksionuar:';
$strWrongUser = 'Emri i përdoruesit apo password i gabuar. Ndalohet hyrja.';
$strYes = ' Po ';
$strZip = '"kompresuar me zip"';
// To translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.29 2002/11/28 09:15:19 rabus Exp $ */
* Translated by Renato Lins <thbest at>
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Dom', 'Seg', 'Ter', 'Qua', 'Qui', 'Sex', 'Sab');
$month = array('Jan', 'Fev', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Set', 'Out', 'Nov', 'Dez');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAccessDenied = 'Acesso Negado';
$strAction = 'Ações';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Adiciona/Remove Colunas';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Adiciona/Remove Condições de busca';
$strAddNewField = 'Adiciona novo campo';
$strAddPriv = 'Adiciona um novo Privilégio';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Privilégio adicionado.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Condição de Pesquisa (Complemento da clausula "onde"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Adicionar ao índice %s coluna(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Adicionar um novo usuário';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Usuário adcionado.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Registro afetados:';
$strAfter = 'Depois %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Retornar';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Inserir um novo registro';
$strAll = 'Todos';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Alterar tabela ordenada por';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analizar tabela';
$strAnd = 'E';
$strAnIndex = 'Um índice foi adicionado a %s';
$strAny = 'Qualquer';
$strAnyColumn = 'Qualquer coluna';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Qualquer banco de dados';
$strAnyHost = 'Qualquer servidor';
$strAnyTable = 'Qualquer tabela';
$strAnyUser = 'Qualquer usuário';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Uma chave primária foi adicionada a %s';
$strAscending = 'Ascendente';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'No começo da tabela';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Ao fim da tabela';
$strAttr = 'Atributos';
$strBack = 'Voltar';
$strBinary = ' Binário ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binário - não edite ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'O bookmark foi removido.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Nome';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Procura de SQL salva';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Salvar essa procura de SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Apenas visualiza';
$strBrowse = 'Visualiza';
$strBzip = '"compactado com bzip"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'não foi possível carregar extensão do MySQL,<br />por favor cheque a configuração do PHP.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Não foi possível renomear o índice para "PRIMARY"!';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalidade';
$strCarriage = 'Caracter de retorno: \\r';
$strChange = 'Muda';
$strChangePassword = 'Mude a senha';
$strCheckAll = 'Marcar All';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Verifica Privilégios do Banco de Dados';
$strCheckTable = 'Verifica tabela';
$strColumn = 'Coluna';
$strColumnNames = 'Nome da Colunas';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Inserções Completas';
$strConfirm = 'Você tem certeza?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Cookies devem estar ativados após este ponto.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copiar tabela para (base<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabela %s copiada para %s.';
$strCreate = 'Cria';
$strCreateIndex = 'Criar um índice em %s colunas';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Criar um novo índice';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Cria novo banco de dados';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Cria nova tabela no banco de dados %s';
$strCriteria = 'Critério';
$strData = 'Dados';
$strDatabase = 'Banco de Dados ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Base de Dados %s foi eliminada.';
$strDatabases = 'Banco de Dados';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Estatisticas da base';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Banco de Dados (caractéres-coringa permitidos):';
$strDataOnly = 'Dados apenas';
$strDefault = 'Padrão';
$strDelete = 'Remove';
$strDeleted = 'Registro eliminado';
$strDeletedRows = 'Registro deletados:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Não foi possível apagar!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Você deletou o usuário %s.';
$strDescending = 'Descendente';
$strDisplay = 'Tela';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Ordenado por:';
$strDoAQuery = 'Faça uma "procura por exemplo" (coringa: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Documentação';
$strDoYouReally = 'Confirma : ';
$strDrop = 'Elimina';
$strDropDB = 'Elimina o banco de dados %s';
$strDropTable = 'Remove Tabela';
$strDumpingData = 'Extraindo dados da tabela';
$strDynamic = 'dinâmico';
$strEdit = 'Edita';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Edita Privilégios';
$strEffective = 'Efetivo';
$strEmpty = 'Limpa';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL retornou um conjunto vazio (ex. zero registros).';
$strEnd = 'Fim';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: nomes de privilégios do MySQL são expressos em inglês ';
$strError = 'Erro';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Inserções extendidas';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Campo';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Campo %s foi deletado';
$strFields = 'Campos';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' O campo count esta vazio! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Campos delimitados por';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Campo contornado por';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Campos terminados por';
$strFixed = 'fixo';
$strFlushTable = 'Limpar a tabela ("LIMPAR")';
$strFormat = 'Formato';
$strFormEmpty = 'Faltando valores do form !';
$strFullText = 'Textos completos';
$strFunction = 'Funçoes';
$strGenTime = 'Tempo de Generação';
$strGo = 'Executa';
$strGrants = 'Conceder';
$strGzip = '"compactado com gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'foi alterado.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'foi criado.';
$strHome = 'Principal';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Página Oficial do phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Nova Página do phpMyAdmin';
$strHost = 'Servidor';
$strHostEmpty = 'O nome do servidor está vazio!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fulltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'Para carregar apenas algumas colunas da tabela, faça uma lista separada por vírgula.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorar';
$strIndex = 'Índice';
$strIndexes = 'Índices';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Índice %s foi deletado';
$strIndexName = 'Nome do índice :';
$strIndexType = 'Tipo de índice :';
$strInsert = 'Insere';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Insere uma nova coluna';
$strInsertedRows = 'Linhas Inseridas:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Insere novo registro';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Insere arquivo texto na tabela';
$strInstructions = 'Instruções';
$strInUse = 'em uso';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" é uma palavra reservada, você não pode usá-la como um nome de base de dados/tabela/campo.';
$strKeepPass = 'Não mudar a senha';
$strKeyname = 'Nome chave';
$strKill = 'Matar';
$strLength = 'Tamanho';
$strLengthSet = 'Tamanho/Definir*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'registros por página';
$strLineFeed = 'Caracter de Alimentação de Linha: \\n';
$strLines = 'Linhas';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Linhas terminadas por';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Localização do arquivo texto';
$strLogin = 'Autenticação';
$strLogout = 'Sair';
$strLogPassword = 'Senha:';
$strLogUsername = 'Usuário:';
$strModifications = 'Modificações foram salvas';
$strModify = 'Modificar';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modificar um índice';
$strMoveTable = 'Mover tabela para (base de dados<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabela %s foi movida para %s.';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reiniciado.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'Mensagens do MySQL : ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% funcionando em %pma_s2% como %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Mostra os Processos';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Mostra informação de runtime do MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Mostra variáveis de sistema do MySQL';
$strName = 'Nome';
$strNext = 'Próximo';
$strNo = 'Não';
$strNoDatabases = 'Sem bases';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'O comando "DROP DATABASE" está desabilitado.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin é mais amigável com um navegador <b>capaz de exibir frames</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Nenhum índice definido!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Nenhuma parte de índice definida!';
$strNoModification = 'Sem Mudança';
$strNone = 'Nenhum';
$strNoPassword = 'Sem Senha';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Sem Privilégios';
$strNoQuery = 'Nenhuma procura SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'Você não tem direitos suficientes para estar aqui agora!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Nenhuma tabela encontrada no banco de dados';
$strNotNumber = 'Isto não é um número!';
$strNotValidNumber = ' não é um número de registro valido!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Nenhum usuário(s) encontrado.';
$strNull = 'Nulo';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Em geral aspas. OPCIONAL significa que apenas campos de caracteres são delimitados por caracteres "delimitadores"';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimizar tabela';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opcional. Controla como ler e escrever caracteres especiais.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONAL';
$strOr = 'Ou';
$strOverhead = 'Sobre Carga';
$strPartialText = 'Textos parciais';
$strPassword = 'Senha';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'A senhas está vazia!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'As senhas não são a mesma!';
$strPHPVersion = 'Versão do PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentação do phpMyAdmin ';
$strPmaUriError = 'A diretiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> Deve ser setada';
$strPos1 = 'Início';
$strPrevious = 'Anterior';
$strPrimary = 'Primária';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Chave Primária';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'A chave primária foi deletada';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'O nome da chave primária deve ser... "PRIMARY"!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>precisa</b> ser o nome de e <b>apenas da</b> chave primária!)';
$strPrintView = 'Visualização para Impressão';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilégios';
$strProperties = 'Propriedades';
$strQBE = 'Procura por Exemplo';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Procura SQL na base de dados <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Registros';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Verificar integridade referencial:';
$strReloadFailed = 'Reinicialização do MySQL falhou.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Reinicializa o MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Lembre-se recarregar o servidor.';
$strRenameTable = 'Renomeia a tabela para ';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabela %s renomeada para %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparar tabela';
$strReplace = 'Substituir';
$strReplaceTable = 'Substituir os dados da tabela pelos do arquivo';
$strReset = 'Resetar';
$strReType = 'Re-digite';
$strRevoke = 'Revogar';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revogar Privilégio de Conceder';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Você revogou o privilégio de conceder para %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Você revogou os privilégios para %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revogar Privilégios';
$strRowLength = 'Tamanho da Coluna';
$strRows = 'Colunas';
$strRowsFrom = 'colunas começando de';
$strRowSize = ' Tamanho do registro ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'no modo %s e repetindo cabeçalhos após %s células';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Estatistícas da Coluna';
$strRunning = 'Rodando em %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Envia Query';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Fazer procura(s) SQL no banco de dados %s';
$strSave = 'Salva';
$strSelect = 'Procura';
$strSelectADb = 'Por favor, selecione uma base de dados';
$strSelectAll = 'Selecionar Todos';
$strSelectFields = 'Selecione os campos (no mínimo 1)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'na procura';
$strSend = 'Envia';
$strServerChoice = 'Seleção da Base';
$strServerVersion = 'Versão do Servidor';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Se um tipo de campo é "enum" ou "set", por favor entre valores usando este formato: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Se você for colocar uma barra contrária ("\") ou aspas simples ("\'") entre os valores, coloque uma barra contrária antes (por exemplo \'\\\\xyz\' ou \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Mostrar';
$strShowAll = 'Mostrar Todos';
$strShowCols = 'Mostrar Colunas';
$strShowingRecords = 'Mostrando registros ';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Mostra informações do PHP';
$strShowTables = 'Mostrar Tabelas';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Mostra esta query novamente ';
$strSingly = '(singularmente)';
$strSize = 'Tamanho';
$strSort = 'Ordena';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Uso do espaço';
$strSQLQuery = 'comando SQL';
$strStatement = 'Comandos';
$strStrucCSV = 'Dados CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Estrutura e dados';
$strStrucDrop = 'Adiciona \'Sobrescrever\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV para dados Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Somente estrutura';
$strSubmit = 'Submete';
$strSuccess = 'Seu comando SQL foi executado com sucesso';
$strSum = 'Soma';
$strTable = 'Tabela';
$strTableComments = 'Comentários da tabela';
$strTableEmpty = 'O Nome da Tabela está vazio!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabela %s foi deletada';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabela %s foi esvaziada';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabela %s foi limpa';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabela de Manutenção';
$strTables = '%s tabela(s)';
$strTableStructure = 'Estrutura da tabela';
$strTableType = 'Tipo da Tabela';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Por causa da sua largura,<br /> esse campo pode não ser editável ';
$strTheContent = 'O conteúdo do seu arquivo foi inserido';
$strTheContents = 'O conteúdo do arquivo substituiu o conteúdo da tabela que tinha a mesma chave primária ou única';
$strTheTerminator = 'Terminador de campos.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Tipo';
$strUncheckAll = 'Desmarca Todos';
$strUnique = 'Único';
$strUnselectAll = 'Desmarcar Todos';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Você mudou os priviléios para %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Atualizar configuração:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'A configuração foi atualizada.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Atualiza a Procura';
$strUsage = 'Uso';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Usa aspas simples nos nomes de tabelas e campos';
$strUser = 'Usuário';
$strUserEmpty = 'O nome do usuário está vazio!';
$strUserName = 'Nome do usuário';
$strUsers = 'Usuários';
$strUseTables = 'Usar Tabelas';
$strValue = 'Valor';
$strViewDump = 'Ver o esquema da tabela';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Ver o esquema do banco de dados';
$strWelcome = 'Bem vindo ao %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Com marcados:';
$strWrongUser = 'Usuário ou Senha errado. Acesso Negado.';
$strYes = 'Sim';
$strZip = '"compactado com zip"';
// To translate
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.'; //to translate
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strComments = 'Comments'; //to translate
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.'; //to translate
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s'; //to translate
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema'; //to translate
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s rows starting at row %s.'; //to translate
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strExport = 'Export'; //to translate
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format'; //to translate
$strGenBy = 'Generated by'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display'; //to translate
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found'; //to translate
$strLinksTo = 'Links to'; //to translate
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket'; //to translate
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset'; //to translate
$strNoDescription = 'no Description'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNoPhp = 'without PHP Code'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';//to translate
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';//to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strOperations = 'Operations'; //to translate
$strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:'; //to translate
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code'; //to translate
$strQBEDel = 'Del'; //to translate (used in tbl_qbe.php)
$strQBEIns = 'Ins'; //to translate (used in tbl_qbe.php)
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strRelationView = 'Relation view'; //to translate
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page'; //to translate
$strSearch = 'Search';//to translate
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';//to translate
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';//to translate
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';//to translate
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';//to translate
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';//to translate
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';//to translate
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';//to translate
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';//to translate
$strSearchType = 'Find:';//to translate
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables'; //to translate
$strShowColor = 'Show color'; //to translate
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid'; //to translate
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables'; //to translate
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are seperated by a space character (" ").';//to translate
$strSQL = 'SQL'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure'; //to translate
$strStructure = 'Structure'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.29 2002/11/28 09:15:19 rabus Exp $ */
* Translated by Renato Lins <thbest at>
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Dom', 'Seg', 'Ter', 'Qua', 'Qui', 'Sex', 'Sab');
$month = array('Jan', 'Fev', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Set', 'Out', 'Nov', 'Dez');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAccessDenied = 'Acesso Negado';
$strAction = 'Ações';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Adiciona/Remove Colunas';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Adiciona/Remove Condições de busca';
$strAddNewField = 'Adiciona novo campo';
$strAddPriv = 'Adiciona um novo Privilégio';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Privilégio adicionado.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Condição de Pesquisa (Complemento da clausula "onde"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Adicionar ao índice %s coluna(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Adicionar um novo usuário';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Usuário adcionado.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Registro afetados:';
$strAfter = 'Depois %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Retornar';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Inserir um novo registro';
$strAll = 'Todos';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Alterar tabela ordenada por';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analizar tabela';
$strAnd = 'E';
$strAnIndex = 'Um índice foi adicionado a %s';
$strAny = 'Qualquer';
$strAnyColumn = 'Qualquer coluna';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Qualquer banco de dados';
$strAnyHost = 'Qualquer servidor';
$strAnyTable = 'Qualquer tabela';
$strAnyUser = 'Qualquer usuário';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Uma chave primária foi adicionada a %s';
$strAscending = 'Ascendente';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'No começo da tabela';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Ao fim da tabela';
$strAttr = 'Atributos';
$strBack = 'Voltar';
$strBinary = ' Binário ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binário - não edite ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'O bookmark foi removido.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Nome';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Procura de SQL salva';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Salvar essa procura de SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Apenas visualiza';
$strBrowse = 'Visualiza';
$strBzip = '"compactado com bzip"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'não foi possível carregar extensão do MySQL,<br />por favor cheque a configuração do PHP.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Não foi possível renomear o índice para "PRIMARY"!';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalidade';
$strCarriage = 'Caracter de retorno: \\r';
$strChange = 'Muda';
$strChangePassword = 'Mude a senha';
$strCheckAll = 'Marcar All';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Verifica Privilégios do Banco de Dados';
$strCheckTable = 'Verifica tabela';
$strColumn = 'Coluna';
$strColumnNames = 'Nome da Colunas';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Inserções Completas';
$strConfirm = 'Você tem certeza?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Cookies devem estar ativados após este ponto.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copiar tabela para (base<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabela %s copiada para %s.';
$strCreate = 'Cria';
$strCreateIndex = 'Criar um índice em %s colunas';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Criar um novo índice';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Cria novo banco de dados';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Cria nova tabela no banco de dados %s';
$strCriteria = 'Critério';
$strData = 'Dados';
$strDatabase = 'Banco de Dados ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Base de Dados %s foi eliminada.';
$strDatabases = 'Banco de Dados';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Estatisticas da base';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Banco de Dados (caractéres-coringa permitidos):';
$strDataOnly = 'Dados apenas';
$strDefault = 'Padrão';
$strDelete = 'Remove';
$strDeleted = 'Registro eliminado';
$strDeletedRows = 'Registro deletados:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Não foi possível apagar!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Você deletou o usuário %s.';
$strDescending = 'Descendente';
$strDisplay = 'Tela';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Ordenado por:';
$strDoAQuery = 'Faça uma "procura por exemplo" (coringa: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Documentação';
$strDoYouReally = 'Confirma : ';
$strDrop = 'Elimina';
$strDropDB = 'Elimina o banco de dados %s';
$strDropTable = 'Remove Tabela';
$strDumpingData = 'Extraindo dados da tabela';
$strDynamic = 'dinâmico';
$strEdit = 'Edita';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Edita Privilégios';
$strEffective = 'Efetivo';
$strEmpty = 'Limpa';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL retornou um conjunto vazio (ex. zero registros).';
$strEnd = 'Fim';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: nomes de privilégios do MySQL são expressos em inglês ';
$strError = 'Erro';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Inserções extendidas';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Campo';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Campo %s foi deletado';
$strFields = 'Campos';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' O campo count esta vazio! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Campos delimitados por';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Campo contornado por';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Campos terminados por';
$strFixed = 'fixo';
$strFlushTable = 'Limpar a tabela ("LIMPAR")';
$strFormat = 'Formato';
$strFormEmpty = 'Faltando valores do form !';
$strFullText = 'Textos completos';
$strFunction = 'Funçoes';
$strGenTime = 'Tempo de Generação';
$strGo = 'Executa';
$strGrants = 'Conceder';
$strGzip = '"compactado com gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'foi alterado.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'foi criado.';
$strHome = 'Principal';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Página Oficial do phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Nova Página do phpMyAdmin';
$strHost = 'Servidor';
$strHostEmpty = 'O nome do servidor está vazio!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fulltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'Para carregar apenas algumas colunas da tabela, faça uma lista separada por vírgula.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorar';
$strIndex = 'Índice';
$strIndexes = 'Índices';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Índice %s foi deletado';
$strIndexName = 'Nome do índice :';
$strIndexType = 'Tipo de índice :';
$strInsert = 'Insere';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Insere uma nova coluna';
$strInsertedRows = 'Linhas Inseridas:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Insere novo registro';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Insere arquivo texto na tabela';
$strInstructions = 'Instruções';
$strInUse = 'em uso';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" é uma palavra reservada, você não pode usá-la como um nome de base de dados/tabela/campo.';
$strKeepPass = 'Não mudar a senha';
$strKeyname = 'Nome chave';
$strKill = 'Matar';
$strLength = 'Tamanho';
$strLengthSet = 'Tamanho/Definir*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'registros por página';
$strLineFeed = 'Caracter de Alimentação de Linha: \\n';
$strLines = 'Linhas';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Linhas terminadas por';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Localização do arquivo texto';
$strLogin = 'Autenticação';
$strLogout = 'Sair';
$strLogPassword = 'Senha:';
$strLogUsername = 'Usuário:';
$strModifications = 'Modificações foram salvas';
$strModify = 'Modificar';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modificar um índice';
$strMoveTable = 'Mover tabela para (base de dados<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabela %s foi movida para %s.';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reiniciado.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'Mensagens do MySQL : ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% funcionando em %pma_s2% como %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Mostra os Processos';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Mostra informação de runtime do MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Mostra variáveis de sistema do MySQL';
$strName = 'Nome';
$strNext = 'Próximo';
$strNo = 'Não';
$strNoDatabases = 'Sem bases';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'O comando "DROP DATABASE" está desabilitado.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin é mais amigável com um navegador <b>capaz de exibir frames</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Nenhum índice definido!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Nenhuma parte de índice definida!';
$strNoModification = 'Sem Mudança';
$strNone = 'Nenhum';
$strNoPassword = 'Sem Senha';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Sem Privilégios';
$strNoQuery = 'Nenhuma procura SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'Você não tem direitos suficientes para estar aqui agora!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Nenhuma tabela encontrada no banco de dados';
$strNotNumber = 'Isto não é um número!';
$strNotValidNumber = ' não é um número de registro valido!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Nenhum usuário(s) encontrado.';
$strNull = 'Nulo';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Em geral aspas. OPCIONAL significa que apenas campos de caracteres são delimitados por caracteres "delimitadores"';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimizar tabela';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opcional. Controla como ler e escrever caracteres especiais.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONAL';
$strOr = 'Ou';
$strOverhead = 'Sobre Carga';
$strPartialText = 'Textos parciais';
$strPassword = 'Senha';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'A senhas está vazia!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'As senhas não são a mesma!';
$strPHPVersion = 'Versão do PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentação do phpMyAdmin ';
$strPmaUriError = 'A diretiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> Deve ser setada';
$strPos1 = 'Início';
$strPrevious = 'Anterior';
$strPrimary = 'Primária';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Chave Primária';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'A chave primária foi deletada';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'O nome da chave primária deve ser... "PRIMARY"!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>precisa</b> ser o nome de e <b>apenas da</b> chave primária!)';
$strPrintView = 'Visualização para Impressão';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilégios';
$strProperties = 'Propriedades';
$strQBE = 'Procura por Exemplo';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Procura SQL na base de dados <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Registros';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Verificar integridade referencial:';
$strReloadFailed = 'Reinicialização do MySQL falhou.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Reinicializa o MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Lembre-se recarregar o servidor.';
$strRenameTable = 'Renomeia a tabela para ';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabela %s renomeada para %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparar tabela';
$strReplace = 'Substituir';
$strReplaceTable = 'Substituir os dados da tabela pelos do arquivo';
$strReset = 'Resetar';
$strReType = 'Re-digite';
$strRevoke = 'Revogar';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revogar Privilégio de Conceder';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Você revogou o privilégio de conceder para %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Você revogou os privilégios para %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revogar Privilégios';
$strRowLength = 'Tamanho da Coluna';
$strRows = 'Colunas';
$strRowsFrom = 'colunas começando de';
$strRowSize = ' Tamanho do registro ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'no modo %s e repetindo cabeçalhos após %s células';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Estatistícas da Coluna';
$strRunning = 'Rodando em %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Envia Query';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Fazer procura(s) SQL no banco de dados %s';
$strSave = 'Salva';
$strSelect = 'Procura';
$strSelectADb = 'Por favor, selecione uma base de dados';
$strSelectAll = 'Selecionar Todos';
$strSelectFields = 'Selecione os campos (no mínimo 1)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'na procura';
$strSend = 'Envia';
$strServerChoice = 'Seleção da Base';
$strServerVersion = 'Versão do Servidor';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Se um tipo de campo é "enum" ou "set", por favor entre valores usando este formato: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Se você for colocar uma barra contrária ("\") ou aspas simples ("\'") entre os valores, coloque uma barra contrária antes (por exemplo \'\\\\xyz\' ou \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Mostrar';
$strShowAll = 'Mostrar Todos';
$strShowCols = 'Mostrar Colunas';
$strShowingRecords = 'Mostrando registros ';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Mostra informações do PHP';
$strShowTables = 'Mostrar Tabelas';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Mostra esta query novamente ';
$strSingly = '(singularmente)';
$strSize = 'Tamanho';
$strSort = 'Ordena';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Uso do espaço';
$strSQLQuery = 'comando SQL';
$strStatement = 'Comandos';
$strStrucCSV = 'Dados CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Estrutura e dados';
$strStrucDrop = 'Adiciona \'Sobrescrever\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV para dados Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Somente estrutura';
$strSubmit = 'Submete';
$strSuccess = 'Seu comando SQL foi executado com sucesso';
$strSum = 'Soma';
$strTable = 'Tabela';
$strTableComments = 'Comentários da tabela';
$strTableEmpty = 'O Nome da Tabela está vazio!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabela %s foi deletada';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabela %s foi esvaziada';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabela %s foi limpa';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabela de Manutenção';
$strTables = '%s tabela(s)';
$strTableStructure = 'Estrutura da tabela';
$strTableType = 'Tipo da Tabela';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Por causa da sua largura,<br /> esse campo pode não ser editável ';
$strTheContent = 'O conteúdo do seu arquivo foi inserido';
$strTheContents = 'O conteúdo do arquivo substituiu o conteúdo da tabela que tinha a mesma chave primária ou única';
$strTheTerminator = 'Terminador de campos.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Tipo';
$strUncheckAll = 'Desmarca Todos';
$strUnique = 'Único';
$strUnselectAll = 'Desmarcar Todos';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Você mudou os priviléios para %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Atualizar configuração:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'A configuração foi atualizada.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Atualiza a Procura';
$strUsage = 'Uso';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Usa aspas simples nos nomes de tabelas e campos';
$strUser = 'Usuário';
$strUserEmpty = 'O nome do usuário está vazio!';
$strUserName = 'Nome do usuário';
$strUsers = 'Usuários';
$strUseTables = 'Usar Tabelas';
$strValue = 'Valor';
$strViewDump = 'Ver o esquema da tabela';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Ver o esquema do banco de dados';
$strWelcome = 'Bem vindo ao %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Com marcados:';
$strWrongUser = 'Usuário ou Senha errado. Acesso Negado.';
$strYes = 'Sim';
$strZip = '"compactado com zip"';
// To translate
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.'; //to translate
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strComments = 'Comments'; //to translate
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.'; //to translate
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s'; //to translate
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema'; //to translate
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s rows starting at row %s.'; //to translate
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strExport = 'Export'; //to translate
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format'; //to translate
$strGenBy = 'Generated by'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display'; //to translate
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found'; //to translate
$strLinksTo = 'Links to'; //to translate
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket'; //to translate
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset'; //to translate
$strNoDescription = 'no Description'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNoPhp = 'without PHP Code'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';//to translate
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';//to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strOperations = 'Operations'; //to translate
$strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:'; //to translate
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code'; //to translate
$strQBEDel = 'Del'; //to translate (used in tbl_qbe.php)
$strQBEIns = 'Ins'; //to translate (used in tbl_qbe.php)
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strRelationView = 'Relation view'; //to translate
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page'; //to translate
$strSearch = 'Search';//to translate
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';//to translate
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';//to translate
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';//to translate
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';//to translate
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';//to translate
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';//to translate
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';//to translate
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';//to translate
$strSearchType = 'Find:';//to translate
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables'; //to translate
$strShowColor = 'Show color'; //to translate
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid'; //to translate
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables'; //to translate
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are seperated by a space character (" ").';//to translate
$strSQL = 'SQL'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure'; //to translate
$strStructure = 'Structure'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.34 2002/11/28 09:15:20 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Diu', 'Dll', 'Dma', 'Dcr', 'Djs', 'Div', 'Dis');
$month = array('Gen', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Set', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// Veure per a definir
// la variable seguent
$datefmt = '%d-%m-%Y a les %H:%M:%S';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'S\'ha afegit una clau primària a %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Accés denegat';
$strAction = 'Acció';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Afegir/esborrar Camps de Columna';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Afegir/esborrar fila de criteri';
$strAddNewField = 'Afegir un camp nou';
$strAddPriv = 'Afegir un privilegi nou';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Has afegit un privilegi nou.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Afegeix condicions de recerca (cos de la clàusula "where"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Afegir columna(es) a l\'índex %s ';
$strAddUser = 'Afegir un usuari nou';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Has afegit un usuari nou.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Files afectades:';
$strAfter = 'Després %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Tornar';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Inserta un nou registre';
$strAll = 'Tot';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Mostrar totes les taules amb la mateixa amplada?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Altera la taula i ordena per';
$strAnIndex = 'S\'ha afegit un índex a %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analitza la taula';
$strAnd = 'I';
$strAny = 'Qualsevol';
$strAnyColumn = 'Qualsevol columna';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Qualsevol base de dades';
$strAnyHost = 'Qualsevol servidor';
$strAnyTable = 'Qualsevol taula';
$strAnyUser = 'Qualsevol usuari';
$strAscending = 'Ascendent';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Al principi de la taula';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Al final de la taula';
$strAttr = 'Atributs';
$strBack = 'Enrere';
$strBeginCut = 'INICI DEL TALL';
$strBeginRaw = 'INICI DEL VOLCAT';
$strBinary = ' Binari ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binari - no editeu ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'S\'ha esborrat el bookmark.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiqueta';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Consulta SQL registrada';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Registra aquesta consulta SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Només mirar';
$strBrowse = 'Navega';
$strBzip = '"comprimit amb bzip"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'no s\'ha pogut carregar l\'extensió de MySQL,<br />verifiqueu la configuració del PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'No es pot carregar iconv o recodificar una extensió necessària per la conversió de jocs de caràcters, configura php per permetre l\'ús d\'aquestes extensions o bé desactiva la conversió de jocs de caràcters en phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'No pots canviar el nom d\'un índex a "PRIMARY"!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'No es pot utilitzar iconv ni libiconv ni la funció recode_string mentre es carrega l\'extensió d\'informes. Comprova la configuració de php.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalitat';
$strCarriage = 'Retorn de línia: \\r';
$strChange = 'Canvi';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Tria el camp a mostrar';
$strChangePassword = 'Canvi de contrasenya';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Joc de caràcters de l\'arxiu:';
$strCheckAll = 'Verificar-ho tot';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Verifica els privilegis de la base de dades';
$strCheckTable = 'Verifica la taula';
$strChoosePage = 'Tria una pàgina per editar';
$strColComFeat = 'Mostrant comentaris de les columnes';
$strColumn = 'Columna';
$strColumnNames = 'Nom de les columnes';
$strComments = 'Comentaris';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Completar insercions';
$strCompression = 'Compressió';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin és incapaç de llegir el fitxer de configuració!<br />Això pot succeir si php troba un error sintàctic en ell o bé php no pot trobar el fitxer.<br />Intenta obrir el fitxer de configuració directament fent servir l\'enllaç següent i comprova el(s) missatge(s) d\'error que reps. En moltes ocasions una coma o punt i coma falta en algun lloc.<br />Si reps una plana en blanc, tot està bé.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Configura les coordenades per la taula %s';
$strConfirm = 'Ho vols fer realment?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'A partir d\'aquest punt és necessari tenir les Cookies activades.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copia taula a (basedades<b>.</b>taula):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'La taula %s ha estat copiada a %s.';
$strCreate = 'Crear';
$strCreateIndex = 'Crea un índex a la columna: %s';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Crea un nou índex';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Crea una nova base de dades';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Crear una taula nova a la base de dades %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Crea una nova Pàgina';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creació de PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Criteris';
$strData = 'Dades';
$strDatabase = 'Base de dades ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'La Base de Dades %s s\'ha eliminat.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Bases de Dades (es permeten comodins):';
$strDatabases = 'bases de dades';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Estadístiques de les bases de dades';
$strDataDict = 'Diccionari de Dades';
$strDataOnly = 'Només dades';
$strDefault = 'Defecte';
$strDelete = 'Esborrar';
$strDeleteFailed = 'No s\'ha pogut esborrar!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Has esborrat l\'usuari %s.';
$strDeleted = 'La fila ha estat esborrada';
$strDeletedRows = 'Files esborrades:';
$strDescending = 'Descendent';
$strDisabled = 'Desactivat';
$strDisplay = 'Mostrar';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Mostrar característiques';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Ordre del llistat:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Mostrar esquema PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Fer una "petició segons exemple" (comodí: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Realment vols';
$strDocu = 'Documentació';
$strDrop = 'Eliminar';
$strDropDB = 'Eliminar base de dades %s';
$strDropTable = 'Esborrar taula';
$strDumpXRows = 'Volcar %s files començant a la fila %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Volcant dades de la taula';
$strDynamic = 'dinàmic';
$strEdit = 'Editar';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Editar pàgines PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Editar privilegis';
$strEffective = 'Efectiu';
$strEmpty = 'Buidar';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL ha retornat un conjunt buit (p.e. cap fila).';
$strEnabled = 'Activat';
$strEnd = 'Final';
$strEndCut = 'FI DEL TALL';
$strEndRaw = 'FI DEL VOLCAT';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: Els noms dels privilegis del MySQL són en llengua anglesa ';
$strError = 'Errada';
$strExplain = 'Explicació de l\'SQL';
$strExport = 'Exportar';
$strExportToXML = 'Exportar a format XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Insercions ampliades';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Camp';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat el camp %s';
$strFields = 'Camps';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' El comptador de camps és buit! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Camps englobats per';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Camps amb marca d\'escapada';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Camps acabats per';
$strFixed = 'fixa';
$strFlushTable = 'Buidar el caché de la taula ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Falta un valor al formulari !';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFullText = 'Textos sencers';
$strFunction = 'Funció';
$strGenBy = 'Generat per';
$strGenTime = 'Temps de generació';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Característiques generals de relacions';
$strGo = 'Executar';
$strGrants = 'Atorgar';
$strGzip = '"comprimit amb gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'ha estat alterada.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'ha estat creada.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Has d\'escollir al menys una columna per mostrar';
$strHome = 'Inici';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Plana oficial del phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Plana de descàrrega del phpMyAdmin a SourceForge';
$strHost = 'Servidor';
$strHostEmpty = 'El nom del servidor és buit!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Text sencer';
$strIfYouWish = 'Si només vols carregar algunes columnes de la taula, especifica-ho amb una llista separada per comes.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignora';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importa Arxius docSQL';
$strInUse = 'en ús';
$strIndex = 'Índex';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat l\'índex %s';
$strIndexName = 'Nom d\'índex:';
$strIndexType = 'Tipus d\'índex:';
$strIndexes = 'Indexos';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'El vostre fitxer de configuració té paràmetres (root sense contrasenya) que corresponen al compte privilegiat predetermitat de MySQL. El servidor MySQL està funcionant amb aquests valors, el que significa un forat de seguretat, i s\'exposa a intrusions, pel que recomanem la reparació urgent d\'aquest forat de seguretat.';
$strInsert = 'Inserta';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Inserir com a nova fila';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Inserir nova fila';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Inserir fitxers de text a la taula';
$strInsertedRows = 'Files Inserides:';
$strInstructions = 'Instruccions';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" és una paraula reservada, no es pot fer servir com a nom de base de dades/taula/camp.';
$strKeepPass = 'No canviïs la contrasenya';
$strKeyname = 'Nom Clau';
$strKill = 'Finalitzar';
$strLength = 'Longitud';
$strLengthSet = 'Longitud/Valors*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'registres per plana';
$strLineFeed = 'Salt de línia: \\n';
$strLines = 'Línies';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Línies terminades per';
$strLinkNotFound = 'L\'enllaç no s\'ha trobat';
$strLinksTo = 'Enllaços a';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Ubicació del fitxer de text';
$strLogPassword = 'Contrasenya:';
$strLogUsername = 'Nom d\'Usuari:';
$strLogin = 'Identificació';
$strLogout = 'Sortir';
$strMissingBracket = 'Falta una clau (\{ o bé \})';
$strModifications = 'Les modificacions han estat guardades';
$strModify = 'Modificar';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modifica un índex';
$strMoveTable = 'Mou taula a (base dades<b>.</b>taula):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Taula %s moguda a %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Joc de caràcters de MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reiniciat.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL diu: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% executant-se a %pma_s2% com a %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Mostrar processos';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Mostra la informació de funcionament del MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Mostra les variables de sistema del MySQL';
$strName = 'Nom';
$strNext = 'Següent';
$strNo = 'No';
$strNoDatabases = 'No hi ha Bases de Dades';
$strNoDescription = 'Sense Descripció';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Instrucció "DROP DATABASE" desactivada.';
$strNoExplain = 'Saltar l\'explicació de l\'SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin és més fàcil amb un navegador que <b>suporti marcs (frames)</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'No s\'ha definit l\'índex!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'No s\'han definit parts de l\'índex!';
$strNoModification = 'Sense canvis';
$strNoPassword = 'Sense contrasenya';
$strNoPhp = 'Sense codi PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Sense privilegis';
$strNoQuery = 'No és una consulta SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'No tens prou privilegis per visualitzar aquesta informació!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Base de dades sense taules.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'No s\'han trobat usuaris.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Saltar la Validació de l\'SQL';
$strNone = 'Res';
$strNotNumber = 'Aquest valor no és un número!';
$strNotOK = 'Incorrecte';
$strNotSet = 'Taula <b>%s</b> no trobada o no definida a %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' no es un número de columna vàlid!';
$strNull = 'Nul';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s resultat(s) a la taula <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> resultat(s)';
$strOK = 'Correcte';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Marques sintàctiques. OPCIONALMENT vol dir que només els camps de tipus char i varchar van "tancats dins" "-aquest caràcter.';
$strOperations = 'Operacions';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimitza la taula';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opcional. Controla com llegir o escriure caràcters especials.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONALMENT';
$strOptions = 'Opcions';
$strOr = 'O';
$strOverhead = 'Defragmentat';
$strPageNumber = 'Número de pàgina:';
$strPartialText = 'Textos Parcials';
$strPassword = 'Contrasenya';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'La contrasenya és buida!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Les contrasenyes no coincideixen!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Esquema de la base de dades "%s" - Pàgina %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Número de pàgina PDF no definida!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'La taula "%s" no existeix!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'No hi ha taules';
$strPhp = 'Crear codi PHP';
$strPHP40203 = 'S\'esta fent servir la versió 4.2.3 de PHP, que té un serios error amb cadenes de multi-byte (mbstring). Mira l\'informe d\'error 19404 de PHP. No es recomana aquesta versió de PHP per treballar amb phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP versió';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentació de phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'La directiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> HA d\'estar al fitxer de configuració!';
$strPos1 = 'Inici';
$strPrevious = 'Anterior';
$strPrimary = 'Primària';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Clau Primària';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat la clau principal';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'El nom de la clau principal ha de ser ... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>ha de ser</b> el nom i <b>només</b>el nom de la clau principal!)';
$strPrint = 'Imprimir';
$strPrintView = 'Imprimir vista';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegis';
$strProperties = 'Propietats';
$strPutColNames = 'Posa els noms de camp a la primera fila';
$strQBE = 'Consulta segons exemple';
$strQBEDel = 'Sup';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Consulta SQL a la base de dades <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Reescriure';
$strRecords = 'Registres';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Comprova la integritat referencial:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Les característiques addicionals per treballar amb taules enllaçades s\'han desactivat. Per saber perquè clica %saquí%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Vista de Relacions';
$strReloadFailed = 'El reinici del MySQL ha fallat';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Rellegir el MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Recorda reiniciar el MySQL';
$strRenameTable = 'Renombrar les taules a';
$strRenameTableOK = 'La taula %s ha canviat de nom. Ara es diu %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparar taula';
$strReplace = 'Substituir';
$strReplaceTable = 'Substituir les dades de la taula pel fitxer ';
$strReset = 'Esborrar';
$strRevoke = 'Revocar';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revocar garantia';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Has revocat la garantia de privilegis per a %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Has revocat els privilegis per %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revocar privilegis';
$strRowLength = 'Longitud de fila';
$strRowSize = 'Mida de fila ';
$strRows = 'Fila';
$strRowsFrom = 'Files començant des de';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horitzontal';
$strRowsModeOptions=" en mode %s i repeteix capçaleres després de %s cel·les ";
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Estadística de files';
$strRunQuery = 'Executa consulta';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Executa consulta/s SQL a la Base de Dades %s';
$strRunning = 'funcionant a %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'És possible que hagueu trobat un error a l\'intèrpret SQL. Si us plau, comproveu la sintaxi de la consulta i verifiqueu que les cometes estiguin al seu lloc i facin parelles. Un altra possible causa de l\'errada és que estigueu pujant un arxiu amb dades binàries per fora de l\'àrea de text delimitada. També podeu provar la consulta a la interfície de comandes de MySQL. La sortida següent generada pel servidor MySQL, si n\'hi ha, pot ajudar-vos a diagnosticar el problema. Si encara teniu problemes o si l\'intèrpret falla i l\'interfície de comandes funciona, reduïu la consulta a la part de l\'SQL que produeix l\'errada, i envieu un informe d\'error amb la cadena de dades de la secció de TALL indicada avall:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Sembla que hi ha un error a la consulta SQL. La sortida següent generada pel servidor MySQL, si n\'hi ha, pot ajudar-vos a diagnosticar el problema';
$strSQLQuery = 'crida SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Resultat SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Identificador Incorrecte';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Cometes sense tancar';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Signe de puntuació desconegut';
$strSave = 'Guardar';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'El factor de l\'escala és massa petit per posar l\'esquema en una pàgina';
$strSearch = 'Cercar';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Cercar a la base de dades';
$strSearchInTables = 'A la(les) taula(es):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Paraula(es) o valor(s) a cercar (comodí: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'al menys una d\'aquestes paraules';
$strSearchOption2 = 'Totes les paraules';
$strSearchOption3 = 'La frase exacta';
$strSearchOption4 = 'com a expressió regular';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Resultats de la recerca per a "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Trobat:';
$strSelect = 'Selecciona';
$strSelectADb = 'Selecciona una Base de Dades';
$strSelectAll = 'Selecciona Tot';
$strSelectFields = 'Selecciona els camps (un com a mínim):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'en consulta';
$strSelectTables = 'Selecciona Taules';
$strSend = 'enviar';
$strServer = 'Servidor %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Elecció de Servidor';
$strServerVersion = 'Versió del servidor';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Si el tipus de camp és "enum" o "set", entra els valors fent servir el format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Si mai necessites escriure la barra invertida ("\") o la cometa simple ("\'") abans d\'aquests valors, escriu barres invertides (per exemple \'\\\\xyz\' o \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Mostra';
$strShowAll = 'Mostra tot';
$strShowColor = 'Mostra color';
$strShowCols = 'Mostra columnes';
$strShowGrid = 'Mostra graella';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Mostra informació de PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Mostra dimensió de les taules';
$strShowTables = 'Mostra taules';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Mostra aquesta consulta de nou ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Mostrant registres: ';
$strSingly = '(singly)';
$strSize = 'Mida';
$strSort = 'Classificació';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Utilització d\'espai';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Paraules separades per un espai (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Sentències';
$strStrucCSV = 'dades CSV ';
$strStrucData = 'Estructura i dades';
$strStrucDrop = 'Afegir \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV per dades de Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Només l\'estructura';
$strStructPropose = 'Proposa una estructura de taula';
$strStructure = 'Estructura';
$strSubmit = 'Enviar';
$strSuccess = 'La vostra comanda SQL ha estat executada amb èxit';
$strSum = 'Suma';
$strTable = 'Taula';
$strTableComments = 'Comentaris de la taula';
$strTableEmpty = 'El nom de la taula és buit!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat la taula %s';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'S\'ha buidat la taula %s';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'S\'ha buidat el caché de la taula %s';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Manteniment de la taula';
$strTableStructure = 'Estructura de la taula';
$strTableType = 'Tipus de taula';
$strTables = '%s taula(es)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' A causa de la seva longitud,<br /> aquest camp pot no ser editable ';
$strTheContent = 'El contingut del fitxer especificat ha estat inserit.';
$strTheContents = 'El contingut del fitxer substituirà els continguts de les taules seleccionades a les files que contenen la mateixa clau única o primària';
$strTheTerminator = 'El separador de camps.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Tipus';
$strUncheckAll = 'Deseleccionar tot';
$strUnique = 'Única';
$strUnselectAll = 'Deselecciona tot';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Heu actualitzat els privilegis de %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Actualitza perfil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'S\'ha actualitzat el perfil.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Actualitza consulta';
$strUsage = 'Ús';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Usa "backquotes" amb taules i noms de camps';
$strUseTables = 'Usa Taules';
$strUser = 'Usuari';
$strUserEmpty = 'El nom d\'usuari és buit!';
$strUserName = 'Nom d\'usuari';
$strUsers = 'Usuaris';
$strValidateSQL = 'Validar l\'SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'No s\'ha pogut iniciar el validador SQL. Si us plau, comproveu que teniu instal·lats els mòduls de PHP necessaris tal i com s\'indica a la %sdocumentació%s.';
$strValue = 'Valor';
$strViewDump = 'Veure un esquema de la taula';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Veure l\'esquema de la base de dades';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'Directori de pujada d\'arxius del servidor web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'No està disponible el directori indicat per pujar arxius';
$strWelcome = 'Benvingut a %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Amb marca:';
$strWrongUser = 'Usuari i/o clau erronis. Accés denegat.';
$strYes = 'Si';
$strZip = '"comprimit amb zip"';
// To translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.34 2002/11/28 09:15:20 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Diu', 'Dll', 'Dma', 'Dcr', 'Djs', 'Div', 'Dis');
$month = array('Gen', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Set', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// Veure per a definir
// la variable seguent
$datefmt = '%d-%m-%Y a les %H:%M:%S';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'S\'ha afegit una clau primària a %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Accés denegat';
$strAction = 'Acció';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Afegir/esborrar Camps de Columna';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Afegir/esborrar fila de criteri';
$strAddNewField = 'Afegir un camp nou';
$strAddPriv = 'Afegir un privilegi nou';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Has afegit un privilegi nou.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Afegeix condicions de recerca (cos de la clàusula "where"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Afegir columna(es) a l\'índex %s ';
$strAddUser = 'Afegir un usuari nou';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Has afegit un usuari nou.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Files afectades:';
$strAfter = 'Després %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Tornar';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Inserta un nou registre';
$strAll = 'Tot';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Mostrar totes les taules amb la mateixa amplada?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Altera la taula i ordena per';
$strAnIndex = 'S\'ha afegit un índex a %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analitza la taula';
$strAnd = 'I';
$strAny = 'Qualsevol';
$strAnyColumn = 'Qualsevol columna';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Qualsevol base de dades';
$strAnyHost = 'Qualsevol servidor';
$strAnyTable = 'Qualsevol taula';
$strAnyUser = 'Qualsevol usuari';
$strAscending = 'Ascendent';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Al principi de la taula';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Al final de la taula';
$strAttr = 'Atributs';
$strBack = 'Enrere';
$strBeginCut = 'INICI DEL TALL';
$strBeginRaw = 'INICI DEL VOLCAT';
$strBinary = ' Binari ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binari - no editeu ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'S\'ha esborrat el bookmark.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiqueta';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Consulta SQL registrada';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Registra aquesta consulta SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Només mirar';
$strBrowse = 'Navega';
$strBzip = '"comprimit amb bzip"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'no s\'ha pogut carregar l\'extensió de MySQL,<br />verifiqueu la configuració del PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'No es pot carregar iconv o recodificar una extensió necessària per la conversió de jocs de caràcters, configura php per permetre l\'ús d\'aquestes extensions o bé desactiva la conversió de jocs de caràcters en phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'No pots canviar el nom d\'un índex a "PRIMARY"!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'No es pot utilitzar iconv ni libiconv ni la funció recode_string mentre es carrega l\'extensió d\'informes. Comprova la configuració de php.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalitat';
$strCarriage = 'Retorn de línia: \\r';
$strChange = 'Canvi';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Tria el camp a mostrar';
$strChangePassword = 'Canvi de contrasenya';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Joc de caràcters de l\'arxiu:';
$strCheckAll = 'Verificar-ho tot';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Verifica els privilegis de la base de dades';
$strCheckTable = 'Verifica la taula';
$strChoosePage = 'Tria una pàgina per editar';
$strColComFeat = 'Mostrant comentaris de les columnes';
$strColumn = 'Columna';
$strColumnNames = 'Nom de les columnes';
$strComments = 'Comentaris';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Completar insercions';
$strCompression = 'Compressió';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin és incapaç de llegir el fitxer de configuració!<br />Això pot succeir si php troba un error sintàctic en ell o bé php no pot trobar el fitxer.<br />Intenta obrir el fitxer de configuració directament fent servir l\'enllaç següent i comprova el(s) missatge(s) d\'error que reps. En moltes ocasions una coma o punt i coma falta en algun lloc.<br />Si reps una plana en blanc, tot està bé.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Configura les coordenades per la taula %s';
$strConfirm = 'Ho vols fer realment?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'A partir d\'aquest punt és necessari tenir les Cookies activades.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copia taula a (basedades<b>.</b>taula):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'La taula %s ha estat copiada a %s.';
$strCreate = 'Crear';
$strCreateIndex = 'Crea un índex a la columna: %s';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Crea un nou índex';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Crea una nova base de dades';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Crear una taula nova a la base de dades %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Crea una nova Pàgina';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creació de PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Criteris';
$strData = 'Dades';
$strDatabase = 'Base de dades ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'La Base de Dades %s s\'ha eliminat.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Bases de Dades (es permeten comodins):';
$strDatabases = 'bases de dades';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Estadístiques de les bases de dades';
$strDataDict = 'Diccionari de Dades';
$strDataOnly = 'Només dades';
$strDefault = 'Defecte';
$strDelete = 'Esborrar';
$strDeleteFailed = 'No s\'ha pogut esborrar!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Has esborrat l\'usuari %s.';
$strDeleted = 'La fila ha estat esborrada';
$strDeletedRows = 'Files esborrades:';
$strDescending = 'Descendent';
$strDisabled = 'Desactivat';
$strDisplay = 'Mostrar';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Mostrar característiques';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Ordre del llistat:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Mostrar esquema PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Fer una "petició segons exemple" (comodí: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Realment vols';
$strDocu = 'Documentació';
$strDrop = 'Eliminar';
$strDropDB = 'Eliminar base de dades %s';
$strDropTable = 'Esborrar taula';
$strDumpXRows = 'Volcar %s files començant a la fila %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Volcant dades de la taula';
$strDynamic = 'dinàmic';
$strEdit = 'Editar';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Editar pàgines PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Editar privilegis';
$strEffective = 'Efectiu';
$strEmpty = 'Buidar';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL ha retornat un conjunt buit (p.e. cap fila).';
$strEnabled = 'Activat';
$strEnd = 'Final';
$strEndCut = 'FI DEL TALL';
$strEndRaw = 'FI DEL VOLCAT';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: Els noms dels privilegis del MySQL són en llengua anglesa ';
$strError = 'Errada';
$strExplain = 'Explicació de l\'SQL';
$strExport = 'Exportar';
$strExportToXML = 'Exportar a format XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Insercions ampliades';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Camp';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat el camp %s';
$strFields = 'Camps';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' El comptador de camps és buit! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Camps englobats per';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Camps amb marca d\'escapada';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Camps acabats per';
$strFixed = 'fixa';
$strFlushTable = 'Buidar el caché de la taula ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Falta un valor al formulari !';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFullText = 'Textos sencers';
$strFunction = 'Funció';
$strGenBy = 'Generat per';
$strGenTime = 'Temps de generació';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Característiques generals de relacions';
$strGo = 'Executar';
$strGrants = 'Atorgar';
$strGzip = '"comprimit amb gzip"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'ha estat alterada.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'ha estat creada.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Has d\'escollir al menys una columna per mostrar';
$strHome = 'Inici';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Plana oficial del phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Plana de descàrrega del phpMyAdmin a SourceForge';
$strHost = 'Servidor';
$strHostEmpty = 'El nom del servidor és buit!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Text sencer';
$strIfYouWish = 'Si només vols carregar algunes columnes de la taula, especifica-ho amb una llista separada per comes.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignora';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importa Arxius docSQL';
$strInUse = 'en ús';
$strIndex = 'Índex';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat l\'índex %s';
$strIndexName = 'Nom d\'índex:';
$strIndexType = 'Tipus d\'índex:';
$strIndexes = 'Indexos';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'El vostre fitxer de configuració té paràmetres (root sense contrasenya) que corresponen al compte privilegiat predetermitat de MySQL. El servidor MySQL està funcionant amb aquests valors, el que significa un forat de seguretat, i s\'exposa a intrusions, pel que recomanem la reparació urgent d\'aquest forat de seguretat.';
$strInsert = 'Inserta';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Inserir com a nova fila';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Inserir nova fila';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Inserir fitxers de text a la taula';
$strInsertedRows = 'Files Inserides:';
$strInstructions = 'Instruccions';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" és una paraula reservada, no es pot fer servir com a nom de base de dades/taula/camp.';
$strKeepPass = 'No canviïs la contrasenya';
$strKeyname = 'Nom Clau';
$strKill = 'Finalitzar';
$strLength = 'Longitud';
$strLengthSet = 'Longitud/Valors*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'registres per plana';
$strLineFeed = 'Salt de línia: \\n';
$strLines = 'Línies';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Línies terminades per';
$strLinkNotFound = 'L\'enllaç no s\'ha trobat';
$strLinksTo = 'Enllaços a';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Ubicació del fitxer de text';
$strLogPassword = 'Contrasenya:';
$strLogUsername = 'Nom d\'Usuari:';
$strLogin = 'Identificació';
$strLogout = 'Sortir';
$strMissingBracket = 'Falta una clau (\{ o bé \})';
$strModifications = 'Les modificacions han estat guardades';
$strModify = 'Modificar';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modifica un índex';
$strMoveTable = 'Mou taula a (base dades<b>.</b>taula):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Taula %s moguda a %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Joc de caràcters de MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reiniciat.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL diu: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% executant-se a %pma_s2% com a %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Mostrar processos';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Mostra la informació de funcionament del MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Mostra les variables de sistema del MySQL';
$strName = 'Nom';
$strNext = 'Següent';
$strNo = 'No';
$strNoDatabases = 'No hi ha Bases de Dades';
$strNoDescription = 'Sense Descripció';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Instrucció "DROP DATABASE" desactivada.';
$strNoExplain = 'Saltar l\'explicació de l\'SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin és més fàcil amb un navegador que <b>suporti marcs (frames)</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'No s\'ha definit l\'índex!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'No s\'han definit parts de l\'índex!';
$strNoModification = 'Sense canvis';
$strNoPassword = 'Sense contrasenya';
$strNoPhp = 'Sense codi PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Sense privilegis';
$strNoQuery = 'No és una consulta SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'No tens prou privilegis per visualitzar aquesta informació!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Base de dades sense taules.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'No s\'han trobat usuaris.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Saltar la Validació de l\'SQL';
$strNone = 'Res';
$strNotNumber = 'Aquest valor no és un número!';
$strNotOK = 'Incorrecte';
$strNotSet = 'Taula <b>%s</b> no trobada o no definida a %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' no es un número de columna vàlid!';
$strNull = 'Nul';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s resultat(s) a la taula <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> resultat(s)';
$strOK = 'Correcte';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Marques sintàctiques. OPCIONALMENT vol dir que només els camps de tipus char i varchar van "tancats dins" "-aquest caràcter.';
$strOperations = 'Operacions';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimitza la taula';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opcional. Controla com llegir o escriure caràcters especials.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONALMENT';
$strOptions = 'Opcions';
$strOr = 'O';
$strOverhead = 'Defragmentat';
$strPageNumber = 'Número de pàgina:';
$strPartialText = 'Textos Parcials';
$strPassword = 'Contrasenya';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'La contrasenya és buida!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Les contrasenyes no coincideixen!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Esquema de la base de dades "%s" - Pàgina %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Número de pàgina PDF no definida!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'La taula "%s" no existeix!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'No hi ha taules';
$strPhp = 'Crear codi PHP';
$strPHP40203 = 'S\'esta fent servir la versió 4.2.3 de PHP, que té un serios error amb cadenes de multi-byte (mbstring). Mira l\'informe d\'error 19404 de PHP. No es recomana aquesta versió de PHP per treballar amb phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP versió';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentació de phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'La directiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> HA d\'estar al fitxer de configuració!';
$strPos1 = 'Inici';
$strPrevious = 'Anterior';
$strPrimary = 'Primària';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Clau Primària';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat la clau principal';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'El nom de la clau principal ha de ser ... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>ha de ser</b> el nom i <b>només</b>el nom de la clau principal!)';
$strPrint = 'Imprimir';
$strPrintView = 'Imprimir vista';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegis';
$strProperties = 'Propietats';
$strPutColNames = 'Posa els noms de camp a la primera fila';
$strQBE = 'Consulta segons exemple';
$strQBEDel = 'Sup';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Consulta SQL a la base de dades <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Reescriure';
$strRecords = 'Registres';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Comprova la integritat referencial:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Les característiques addicionals per treballar amb taules enllaçades s\'han desactivat. Per saber perquè clica %saquí%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Vista de Relacions';
$strReloadFailed = 'El reinici del MySQL ha fallat';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Rellegir el MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Recorda reiniciar el MySQL';
$strRenameTable = 'Renombrar les taules a';
$strRenameTableOK = 'La taula %s ha canviat de nom. Ara es diu %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparar taula';
$strReplace = 'Substituir';
$strReplaceTable = 'Substituir les dades de la taula pel fitxer ';
$strReset = 'Esborrar';
$strRevoke = 'Revocar';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revocar garantia';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Has revocat la garantia de privilegis per a %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Has revocat els privilegis per %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revocar privilegis';
$strRowLength = 'Longitud de fila';
$strRowSize = 'Mida de fila ';
$strRows = 'Fila';
$strRowsFrom = 'Files començant des de';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horitzontal';
$strRowsModeOptions=" en mode %s i repeteix capçaleres després de %s cel·les ";
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Estadística de files';
$strRunQuery = 'Executa consulta';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Executa consulta/s SQL a la Base de Dades %s';
$strRunning = 'funcionant a %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'És possible que hagueu trobat un error a l\'intèrpret SQL. Si us plau, comproveu la sintaxi de la consulta i verifiqueu que les cometes estiguin al seu lloc i facin parelles. Un altra possible causa de l\'errada és que estigueu pujant un arxiu amb dades binàries per fora de l\'àrea de text delimitada. També podeu provar la consulta a la interfície de comandes de MySQL. La sortida següent generada pel servidor MySQL, si n\'hi ha, pot ajudar-vos a diagnosticar el problema. Si encara teniu problemes o si l\'intèrpret falla i l\'interfície de comandes funciona, reduïu la consulta a la part de l\'SQL que produeix l\'errada, i envieu un informe d\'error amb la cadena de dades de la secció de TALL indicada avall:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Sembla que hi ha un error a la consulta SQL. La sortida següent generada pel servidor MySQL, si n\'hi ha, pot ajudar-vos a diagnosticar el problema';
$strSQLQuery = 'crida SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Resultat SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Identificador Incorrecte';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Cometes sense tancar';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Signe de puntuació desconegut';
$strSave = 'Guardar';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'El factor de l\'escala és massa petit per posar l\'esquema en una pàgina';
$strSearch = 'Cercar';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Cercar a la base de dades';
$strSearchInTables = 'A la(les) taula(es):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Paraula(es) o valor(s) a cercar (comodí: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'al menys una d\'aquestes paraules';
$strSearchOption2 = 'Totes les paraules';
$strSearchOption3 = 'La frase exacta';
$strSearchOption4 = 'com a expressió regular';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Resultats de la recerca per a "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Trobat:';
$strSelect = 'Selecciona';
$strSelectADb = 'Selecciona una Base de Dades';
$strSelectAll = 'Selecciona Tot';
$strSelectFields = 'Selecciona els camps (un com a mínim):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'en consulta';
$strSelectTables = 'Selecciona Taules';
$strSend = 'enviar';
$strServer = 'Servidor %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Elecció de Servidor';
$strServerVersion = 'Versió del servidor';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Si el tipus de camp és "enum" o "set", entra els valors fent servir el format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Si mai necessites escriure la barra invertida ("\") o la cometa simple ("\'") abans d\'aquests valors, escriu barres invertides (per exemple \'\\\\xyz\' o \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Mostra';
$strShowAll = 'Mostra tot';
$strShowColor = 'Mostra color';
$strShowCols = 'Mostra columnes';
$strShowGrid = 'Mostra graella';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Mostra informació de PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Mostra dimensió de les taules';
$strShowTables = 'Mostra taules';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Mostra aquesta consulta de nou ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Mostrant registres: ';
$strSingly = '(singly)';
$strSize = 'Mida';
$strSort = 'Classificació';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Utilització d\'espai';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Paraules separades per un espai (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Sentències';
$strStrucCSV = 'dades CSV ';
$strStrucData = 'Estructura i dades';
$strStrucDrop = 'Afegir \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV per dades de Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Només l\'estructura';
$strStructPropose = 'Proposa una estructura de taula';
$strStructure = 'Estructura';
$strSubmit = 'Enviar';
$strSuccess = 'La vostra comanda SQL ha estat executada amb èxit';
$strSum = 'Suma';
$strTable = 'Taula';
$strTableComments = 'Comentaris de la taula';
$strTableEmpty = 'El nom de la taula és buit!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'S\'ha esborrat la taula %s';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'S\'ha buidat la taula %s';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'S\'ha buidat el caché de la taula %s';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Manteniment de la taula';
$strTableStructure = 'Estructura de la taula';
$strTableType = 'Tipus de taula';
$strTables = '%s taula(es)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' A causa de la seva longitud,<br /> aquest camp pot no ser editable ';
$strTheContent = 'El contingut del fitxer especificat ha estat inserit.';
$strTheContents = 'El contingut del fitxer substituirà els continguts de les taules seleccionades a les files que contenen la mateixa clau única o primària';
$strTheTerminator = 'El separador de camps.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Tipus';
$strUncheckAll = 'Deseleccionar tot';
$strUnique = 'Única';
$strUnselectAll = 'Deselecciona tot';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Heu actualitzat els privilegis de %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Actualitza perfil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'S\'ha actualitzat el perfil.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Actualitza consulta';
$strUsage = 'Ús';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Usa "backquotes" amb taules i noms de camps';
$strUseTables = 'Usa Taules';
$strUser = 'Usuari';
$strUserEmpty = 'El nom d\'usuari és buit!';
$strUserName = 'Nom d\'usuari';
$strUsers = 'Usuaris';
$strValidateSQL = 'Validar l\'SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'No s\'ha pogut iniciar el validador SQL. Si us plau, comproveu que teniu instal·lats els mòduls de PHP necessaris tal i com s\'indica a la %sdocumentació%s.';
$strValue = 'Valor';
$strViewDump = 'Veure un esquema de la taula';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Veure l\'esquema de la base de dades';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'Directori de pujada d\'arxius del servidor web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'No està disponible el directori indicat per pujar arxius';
$strWelcome = 'Benvingut a %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Amb marca:';
$strWrongUser = 'Usuari i/o clau erronis. Accés denegat.';
$strYes = 'Si';
$strZip = '"comprimit amb zip"';
// To translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# $Id:,v 1.1 2002/08/10 04:19:06 robbat2 Exp $
# Shell script to check that all language files are syncronized
# Catches duplicate/missing strings
# Robin Johnson <>
# August 9, 2002
STRINGSTRING='^[[:space:]]*\$[[:alnum:]_]*[[:blank:]]* ='
rm -rf $TMPDIR
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
#Build the list of variables in each file
#Note the special case to strip out allow_recoding
echo -e "Building data"
for f in $FILEPAT;
egrep "$STRINGSTRING" $f | \
grep -v 'allow_recoding' | \
cut -d= -f1 | cut -d'$' -f2 | \
sort > $TMPDIR/$f
#Build the diff files used for checking
#And if there are no differences, delete the empty files
echo -e "Comparing data"
for f in $FILEPAT;
diff -u $TMPDIR/$MASTER $TMPDIR/$f >$TMPDIR/$f.diff
if [ ! $MASTER == $f ]; then
if [ `wc -l $TMPDIR/$f.diff | cut -c-8|xargs` == "0" ] ;
rm -f $TMPDIR/$f.diff $TMPDIR/$f
#build the nice difference table
echo -e "Differences"
diffstat -f 0 $TMPDIR/*.diff >$TMPDIR/diffstat 2>/dev/null
head -n $((`wc -l <$TMPDIR/diffstat` - 1)) $TMPDIR/diffstat > $TMPDIR/diffstat.res
echo -e "Dupe\tMiss\tFilename"
cat $TMPDIR/diffstat.res | \
while read filename sep change add plus sub minus edits exclaim;
echo -e "$add\t$sub\t$filename";
echo "Dupe = Duplicate Variables"
echo "Miss = Missing Variables"
echo "For exact problem listings, look in the $TMPDIR/ directory"
echo "Please remember to remove '$TMPDIR/' once you are done"
@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.29 2002/11/28 09:15:24 rabus Exp $ */
* Translation made by: Sime Essert <>
$charset = 'iso-8859-2';
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Byteova', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Ned', 'Pon', 'Uto', 'Sri', 'Čet', 'Pet', 'Sub');
$month = array('Sij', 'Vel', 'Ožu', 'Tra', 'Svi', 'Lip', 'Srp', 'Kol', 'Ruj', 'Lis', 'Stu', 'Pro');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d. %B %Y. u %H:%M';
$strAccessDenied = 'Pristup odbijen';
$strAction = 'Akcija';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Dodaj/izbriši stupac';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Dodaj/izbriši polje za kriterij';
$strAddNewField = 'Dodaj novi stupac';
$strAddPriv = 'Dodaj novu privilegiju';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Privilegija je dodana';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Dodaj uvjete pretraživanja (dio "where" upita):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Dodaj ključ';
$strAddUser = 'Dodaj novog korisnika';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Korisnik dodan';
$strAffectedRows = 'Promijenjeno redaka:';
$strAfter = 'Nakon %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Natrag na prethodnu stranicu';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Dodaj još jedan red';
$strAll = 'Sve';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Promijeni redoslijed u tablici';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analiziraj tablicu';
$strAnd = 'i';
$strAnIndex = 'Ključ je upravo dodan %s';
$strAny = 'Bilo koji';
$strAnyColumn = 'Bilo koji stupac';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Bilo koja baza podataka';
$strAnyHost = 'Bilo koji server';
$strAnyTable = 'Bilo koja tablica';
$strAnyUser = 'Bilo koji korisnik';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Primarni ključ je upravo dodan %s';
$strAscending = 'Rastući';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Na početku tablice';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Na kraju tablice';
$strAttr = 'Svojstva';
$strBack = 'Nazad';
$strBinary = 'Binarno';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binarno - ne mijenjaj';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Oznaka je upravo izbrisana.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Naziv';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Označeni SQL-upit';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Označi SQL-upit';
$strBookmarkView = 'Vidi samo';
$strBrowse = 'Pregled';
$strBzip = '"bzip-ano"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'Ne mogu učitati MySql ekstenziju,<br /> molim provjerite PHP konfiguraciju.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Ne mogu promijeniti ključ u PRIMARY (primarni) !';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalnost';
$strCarriage = 'Novi red (carriage return): \\r';
$strChange = 'Promijeni';
$strChangePassword = 'Promijeni šifru';
$strCheckAll = 'Označi sve';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Provjeri privilegije baze podataka';
$strCheckTable = 'Provjeri tablicu';
$strColumn = 'Stupac';
$strColumnNames = 'Imena stupaca';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Kompletan INSERT (sa imenima polja)';
$strConfirm = 'Da li stvarno to želite učiniti?';
$strCookiesRequired = '<i>Cookies</i> moraju biti omogućeni.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopiram tablicu u (baza<b>.</b>tablica):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tablica %s je upravo kopirana u %s.';
$strCreate = 'Napravi';
$strCreateIndex = 'Napravi ključ sa %s stupcem(aca)';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Napravi novi ključ';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Napravi bazu podataka';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Napravi novu tablicu u bazi ';
$strCriteria = 'Kriterij';
$strData = 'Podaci';
$strDatabase = 'Baza podataka ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Baza %s je izbrisana.';
$strDatabases = 'baze';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistika baze';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Baza (<i>wildcard</i> znakovi dozvoljeni):';
$strDataOnly = 'Samo podaci';
$strDefault = 'Default';
$strDelete = 'Izbriši';
$strDeleted = 'Red je izbrisan';
$strDeletedRows = 'Izbrisani redovi:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Brisanje nije uspjelo!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Upravo ste izbrisali korisnika: %s.';
$strDescending = 'Opadajući';
$strDisplay = 'Prikaži';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Redoslijed prikaza:';
$strDoAQuery = 'Napravi "upit po primjeru" (<i>wildcard</i>: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentacija';
$strDoYouReally = 'Da li stvarno želite ';
$strDrop = 'Izbriši';
$strDropDB = 'Izbriši bazu %s';
$strDropTable = 'Izbriši tablicu';
$strDumpingData = 'Izvoz <i>(dump)</i> podataka tablice';
$strDynamic = 'dinamično';
$strEdit = 'Promijeni';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Promijeni privilegije';
$strEffective = 'Efektivno';
$strEmpty = 'Isprazni';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL je vratio prazan rezultat (nula redaka).';
$strEnd = 'Kraj';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Opaska: MySQL imena privilegija moraju biti engleskom ';
$strError = 'Greška';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Prošireni INSERT';
$strExtra = 'Dodatno';
$strField = 'Polje';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Polje %s izbrisano';
$strFields = 'Broj polja';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Broj polja je nula! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Podaci ograđeni sa';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = '<i>Escape</i> znak ';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Podaci razdvojeni sa';
$strFixed = 'sređeno';
$strFlushTable = 'Osvježi tablicu';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFormEmpty = 'Nedostaje vrijednost u formi !';
$strFullText = 'Pun tekst';
$strFunction = 'Funkcija';
$strGenTime = 'Vrijeme podizanja';
$strGo = 'Kreni';
$strGrants = 'Omogući';
$strGzip = '"gzip-ano"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'je promijenjen.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'je kreiran/a.';
$strHome = 'Početna stranica';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'phpMyAdmin WEB site';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download Stranica';
$strHost = 'Host (domena)';
$strHostEmpty = 'Ime domene je prazno!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Puni tekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Ukoliko želite pregledati samo neke stupce u tablici, navedite ih razdvojene zarezom';
$strIgnore = 'Ignoriraj';
$strIndex = 'Ključ';
$strIndexes = 'Ključevi';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Ključ %s je izbrisan';
$strIndexName = 'Ime ključa :';
$strIndexType = 'Vrsta ključa :';
$strInsert = 'Novi redak';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Unesi kao novi redak';
$strInsertedRows = 'Uneseni reci:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Unesi novi redak';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Ubaci podatke iz tekstualne datoteke';
$strInstructions = 'Uputstva';
$strInUse = 'se koristi';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" je rezervirana riječ, \nne može se koristiti kao ime polja, tablice ili baze.';
$strKeepPass = 'Ne mijenjaj lozinku';
$strKeyname = 'Ime Ključa';
$strKill = 'Zaustavi';
$strLength = 'Dužina';
$strLengthSet = 'Dužina/Vrijednost*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Broj redaka po stranici';
$strLineFeed = '<i>Linefeed</i>: \\n';
$strLines = 'Linije';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Linije završavaju na';
$strLinksTo = 'Links to';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Lokacija tekstualne datoteke';
$strLogin = 'Prijava';
$strLogout = 'Odjava';
$strLogPassword = 'Lozinka:';
$strLogUsername = 'Korisničko ime:';
$strModifications = 'Izmjene su spremljene';
$strModify = 'Promijeni';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Promijeni ključ';
$strMoveTable = 'Preimenuj tablicu u (baza<b>.</b>tablica):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tablica %s se sada zove %s.';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL je ponovno pokrenut (<i>reload</i>).';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL poruka: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% pokrenut na %pma_s2%, prijavljen kao %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Prikaži listu procesa';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Prikaži MySQL runtime informacije';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Prikaži MySQL sistemske varijable';
$strName = 'Ime';
$strNext = 'Sljedeći';
$strNo = 'Ne';
$strNoDatabases = 'Baza ne postoji';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" naredba je onemogućena.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin preferira preglednike koji podržavaju frame-ove.';
$strNoIndex = 'Ključ nije definiran!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Dijelovi ključa nisu definirani!';
$strNoModification = 'Nema nikakvih promjena';
$strNone = 'Ništa';
$strNoPassword = 'Nema lozinke';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Nema privilegija';
$strNoQuery = 'Nema SQL upita!';
$strNoRights = 'Nemate dovoljno prava za ovo područje!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Tablica nije pronađena u bazi.';
$strNotNumber = 'To nije broj!';
$strNotValidNumber = ' nije odgovarajući broj redaka!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Korisnik(ci) nije pronađen.';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Navodnici koji se koriste. OPCIONO se misli da neka polja mogu, ali ne moraju biti pod navodnicima.';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiziraj tablicu';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opciono. Znak koji prethodi specijalnim znakovima.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONO';
$strOr = 'ili';
$strOverhead = 'Prekoračenje';
$strPartialText = 'Dio teksta';
$strPassword = 'Lozinka';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Lozinka je prazna!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Lozinka se ne podudara!';
$strPHPVersion = 'verzija PHP-a';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentacija';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> dio mora biti namješten u konfiguracijskoj datoteci (!';
$strPos1 = 'Početak';
$strPrevious = 'Prethodna';
$strPrimary = 'Primarni';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primarni ključ';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primarni ključ je izbrisan';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Ime primarnog ključa mora biti... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>mora</b> biti ime i <b>samo</b> ime primarnog ključa!)';
$strPrintView = 'Sažetak';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegije';
$strProperties = 'Svojstva';
$strQBE = 'Upit po primjeru';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL upit na bazi <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Reci';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Provjeri ispravnost veza:';
$strReloadFailed = 'ponovno pokretanje MySQL-a nije uspjelo.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Ponovo pokreni MySQL (<i>reload</i>)';
$strRememberReload = 'Ne zaboravite ponovo pokrenuti (<i>reload</i>) server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Promijeni ime tablice u ';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tablici %s promjenjeno ime u %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Popravi tablicu';
$strReplace = 'Zamijeni';
$strReplaceTable = 'Zamijeni podatke u tablici sa datotekom';
$strReset = 'Resetiraj';
$strReType = 'Ponovite unos';
$strRevoke = 'Opozovi';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Opozovi Grant';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Opozvali ste Grant privilegije za %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Opozvali ste privilegije za %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Opozovi privilegije';
$strRowLength = 'Dužina retka';
$strRows = 'Redaka';
$strRowsFrom = ' redaka počevši od retka';
$strRowSize = ' Veličina retka ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontalnom';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'u %s načinu i ispiši zaglavlje poslije svakog %s retka';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikalnom';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistika redaka';
$strRunning = 'pokrenuto na %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Izvrši SQL upit';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Izvrši SQL upit(e) na bazi ';
$strSave = 'Spremi';
$strSelect = 'Označi';
$strSelectADb = 'Izaberite bazu';
$strSelectAll = 'Označi sve';
$strSelectFields = 'Izaberite polja (najmanje jedno)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'u upitu';
$strSend = 'Spremi u datoteku';
$strServerChoice = 'Izbor servera';
$strServerVersion = 'Verzija servera';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Ako je polje "enum" ili "set", unesite vrijednosti u formatu: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Ako vam zatreba <i>backslash</i> ("\") ili jednostruki navodnik ("\'") navedite ih koristeći <i>backslash</i> (npr. \'\\\\xyz\' ili \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Prikaži';
$strShowAll = 'Prikaži sve';
$strShowCols = 'Prikaži stupce';
$strShowingRecords = 'Prikaz redaka';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Prikaži informacije o PHP-u';
$strShowTables = 'Prikaži tablice';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Prikaži ovaj upit ponovo ';
$strSingly = '(po jednom polju)';
$strSize = 'Veličina';
$strSort = 'Sortiranje';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Zauzeće';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-upit';
$strStatement = 'Ime';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV format';
$strStrucData = 'Struktura i podaci';
$strStrucDrop = 'Dodaj \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV za Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Samo struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Pokreni';
$strSuccess = 'Vaš SQL upit je uspješno izvršen';
$strSum = 'Ukupno';
$strTable = 'Tablica';
$strTableComments = 'Komentar tablice';
$strTableEmpty = 'Ime tablice je prazno!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tablica %s je izbrisana';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tablica %s je ispražnjena';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tablica %s je osvježena';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Radnje na tablici';
$strTables = '%s tablica/e';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura tablice';
$strTableType = 'Vrsta tablice';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Zbog veličine ovog polja,<br /> polje možda nećete moći mijenjati ';
$strTheContent = 'Sadržaj datoteke je stavljen u bazu.';
$strTheContents = 'Sadržaj tablice zamijeni sa sadržajem datoteke sa identičnim primarnim i jedinstvenim (unique) ključem.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Znak za odjeljivanje polja u datoteci.';
$strTotal = 'ukupno';
$strType = 'Vrsta';
$strUncheckAll = 'Makni oznake';
$strUnique = 'Jedinstveni ključ';
$strUnselectAll = 'Makni oznake';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Promijenili ste privilegije za %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Promijeni profil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profil je promijenjen.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Promijeni SQL-upit';
$strUsage = 'Zauzeće';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Koristi \' za ograničavanje imena polja';
$strUser = 'Korisnik';
$strUserEmpty = 'Ime korisnika je prazno!';
$strUserName = 'Ime korisnika';
$strUsers = 'Korisnici';
$strUseTables = 'Koristi tablice';
$strValue = 'Vrijednost';
$strViewDump = 'Prikaži dump (shemu) tablice';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Prikaži dump (shemu) baze';
$strWelcome = 'Dobrodošli u %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Označeno:';
$strWrongUser = 'Pogrešno korisničko ime/lozinka. Pristup odbijen.';
$strYes = 'Da';
$strZip = '"zip-ano"';
// To translate
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.'; //to translate
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strComments = 'Comments'; //to translate
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.'; //to translate
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s'; //to translate
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema'; //to translate
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s rows starting at row %s.'; //to translate
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strExport = 'Export'; //to translate
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format'; //to translate
$strGenBy = 'Generated by'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display'; //to translate
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found'; //to translate
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket'; //to translate
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset'; //to translate
$strNoDescription = 'no Description'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNoPhp = 'without PHP Code'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';//to translate
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';//to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strOperations = 'Operations'; //to translate
$strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:'; //to translate
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code'; //to translate
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strRelationView = 'Relation view'; //to translate
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page'; //to translate
$strSearch = 'Search';//to translate
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';//to translate
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';//to translate
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';//to translate
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';//to translate
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';//to translate
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';//to translate
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';//to translate
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';//to translate
$strSearchType = 'Find:';//to translate
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables'; //to translate
$strShowColor = 'Show color'; //to translate
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid'; //to translate
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables'; //to translate
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are seperated by a space character (" ").';//to translate
$strSQL = 'SQL'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure'; //to translate
$strStructure = 'Structure'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.29 2002/11/28 09:15:24 rabus Exp $ */
* Translation made by: Sime Essert <>
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Byteova', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Ned', 'Pon', 'Uto', 'Sri', 'Čet', 'Pet', 'Sub');
$month = array('Sij', 'Vel', 'Ožu', 'Tra', 'Svi', 'Lip', 'Srp', 'Kol', 'Ruj', 'Lis', 'Stu', 'Pro');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d. %B %Y. u %H:%M';
$strAccessDenied = 'Pristup odbijen';
$strAction = 'Akcija';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Dodaj/izbriši stupac';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Dodaj/izbriši polje za kriterij';
$strAddNewField = 'Dodaj novi stupac';
$strAddPriv = 'Dodaj novu privilegiju';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Privilegija je dodana';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Dodaj uvjete pretraživanja (dio "where" upita):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Dodaj ključ';
$strAddUser = 'Dodaj novog korisnika';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Korisnik dodan';
$strAffectedRows = 'Promijenjeno redaka:';
$strAfter = 'Nakon %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Natrag na prethodnu stranicu';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Dodaj još jedan red';
$strAll = 'Sve';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Promijeni redoslijed u tablici';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analiziraj tablicu';
$strAnd = 'i';
$strAnIndex = 'Ključ je upravo dodan %s';
$strAny = 'Bilo koji';
$strAnyColumn = 'Bilo koji stupac';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Bilo koja baza podataka';
$strAnyHost = 'Bilo koji server';
$strAnyTable = 'Bilo koja tablica';
$strAnyUser = 'Bilo koji korisnik';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Primarni ključ je upravo dodan %s';
$strAscending = 'Rastući';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Na početku tablice';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Na kraju tablice';
$strAttr = 'Svojstva';
$strBack = 'Nazad';
$strBinary = 'Binarno';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binarno - ne mijenjaj';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Oznaka je upravo izbrisana.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Naziv';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Označeni SQL-upit';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Označi SQL-upit';
$strBookmarkView = 'Vidi samo';
$strBrowse = 'Pregled';
$strBzip = '"bzip-ano"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'Ne mogu učitati MySql ekstenziju,<br /> molim provjerite PHP konfiguraciju.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Ne mogu promijeniti ključ u PRIMARY (primarni) !';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalnost';
$strCarriage = 'Novi red (carriage return): \\r';
$strChange = 'Promijeni';
$strChangePassword = 'Promijeni šifru';
$strCheckAll = 'Označi sve';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Provjeri privilegije baze podataka';
$strCheckTable = 'Provjeri tablicu';
$strColumn = 'Stupac';
$strColumnNames = 'Imena stupaca';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Kompletan INSERT (sa imenima polja)';
$strConfirm = 'Da li stvarno to želite učiniti?';
$strCookiesRequired = '<i>Cookies</i> moraju biti omogućeni.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopiram tablicu u (baza<b>.</b>tablica):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tablica %s je upravo kopirana u %s.';
$strCreate = 'Napravi';
$strCreateIndex = 'Napravi ključ sa %s stupcem(aca)';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Napravi novi ključ';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Napravi bazu podataka';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Napravi novu tablicu u bazi ';
$strCriteria = 'Kriterij';
$strData = 'Podaci';
$strDatabase = 'Baza podataka ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Baza %s je izbrisana.';
$strDatabases = 'baze';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistika baze';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Baza (<i>wildcard</i> znakovi dozvoljeni):';
$strDataOnly = 'Samo podaci';
$strDefault = 'Default';
$strDelete = 'Izbriši';
$strDeleted = 'Red je izbrisan';
$strDeletedRows = 'Izbrisani redovi:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Brisanje nije uspjelo!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Upravo ste izbrisali korisnika: %s.';
$strDescending = 'Opadajući';
$strDisplay = 'Prikaži';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Redoslijed prikaza:';
$strDoAQuery = 'Napravi "upit po primjeru" (<i>wildcard</i>: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentacija';
$strDoYouReally = 'Da li stvarno želite ';
$strDrop = 'Izbriši';
$strDropDB = 'Izbriši bazu %s';
$strDropTable = 'Izbriši tablicu';
$strDumpingData = 'Izvoz <i>(dump)</i> podataka tablice';
$strDynamic = 'dinamično';
$strEdit = 'Promijeni';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Promijeni privilegije';
$strEffective = 'Efektivno';
$strEmpty = 'Isprazni';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL je vratio prazan rezultat (nula redaka).';
$strEnd = 'Kraj';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Opaska: MySQL imena privilegija moraju biti engleskom ';
$strError = 'Greška';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Prošireni INSERT';
$strExtra = 'Dodatno';
$strField = 'Polje';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Polje %s izbrisano';
$strFields = 'Broj polja';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Broj polja je nula! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Podaci ograđeni sa';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = '<i>Escape</i> znak ';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Podaci razdvojeni sa';
$strFixed = 'sređeno';
$strFlushTable = 'Osvježi tablicu';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFormEmpty = 'Nedostaje vrijednost u formi !';
$strFullText = 'Pun tekst';
$strFunction = 'Funkcija';
$strGenTime = 'Vrijeme podizanja';
$strGo = 'Kreni';
$strGrants = 'Omogući';
$strGzip = '"gzip-ano"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'je promijenjen.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'je kreiran/a.';
$strHome = 'Početna stranica';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'phpMyAdmin WEB site';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download Stranica';
$strHost = 'Host (domena)';
$strHostEmpty = 'Ime domene je prazno!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Puni tekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Ukoliko želite pregledati samo neke stupce u tablici, navedite ih razdvojene zarezom';
$strIgnore = 'Ignoriraj';
$strIndex = 'Ključ';
$strIndexes = 'Ključevi';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Ključ %s je izbrisan';
$strIndexName = 'Ime ključa :';
$strIndexType = 'Vrsta ključa :';
$strInsert = 'Novi redak';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Unesi kao novi redak';
$strInsertedRows = 'Uneseni reci:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Unesi novi redak';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Ubaci podatke iz tekstualne datoteke';
$strInstructions = 'Uputstva';
$strInUse = 'se koristi';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" je rezervirana riječ, \nne može se koristiti kao ime polja, tablice ili baze.';
$strKeepPass = 'Ne mijenjaj lozinku';
$strKeyname = 'Ime Ključa';
$strKill = 'Zaustavi';
$strLength = 'Dužina';
$strLengthSet = 'Dužina/Vrijednost*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Broj redaka po stranici';
$strLineFeed = '<i>Linefeed</i>: \\n';
$strLines = 'Linije';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Linije završavaju na';
$strLinksTo = 'Links to';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Lokacija tekstualne datoteke';
$strLogin = 'Prijava';
$strLogout = 'Odjava';
$strLogPassword = 'Lozinka:';
$strLogUsername = 'Korisničko ime:';
$strModifications = 'Izmjene su spremljene';
$strModify = 'Promijeni';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Promijeni ključ';
$strMoveTable = 'Preimenuj tablicu u (baza<b>.</b>tablica):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tablica %s se sada zove %s.';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL je ponovno pokrenut (<i>reload</i>).';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL poruka: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% pokrenut na %pma_s2%, prijavljen kao %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Prikaži listu procesa';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Prikaži MySQL runtime informacije';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Prikaži MySQL sistemske varijable';
$strName = 'Ime';
$strNext = 'Sljedeći';
$strNo = 'Ne';
$strNoDatabases = 'Baza ne postoji';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" naredba je onemogućena.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin preferira preglednike koji podržavaju frame-ove.';
$strNoIndex = 'Ključ nije definiran!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Dijelovi ključa nisu definirani!';
$strNoModification = 'Nema nikakvih promjena';
$strNone = 'Ništa';
$strNoPassword = 'Nema lozinke';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Nema privilegija';
$strNoQuery = 'Nema SQL upita!';
$strNoRights = 'Nemate dovoljno prava za ovo područje!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Tablica nije pronađena u bazi.';
$strNotNumber = 'To nije broj!';
$strNotValidNumber = ' nije odgovarajući broj redaka!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Korisnik(ci) nije pronađen.';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Navodnici koji se koriste. OPCIONO se misli da neka polja mogu, ali ne moraju biti pod navodnicima.';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiziraj tablicu';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opciono. Znak koji prethodi specijalnim znakovima.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONO';
$strOr = 'ili';
$strOverhead = 'Prekoračenje';
$strPartialText = 'Dio teksta';
$strPassword = 'Lozinka';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Lozinka je prazna!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Lozinka se ne podudara!';
$strPHPVersion = 'verzija PHP-a';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentacija';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> dio mora biti namješten u konfiguracijskoj datoteci (!';
$strPos1 = 'Početak';
$strPrevious = 'Prethodna';
$strPrimary = 'Primarni';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primarni ključ';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primarni ključ je izbrisan';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Ime primarnog ključa mora biti... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>mora</b> biti ime i <b>samo</b> ime primarnog ključa!)';
$strPrintView = 'Sažetak';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegije';
$strProperties = 'Svojstva';
$strQBE = 'Upit po primjeru';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL upit na bazi <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Reci';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Provjeri ispravnost veza:';
$strReloadFailed = 'ponovno pokretanje MySQL-a nije uspjelo.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Ponovo pokreni MySQL (<i>reload</i>)';
$strRememberReload = 'Ne zaboravite ponovo pokrenuti (<i>reload</i>) server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Promijeni ime tablice u ';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tablici %s promjenjeno ime u %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Popravi tablicu';
$strReplace = 'Zamijeni';
$strReplaceTable = 'Zamijeni podatke u tablici sa datotekom';
$strReset = 'Resetiraj';
$strReType = 'Ponovite unos';
$strRevoke = 'Opozovi';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Opozovi Grant';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Opozvali ste Grant privilegije za %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Opozvali ste privilegije za %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Opozovi privilegije';
$strRowLength = 'Dužina retka';
$strRows = 'Redaka';
$strRowsFrom = ' redaka počevši od retka';
$strRowSize = ' Veličina retka ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontalnom';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'u %s načinu i ispiši zaglavlje poslije svakog %s retka';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikalnom';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistika redaka';
$strRunning = 'pokrenuto na %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Izvrši SQL upit';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Izvrši SQL upit(e) na bazi ';
$strSave = 'Spremi';
$strSelect = 'Označi';
$strSelectADb = 'Izaberite bazu';
$strSelectAll = 'Označi sve';
$strSelectFields = 'Izaberite polja (najmanje jedno)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'u upitu';
$strSend = 'Spremi u datoteku';
$strServerChoice = 'Izbor servera';
$strServerVersion = 'Verzija servera';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Ako je polje "enum" ili "set", unesite vrijednosti u formatu: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Ako vam zatreba <i>backslash</i> ("\") ili jednostruki navodnik ("\'") navedite ih koristeći <i>backslash</i> (npr. \'\\\\xyz\' ili \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Prikaži';
$strShowAll = 'Prikaži sve';
$strShowCols = 'Prikaži stupce';
$strShowingRecords = 'Prikaz redaka';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Prikaži informacije o PHP-u';
$strShowTables = 'Prikaži tablice';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Prikaži ovaj upit ponovo ';
$strSingly = '(po jednom polju)';
$strSize = 'Veličina';
$strSort = 'Sortiranje';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Zauzeće';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-upit';
$strStatement = 'Ime';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV format';
$strStrucData = 'Struktura i podaci';
$strStrucDrop = 'Dodaj \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV za Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Samo struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Pokreni';
$strSuccess = 'Vaš SQL upit je uspješno izvršen';
$strSum = 'Ukupno';
$strTable = 'Tablica';
$strTableComments = 'Komentar tablice';
$strTableEmpty = 'Ime tablice je prazno!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tablica %s je izbrisana';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tablica %s je ispražnjena';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tablica %s je osvježena';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Radnje na tablici';
$strTables = '%s tablica/e';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura tablice';
$strTableType = 'Vrsta tablice';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Zbog veličine ovog polja,<br /> polje možda nećete moći mijenjati ';
$strTheContent = 'Sadržaj datoteke je stavljen u bazu.';
$strTheContents = 'Sadržaj tablice zamijeni sa sadržajem datoteke sa identičnim primarnim i jedinstvenim (unique) ključem.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Znak za odjeljivanje polja u datoteci.';
$strTotal = 'ukupno';
$strType = 'Vrsta';
$strUncheckAll = 'Makni oznake';
$strUnique = 'Jedinstveni ključ';
$strUnselectAll = 'Makni oznake';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Promijenili ste privilegije za %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Promijeni profil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profil je promijenjen.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Promijeni SQL-upit';
$strUsage = 'Zauzeće';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Koristi \' za ograničavanje imena polja';
$strUser = 'Korisnik';
$strUserEmpty = 'Ime korisnika je prazno!';
$strUserName = 'Ime korisnika';
$strUsers = 'Korisnici';
$strUseTables = 'Koristi tablice';
$strValue = 'Vrijednost';
$strViewDump = 'Prikaži dump (shemu) tablice';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Prikaži dump (shemu) baze';
$strWelcome = 'Dobrodošli u %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Označeno:';
$strWrongUser = 'Pogrešno korisničko ime/lozinka. Pristup odbijen.';
$strYes = 'Da';
$strZip = '"zip-ano"';
// To translate
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.'; //to translate
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strComments = 'Comments'; //to translate
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.'; //to translate
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s'; //to translate
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema'; //to translate
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s rows starting at row %s.'; //to translate
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strExport = 'Export'; //to translate
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format'; //to translate
$strGenBy = 'Generated by'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display'; //to translate
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found'; //to translate
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket'; //to translate
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset'; //to translate
$strNoDescription = 'no Description'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNoPhp = 'without PHP Code'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';//to translate
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';//to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strOperations = 'Operations'; //to translate
$strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:'; //to translate
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code'; //to translate
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strRelationView = 'Relation view'; //to translate
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page'; //to translate
$strSearch = 'Search';//to translate
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';//to translate
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';//to translate
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';//to translate
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';//to translate
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';//to translate
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';//to translate
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';//to translate
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';//to translate
$strSearchType = 'Find:';//to translate
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables'; //to translate
$strShowColor = 'Show color'; //to translate
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid'; //to translate
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables'; //to translate
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are seperated by a space character (" ").';//to translate
$strSQL = 'SQL'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure'; //to translate
$strStructure = 'Structure'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.29 2002/11/28 09:15:25 rabus Exp $ */
* Translation made by: Sime Essert <>
$charset = 'windows-1250';
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Byteova', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Ned', 'Pon', 'Uto', 'Sri', 'Čet', 'Pet', 'Sub');
$month = array('Sij', 'Vel', 'Ožu', 'Tra', 'Svi', 'Lip', 'Srp', 'Kol', 'Ruj', 'Lis', 'Stu', 'Pro');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d. %B %Y. u %H:%M';
$strAccessDenied = 'Pristup odbijen';
$strAction = 'Akcija';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Dodaj/izbriši stupac';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Dodaj/izbriši polje za kriterij';
$strAddNewField = 'Dodaj novi stupac';
$strAddPriv = 'Dodaj novu privilegiju';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Privilegija je dodana';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Dodaj uvjete pretraživanja (dio "where" upita):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Dodaj ključ';
$strAddUser = 'Dodaj novog korisnika';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Korisnik dodan';
$strAffectedRows = 'Promijenjeno redaka:';
$strAfter = 'Nakon %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Natrag na prethodnu stranicu';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Dodaj još jedan red';
$strAll = 'Sve';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Promijeni redoslijed u tablici';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analiziraj tablicu';
$strAnd = 'i';
$strAnIndex = 'Ključ je upravo dodan %s';
$strAny = 'Bilo koji';
$strAnyColumn = 'Bilo koji stupac';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Bilo koja baza podataka';
$strAnyHost = 'Bilo koji server';
$strAnyTable = 'Bilo koja tablica';
$strAnyUser = 'Bilo koji korisnik';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Primarni ključ je upravo dodan %s';
$strAscending = 'Rastući';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Na početku tablice';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Na kraju tablice';
$strAttr = 'Svojstva';
$strBack = 'Nazad';
$strBinary = 'Binarno';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binarno - ne mijenjaj';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Oznaka je upravo izbrisana.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Naziv';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Označeni SQL-upit';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Označi SQL-upit';
$strBookmarkView = 'Vidi samo';
$strBrowse = 'Pregled';
$strBzip = '"bzip-ano"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'Ne mogu učitati MySql ekstenziju,<br /> molim provjerite PHP konfiguraciju.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Ne mogu promijeniti ključ u PRIMARY (primarni) !';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalnost';
$strCarriage = 'Novi red (carriage return): \\r';
$strChange = 'Promijeni';
$strChangePassword = 'Promijeni šifru';
$strCheckAll = 'Označi sve';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Provjeri privilegije baze podataka';
$strCheckTable = 'Provjeri tablicu';
$strColumn = 'Stupac';
$strColumnNames = 'Imena stupaca';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Kompletan INSERT (sa imenima polja)';
$strConfirm = 'Da li stvarno to želite učiniti?';
$strCookiesRequired = '<i>Cookies</i> moraju biti omogućeni.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopiram tablicu u (baza<b>.</b>tablica):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tablica %s je upravo kopirana u %s.';
$strCreate = 'Napravi';
$strCreateIndex = 'Napravi ključ sa %s stupcem(aca)';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Napravi novi ključ';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Napravi bazu podataka';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Napravi novu tablicu u bazi ';
$strCriteria = 'Kriterij';
$strData = 'Podaci';
$strDatabase = 'Baza podataka ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Baza %s je izbrisana.';
$strDatabases = 'baze';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistika baze';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Baza (<i>wildcard</i> znakovi dozvoljeni):';
$strDataOnly = 'Samo podaci';
$strDefault = 'Default';
$strDelete = 'Izbriši';
$strDeleted = 'Red je izbrisan';
$strDeletedRows = 'Izbrisani redovi:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Brisanje nije uspjelo!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Upravo ste izbrisali korisnika: %s.';
$strDescending = 'Opadajući';
$strDisplay = 'Prikaži';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Redoslijed prikaza:';
$strDoAQuery = 'Napravi "upit po primjeru" (<i>wildcard</i>: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentacija';
$strDoYouReally = 'Da li stvarno želite ';
$strDrop = 'Izbriši';
$strDropDB = 'Izbriši bazu %s';
$strDropTable = 'Izbriši tablicu';
$strDumpingData = 'Izvoz <i>(dump)</i> podataka tablice';
$strDynamic = 'dinamično';
$strEdit = 'Promijeni';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Promijeni privilegije';
$strEffective = 'Efektivno';
$strEmpty = 'Isprazni';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL je vratio prazan rezultat (nula redaka).';
$strEnd = 'Kraj';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Opaska: MySQL imena privilegija moraju biti engleskom ';
$strError = 'Greška';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Prošireni INSERT';
$strExtra = 'Dodatno';
$strField = 'Polje';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Polje %s izbrisano';
$strFields = 'Broj polja';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Broj polja je nula! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Podaci ograđeni sa';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = '<i>Escape</i> znak ';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Podaci razdvojeni sa';
$strFixed = 'sređeno';
$strFlushTable = 'Osvježi tablicu';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFormEmpty = 'Nedostaje vrijednost u formi !';
$strFullText = 'Pun tekst';
$strFunction = 'Funkcija';
$strGenTime = 'Vrijeme podizanja';
$strGo = 'Kreni';
$strGrants = 'Omogući';
$strGzip = '"gzip-ano"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'je promijenjen.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'je kreiran/a.';
$strHome = 'Početna stranica';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'phpMyAdmin WEB site';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download Stranica';
$strHost = 'Host (domena)';
$strHostEmpty = 'Ime domene je prazno!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Puni tekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Ukoliko želite pregledati samo neke stupce u tablici, navedite ih razdvojene zarezom';
$strIgnore = 'Ignoriraj';
$strIndex = 'Ključ';
$strIndexes = 'Ključevi';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Ključ %s je izbrisan';
$strIndexName = 'Ime ključa :';
$strIndexType = 'Vrsta ključa :';
$strInsert = 'Novi redak';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Unesi kao novi redak';
$strInsertedRows = 'Uneseni reci:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Unesi novi redak';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Ubaci podatke iz tekstualne datoteke';
$strInstructions = 'Uputstva';
$strInUse = 'se koristi';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" je rezervirana riječ, \nne može se koristiti kao ime polja, tablice ili baze.';
$strKeepPass = 'Ne mijenjaj lozinku';
$strKeyname = 'Ime Ključa';
$strKill = 'Zaustavi';
$strLength = 'Dužina';
$strLengthSet = 'Dužina/Vrijednost*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Broj redaka po stranici';
$strLineFeed = '<i>Linefeed</i>: \\n';
$strLines = 'Linije';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Linije završavaju na';
$strLinksTo = 'Links to';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Lokacija tekstualne datoteke';
$strLogin = 'Prijava';
$strLogout = 'Odjava';
$strLogPassword = 'Lozinka:';
$strLogUsername = 'Korisničko ime:';
$strModifications = 'Izmjene su spremljene';
$strModify = 'Promijeni';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Promijeni ključ';
$strMoveTable = 'Preimenuj tablicu u (baza<b>.</b>tablica):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tablica %s se sada zove %s.';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL je ponovno pokrenut (<i>reload</i>).';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL poruka: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% pokrenut na %pma_s2%, prijavljen kao %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Prikaži listu procesa';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Prikaži MySQL runtime informacije';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Prikaži MySQL sistemske varijable';
$strName = 'Ime';
$strNext = 'Sljedeći';
$strNo = 'Ne';
$strNoDatabases = 'Baza ne postoji';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" naredba je onemogućena.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin preferira preglednike koji podržavaju frame-ove.';
$strNoIndex = 'Ključ nije definiran!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Dijelovi ključa nisu definirani!';
$strNoModification = 'Nema nikakvih promjena';
$strNone = 'Ništa';
$strNoPassword = 'Nema lozinke';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Nema privilegija';
$strNoQuery = 'Nema SQL upita!';
$strNoRights = 'Nemate dovoljno prava za ovo područje!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Tablica nije pronađena u bazi.';
$strNotNumber = 'To nije broj!';
$strNotValidNumber = ' nije odgovarajući broj redaka!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Korisnik(ci) nije pronađen.';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Navodnici koji se koriste. OPCIONO se misli da neka polja mogu, ali ne moraju biti pod navodnicima.';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiziraj tablicu';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opciono. Znak koji prethodi specijalnim znakovima.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONO';
$strOr = 'ili';
$strOverhead = 'Prekoračenje';
$strPartialText = 'Dio teksta';
$strPassword = 'Lozinka';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Lozinka je prazna!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Lozinka se ne podudara!';
$strPHPVersion = 'verzija PHP-a';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentacija';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> dio mora biti namješten u konfiguracijskoj datoteci (!';
$strPos1 = 'Početak';
$strPrevious = 'Prethodna';
$strPrimary = 'Primarni';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primarni ključ';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primarni ključ je izbrisan';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Ime primarnog ključa mora biti... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>mora</b> biti ime i <b>samo</b> ime primarnog ključa!)';
$strPrintView = 'Sažetak';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegije';
$strProperties = 'Svojstva';
$strQBE = 'Upit po primjeru';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL upit na bazi <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Reci';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Provjeri ispravnost veza:';
$strReloadFailed = 'ponovno pokretanje MySQL-a nije uspjelo.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Ponovo pokreni MySQL (<i>reload</i>)';
$strRememberReload = 'Ne zaboravite ponovo pokrenuti (<i>reload</i>) server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Promijeni ime tablice u ';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tablici %s promjenjeno ime u %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Popravi tablicu';
$strReplace = 'Zamijeni';
$strReplaceTable = 'Zamijeni podatke u tablici sa datotekom';
$strReset = 'Resetiraj';
$strReType = 'Ponovite unos';
$strRevoke = 'Opozovi';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Opozovi Grant';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Opozvali ste Grant privilegije za %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Opozvali ste privilegije za %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Opozovi privilegije';
$strRowLength = 'Dužina retka';
$strRows = 'Redaka';
$strRowsFrom = ' redaka počevši od retka';
$strRowSize = ' Veličina retka ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontalnom';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'u %s načinu i ispiši zaglavlje poslije svakog %s retka';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikalnom';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistika redaka';
$strRunning = 'pokrenuto na %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Izvrši SQL upit';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Izvrši SQL upit(e) na bazi ';
$strSave = 'Spremi';
$strSelect = 'Označi';
$strSelectADb = 'Izaberite bazu';
$strSelectAll = 'Označi sve';
$strSelectFields = 'Izaberite polja (najmanje jedno)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'u upitu';
$strSend = 'Spremi u datoteku';
$strServerChoice = 'Izbor servera';
$strServerVersion = 'Verzija servera';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Ako je polje "enum" ili "set", unesite vrijednosti u formatu: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Ako vam zatreba <i>backslash</i> ("\") ili jednostruki navodnik ("\'") navedite ih koristeći <i>backslash</i> (npr. \'\\\\xyz\' ili \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Prikaži';
$strShowAll = 'Prikaži sve';
$strShowCols = 'Prikaži stupce';
$strShowingRecords = 'Prikaz redaka';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Prikaži informacije o PHP-u';
$strShowTables = 'Prikaži tablice';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Prikaži ovaj upit ponovo ';
$strSingly = '(po jednom polju)';
$strSize = 'Veličina';
$strSort = 'Sortiranje';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Zauzeće';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-upit';
$strStatement = 'Ime';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV format';
$strStrucData = 'Struktura i podaci';
$strStrucDrop = 'Dodaj \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV za Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Samo struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Pokreni';
$strSuccess = 'Vaš SQL upit je uspješno izvršen';
$strSum = 'Ukupno';
$strTable = 'Tablica';
$strTableComments = 'Komentar tablice';
$strTableEmpty = 'Ime tablice je prazno!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tablica %s je izbrisana';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tablica %s je ispražnjena';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tablica %s je osvježena';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Radnje na tablici';
$strTables = '%s tablica/e';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura tablice';
$strTableType = 'Vrsta tablice';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Zbog veličine ovog polja,<br /> polje možda nećete moći mijenjati ';
$strTheContent = 'Sadržaj datoteke je stavljen u bazu.';
$strTheContents = 'Sadržaj tablice zamijeni sa sadržajem datoteke sa identičnim primarnim i jedinstvenim (unique) ključem.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Znak za odjeljivanje polja u datoteci.';
$strTotal = 'ukupno';
$strType = 'Vrsta';
$strUncheckAll = 'Makni oznake';
$strUnique = 'Jedinstveni ključ';
$strUnselectAll = 'Makni oznake';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Promijenili ste privilegije za %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Promijeni profil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profil je promijenjen.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Promijeni SQL-upit';
$strUsage = 'Zauzeće';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Koristi \' za ograničavanje imena polja';
$strUser = 'Korisnik';
$strUserEmpty = 'Ime korisnika je prazno!';
$strUserName = 'Ime korisnika';
$strUsers = 'Korisnici';
$strUseTables = 'Koristi tablice';
$strValue = 'Vrijednost';
$strViewDump = 'Prikaži dump (shemu) tablice';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Prikaži dump (shemu) baze';
$strWelcome = 'Dobrodošli u %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Označeno:';
$strWrongUser = 'Pogrešno korisničko ime/lozinka. Pristup odbijen.';
$strYes = 'Da';
$strZip = '"zip-ano"';
// To translate
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.'; //to translate
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strComments = 'Comments'; //to translate
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.'; //to translate
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s'; //to translate
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema'; //to translate
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s rows starting at row %s.'; //to translate
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strExport = 'Export'; //to translate
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format'; //to translate
$strGenBy = 'Generated by'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display'; //to translate
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found'; //to translate
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket'; //to translate
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset'; //to translate
$strNoDescription = 'no Description'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNoPhp = 'without PHP Code'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';//to translate
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';//to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strOperations = 'Operations'; //to translate
$strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:'; //to translate
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code'; //to translate
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strRelationView = 'Relation view'; //to translate
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page'; //to translate
$strSearch = 'Search';//to translate
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';//to translate
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';//to translate
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';//to translate
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';//to translate
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';//to translate
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';//to translate
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';//to translate
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';//to translate
$strSearchType = 'Find:';//to translate
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables'; //to translate
$strShowColor = 'Show color'; //to translate
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid'; //to translate
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables'; //to translate
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are seperated by a space character (" ").';//to translate
$strSQL = 'SQL'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure'; //to translate
$strStructure = 'Structure'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.42 2002/11/29 15:28:54 nijel Exp $ */
* Czech language file by
* Michal Čihař <nijel at>
$charset = 'iso-8859-2';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ' ';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('bajtů', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB');
$day_of_week = array('Neděle', 'Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota');
$month = array('ledna', 'února', 'března', 'dubna', 'května', 'června', 'července', 'srpna', 'září', 'října', 'listopadu', 'prosince');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%a %e. %b %Y, %H:%M';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'V tabulce %s byl vytvořen primární klíč';
$strAccessDenied = 'Přístup odepřen';
$strAction = 'Akce';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Přidat/Smazat sloupec';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Přidat/Smazat řádek s podmínkou';
$strAddNewField = 'Přidat nový sloupec';
$strAddPriv = 'Přidat nové privilegium';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Oprávnění bylo přidáno.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Přidat vyhledávací parametry (obsah dotazu po příkazu "WHERE"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Přidat do indexu %s sloupců';
$strAddUser = 'Přidat nového uživatele';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Uživatel byl přidán.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Ovlivněné řádky:';
$strAfter = 'Po %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Zpět';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Vložit další řádek';
$strAll = 'Všechno';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'zobrazit všechny tabulky stejnou šířkou?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Změnit pořadí tabulky podle';
$strAnIndex = 'K tabulce %s byl přidán index';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyzovat tabulku';
$strAnd = 'a';
$strAny = 'Jakýkoliv';
$strAnyColumn = 'Jakýkoliv sloupec';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Jakákoliv databáze';
$strAnyHost = 'Jakýkoliv počítač';
$strAnyTable = 'Jakákoliv tabulka';
$strAnyUser = 'Jakýkoliv uživatel';
$strAscending = 'Vzestupně';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Na začátku tabulky';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Na konci tabulky';
$strAttr = 'Vlastnosti';
$strBack = 'Zpět';
$strBeginCut = 'ZAČÁTEK VÝPISU';
$strBeginRaw = 'ZAČÁTEK VÝPISU';
$strBinary = ' Binární ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binární - neupravujte ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Položka byla smazána z oblíbených.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Název';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Oblíbený SQL dotaz';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Přidat tento SQL dotaz do oblíbených';
$strBookmarkView = 'Jen zobrazit';
$strBrowse = 'Projít';
$strBzip = '"zabzipováno"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'nelze nahrát rozšíření pro MySQL,<br />prosím zkontrolujte nastavení PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Nelze nahrát rozšíření iconv ani recode potřebná pro převod znakových sad. Upravte nastavení php tak aby umožňovalo použít tyto rozšíření nebo vypněte převod znakových sad v phpMyAdminu.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Index nemůžete přejmenovat na "PRIMARY"!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Nelze použít funkce iconv ani libiconv ani recode_string, přestože rozšíření jsou nahrána. Zkontrolujte nastavení php.';
$strCardinality = 'Mohutnost';
$strCarriage = 'Návrat vozíku (CR): \\r';
$strChange = 'Změnit';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Zvolte které sloupce zobrazit';
$strChangePassword = 'Změnit heslo';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Znaková sada souboru:';
$strCheckAll = 'Zaškrtnout vše';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Zkontrolovat oprávnění pro databázi';
$strCheckTable = 'Zkontrolovat tabulku';
$strChoosePage = 'Zvolte stránku, kterou chcete změnit';
$strColComFeat = 'Zobrazuji komentáře sloupců';
$strColumn = 'Sloupec';
$strColumnNames = 'Názvy sloupců';
$strComments = 'Komentáře';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Uplné inserty';
$strCompression = 'Komprese';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin nemohl načíst konfigurační soubor!<br />Tato chyba může nastat pokud v něm php najde chybu nebo nemůže tento soubor najít.<br />Po kliknutí na následující odkaz se konfigurace spustí a budou zobrazeny informace o chybě, ke které došlo. Pak opravte tuto chybu (nejčastěji se jedná o chybějící středník).<br />Pokud získáte prázdnou stránku, všechno je v pořádku.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Prosím nastavte souřadnice pro tabulku %s';
$strConfirm = 'Opravdu chcete toto provést?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Během tohoto kroku musíte mít povoleny cookies.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopírovat tabulku do (databáze<b>.</b>tabulka):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla zkopírována do %s.';
$strCreate = 'Vytvořit';
$strCreateIndex = 'Vytvořit index na %s sloupcích';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Vytvořit nový index';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Vytvořit novou databázi';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Vytvořit novou tabulku v databázi %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Vytvořit novou stránku';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Vytváření PDF';
$strCriteria = 'Podmínka';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDataDict = 'Datový slovník';
$strDataOnly = ' Jen data';
$strDatabase = 'Databáze ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databáze %s byla zrušena.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Databáze (zástupné znaky povoleny):';
$strDatabases = 'databáze';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistiky databází';
$strDefault = 'Výchozí';
$strDelete = 'Smazat';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Smazání selhalo!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Byl smazán uživatel %s.';
$strDeleted = 'Řádek byl smazán';
$strDeletedRows = 'Smazané řádky:';
$strDescending = 'Sestupně';
$strDisabled = 'Vypnuto';
$strDisplay = 'Zobrazit';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Zobrazení funkcí';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Seřadit podle:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Zobrazit jako schéma v PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Provést "dotaz podle příkladu" (zástupný znak: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Opravdu si přejete vykonat příkaz';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentace';
$strDrop = 'Odstranit';
$strDropDB = 'Odstranit databázi %s';
$strDropTable = 'Smazat tabulku';
$strDumpXRows = 'Vypsat %s řádků od %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dumpuji data pro tabulku';
$strDynamic = 'dynamický';
$strEdit = 'Upravit';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Upravit PDF stránky';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Upravit oprávnění';
$strEffective = 'Efektivní';
$strEmpty = 'Vyprázdnit';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL vrátil prázdný výsledek (tj. nulový počet řádků).';
$strEnabled = 'Zapnuto';
$strEnd = 'Konec';
$strEndCut = 'KONEC VÝPISU';
$strEndRaw = 'KONEC VÝPISU';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Poznámka: názvy oprávnění v MySQL jsou uváděny anglicky';
$strError = 'Chyba';
$strExplain = 'Vysvětlit (EXPLAIN) SQL';
$strExport = 'Export';
$strExportToXML = 'Export do XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Rozšířené inserty';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Sloupec';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Sloupec %s byl odstraněn';
$strFields = 'Počet sloupců';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Nebyl zadán počet sloupců! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Názvy sloupců uzavřené do';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Názvy sloupců escapovány';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Sloupce oddělené';
$strFixed = 'pevný';
$strFlushTable = 'Vyprázdnit vyrovnávací paměť pro tabulku ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Chybějící hodnota ve formuláři!';
$strFormat = 'Formát';
$strFullText = 'Celé texty';
$strFunction = 'Funkce';
$strGenBy = 'Vygeneroval';
$strGenTime = 'Vygenerováno';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Obecné funkce relací';
$strGo = 'Proveď';
$strGrants = 'Oprávnění';
$strGzip = '"zagzipováno"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'byla změněna.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'byla vytvořena.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Musíte volit alespoň jeden sloupec, který chcete zobrazit.';
$strHome = 'Hlavní strana';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Oficiální stránka phpMyAdmina';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Nová stránka phpMyAdmina';
$strHost = 'Počítač';
$strHostEmpty = 'Jméno počítače je prázdné!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fulltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'Pokud si přejete natáhnout jen vybrané sloupce z tabulky, napište je jako seznam sloupců oddělených čárkou.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorovat';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importovat soubory docSQL';
$strInUse = 'právě se používá';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s byl odstraněn';
$strIndexName = 'Jméno indexu :';
$strIndexType = 'Typ indexu :';
$strIndexes = 'Indexy';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Váš konfigurační soubor obsahuje nastavení (uživatel root bez hesla), které je výchozí pro MySQL. Váš MySQL server s tímto výchozím nastavením je snadno napadnutelný, a proto byste měli změnit tuto nastavení a tím podstatně zvýšit bezpečnost Vašeho serveru.';
$strInsert = 'Vložit';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Vložit jako nový řádek';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Vložit nový řádek';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Vložit textové soubory do tabulky';
$strInsertedRows = 'Vloženo řádků:';
$strInstructions = 'Instrukce';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" je rezervované slovo a proto ho nemůžete požít jako jméno databáze/tabulky/sloupce.';
$strKeepPass = 'Neměnit heslo';
$strKeyname = 'Klíčový název';
$strKill = 'Zabít';
$strLength = 'Délka';
$strLengthSet = 'Délka/Množina*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'záznamu na stránku';
$strLineFeed = 'Ukončení řádku (Linefeed): \\n';
$strLines = 'Řádek';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Řádky ukončené';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Odkaz nenalezen';
$strLinksTo = 'Odkazuje na';
$strLocationTextfile = 'textový soubor';
$strLogPassword = 'Heslo:';
$strLogUsername = 'Jméno:';
$strLogin = 'Přihlášení';
$strLogout = 'Odhlásit se';
$strMissingBracket = 'Chybí závorka';
$strModifications = 'Změny byly uloženy';
$strModify = 'Úpravy';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Upravit index';
$strMoveTable = 'Přesunout tabulku do (databáze<b>.</b>tabulka):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla přesunuta do %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Znaková sada v MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL znovu načteno.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL hlásí: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% spuštěné na %pma_s2%, přihlášen %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Zobrazit procesy';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Ukázat MySQL informace o běhu';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Ukázat MySQL systémové proměnné';
$strName = 'Název';
$strNext = 'Další';
$strNo = 'Ne';
$strNoDatabases = 'Žádné databáze';
$strNoDescription = 'žádný popisek';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Příkaz "DROP DATABASE" je vypnutý.';
$strNoExplain = 'Bez vysvětlení (EXPLAIN) SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin se lépe používá v prohlížeči podporujícím rámy ("FRAME").';
$strNoIndex = 'Žádný index nebyl definován!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Žádná část indexu nebyla definována!';
$strNoModification = 'Žádná změna';
$strNoPassword = 'Žádné heslo';
$strNoPhp = 'Bez PHP kódu';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Nemáte oprávnění';
$strNoQuery = 'Žádný SQL dotaz!';
$strNoRights = 'Nemáte dostatečná práva na provedení této akce!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'V databázi nebyla nalezena ani jedna tabulka.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Žádný uživatel nenalezen.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Bez kontroly SQL';
$strNone = 'Žádná';
$strNotNumber = 'Toto není číslo!';
$strNotOK = 'není OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabulka nenalezena nebo není nastavena v %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' není platné číslo řádku!';
$strNull = 'Nulový';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s odpovídající(ch) záznam(ů) v tabulce <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Celkem:</b> <i>%s</i> odpovídající(ch) záznam(ů)';
$strNumTables = 'Tabulek';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Často uvozující znaky. Volitelně znamená, že pouze položky u kterých je to nutné (obvykle typu CHAR a VARCHAR) jsou uzavřeny do uzavíracích znaků.';
$strOperations = 'Úpravy';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimalizovat tabulku';
$strOptionalControls = 'Volitelné. Určuje jak zapisovat nebo číst speciální znaky.';
$strOptionally = 'Volitelně';
$strOptions = 'Vlastnosti';
$strOr = 'nebo';
$strOverhead = 'Navíc';
$strPHP40203 = 'Používáte PHP 4.2.3, které má závažnou chybu při práci s vícebajtovými znaky (mbsting), jedná se o chybu PHP číslo 19404. Nedoporučujeme používat tuto verzi PHP s phpMyAdminem.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Verze PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Strana číslo:';
$strPartialText = 'Zkrácené texty';
$strPassword = 'Heslo';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Heslo je prázdné!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Hesla nejsou stejná!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schéma databáze "%s" - Strana %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Nedefinované číslo stránky v PDF!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Tabulka "%s" neexistuje!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'žádné tabulky';
$strPhp = 'Zobrazit PHP kód';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Dokumentace phpMyAdmina';
$strPmaUriError = 'Parametr <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> MUSÍ být nastaven v konfiguračním souboru!';
$strPos1 = 'Začátek';
$strPrevious = 'Předchozí';
$strPrimary = 'Primární';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primární klíč';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primární klíč byl odstraněn';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Jméno primárního klíče musí být "PRIMARY"!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>musí</b> být jméno <b>pouze</b> primárního klíče!)';
$strPrint = 'Vytisknout';
$strPrintView = 'Náhled k vytištění';
$strPrivileges = 'Oprávnění';
$strProperties = 'Vlastnosti';
$strPutColNames = 'Přidat jména sloupců na první řádek';
$strQBE = 'Dotaz';
$strQBEDel = 'smazat';
$strQBEIns = 'přidat';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL dotaz na databázi <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Napsat znovu';
$strRecords = 'Záznamů';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Zkontrolovat integritu odkazů:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Některé funkce pro práci s propojenými tabulkami byly vypnuty. %sZde%s zjistíte proč.';
$strRelationView = 'Zobrazit relace';
$strReloadFailed = 'Znovunačtení MySQL selhalo.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Znovunačtení MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Nezapomeňte znovu načíst server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Přejmenovat tabulku na';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla přejmenována na %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Opravit tabulku';
$strReplace = 'Přepsat';
$strReplaceTable = 'Přepsat data tabulky souborem';
$strReset = 'Původní (reset)';
$strRevoke = 'Zrušit';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Zrušit povolení přidělovat práva';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Bylo zrušeno oprávnění přidělovat práva pro %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Byla zrušena práva pro %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Zrušit práva';
$strRowLength = 'Délka řádku';
$strRowSize = ' Velikost řádku ';
$strRows = 'Řádků';
$strRowsFrom = 'řádků začínající od';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'vodorovném';
$strRowsModeOptions = 've %s režimu a opakovat hlavičky po %s řádcích.';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'svislém';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistika řádků';
$strRunQuery = 'Provést dotaz';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Spustit SQL dotaz(y) na databázi %s';
$strRunning = 'na %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Je možné, že jste našli chybu v SQL parseru. Prosím prozkoumejte podrobně SQL dotaz, především jestli jsou správně uvozovky a jestli nejsou proházené. Další možnost selhání je pokud nahráváte soubor s binárními daty nezapsanými v uvozovkách. Můéžete také vyzkoušet příkazovou řádku MySQL. Níže uvedený výstup z MySQL serveru (pokud je nějaký) Vám také může pomoci při zkoumání problému. Pokud stále máte problémy nebo pokud SQL parser ohlásí chybu u dotazu, který na příkazové řádce funguje, prosím pokuste se zredukovat dotaz na co nejmenší, ve kterém se problém ještě vyskytne, a ohlašte chybu na stránkách phpMyAdmina spolu se sekcí VÝPIS uvedenou níže:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Pravděpodobně máte v SQL dotazu chybu. Níže uvedený výstup MySQL serveru (pokud je nějaký) Vám také může pomoci při zkoumání problému';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-dotaz';
$strSQLResult = 'Výsledek SQL dotazu';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Chybný identifikátor';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Neuzavřené uvozovky';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Neznámé interpunkční znaménko';
$strSave = 'Ulož';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Měřítko je příliš malé, aby se schéma vešlo na jednu stránku';
$strSearch = 'Vyhledávání';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Vyhledávání v databázi';
$strSearchInTables = 'V tabulkách:';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Slova nebo hodnoty, které chcete vyhledat (zástupný znak: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'alespoň jedno ze slov';
$strSearchOption2 = 'všechna slova';
$strSearchOption3 = 'přesnou frázi';
$strSearchOption4 = 'jako regulární výraz';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Výsledny vyhledávání pro "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Najít:';
$strSelect = 'Vybrat';
$strSelectADb = 'Prosím vyberte databázi';
$strSelectAll = 'Vybrat vše';
$strSelectFields = 'Zvolte sloupec (alespoň jeden):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'v dotazu';
$strSelectTables = 'Vybrat tabulky';
$strSend = 'Poslat';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Výběr serveru';
$strServerVersion = 'Verze MySQL';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Pokud je sloupec typu "enum" nebo "set", zadávejte hodnoty v následujícím formátu: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Pokud potřebujete zadat zpětné lomítko ("\") nebo jednoduché uvozovky ("\'") mezi těmito hodnotami, napište před ně zpětné lomítko (příklad: \'\\\\xyz\' nebo \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Zobrazit';
$strShowAll = 'Zobrazit vše';
$strShowColor = 'Barevné šipky';
$strShowCols = 'Zobrazit sloupce';
$strShowGrid = 'Zobrazit mřížku';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Zobrazit informace o PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Rozměry tabulek';
$strShowTables = 'Zobrazit tabulky';
$strShowThisQuery = 'Zobrazit zde tento dotaz znovu';
$strShowingRecords = 'Zobrazeny záznamy';
$strSingly = '(po jednom)';
$strSize = 'Velikost';
$strSort = 'Řadit';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Využití místa';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Slova jsou oddělena mezerou (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Údaj';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Strukturu a data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Přidej \'DROP TABLE\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV data pro Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Pouze strukturu';
$strStructPropose = 'Navrhnout strukturu tabulky';
$strStructure = 'Struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Odešli';
$strSuccess = 'Váš SQL-dotaz byl úspěšně vykonán';
$strSum = 'Celkem';
$strTable = 'Tabulka';
$strTableComments = 'Komentáře k tabulce';
$strTableEmpty = 'Jméno tabulky je prázdné!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabulka %s byla odstraněna';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabulka %s byla vyprázdněna';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Vyrovnávací paměť pro tabulku %s byla vyprázdněna';
$strTableMaintenance = ' Údržba tabulky ';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura tabulky';
$strTableType = 'Typ tabulky';
$strTables = '%s tabulek';
$strTextAreaLength = 'Tento sloupec možná nepůjde <br />(kvůli délce) upravit ';
$strTheContent = 'Obsah souboru byl vložen';
$strTheContents = 'Obsah souboru přepíše obsah zvolené tabulky v těch řádcích, kde je stejný primární nebo unikátní klíč.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Sloupce jsou odděleny tímto znakem.';
$strTotal = 'celkem';
$strTotalUC = 'Celkem';
$strType = 'Typ';
$strUncheckAll = 'Odškrtnout vše';
$strUnique = 'Unikátní';
$strUnselectAll = 'Odznačit vše';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Byla aktualizovana oprávnění pro %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Změny přístupu:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Přístup byl změněn.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Aktualizovat dotaz';
$strUsage = 'Používá';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Použít zpětné uvozovky u jmen tabulek a sloupců';
$strUseTables = 'Použít tabulky';
$strUser = 'Uživatel';
$strUserEmpty = 'Jméno uživatele je prázdné!';
$strUserName = 'Jméno uživatele';
$strUsers = 'Uživatelé';
$strValidateSQL = 'Zkontrolovat SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'SQL validator nemohl být inicializován. Prosím zkontrolujte jestli máte nainstalované potřebné rozšíření php, jak je popsáno v %sdokumentaci%s.';
$strValue = 'Hodnota';
$strViewDump = 'Zobrazit výpis (dump) tabulky';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Zobrazit výpis (dump) databáze';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'soubor z adresáře pro upload';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Adresář určený pro upload souborů nemohl být otevřen';
$strWelcome = 'Vítej v %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Zaškrtnuté:';
$strWrongUser = 'Špatné uživatelské jméno/heslo. Přístup odepřen.';
$strYes = 'Ano';
$strZip = '"zazipováno"';
// To translate
@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.46 2002/11/29 15:28:55 nijel Exp $ */
* Czech language file by
* Michal Čihař <nijel at>
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ' ';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('bajtů', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB');
$day_of_week = array('Neděle', 'Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota');
$month = array('ledna', 'února', 'března', 'dubna', 'května', 'června', 'července', 'srpna', 'září', 'října', 'listopadu', 'prosince');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%a %e. %b %Y, %H:%M';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'V tabulce %s byl vytvořen primární klíč';
$strAccessDenied = 'Přístup odepřen';
$strAction = 'Akce';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Přidat/Smazat sloupec';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Přidat/Smazat řádek s podmínkou';
$strAddNewField = 'Přidat nový sloupec';
$strAddPriv = 'Přidat nové privilegium';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Oprávnění bylo přidáno.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Přidat vyhledávací parametry (obsah dotazu po příkazu "WHERE"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Přidat do indexu %s sloupců';
$strAddUser = 'Přidat nového uživatele';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Uživatel byl přidán.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Ovlivněné řádky:';
$strAfter = 'Po %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Zpět';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Vložit další řádek';
$strAll = 'Všechno';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'zobrazit všechny tabulky stejnou šířkou?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Změnit pořadí tabulky podle';
$strAnIndex = 'K tabulce %s byl přidán index';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyzovat tabulku';
$strAnd = 'a';
$strAny = 'Jakýkoliv';
$strAnyColumn = 'Jakýkoliv sloupec';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Jakákoliv databáze';
$strAnyHost = 'Jakýkoliv počítač';
$strAnyTable = 'Jakákoliv tabulka';
$strAnyUser = 'Jakýkoliv uživatel';
$strAscending = 'Vzestupně';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Na začátku tabulky';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Na konci tabulky';
$strAttr = 'Vlastnosti';
$strBack = 'Zpět';
$strBeginCut = 'ZAČÁTEK VÝPISU';
$strBeginRaw = 'ZAČÁTEK VÝPISU';
$strBinary = ' Binární ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binární - neupravujte ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Položka byla smazána z oblíbených.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Název';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Oblíbený SQL dotaz';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Přidat tento SQL dotaz do oblíbených';
$strBookmarkView = 'Jen zobrazit';
$strBrowse = 'Projít';
$strBzip = '"zabzipováno"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'nelze nahrát rozšíření pro MySQL,<br />prosím zkontrolujte nastavení PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Nelze nahrát rozšíření iconv ani recode potřebná pro převod znakových sad. Upravte nastavení php tak aby umožňovalo použít tyto rozšíření nebo vypněte převod znakových sad v phpMyAdminu.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Index nemůžete přejmenovat na "PRIMARY"!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Nelze použít funkce iconv ani libiconv ani recode_string, přestože rozšíření jsou nahrána. Zkontrolujte nastavení php.';
$strCardinality = 'Mohutnost';
$strCarriage = 'Návrat vozíku (CR): \\r';
$strChange = 'Změnit';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Zvolte které sloupce zobrazit';
$strChangePassword = 'Změnit heslo';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Znaková sada souboru:';
$strCheckAll = 'Zaškrtnout vše';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Zkontrolovat oprávnění pro databázi';
$strCheckTable = 'Zkontrolovat tabulku';
$strChoosePage = 'Zvolte stránku, kterou chcete změnit';
$strColComFeat = 'Zobrazuji komentáře sloupců';
$strColumn = 'Sloupec';
$strColumnNames = 'Názvy sloupců';
$strComments = 'Komentáře';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Uplné inserty';
$strCompression = 'Komprese';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin nemohl načíst konfigurační soubor!<br />Tato chyba může nastat pokud v něm php najde chybu nebo nemůže tento soubor najít.<br />Po kliknutí na následující odkaz se konfigurace spustí a budou zobrazeny informace o chybě, ke které došlo. Pak opravte tuto chybu (nejčastěji se jedná o chybějící středník).<br />Pokud získáte prázdnou stránku, všechno je v pořádku.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Prosím nastavte souřadnice pro tabulku %s';
$strConfirm = 'Opravdu chcete toto provést?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Během tohoto kroku musíte mít povoleny cookies.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopírovat tabulku do (databáze<b>.</b>tabulka):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla zkopírována do %s.';
$strCreate = 'Vytvořit';
$strCreateIndex = 'Vytvořit index na %s sloupcích';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Vytvořit nový index';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Vytvořit novou databázi';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Vytvořit novou tabulku v databázi %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Vytvořit novou stránku';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Vytváření PDF';
$strCriteria = 'Podmínka';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDataDict = 'Datový slovník';
$strDataOnly = ' Jen data';
$strDatabase = 'Databáze ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databáze %s byla zrušena.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Databáze (zástupné znaky povoleny):';
$strDatabases = 'databáze';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistiky databází';
$strDefault = 'Výchozí';
$strDelete = 'Smazat';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Smazání selhalo!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Byl smazán uživatel %s.';
$strDeleted = 'Řádek byl smazán';
$strDeletedRows = 'Smazané řádky:';
$strDescending = 'Sestupně';
$strDisabled = 'Vypnuto';
$strDisplay = 'Zobrazit';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Zobrazení funkcí';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Seřadit podle:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Zobrazit jako schéma v PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Provést "dotaz podle příkladu" (zástupný znak: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Opravdu si přejete vykonat příkaz';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentace';
$strDrop = 'Odstranit';
$strDropDB = 'Odstranit databázi %s';
$strDropTable = 'Smazat tabulku';
$strDumpXRows = 'Vypsat %s řádků od %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dumpuji data pro tabulku';
$strDynamic = 'dynamický';
$strEdit = 'Upravit';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Upravit PDF stránky';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Upravit oprávnění';
$strEffective = 'Efektivní';
$strEmpty = 'Vyprázdnit';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL vrátil prázdný výsledek (tj. nulový počet řádků).';
$strEnabled = 'Zapnuto';
$strEnd = 'Konec';
$strEndCut = 'KONEC VÝPISU';
$strEndRaw = 'KONEC VÝPISU';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Poznámka: názvy oprávnění v MySQL jsou uváděny anglicky';
$strError = 'Chyba';
$strExplain = 'Vysvětlit (EXPLAIN) SQL';
$strExport = 'Export';
$strExportToXML = 'Export do XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Rozšířené inserty';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Sloupec';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Sloupec %s byl odstraněn';
$strFields = 'Počet sloupců';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Nebyl zadán počet sloupců! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Názvy sloupců uzavřené do';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Názvy sloupců escapovány';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Sloupce oddělené';
$strFixed = 'pevný';
$strFlushTable = 'Vyprázdnit vyrovnávací paměť pro tabulku ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Chybějící hodnota ve formuláři!';
$strFormat = 'Formát';
$strFullText = 'Celé texty';
$strFunction = 'Funkce';
$strGenBy = 'Vygeneroval';
$strGenTime = 'Vygenerováno';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Obecné funkce relací';
$strGo = 'Proveď';
$strGrants = 'Oprávnění';
$strGzip = '"zagzipováno"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'byla změněna.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'byla vytvořena.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Musíte volit alespoň jeden sloupec, který chcete zobrazit.';
$strHome = 'Hlavní strana';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Oficiální stránka phpMyAdmina';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Nová stránka phpMyAdmina';
$strHost = 'Počítač';
$strHostEmpty = 'Jméno počítače je prázdné!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fulltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'Pokud si přejete natáhnout jen vybrané sloupce z tabulky, napište je jako seznam sloupců oddělených čárkou.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorovat';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importovat soubory docSQL';
$strInUse = 'právě se používá';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s byl odstraněn';
$strIndexName = 'Jméno indexu :';
$strIndexType = 'Typ indexu :';
$strIndexes = 'Indexy';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Váš konfigurační soubor obsahuje nastavení (uživatel root bez hesla), které je výchozí pro MySQL. Váš MySQL server s tímto výchozím nastavením je snadno napadnutelný, a proto byste měli změnit tuto nastavení a tím podstatně zvýšit bezpečnost Vašeho serveru.';
$strInsert = 'Vložit';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Vložit jako nový řádek';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Vložit nový řádek';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Vložit textové soubory do tabulky';
$strInsertedRows = 'Vloženo řádků:';
$strInstructions = 'Instrukce';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" je rezervované slovo a proto ho nemůžete požít jako jméno databáze/tabulky/sloupce.';
$strKeepPass = 'Neměnit heslo';
$strKeyname = 'Klíčový název';
$strKill = 'Zabít';
$strLength = 'Délka';
$strLengthSet = 'Délka/Množina*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'záznamu na stránku';
$strLineFeed = 'Ukončení řádku (Linefeed): \\n';
$strLines = 'Řádek';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Řádky ukončené';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Odkaz nenalezen';
$strLinksTo = 'Odkazuje na';
$strLocationTextfile = 'textový soubor';
$strLogPassword = 'Heslo:';
$strLogUsername = 'Jméno:';
$strLogin = 'Přihlášení';
$strLogout = 'Odhlásit se';
$strMissingBracket = 'Chybí závorka';
$strModifications = 'Změny byly uloženy';
$strModify = 'Úpravy';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Upravit index';
$strMoveTable = 'Přesunout tabulku do (databáze<b>.</b>tabulka):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla přesunuta do %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Znaková sada v MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL znovu načteno.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL hlásí: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% spuštěné na %pma_s2%, přihlášen %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Zobrazit procesy';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Ukázat MySQL informace o běhu';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Ukázat MySQL systémové proměnné';
$strName = 'Název';
$strNext = 'Další';
$strNo = 'Ne';
$strNoDatabases = 'Žádné databáze';
$strNoDescription = 'žádný popisek';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Příkaz "DROP DATABASE" je vypnutý.';
$strNoExplain = 'Bez vysvětlení (EXPLAIN) SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin se lépe používá v prohlížeči podporujícím rámy ("FRAME").';
$strNoIndex = 'Žádný index nebyl definován!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Žádná část indexu nebyla definována!';
$strNoModification = 'Žádná změna';
$strNoPassword = 'Žádné heslo';
$strNoPhp = 'Bez PHP kódu';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Nemáte oprávnění';
$strNoQuery = 'Žádný SQL dotaz!';
$strNoRights = 'Nemáte dostatečná práva na provedení této akce!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'V databázi nebyla nalezena ani jedna tabulka.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Žádný uživatel nenalezen.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Bez kontroly SQL';
$strNone = 'Žádná';
$strNotNumber = 'Toto není číslo!';
$strNotOK = 'není OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabulka nenalezena nebo není nastavena v %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' není platné číslo řádku!';
$strNull = 'Nulový';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s odpovídající(ch) záznam(ů) v tabulce <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Celkem:</b> <i>%s</i> odpovídající(ch) záznam(ů)';
$strNumTables = 'Tabulek';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Často uvozující znaky. Volitelně znamená, že pouze položky u kterých je to nutné (obvykle typu CHAR a VARCHAR) jsou uzavřeny do uzavíracích znaků.';
$strOperations = 'Úpravy';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimalizovat tabulku';
$strOptionalControls = 'Volitelné. Určuje jak zapisovat nebo číst speciální znaky.';
$strOptionally = 'Volitelně';
$strOptions = 'Vlastnosti';
$strOr = 'nebo';
$strOverhead = 'Navíc';
$strPHP40203 = 'Používáte PHP 4.2.3, které má závažnou chybu při práci s vícebajtovými znaky (mbsting), jedná se o chybu PHP číslo 19404. Nedoporučujeme používat tuto verzi PHP s phpMyAdminem.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Verze PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Strana číslo:';
$strPartialText = 'Zkrácené texty';
$strPassword = 'Heslo';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Heslo je prázdné!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Hesla nejsou stejná!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schéma databáze "%s" - Strana %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Nedefinované číslo stránky v PDF!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Tabulka "%s" neexistuje!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'žádné tabulky';
$strPhp = 'Zobrazit PHP kód';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Dokumentace phpMyAdmina';
$strPmaUriError = 'Parametr <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> MUSÍ být nastaven v konfiguračním souboru!';
$strPos1 = 'Začátek';
$strPrevious = 'Předchozí';
$strPrimary = 'Primární';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primární klíč';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primární klíč byl odstraněn';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Jméno primárního klíče musí být "PRIMARY"!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>musí</b> být jméno <b>pouze</b> primárního klíče!)';
$strPrint = 'Vytisknout';
$strPrintView = 'Náhled k vytištění';
$strPrivileges = 'Oprávnění';
$strProperties = 'Vlastnosti';
$strPutColNames = 'Přidat jména sloupců na první řádek';
$strQBE = 'Dotaz';
$strQBEDel = 'smazat';
$strQBEIns = 'přidat';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL dotaz na databázi <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Napsat znovu';
$strRecords = 'Záznamů';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Zkontrolovat integritu odkazů:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Některé funkce pro práci s propojenými tabulkami byly vypnuty. %sZde%s zjistíte proč.';
$strRelationView = 'Zobrazit relace';
$strReloadFailed = 'Znovunačtení MySQL selhalo.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Znovunačtení MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Nezapomeňte znovu načíst server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Přejmenovat tabulku na';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla přejmenována na %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Opravit tabulku';
$strReplace = 'Přepsat';
$strReplaceTable = 'Přepsat data tabulky souborem';
$strReset = 'Původní (reset)';
$strRevoke = 'Zrušit';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Zrušit povolení přidělovat práva';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Bylo zrušeno oprávnění přidělovat práva pro %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Byla zrušena práva pro %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Zrušit práva';
$strRowLength = 'Délka řádku';
$strRowSize = ' Velikost řádku ';
$strRows = 'Řádků';
$strRowsFrom = 'řádků začínající od';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'vodorovném';
$strRowsModeOptions = 've %s režimu a opakovat hlavičky po %s řádcích.';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'svislém';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistika řádků';
$strRunQuery = 'Provést dotaz';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Spustit SQL dotaz(y) na databázi %s';
$strRunning = 'na %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Je možné, že jste našli chybu v SQL parseru. Prosím prozkoumejte podrobně SQL dotaz, především jestli jsou správně uvozovky a jestli nejsou proházené. Další možnost selhání je pokud nahráváte soubor s binárními daty nezapsanými v uvozovkách. Můéžete také vyzkoušet příkazovou řádku MySQL. Níže uvedený výstup z MySQL serveru (pokud je nějaký) Vám také může pomoci při zkoumání problému. Pokud stále máte problémy nebo pokud SQL parser ohlásí chybu u dotazu, který na příkazové řádce funguje, prosím pokuste se zredukovat dotaz na co nejmenší, ve kterém se problém ještě vyskytne, a ohlašte chybu na stránkách phpMyAdmina spolu se sekcí VÝPIS uvedenou níže:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Pravděpodobně máte v SQL dotazu chybu. Níže uvedený výstup MySQL serveru (pokud je nějaký) Vám také může pomoci při zkoumání problému';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-dotaz';
$strSQLResult = 'Výsledek SQL dotazu';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Chybný identifikátor';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Neuzavřené uvozovky';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Neznámé interpunkční znaménko';
$strSave = 'Ulož';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Měřítko je příliš malé, aby se schéma vešlo na jednu stránku';
$strSearch = 'Vyhledávání';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Vyhledávání v databázi';
$strSearchInTables = 'V tabulkách:';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Slova nebo hodnoty, které chcete vyhledat (zástupný znak: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'alespoň jedno ze slov';
$strSearchOption2 = 'všechna slova';
$strSearchOption3 = 'přesnou frázi';
$strSearchOption4 = 'jako regulární výraz';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Výsledny vyhledávání pro "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Najít:';
$strSelect = 'Vybrat';
$strSelectADb = 'Prosím vyberte databázi';
$strSelectAll = 'Vybrat vše';
$strSelectFields = 'Zvolte sloupec (alespoň jeden):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'v dotazu';
$strSelectTables = 'Vybrat tabulky';
$strSend = 'Poslat';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Výběr serveru';
$strServerVersion = 'Verze MySQL';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Pokud je sloupec typu "enum" nebo "set", zadávejte hodnoty v následujícím formátu: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Pokud potřebujete zadat zpětné lomítko ("\") nebo jednoduché uvozovky ("\'") mezi těmito hodnotami, napište před ně zpětné lomítko (příklad: \'\\\\xyz\' nebo \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Zobrazit';
$strShowAll = 'Zobrazit vše';
$strShowColor = 'Barevné šipky';
$strShowCols = 'Zobrazit sloupce';
$strShowGrid = 'Zobrazit mřížku';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Zobrazit informace o PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Rozměry tabulek';
$strShowTables = 'Zobrazit tabulky';
$strShowThisQuery = 'Zobrazit zde tento dotaz znovu';
$strShowingRecords = 'Zobrazeny záznamy';
$strSingly = '(po jednom)';
$strSize = 'Velikost';
$strSort = 'Řadit';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Využití místa';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Slova jsou oddělena mezerou (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Údaj';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Strukturu a data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Přidej \'DROP TABLE\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV data pro Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Pouze strukturu';
$strStructPropose = 'Navrhnout strukturu tabulky';
$strStructure = 'Struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Odešli';
$strSuccess = 'Váš SQL-dotaz byl úspěšně vykonán';
$strSum = 'Celkem';
$strTable = 'Tabulka';
$strTableComments = 'Komentáře k tabulce';
$strTableEmpty = 'Jméno tabulky je prázdné!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabulka %s byla odstraněna';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabulka %s byla vyprázdněna';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Vyrovnávací paměť pro tabulku %s byla vyprázdněna';
$strTableMaintenance = ' Údržba tabulky ';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura tabulky';
$strTableType = 'Typ tabulky';
$strTables = '%s tabulek';
$strTextAreaLength = 'Tento sloupec možná nepůjde <br />(kvůli délce) upravit ';
$strTheContent = 'Obsah souboru byl vložen';
$strTheContents = 'Obsah souboru přepíše obsah zvolené tabulky v těch řádcích, kde je stejný primární nebo unikátní klíč.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Sloupce jsou odděleny tímto znakem.';
$strTotal = 'celkem';
$strTotalUC = 'Celkem';
$strType = 'Typ';
$strUncheckAll = 'Odškrtnout vše';
$strUnique = 'Unikátní';
$strUnselectAll = 'Odznačit vše';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Byla aktualizovana oprávnění pro %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Změny přístupu:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Přístup byl změněn.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Aktualizovat dotaz';
$strUsage = 'Používá';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Použít zpětné uvozovky u jmen tabulek a sloupců';
$strUseTables = 'Použít tabulky';
$strUser = 'Uživatel';
$strUserEmpty = 'Jméno uživatele je prázdné!';
$strUserName = 'Jméno uživatele';
$strUsers = 'Uživatelé';
$strValidateSQL = 'Zkontrolovat SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'SQL validator nemohl být inicializován. Prosím zkontrolujte jestli máte nainstalované potřebné rozšíření php, jak je popsáno v %sdokumentaci%s.';
$strValue = 'Hodnota';
$strViewDump = 'Zobrazit výpis (dump) tabulky';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Zobrazit výpis (dump) databáze';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'soubor z adresáře pro upload';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Adresář určený pro upload souborů nemohl být otevřen';
$strWelcome = 'Vítej v %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Zaškrtnuté:';
$strWrongUser = 'Špatné uživatelské jméno/heslo. Přístup odepřen.';
$strYes = 'Ano';
$strZip = '"zazipováno"';
// To translate
@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.42 2002/11/29 15:28:56 nijel Exp $ */
* Czech language file by
* Michal Čihař <nijel at>
$charset = 'windows-1250';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ' ';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('bajtů', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB');
$day_of_week = array('Neděle', 'Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota');
$month = array('ledna', 'února', 'března', 'dubna', 'května', 'června', 'července', 'srpna', 'září', 'října', 'listopadu', 'prosince');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%a %e. %b %Y, %H:%M';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'V tabulce %s byl vytvořen primární klíč';
$strAccessDenied = 'Přístup odepřen';
$strAction = 'Akce';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Přidat/Smazat sloupec';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Přidat/Smazat řádek s podmínkou';
$strAddNewField = 'Přidat nový sloupec';
$strAddPriv = 'Přidat nové privilegium';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Oprávnění bylo přidáno.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Přidat vyhledávací parametry (obsah dotazu po příkazu "WHERE"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Přidat do indexu %s sloupců';
$strAddUser = 'Přidat nového uživatele';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Uživatel byl přidán.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Ovlivněné řádky:';
$strAfter = 'Po %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Zpět';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Vložit další řádek';
$strAll = 'Všechno';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'zobrazit všechny tabulky stejnou šířkou?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Změnit pořadí tabulky podle';
$strAnIndex = 'K tabulce %s byl přidán index';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyzovat tabulku';
$strAnd = 'a';
$strAny = 'Jakýkoliv';
$strAnyColumn = 'Jakýkoliv sloupec';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Jakákoliv databáze';
$strAnyHost = 'Jakýkoliv počítač';
$strAnyTable = 'Jakákoliv tabulka';
$strAnyUser = 'Jakýkoliv uživatel';
$strAscending = 'Vzestupně';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Na začátku tabulky';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Na konci tabulky';
$strAttr = 'Vlastnosti';
$strBack = 'Zpět';
$strBeginCut = 'ZAČÁTEK VÝPISU';
$strBeginRaw = 'ZAČÁTEK VÝPISU';
$strBinary = ' Binární ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binární - neupravujte ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Položka byla smazána z oblíbených.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Název';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Oblíbený SQL dotaz';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Přidat tento SQL dotaz do oblíbených';
$strBookmarkView = 'Jen zobrazit';
$strBrowse = 'Projít';
$strBzip = '"zabzipováno"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'nelze nahrát rozšíření pro MySQL,<br />prosím zkontrolujte nastavení PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Nelze nahrát rozšíření iconv ani recode potřebná pro převod znakových sad. Upravte nastavení php tak aby umožňovalo použít tyto rozšíření nebo vypněte převod znakových sad v phpMyAdminu.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Index nemůžete přejmenovat na "PRIMARY"!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Nelze použít funkce iconv ani libiconv ani recode_string, přestože rozšíření jsou nahrána. Zkontrolujte nastavení php.';
$strCardinality = 'Mohutnost';
$strCarriage = 'Návrat vozíku (CR): \\r';
$strChange = 'Změnit';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Zvolte které sloupce zobrazit';
$strChangePassword = 'Změnit heslo';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Znaková sada souboru:';
$strCheckAll = 'Zaškrtnout vše';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Zkontrolovat oprávnění pro databázi';
$strCheckTable = 'Zkontrolovat tabulku';
$strChoosePage = 'Zvolte stránku, kterou chcete změnit';
$strColComFeat = 'Zobrazuji komentáře sloupců';
$strColumn = 'Sloupec';
$strColumnNames = 'Názvy sloupců';
$strComments = 'Komentáře';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Uplné inserty';
$strCompression = 'Komprese';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin nemohl načíst konfigurační soubor!<br />Tato chyba může nastat pokud v něm php najde chybu nebo nemůže tento soubor najít.<br />Po kliknutí na následující odkaz se konfigurace spustí a budou zobrazeny informace o chybě, ke které došlo. Pak opravte tuto chybu (nejčastěji se jedná o chybějící středník).<br />Pokud získáte prázdnou stránku, všechno je v pořádku.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Prosím nastavte souřadnice pro tabulku %s';
$strConfirm = 'Opravdu chcete toto provést?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Během tohoto kroku musíte mít povoleny cookies.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopírovat tabulku do (databáze<b>.</b>tabulka):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla zkopírována do %s.';
$strCreate = 'Vytvořit';
$strCreateIndex = 'Vytvořit index na %s sloupcích';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Vytvořit nový index';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Vytvořit novou databázi';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Vytvořit novou tabulku v databázi %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Vytvořit novou stránku';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Vytváření PDF';
$strCriteria = 'Podmínka';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDataDict = 'Datový slovník';
$strDataOnly = ' Jen data';
$strDatabase = 'Databáze ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databáze %s byla zrušena.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Databáze (zástupné znaky povoleny):';
$strDatabases = 'databáze';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistiky databází';
$strDefault = 'Výchozí';
$strDelete = 'Smazat';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Smazání selhalo!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Byl smazán uživatel %s.';
$strDeleted = 'Řádek byl smazán';
$strDeletedRows = 'Smazané řádky:';
$strDescending = 'Sestupně';
$strDisabled = 'Vypnuto';
$strDisplay = 'Zobrazit';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Zobrazení funkcí';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Seřadit podle:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Zobrazit jako schéma v PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Provést "dotaz podle příkladu" (zástupný znak: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Opravdu si přejete vykonat příkaz';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentace';
$strDrop = 'Odstranit';
$strDropDB = 'Odstranit databázi %s';
$strDropTable = 'Smazat tabulku';
$strDumpXRows = 'Vypsat %s řádků od %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dumpuji data pro tabulku';
$strDynamic = 'dynamický';
$strEdit = 'Upravit';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Upravit PDF stránky';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Upravit oprávnění';
$strEffective = 'Efektivní';
$strEmpty = 'Vyprázdnit';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL vrátil prázdný výsledek (tj. nulový počet řádků).';
$strEnabled = 'Zapnuto';
$strEnd = 'Konec';
$strEndCut = 'KONEC VÝPISU';
$strEndRaw = 'KONEC VÝPISU';
$strEnglishPrivileges = 'Poznámka: názvy oprávnění v MySQL jsou uváděny anglicky';
$strError = 'Chyba';
$strExplain = 'Vysvětlit (EXPLAIN) SQL';
$strExport = 'Export';
$strExportToXML = 'Export do XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Rozšířené inserty';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Sloupec';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Sloupec %s byl odstraněn';
$strFields = 'Počet sloupců';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Nebyl zadán počet sloupců! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Názvy sloupců uzavřené do';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Názvy sloupců escapovány';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Sloupce oddělené';
$strFixed = 'pevný';
$strFlushTable = 'Vyprázdnit vyrovnávací paměť pro tabulku ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Chybějící hodnota ve formuláři!';
$strFormat = 'Formát';
$strFullText = 'Celé texty';
$strFunction = 'Funkce';
$strGenBy = 'Vygeneroval';
$strGenTime = 'Vygenerováno';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Obecné funkce relací';
$strGo = 'Proveď';
$strGrants = 'Oprávnění';
$strGzip = '"zagzipováno"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'byla změněna.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'byla vytvořena.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Musíte volit alespoň jeden sloupec, který chcete zobrazit.';
$strHome = 'Hlavní strana';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Oficiální stránka phpMyAdmina';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Nová stránka phpMyAdmina';
$strHost = 'Počítač';
$strHostEmpty = 'Jméno počítače je prázdné!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fulltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'Pokud si přejete natáhnout jen vybrané sloupce z tabulky, napište je jako seznam sloupců oddělených čárkou.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorovat';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importovat soubory docSQL';
$strInUse = 'právě se používá';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s byl odstraněn';
$strIndexName = 'Jméno indexu :';
$strIndexType = 'Typ indexu :';
$strIndexes = 'Indexy';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Váš konfigurační soubor obsahuje nastavení (uživatel root bez hesla), které je výchozí pro MySQL. Váš MySQL server s tímto výchozím nastavením je snadno napadnutelný, a proto byste měli změnit tuto nastavení a tím podstatně zvýšit bezpečnost Vašeho serveru.';
$strInsert = 'Vložit';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Vložit jako nový řádek';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Vložit nový řádek';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Vložit textové soubory do tabulky';
$strInsertedRows = 'Vloženo řádků:';
$strInstructions = 'Instrukce';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" je rezervované slovo a proto ho nemůžete požít jako jméno databáze/tabulky/sloupce.';
$strKeepPass = 'Neměnit heslo';
$strKeyname = 'Klíčový název';
$strKill = 'Zabít';
$strLength = 'Délka';
$strLengthSet = 'Délka/Množina*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'záznamu na stránku';
$strLineFeed = 'Ukončení řádku (Linefeed): \\n';
$strLines = 'Řádek';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Řádky ukončené';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Odkaz nenalezen';
$strLinksTo = 'Odkazuje na';
$strLocationTextfile = 'textový soubor';
$strLogPassword = 'Heslo:';
$strLogUsername = 'Jméno:';
$strLogin = 'Přihlášení';
$strLogout = 'Odhlásit se';
$strMissingBracket = 'Chybí závorka';
$strModifications = 'Změny byly uloženy';
$strModify = 'Úpravy';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Upravit index';
$strMoveTable = 'Přesunout tabulku do (databáze<b>.</b>tabulka):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla přesunuta do %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Znaková sada v MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL znovu načteno.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL hlásí: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% spuštěné na %pma_s2%, přihlášen %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Zobrazit procesy';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Ukázat MySQL informace o běhu';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Ukázat MySQL systémové proměnné';
$strName = 'Název';
$strNext = 'Další';
$strNo = 'Ne';
$strNoDatabases = 'Žádné databáze';
$strNoDescription = 'žádný popisek';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Příkaz "DROP DATABASE" je vypnutý.';
$strNoExplain = 'Bez vysvětlení (EXPLAIN) SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin se lépe používá v prohlížeči podporujícím rámy ("FRAME").';
$strNoIndex = 'Žádný index nebyl definován!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Žádná část indexu nebyla definována!';
$strNoModification = 'Žádná změna';
$strNoPassword = 'Žádné heslo';
$strNoPhp = 'Bez PHP kódu';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Nemáte oprávnění';
$strNoQuery = 'Žádný SQL dotaz!';
$strNoRights = 'Nemáte dostatečná práva na provedení této akce!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'V databázi nebyla nalezena ani jedna tabulka.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Žádný uživatel nenalezen.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Bez kontroly SQL';
$strNone = 'Žádná';
$strNotNumber = 'Toto není číslo!';
$strNotOK = 'není OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabulka nenalezena nebo není nastavena v %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' není platné číslo řádku!';
$strNull = 'Nulový';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s odpovídající(ch) záznam(ů) v tabulce <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Celkem:</b> <i>%s</i> odpovídající(ch) záznam(ů)';
$strNumTables = 'Tabulek';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Často uvozující znaky. Volitelně znamená, že pouze položky u kterých je to nutné (obvykle typu CHAR a VARCHAR) jsou uzavřeny do uzavíracích znaků.';
$strOperations = 'Úpravy';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimalizovat tabulku';
$strOptionalControls = 'Volitelné. Určuje jak zapisovat nebo číst speciální znaky.';
$strOptionally = 'Volitelně';
$strOptions = 'Vlastnosti';
$strOr = 'nebo';
$strOverhead = 'Navíc';
$strPHP40203 = 'Používáte PHP 4.2.3, které má závažnou chybu při práci s vícebajtovými znaky (mbsting), jedná se o chybu PHP číslo 19404. Nedoporučujeme používat tuto verzi PHP s phpMyAdminem.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Verze PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Strana číslo:';
$strPartialText = 'Zkrácené texty';
$strPassword = 'Heslo';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Heslo je prázdné!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Hesla nejsou stejná!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schéma databáze "%s" - Strana %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Nedefinované číslo stránky v PDF!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Tabulka "%s" neexistuje!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'žádné tabulky';
$strPhp = 'Zobrazit PHP kód';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Dokumentace phpMyAdmina';
$strPmaUriError = 'Parametr <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> MUSÍ být nastaven v konfiguračním souboru!';
$strPos1 = 'Začátek';
$strPrevious = 'Předchozí';
$strPrimary = 'Primární';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primární klíč';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primární klíč byl odstraněn';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Jméno primárního klíče musí být "PRIMARY"!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>musí</b> být jméno <b>pouze</b> primárního klíče!)';
$strPrint = 'Vytisknout';
$strPrintView = 'Náhled k vytištění';
$strPrivileges = 'Oprávnění';
$strProperties = 'Vlastnosti';
$strPutColNames = 'Přidat jména sloupců na první řádek';
$strQBE = 'Dotaz';
$strQBEDel = 'smazat';
$strQBEIns = 'přidat';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL dotaz na databázi <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Napsat znovu';
$strRecords = 'Záznamů';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Zkontrolovat integritu odkazů:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Některé funkce pro práci s propojenými tabulkami byly vypnuty. %sZde%s zjistíte proč.';
$strRelationView = 'Zobrazit relace';
$strReloadFailed = 'Znovunačtení MySQL selhalo.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Znovunačtení MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Nezapomeňte znovu načíst server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Přejmenovat tabulku na';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabulka %s byla přejmenována na %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Opravit tabulku';
$strReplace = 'Přepsat';
$strReplaceTable = 'Přepsat data tabulky souborem';
$strReset = 'Původní (reset)';
$strRevoke = 'Zrušit';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Zrušit povolení přidělovat práva';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Bylo zrušeno oprávnění přidělovat práva pro %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Byla zrušena práva pro %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Zrušit práva';
$strRowLength = 'Délka řádku';
$strRowSize = ' Velikost řádku ';
$strRows = 'Řádků';
$strRowsFrom = 'řádků začínající od';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'vodorovném';
$strRowsModeOptions = 've %s režimu a opakovat hlavičky po %s řádcích.';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'svislém';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistika řádků';
$strRunQuery = 'Provést dotaz';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Spustit SQL dotaz(y) na databázi %s';
$strRunning = 'na %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Je možné, že jste našli chybu v SQL parseru. Prosím prozkoumejte podrobně SQL dotaz, především jestli jsou správně uvozovky a jestli nejsou proházené. Další možnost selhání je pokud nahráváte soubor s binárními daty nezapsanými v uvozovkách. Můéžete také vyzkoušet příkazovou řádku MySQL. Níže uvedený výstup z MySQL serveru (pokud je nějaký) Vám také může pomoci při zkoumání problému. Pokud stále máte problémy nebo pokud SQL parser ohlásí chybu u dotazu, který na příkazové řádce funguje, prosím pokuste se zredukovat dotaz na co nejmenší, ve kterém se problém ještě vyskytne, a ohlašte chybu na stránkách phpMyAdmina spolu se sekcí VÝPIS uvedenou níže:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Pravděpodobně máte v SQL dotazu chybu. Níže uvedený výstup MySQL serveru (pokud je nějaký) Vám také může pomoci při zkoumání problému';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-dotaz';
$strSQLResult = 'Výsledek SQL dotazu';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Chybný identifikátor';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Neuzavřené uvozovky';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Neznámé interpunkční znaménko';
$strSave = 'Ulož';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Měřítko je příliš malé, aby se schéma vešlo na jednu stránku';
$strSearch = 'Vyhledávání';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Vyhledávání v databázi';
$strSearchInTables = 'V tabulkách:';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Slova nebo hodnoty, které chcete vyhledat (zástupný znak: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'alespoň jedno ze slov';
$strSearchOption2 = 'všechna slova';
$strSearchOption3 = 'přesnou frázi';
$strSearchOption4 = 'jako regulární výraz';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Výsledny vyhledávání pro "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Najít:';
$strSelect = 'Vybrat';
$strSelectADb = 'Prosím vyberte databázi';
$strSelectAll = 'Vybrat vše';
$strSelectFields = 'Zvolte sloupec (alespoň jeden):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'v dotazu';
$strSelectTables = 'Vybrat tabulky';
$strSend = 'Poslat';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Výběr serveru';
$strServerVersion = 'Verze MySQL';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Pokud je sloupec typu "enum" nebo "set", zadávejte hodnoty v následujícím formátu: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Pokud potřebujete zadat zpětné lomítko ("\") nebo jednoduché uvozovky ("\'") mezi těmito hodnotami, napište před ně zpětné lomítko (příklad: \'\\\\xyz\' nebo \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Zobrazit';
$strShowAll = 'Zobrazit vše';
$strShowColor = 'Barevné šipky';
$strShowCols = 'Zobrazit sloupce';
$strShowGrid = 'Zobrazit mřížku';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Zobrazit informace o PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Rozměry tabulek';
$strShowTables = 'Zobrazit tabulky';
$strShowThisQuery = 'Zobrazit zde tento dotaz znovu';
$strShowingRecords = 'Zobrazeny záznamy';
$strSingly = '(po jednom)';
$strSize = 'Velikost';
$strSort = 'Řadit';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Využití místa';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Slova jsou oddělena mezerou (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Údaj';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Strukturu a data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Přidej \'DROP TABLE\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV data pro Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Pouze strukturu';
$strStructPropose = 'Navrhnout strukturu tabulky';
$strStructure = 'Struktura';
$strSubmit = 'Odešli';
$strSuccess = 'Váš SQL-dotaz byl úspěšně vykonán';
$strSum = 'Celkem';
$strTable = 'Tabulka';
$strTableComments = 'Komentáře k tabulce';
$strTableEmpty = 'Jméno tabulky je prázdné!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabulka %s byla odstraněna';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabulka %s byla vyprázdněna';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Vyrovnávací paměť pro tabulku %s byla vyprázdněna';
$strTableMaintenance = ' Údržba tabulky ';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktura tabulky';
$strTableType = 'Typ tabulky';
$strTables = '%s tabulek';
$strTextAreaLength = 'Tento sloupec možná nepůjde <br />(kvůli délce) upravit ';
$strTheContent = 'Obsah souboru byl vložen';
$strTheContents = 'Obsah souboru přepíše obsah zvolené tabulky v těch řádcích, kde je stejný primární nebo unikátní klíč.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Sloupce jsou odděleny tímto znakem.';
$strTotal = 'celkem';
$strTotalUC = 'Celkem';
$strType = 'Typ';
$strUncheckAll = 'Odškrtnout vše';
$strUnique = 'Unikátní';
$strUnselectAll = 'Odznačit vše';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Byla aktualizovana oprávnění pro %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Změny přístupu:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Přístup byl změněn.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Aktualizovat dotaz';
$strUsage = 'Používá';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Použít zpětné uvozovky u jmen tabulek a sloupců';
$strUseTables = 'Použít tabulky';
$strUser = 'Uživatel';
$strUserEmpty = 'Jméno uživatele je prázdné!';
$strUserName = 'Jméno uživatele';
$strUsers = 'Uživatelé';
$strValidateSQL = 'Zkontrolovat SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'SQL validator nemohl být inicializován. Prosím zkontrolujte jestli máte nainstalované potřebné rozšíření php, jak je popsáno v %sdokumentaci%s.';
$strValue = 'Hodnota';
$strViewDump = 'Zobrazit výpis (dump) tabulky';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Zobrazit výpis (dump) databáze';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'soubor z adresáře pro upload';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Adresář určený pro upload souborů nemohl být otevřen';
$strWelcome = 'Vítej v %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Zaškrtnuté:';
$strWrongUser = 'Špatné uživatelské jméno/heslo. Přístup odepřen.';
$strYes = 'Ano';
$strZip = '"zazipováno"';
// To translate
@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.29 2002/11/28 09:15:26 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Søn', 'Man', 'Tir', 'Ons', 'Tor', 'Fre', 'Lør');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Maj', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See
// to define the variable below
$datefmt = '%d/%m %Y kl. %H:%M:%S';
$strAccessDenied = 'Adgang Nægtet';
$strAction = 'Handling';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Tilføj/Slet felt kolonne';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Tilføj/Slet kriterie række';
$strAddNewField = 'Tilføj nyt felt';
$strAddPriv = 'Tilføj nyt privilegium';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Du har tilføjet et nyt privilegium.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Tilføj søgekriterier (kroppen af "WHERE" sætningen):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Føj til indeks %s kolonne(r)';
$strAddUser = 'Tilføj en ny bruger';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Du har tilføjet en ny bruger.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Berørte rækker:';
$strAfter = 'Efter %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Retur';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Indsæt en ny record';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Arranger rækkeorden efter';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyser tabel';
$strAnd = 'Og';
$strAnIndex = 'Der er tilføjet et indeks til %s';
$strAny = 'Enhver';
$strAnyColumn = 'Enhver kolonne';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Enhver database';
$strAnyHost = 'Enhver vært';
$strAnyTable = 'Enhver tabel';
$strAnyUser = 'Enhver bruger';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Der er føjet en primær nøgle til %s';
$strAscending = 'Stigende';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'I begyndelsen af tabel';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'I slutningen af tabel';
$strAttr = 'Attributter';
$strBack = 'Tilbage';
$strBinary = ' Binært ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binært - må ikke ændres ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Bogmærket er fjernet.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Label';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'SQL-forespørgsel med bogmærke';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Lav bogmærke til denne SQL-forespørgsel';
$strBookmarkView = 'Kun oversigt';
$strBrowse = 'Vis';
$strBzip = '"bzipped"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'MySQL udvidelser kan ikke loades,<br />check PHP konfigurationen.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kan ikke omdøbe indeks til PRIMARY!';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalitet';
$strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Ændre';
$strChangePassword = 'Ændre password';
$strCheckAll = 'Afmærk alt';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Tjek database privilegier';
$strCheckTable = 'Tjek tabel';
$strColumn = 'Kolonne';
$strColumnNames = 'Kolonne navne';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Lav komplette inserts';
$strConfirm = 'Ikke du sikker på at du vil gøre det?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Herefter skal cookies være sat til.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopier tabel til (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabellen %s er nu kopieret til: %s.';
$strCreate = 'Opret';
$strCreateIndex = 'Dan et indeks på %s kolonner';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Lav et nyt indeks';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Opret ny database';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Opret ny tabel i database %s';
$strCriteria = 'Kriterier';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDatabase = 'Database: ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Database %s er slettet.';
$strDatabases = 'databaser';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Database statistik';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (jokertegn tilladt):';
$strDataOnly = 'Kun data';
$strDefault = 'Standardværdi';
$strDelete = 'Slet';
$strDeleted = 'Rækken er slettet!';
$strDeletedRows = 'Slettede rækker:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Kan ikke slette!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Du har slettet brugeren %s.';
$strDescending = 'Faldende';
$strDisplay = 'Vis';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Rækkefølge af visning:';
$strDoAQuery = 'Kør en forespørgsel på felter (wildcard: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentation';
$strDoYouReally = 'Er du sikker på at du vil ';
$strDrop = 'Slet';
$strDropDB = 'Slet database %s';
$strDropTable = 'Slet tabel';
$strDumpingData = 'Data dump for tabellen';
$strDynamic = 'dynamisk';
$strEdit = 'Ret';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Ret privilegier';
$strEffective = 'Effektiv';
$strEmpty = 'Tøm';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL returnerede ingen data (fx ingen rækker).';
$strEnd = 'Slut';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' NB: Navne på MySQL privilegier er på engelsk ';
$strError = 'Fejl';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Udvidede inserts';
$strExtra = 'Ekstra';
$strField = 'Feltnavn';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Felt %s er slettet';
$strFields = 'Felter';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Felttallet har ingen værdi! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Felter indrammet med';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Felter escaped med';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Felter afsluttet med';
$strFixed = 'ordnet';
$strFlushTable = 'Flush tabellen ("FLUSH")';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFormEmpty = 'Ingen værdi i formularen !';
$strFullText = 'Komplette tekster';
$strFunction = 'Funktion';
$strGenTime = 'Genereringstidspunkt';
$strGo = 'Udfør';
$strGrants = 'Tildelinger';
$strGzip = '"gzipped"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'er ændret.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'er oprettet.';
$strHome = 'Hjem';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Officiel phpMyAdmin hjemmeside ';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Ny phpMyAdmin hjemmeside ';
$strHost = 'Vært';
$strHostEmpty = 'Der er intet værtsnavn!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fuldtekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Hvis du kun ønsker at importere nogle af tabellens kolonner, angives de med en kommasepareret felt liste.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorer';
$strIndex = 'Indeks';
$strIndexes = 'Indekser';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indeks %s er blevet slettet';
$strIndexName = 'Indeks navn :';
$strIndexType = 'Indeks type :';
$strInsert = 'Indsæt';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Indsæt som ny række';
$strInsertedRows = 'Indsatte rækker:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Indsæt ny række';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Importer tekstfil til tabellen';
$strInstructions = 'Instruktioner';
$strInUse = 'i brug';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" er et reserveret ord, du kan ikke bruge det som database-, tabel- eller feltnavn.';
$strKeepPass = 'Password må ikke ændres';
$strKeyname = 'Nøgle';
$strKill = 'Kill';
$strLength = 'Længde';
$strLengthSet = 'Længde/Værdi*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'poster pr. side';
$strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n';
$strLines = 'Linier';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Linier afsluttet med';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Tekstfilens placering';
$strLogin = 'Login';
$strLogout = 'Log af';
$strLogPassword = 'Password:';
$strLogUsername = 'Brugernavn:';
$strModifications = 'Rettelserne er gemt!';
$strModify = 'Ret';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Ændring af et indeks';
$strMoveTable = 'Flyt tabel til (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s er flyttet til %s.';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL genstartet.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL returnerede: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% kører på %pma_s2% som %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Vis tråde';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Vis MySQL runtime information';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Vis MySQL system variable';
$strName = 'Navn';
$strNext = 'Næste';
$strNo = 'Nej';
$strNoDatabases = 'Ingen databaser';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" erklæringer kan ikke bruges.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin er mere brugervenlig med en browser, der kan klare <b>frames</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Intet indeks defineret!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Ingen dele af indeks er definerede!';
$strNoModification = 'Ingen ændring';
$strNone = 'Intet';
$strNoPassword = 'Intet password';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Ingen privilegier';
$strNoQuery = 'Ingen SQL forespørgsel!';
$strNoRights = 'Du har ikke tilstrækkelige rettigheder til at være her!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Ingen tabeller fundet i databasen.';
$strNotNumber = 'Dette er ikke et tal!';
$strNotValidNumber = ' er ikke et gyldigt rækkenummer!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Ingen bruger(e) fundet.';
$strNull = 'Nulværdi';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Ofte anførselstegn. OPTIONALLY betyder at kun char og varchar felter er omsluttet med det valgte "tekstkvalifikator"-tegn.'; //skal muligvis ændres
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimer tabel';
$strOptionalControls = 'Valgfrit. Kontrollerer hvordan specialtegn skrives eller læses.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONALLY';
$strOr = 'Eller';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPartialText = 'Delvise tekster';
$strPassword = 'Password';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Der er ikke angivet noget password!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'De to passwords er ikke ens!';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP version';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentation';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> direktivet SKAL være sat i konfigurationsfilen!';
$strPos1 = 'Start';
$strPrevious = 'Forrige';
$strPrimary = 'Primær';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primær nøgle';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primærnøglen er slettet';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Navnet på primærnøglen skal være... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>skal</b> være navnet på og <b>kun på</b> en primær nøgle!)';
$strPrintView = 'Vis (udskriftvenlig)';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegier';
$strProperties = 'Egenskaber';
$strQBE = 'Query by Example';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-forespørgsel til database <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Poster';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Check reference integriteten';
$strReloadFailed = 'Genstart af MySQL fejlede.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Genstart MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Husk at indlæse serveren.';
$strRenameTable = 'Omdøb tabel til';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabellen %s er nu omdøbt til: %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparer tabel';
$strReplace = 'Erstat';
$strReplaceTable = 'Erstat data i tabellen med filens data';
$strReset = 'Nulstil';
$strReType = 'Skriv igen';
$strRevoke = 'Tilbagekald';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Tilbagekald tildeling';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Du har tilbagekaldt det tildelte privilegium for %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Du har tilbagekaldt privilegierne for %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Tilbagekald privilegier';
$strRowLength = 'Række længde';
$strRows = 'Rækker';
$strRowsFrom = 'rækker startende fra';
$strRowSize = ' Række størrelse ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'vandret';
$strRowsModeOptions = '%s og gentag overskrifter efter %s celler';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'lodret';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Række statistik';
$strRunning = 'kører på %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Send forespørgsel';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Kør SQL forspørgsel(er) på database %s';
$strSave = 'Gem';
$strSelect = 'Vælg';
$strSelectADb = 'Vælg en database';
$strSelectAll = 'Vælg alle';
$strSelectFields = 'Vælg mindst eet felt:';
$strSelectNumRows = 'i forespørgsel';
$strSend = 'Send';
$strServerChoice = 'Server valg';
$strServerVersion = 'Server version';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Hvis et felt er af typen "enum" eller "set", skal værdierne angives på formen: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Skulle du få brug for en backslash ("\") eller et enkelt anførselstegn ("\'") blandt disse værdier, så tilføj en ekstra backslash (fx \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Vis';
$strShowAll = 'Vis alt';
$strShowCols = 'Vis kolonner';
$strShowingRecords = 'Viser poster ';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Vis PHP information';
$strShowTables = 'Vis tabeller';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Vis forespørgslen her igen ';
$strSingly = '(enkeltvis)';
$strSize = 'Størrelse';
$strSort = 'Sorter';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Pladsforbrug';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-forespørgsel';
$strStatement = 'Erklæringer';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Struturen og data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Tilføj \'DROP TABLE\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV for Ms Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Kun strukturen';
$strSubmit = 'Send';
$strSuccess = 'Din SQL-forespørgsel blev udført korrekt';
$strSum = 'Sum';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabel kommentarer';
$strTableEmpty = 'Intet tabelnavn!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s er slettet';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s er tømt';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s er blevet flushet';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabel vedligehold';
$strTables = '%s tabel(ler)';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktur dump for tabellen';
$strTableType = 'Tabel type';
$strTextAreaLength = ' På grund af feltets længde,<br /> kan det muligvis ikke ændres ';
$strTheContent = 'Filens indhold er importeret.';
$strTheContents = 'Filens indhold erstatter den valgte tabels rækker for rækker med identisk primær eller unik nøgle.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Felterne afgrænses af dette tegn.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Datatype';
$strUncheckAll = 'Fjern alle mærker';
$strUnique = 'Unik';
$strUnselectAll = 'Fravælg alle';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Du har opdateret privilegierne for %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Opdater profil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profilen er blevet opdateret.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Opdater forespørgsel';
$strUsage = 'Benyttelse';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Use backquotes with tables and fields\' names';
$strUser = 'Bruger';
$strUserEmpty = 'Intet brugernavn!';
$strUserName = 'Brugernavn';
$strUsers = 'Brugere';
$strUseTables = 'Benyt tabeller';
$strValue = 'Værdi';
$strViewDump = 'Vis dump (skema) over tabel';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Vis dump (skema) af database';
$strWelcome = 'Velkommen til %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Med det afmærkede:';
$strWrongUser = 'Forkert brugernavn/kodeord. Adgang nægtet.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = '"zipped"';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.'; //to translate
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strComments = 'Comments'; //to translate
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.'; //to translate
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s'; //to translate
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema'; //to translate
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s rows starting at row %s.'; //to translate
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strExport = 'Export'; //to translate
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format'; //to translate
$strGenBy = 'Generated by'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display'; //to translate
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found'; //to translate
$strLinksTo = 'Links to'; //to translate
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket'; //to translate
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset'; //to translate
$strNoDescription = 'no Description'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNoPhp = 'without PHP Code'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';//to translate
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';//to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strOperations = 'Operations'; //to translate
$strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:'; //to translate
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code'; //to translate
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strRelationView = 'Relation view'; //to translate
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page'; //to translate
$strSearch = 'Search';//to translate
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';//to translate
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';//to translate
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';//to translate
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';//to translate
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';//to translate
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';//to translate
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';//to translate
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';//to translate
$strSearchType = 'Find:';//to translate
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables'; //to translate
$strShowColor = 'Show color'; //to translate
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid'; //to translate
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables'; //to translate
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are seperated by a space character (" ").';//to translate
$strSQL = 'SQL'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure'; //to translate
$strStructure = 'Structure'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.29 2002/11/28 09:15:26 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Søn', 'Man', 'Tir', 'Ons', 'Tor', 'Fre', 'Lør');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Maj', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See
// to define the variable below
$datefmt = '%d/%m %Y kl. %H:%M:%S';
$strAccessDenied = 'Adgang Nægtet';
$strAction = 'Handling';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Tilføj/Slet felt kolonne';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Tilføj/Slet kriterie række';
$strAddNewField = 'Tilføj nyt felt';
$strAddPriv = 'Tilføj nyt privilegium';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Du har tilføjet et nyt privilegium.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Tilføj søgekriterier (kroppen af "WHERE" sætningen):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Føj til indeks %s kolonne(r)';
$strAddUser = 'Tilføj en ny bruger';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Du har tilføjet en ny bruger.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Berørte rækker:';
$strAfter = 'Efter %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Retur';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Indsæt en ny record';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Arranger rækkeorden efter';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyser tabel';
$strAnd = 'Og';
$strAnIndex = 'Der er tilføjet et indeks til %s';
$strAny = 'Enhver';
$strAnyColumn = 'Enhver kolonne';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Enhver database';
$strAnyHost = 'Enhver vært';
$strAnyTable = 'Enhver tabel';
$strAnyUser = 'Enhver bruger';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Der er føjet en primær nøgle til %s';
$strAscending = 'Stigende';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'I begyndelsen af tabel';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'I slutningen af tabel';
$strAttr = 'Attributter';
$strBack = 'Tilbage';
$strBinary = ' Binært ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binært - må ikke ændres ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Bogmærket er fjernet.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Label';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'SQL-forespørgsel med bogmærke';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Lav bogmærke til denne SQL-forespørgsel';
$strBookmarkView = 'Kun oversigt';
$strBrowse = 'Vis';
$strBzip = '"bzipped"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'MySQL udvidelser kan ikke loades,<br />check PHP konfigurationen.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kan ikke omdøbe indeks til PRIMARY!';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalitet';
$strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Ændre';
$strChangePassword = 'Ændre password';
$strCheckAll = 'Afmærk alt';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Tjek database privilegier';
$strCheckTable = 'Tjek tabel';
$strColumn = 'Kolonne';
$strColumnNames = 'Kolonne navne';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Lav komplette inserts';
$strConfirm = 'Ikke du sikker på at du vil gøre det?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Herefter skal cookies være sat til.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopier tabel til (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabellen %s er nu kopieret til: %s.';
$strCreate = 'Opret';
$strCreateIndex = 'Dan et indeks på %s kolonner';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Lav et nyt indeks';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Opret ny database';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Opret ny tabel i database %s';
$strCriteria = 'Kriterier';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDatabase = 'Database: ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Database %s er slettet.';
$strDatabases = 'databaser';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Database statistik';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (jokertegn tilladt):';
$strDataOnly = 'Kun data';
$strDefault = 'Standardværdi';
$strDelete = 'Slet';
$strDeleted = 'Rækken er slettet!';
$strDeletedRows = 'Slettede rækker:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Kan ikke slette!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Du har slettet brugeren %s.';
$strDescending = 'Faldende';
$strDisplay = 'Vis';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Rækkefølge af visning:';
$strDoAQuery = 'Kør en forespørgsel på felter (wildcard: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentation';
$strDoYouReally = 'Er du sikker på at du vil ';
$strDrop = 'Slet';
$strDropDB = 'Slet database %s';
$strDropTable = 'Slet tabel';
$strDumpingData = 'Data dump for tabellen';
$strDynamic = 'dynamisk';
$strEdit = 'Ret';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Ret privilegier';
$strEffective = 'Effektiv';
$strEmpty = 'Tøm';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL returnerede ingen data (fx ingen rækker).';
$strEnd = 'Slut';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' NB: Navne på MySQL privilegier er på engelsk ';
$strError = 'Fejl';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Udvidede inserts';
$strExtra = 'Ekstra';
$strField = 'Feltnavn';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Felt %s er slettet';
$strFields = 'Felter';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Felttallet har ingen værdi! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Felter indrammet med';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Felter escaped med';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Felter afsluttet med';
$strFixed = 'ordnet';
$strFlushTable = 'Flush tabellen ("FLUSH")';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFormEmpty = 'Ingen værdi i formularen !';
$strFullText = 'Komplette tekster';
$strFunction = 'Funktion';
$strGenTime = 'Genereringstidspunkt';
$strGo = 'Udfør';
$strGrants = 'Tildelinger';
$strGzip = '"gzipped"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'er ændret.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'er oprettet.';
$strHome = 'Hjem';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Officiel phpMyAdmin hjemmeside ';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Ny phpMyAdmin hjemmeside ';
$strHost = 'Vært';
$strHostEmpty = 'Der er intet værtsnavn!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fuldtekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Hvis du kun ønsker at importere nogle af tabellens kolonner, angives de med en kommasepareret felt liste.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorer';
$strIndex = 'Indeks';
$strIndexes = 'Indekser';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indeks %s er blevet slettet';
$strIndexName = 'Indeks navn :';
$strIndexType = 'Indeks type :';
$strInsert = 'Indsæt';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Indsæt som ny række';
$strInsertedRows = 'Indsatte rækker:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Indsæt ny række';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Importer tekstfil til tabellen';
$strInstructions = 'Instruktioner';
$strInUse = 'i brug';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" er et reserveret ord, du kan ikke bruge det som database-, tabel- eller feltnavn.';
$strKeepPass = 'Password må ikke ændres';
$strKeyname = 'Nøgle';
$strKill = 'Kill';
$strLength = 'Længde';
$strLengthSet = 'Længde/Værdi*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'poster pr. side';
$strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n';
$strLines = 'Linier';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Linier afsluttet med';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Tekstfilens placering';
$strLogin = 'Login';
$strLogout = 'Log af';
$strLogPassword = 'Password:';
$strLogUsername = 'Brugernavn:';
$strModifications = 'Rettelserne er gemt!';
$strModify = 'Ret';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Ændring af et indeks';
$strMoveTable = 'Flyt tabel til (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s er flyttet til %s.';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL genstartet.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL returnerede: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% kører på %pma_s2% som %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Vis tråde';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Vis MySQL runtime information';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Vis MySQL system variable';
$strName = 'Navn';
$strNext = 'Næste';
$strNo = 'Nej';
$strNoDatabases = 'Ingen databaser';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" erklæringer kan ikke bruges.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin er mere brugervenlig med en browser, der kan klare <b>frames</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Intet indeks defineret!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Ingen dele af indeks er definerede!';
$strNoModification = 'Ingen ændring';
$strNone = 'Intet';
$strNoPassword = 'Intet password';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Ingen privilegier';
$strNoQuery = 'Ingen SQL forespørgsel!';
$strNoRights = 'Du har ikke tilstrækkelige rettigheder til at være her!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Ingen tabeller fundet i databasen.';
$strNotNumber = 'Dette er ikke et tal!';
$strNotValidNumber = ' er ikke et gyldigt rækkenummer!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Ingen bruger(e) fundet.';
$strNull = 'Nulværdi';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Ofte anførselstegn. OPTIONALLY betyder at kun char og varchar felter er omsluttet med det valgte "tekstkvalifikator"-tegn.'; //skal muligvis ændres
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimer tabel';
$strOptionalControls = 'Valgfrit. Kontrollerer hvordan specialtegn skrives eller læses.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONALLY';
$strOr = 'Eller';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPartialText = 'Delvise tekster';
$strPassword = 'Password';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Der er ikke angivet noget password!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'De to passwords er ikke ens!';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP version';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentation';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> direktivet SKAL være sat i konfigurationsfilen!';
$strPos1 = 'Start';
$strPrevious = 'Forrige';
$strPrimary = 'Primær';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primær nøgle';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primærnøglen er slettet';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Navnet på primærnøglen skal være... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>skal</b> være navnet på og <b>kun på</b> en primær nøgle!)';
$strPrintView = 'Vis (udskriftvenlig)';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilegier';
$strProperties = 'Egenskaber';
$strQBE = 'Query by Example';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-forespørgsel til database <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Poster';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Check reference integriteten';
$strReloadFailed = 'Genstart af MySQL fejlede.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Genstart MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Husk at indlæse serveren.';
$strRenameTable = 'Omdøb tabel til';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabellen %s er nu omdøbt til: %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparer tabel';
$strReplace = 'Erstat';
$strReplaceTable = 'Erstat data i tabellen med filens data';
$strReset = 'Nulstil';
$strReType = 'Skriv igen';
$strRevoke = 'Tilbagekald';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Tilbagekald tildeling';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Du har tilbagekaldt det tildelte privilegium for %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Du har tilbagekaldt privilegierne for %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Tilbagekald privilegier';
$strRowLength = 'Række længde';
$strRows = 'Rækker';
$strRowsFrom = 'rækker startende fra';
$strRowSize = ' Række størrelse ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'vandret';
$strRowsModeOptions = '%s og gentag overskrifter efter %s celler';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'lodret';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Række statistik';
$strRunning = 'kører på %s';
$strRunQuery = 'Send forespørgsel';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Kør SQL forspørgsel(er) på database %s';
$strSave = 'Gem';
$strSelect = 'Vælg';
$strSelectADb = 'Vælg en database';
$strSelectAll = 'Vælg alle';
$strSelectFields = 'Vælg mindst eet felt:';
$strSelectNumRows = 'i forespørgsel';
$strSend = 'Send';
$strServerChoice = 'Server valg';
$strServerVersion = 'Server version';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Hvis et felt er af typen "enum" eller "set", skal værdierne angives på formen: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Skulle du få brug for en backslash ("\") eller et enkelt anførselstegn ("\'") blandt disse værdier, så tilføj en ekstra backslash (fx \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Vis';
$strShowAll = 'Vis alt';
$strShowCols = 'Vis kolonner';
$strShowingRecords = 'Viser poster ';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Vis PHP information';
$strShowTables = 'Vis tabeller';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Vis forespørgslen her igen ';
$strSingly = '(enkeltvis)';
$strSize = 'Størrelse';
$strSort = 'Sorter';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Pladsforbrug';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-forespørgsel';
$strStatement = 'Erklæringer';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Struturen og data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Tilføj \'DROP TABLE\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV for Ms Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Kun strukturen';
$strSubmit = 'Send';
$strSuccess = 'Din SQL-forespørgsel blev udført korrekt';
$strSum = 'Sum';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabel kommentarer';
$strTableEmpty = 'Intet tabelnavn!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s er slettet';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s er tømt';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s er blevet flushet';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabel vedligehold';
$strTables = '%s tabel(ler)';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktur dump for tabellen';
$strTableType = 'Tabel type';
$strTextAreaLength = ' På grund af feltets længde,<br /> kan det muligvis ikke ændres ';
$strTheContent = 'Filens indhold er importeret.';
$strTheContents = 'Filens indhold erstatter den valgte tabels rækker for rækker med identisk primær eller unik nøgle.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Felterne afgrænses af dette tegn.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Datatype';
$strUncheckAll = 'Fjern alle mærker';
$strUnique = 'Unik';
$strUnselectAll = 'Fravælg alle';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Du har opdateret privilegierne for %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Opdater profil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profilen er blevet opdateret.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Opdater forespørgsel';
$strUsage = 'Benyttelse';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Use backquotes with tables and fields\' names';
$strUser = 'Bruger';
$strUserEmpty = 'Intet brugernavn!';
$strUserName = 'Brugernavn';
$strUsers = 'Brugere';
$strUseTables = 'Benyt tabeller';
$strValue = 'Værdi';
$strViewDump = 'Vis dump (skema) over tabel';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Vis dump (skema) af database';
$strWelcome = 'Velkommen til %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Med det afmærkede:';
$strWrongUser = 'Forkert brugernavn/kodeord. Adgang nægtet.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = '"zipped"';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.'; //to translate
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strComments = 'Comments'; //to translate
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.'; //to translate
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s'; //to translate
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema'; //to translate
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s rows starting at row %s.'; //to translate
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strExport = 'Export'; //to translate
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format'; //to translate
$strGenBy = 'Generated by'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display'; //to translate
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found'; //to translate
$strLinksTo = 'Links to'; //to translate
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket'; //to translate
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset'; //to translate
$strNoDescription = 'no Description'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNoPhp = 'without PHP Code'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';//to translate
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';//to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strOperations = 'Operations'; //to translate
$strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:'; //to translate
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!'; //to translate
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code'; //to translate
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strRelationView = 'Relation view'; //to translate
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page'; //to translate
$strSearch = 'Search';//to translate
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';//to translate
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';//to translate
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';//to translate
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';//to translate
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';//to translate
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';//to translate
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';//to translate
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';//to translate
$strSearchType = 'Find:';//to translate
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables'; //to translate
$strShowColor = 'Show color'; //to translate
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid'; //to translate
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables'; //to translate
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are seperated by a space character (" ").';//to translate
$strSQL = 'SQL'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure'; //to translate
$strStructure = 'Structure'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.37 2002/11/28 09:15:26 rabus Exp $ */
* Updated by "CaliMonk" <calimonk at> on 2002/11/07.
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Zo', 'Ma', 'Di', 'Wo', 'Do', 'Vr', 'Za');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mei', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = ' %e %B %Y om %H:%M';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Een primaire sleutel is toegevoegd aan %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Toegang geweigerd ';
$strAction = 'Actie';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Toevoegen/Verwijderen Veld Kolommen';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Toevoegen/Verwijderen Criteria Rij';
$strAddNewField = 'Nieuw veld toevoegen';
$strAddPriv = 'Voeg nieuwe rechten toe';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'U heeft nieuwe rechten toegevoegd.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Zoek condities toevoegen (het "where" gedeelte van de query):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Voeg %s kolom(men) toe aan index';
$strAddUser = 'Voeg een nieuwe gebruiker toe';
$strAddUserMessage = 'U heeft een nieuwe gebruiker toegevoegd.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Getroffen rijen:';
$strAfter = 'Na %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Terug';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Voeg een nieuw record toe';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Alle tabellen weergeven met dezelfde breedte?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Wijzig het \"Sorteren op/Order by\" van de tabel';
$strAnIndex = 'Een index is toegevoegd aan %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyseer tabel';
$strAnd = 'En';
$strAny = 'Elke'; //! Willekeurige?
$strAnyColumn = 'Een willekeurige kolom';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Een willekeurige database';
$strAnyHost = 'Een willekeurige host';
$strAnyTable = 'Een willekeurige tabel';
$strAnyUser = 'Een willekeurige gebruiker';
$strAscending = 'Oplopend';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Aan het begin van de tabel';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Aan het eind van de tabel';
$strAttr = 'Attributen';
$strBack = 'Terug';
$strBeginCut = 'Begin KNIP';
$strBeginRaw = 'Begin RAW';
$strBinary = ' Binair ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binair - niet aanpassen ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'De boekenlegger (Bookmark) is verwijderd.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Label';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Opgeslagen SQL-query';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Sla deze SQL-query op';
$strBookmarkView = 'Alleen bekijken';
$strBrowse = 'Verkennen';
$strBzip = '"ge-bzipt"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'kan de MySQL extensie niet laden,<br />controleer de PHP configuratie.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Kan iconv of recode extenties niet laden die nodig zijn voor de Karakterset conversie, configureer php om deze extensies toe te laten of schakel Karakterset conversie uit in phpMyAdmin';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kan index niet naar PRIMARY hernoemen';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Kan iconv, libiconv en recode_string functies niet gebruiken zolang de extensies geladen moeten worden. Controleer de php configuratie.';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinaliteit';
$strCarriage = 'Harde return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Veranderen';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Kies weer te geven veld';
$strChangePassword = 'Wijzig paswoord';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Karakter set van het bestand:';
$strCheckAll = 'Selecteer alles';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Controleer database rechten';
$strCheckTable = 'Controleer tabel';
$strChoosePage = 'Kies een pagina om aan te passen';
$strColComFeat = 'Toon kolom commentaar';
$strColumn = 'Kolom';
$strColumnNames = 'Kolom namen';
$strComments = 'Commentaar';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Invoegen voltooid';
$strCompression = 'Compressie';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin kon het configuratie bestand niet lezen! <br />Dit kan gebeuren als php een parse error in dit bestand aantreft of dit bestand helemaal niet gevonden kan worden.<br />Roep het configuratie bestand direct aan met de snelkoppeling hieronder en lees de php foutmelding(en). In de meeste gevallen ontbreekt er ergens bijvoorbeeld een quote.<br /> Wanneer er een blanco pagina wordt weergegeven zijn er geen problemen.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Configureer de coördinaten voor de tabel %s';
$strConfirm = 'Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Cookies moeten aan staan voorbij dit punt.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopieer tabel naar (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabel %s is gekopieerd naar %s.';
$strCreate = 'Aanmaken';
$strCreateIndex = 'Creëer een index op kolommen %s ';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Creëer een nieuwe index';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Nieuwe database aanmaken';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Nieuwe tabel aanmaken in database %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Creëer een nieuwe pagina';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Aanmaken van PDF bestanden';
$strCriteria = 'Criteria';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDataDict = 'Data Woordenboek';
$strDataOnly = 'Alleen data';
$strDatabase = 'Database ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Database %s is vervallen.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (wildcards toegestaan):';
$strDatabases = 'databases';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Database statistieken';
$strDefault = 'Standaardwaarde';
$strDelete = 'Verwijderen';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Verwijderen mislukt!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'U heeft de gebruiker %s verwijderd.';
$strDeleted = 'De rij is verwijderd';
$strDeletedRows = 'Verwijder rijen:';
$strDescending = 'Aflopend';
$strDisabled = 'Uitgeschakeld';
$strDisplay = 'Laat zien';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Toon Opties';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Weergave volgorde:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Geef het PDF schema weer';
$strDoAQuery = 'Voer een query op basis van een vergelijking uit (wildcard: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt ';
$strDocu = 'Documentatie';
$strDrop = 'Verwijderen';
$strDropDB = 'Verwijder database %s';
$strDropTable = 'Verwijder tabel';
$strDumpXRows = '%s rijen aan het dumpen, start bij rij %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Gegevens worden uitgevoerd voor tabel';
$strDynamic = 'dynamisch';
$strEdit = 'Wijzigen';
$strEditPDFPages = 'PDF Pagina\'s aanpassen';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Wijzig rechten';
$strEffective = 'Effectief';
$strEmpty = 'Legen';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL gaf een lege resultaat set terug (0 rijen).';
$strEnabled = 'Ingeschakeld';
$strEnd = 'Einde';
$strEndCut = 'Einde KNIP';
$strEndRaw = 'Einde RAW';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Aantekening: de namen van de MySQL rechten zijn uitgelegd in het Engels ';
$strError = 'Fout';
$strExplain = 'Verklaar SQL';
$strExport = 'Exporteer';
$strExportToXML = 'Exporteer naar XML formaat';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Uitgebreide invoegingen';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Veld';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Veld %s is vervallen';
$strFields = 'Velden';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Het velden aantal is leeg! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Velden ingesloten door';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Velden ontsnapt door';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Velden beëindigd door';
$strFixed = 'vast';
$strFlushTable = 'Schoon de tabel ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Er ontbreekt een waarde in het formulier!';
$strFormat = 'Formatteren';
$strFullText = 'Volledige teksten';
$strFunction = 'Functie';
$strGenBy = 'Gegenereerd door';
$strGenTime = 'Generatie Tijd';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Basis relatie opties';
$strGo = 'Start';
$strGrants = 'Toekennen';
$strGzip = '"ge-gzipt"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'is veranderd.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'is aangemaakt.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Er moet ten minste 1 weer te geven kolom worden gekozen';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Officiële phpMyAdmin Website';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download Pagina';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'De hostnaam is leeg!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Volledige tekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Indien u slechts enkele van de tabelkolommen wilt laden, voer dan een door komma\'s gescheiden veldlijst in.';
$strIgnore = 'Negeer';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importeer docSQL Bestanden';
$strInUse = 'in gebruik';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s is vervallen';
$strIndexName = 'Index naam :';
$strIndexType = 'Index type :';
$strIndexes = 'Indices';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Uw configuratie bestand bevat instellingen (root zonder wachtwoord) die betrekking hebben tot de standaard MySQL account. Uw MySQL server draait met deze standaard waardes, en is open voor ongewilde toegang, het wordt dus aangeraden dit op te lossen.';
$strInsert = 'Invoegen';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Voeg toe als nieuwe rij';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Nieuwe rij invoegen';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Invoegen tekstbestanden in tabel';
$strInsertedRows = 'Ingevoegde rijen:';
$strInstructions = 'Instructies';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" is een gereserveerd woord, u kunt het niet gebruiken voor een database/tabel/veld naam.';
$strKeepPass = 'Wijzig het wachtwoord niet';
$strKeyname = 'Sleutelnaam';
$strKill = 'stop proces';
$strLength = 'Lengte';
$strLengthSet = 'Lengte/Waardes*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'records per pagina';
$strLineFeed = 'Regelopschuiving: \\n';
$strLines = 'Regels';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Regels beëindigd door';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link niet gevonden';
$strLinksTo = 'Gelinked naar';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Locatie van het tekstbestand';
$strLogPassword = 'Wachtwoord:';
$strLogUsername = 'Gebruikers naam:';
$strLogin = 'Inloggen';
$strLogout = 'Uitloggen';
$strMissingBracket = 'Er ontbreekt een bracket';
$strModifications = 'Wijzigingen opgeslagen.';
$strModify = 'Aanpassen';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Wijzig een index';
$strMoveTable = 'Verplaats tabel naar (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s is verplaatst naar %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Karakterset';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL opnieuw geladen.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL retourneerde: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% draait op %pma_s2% als %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Laat processen zien';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'MySQL runtime informatie';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'MySQL systeemvariabelen';
$strName = 'Naam';
$strNext = 'Volgende';
$strNo = 'Nee';
$strNoDatabases = 'Geen databases';
$strNoDescription = 'Geen beschrijving aanwezig';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" opdrachten zijn niet mogelijk.';
$strNoExplain = 'Uitleg SQL overslaan';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin is werkt gebruiksvriendelijker met een browser die <b>frames</b> aan kan.';
$strNoIndex = 'Geen index gedefinieerd!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Geen index delen gedefinieerd!';
$strNoModification = 'Geen verandering';
$strNoPassword = 'Geen wachtwoord';
$strNoPhp = 'zonder PHP Code';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Geen rechten';
$strNoQuery = 'Geen SQL query!';
$strNoRights = 'U heeft niet genoeg rechten om hier te zijn!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Geen tabellen gevonden in de database.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Geen gebruiker(s) gevonden.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'SQL validatie overslaan';
$strNone = 'Geen';
$strNotNumber = 'Dit is geen cijfer!';
$strNotOK = 'Niet Goed';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabel niet gevonden of niet ingesteld in %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' geen geldig rijnummer!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s overeenkomst(en) in de tabel<i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Totaal:</b> <i>%s</i> overeenkomst(en)';
$strOK = 'Correct';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Meestal aanhalingstekens. OPTIONEEL betekent dat alleen char en varchar velden omsloten worden met het "omsloten met"-karakter.';
$strOperations = 'Handelingen';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimaliseer tabel';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optioneel. Geeft aan hoe speciale karakters geschreven of gelezen moeten worden.'; // 'Optional. Controls how to write or read special characters.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONEEL';
$strOptions = 'Opties';
$strOr = 'Of';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPHP40203 = 'U gebruikt PHP 4.2.3, deze versie bevat een grote fout in de multi-byte strings (mbstring). Voor meer informatie zie PHP bug report 19404. Het wordt sterk afgeraden deze versie van PHP te gebruiken met phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP Versie';
$strPageNumber = 'Pagina nummer:';
$strPartialText = 'Gedeeltelijke teksten';
$strPassword = 'Wachtwoord';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Het wachtwoord is leeg!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'De wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema van de "%s" database - Pagina %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Ongedefinieerd PDF pagina nummer!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'De tabel "%s" bestaat niet!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Geen Tabellen';
$strPhp = 'Creëer PHP Code';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin Documentatie';
$strPmaUriError = 'De <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> richtlijn MOET gezet zijn in het configuratie bestand!';
$strPos1 = 'Begin';
$strPrevious = 'Vorige';
$strPrimary = 'Primaire sleutel';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primaire sleutel';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'De primaire sleutel is vervallen';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'De naam van de primaire sleutel moet PRIMARY zijn!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>moet</b> de naam van en <b>alleen van</b> een primaire sleutel zijn!)';
$strPrint = 'Afdrukken';
$strPrintView = 'Printopmaak';
$strPrivileges = 'Rechten';
$strProperties = 'Eigenschappen';
$strPutColNames = 'Plaats veldnamen in de eerste rij';
$strQBE = 'Query opbouwen';
$strQBEDel = 'Verwijder';
$strQBEIns = 'Toevoegen';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query op database <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Type opnieuw';
$strRecords = 'Records';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Controleer referentiële integriteit';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Extra opties om met tabellen te werken die gelinked zijn, zijn uitgeschakeld. Om te weten te komen waarom klik %shier%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Relatie overzicht';
$strReloadFailed = 'Opnieuw laden van MySQL mislukt.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'MySQL opnieuw laden.';
$strRememberReload = 'Vergeet niet de server opnieuw te starten.';
$strRenameTable = 'Tabel hernoemen naar';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabel %s is hernoemt naar %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Repareer tabel';
$strReplace = 'Vervangen';
$strReplaceTable = 'Vervang tabelgegevens met het bestand';
$strReset = 'Opnieuw';
$strRevoke = 'Ongedaan maken';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Trek Grant recht in';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'U heeft het Grant recht ingetrokken voor %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'U heeft de rechten ingetrokken voor %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Trek rechten in';
$strRowLength = 'Lengte van de rij';
$strRowSize = ' Grootte van de rij';
$strRows = 'Rijen';
$strRowsFrom = 'rijen beginnend bij';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontaal';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'in %s modus en herhaal kopregels na %s cellen';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'verticaal';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Rij statistiek';
$strRunQuery = 'Query uitvoeren';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Draai SQL query/queries op database %s';
$strRunning = 'wordt uitgevoerd op %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Er is een kans dat u een fout heeft aangetroffen in de SQL parser. Let er goed op, dat de query op de correcte plaatsen quotes heeft. Een ander mogelijkheid voor deze foutmelding kan zijn dat u het ge-quote text gedeelte in bineary mode heeft. U kunt ook uw query proberen in de command line van MySQL. De MySQL server foutmelding hieronder, mocht die aanwezig zijn, kan ook helpen met het opsporen van fouten. Blijft u problemen houden of als de parser fouten geeft terwijl het goed gaat in de command line van MySQL, probeer dan de SQL query in te korten en een bug report met het stukje data te sturen van het CUT gedeelte hieronder:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Er schijnt een fout te zijn in uw SQL query. Mocht de MySQL server een error hebben terug gegeven, probeer dan of uw hiermee uw fout kunt oplossen.';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-query';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL resultaat';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Ongeldige Identifer';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Quote niet afgesloten';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Onbekende Punctuatie String';
$strSave = 'Opslaan';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'De schaal factor is te klein om het schema op een pagina te zetten';
$strSearch = 'Zoeken';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Zoeken in de database';
$strSearchInTables = 'In de tabel(len):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Woord(en) of waarde(s) waarnaar gezocht moet worden (wildcard: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'ten minste een van de woorden';
$strSearchOption2 = 'alle woorden';
$strSearchOption3 = 'de exacte zin';
$strSearchOption4 = 'als een reguliere expressie';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Zoek resultaten voor "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Zoek:';
$strSelect = 'Selecteren';
$strSelectADb = 'Selecteer A.U.B. een database';
$strSelectAll = 'Selecteer alles';
$strSelectFields = 'Selecteer velden (tenminste 1):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in query';
$strSelectTables = 'Selecteer tabellen';
$strSend = 'verzenden';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Server keuze';
$strServerVersion = 'Server versie';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Als het veldtype "enum" of "set" is, voer dan de waardes in volgens dit formaat: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Als u ooit een backslash moet plaatsen ("\") of een enkel aanhalingsteken ("\'") bij deze waardes, backslash het (voorbeeld \'\\\\xyz\' of \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Toon';
$strShowAll = 'Toon alles';
$strShowColor = 'Toon kleur';
$strShowCols = 'Toon kolommen';
$strShowGrid = 'Toon grid';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Laat informatie over PHP zien';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Geef de dimensies van de tabellen weer';
$strShowTables = 'Toon tabellen';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Laat deze query hier zien ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Toon Records';
$strSingly = '(apart)';
$strSize = 'Grootte';
$strSort = 'Sorteren';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Ruimte gebruik';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Woorden worden gesplit door een spatie karakter (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Opdrachten';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV gegevens';
$strStrucData = 'Structuur en gegevens';
$strStrucDrop = '\'drop table\' toevoegen';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV voor MS Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Alleen structuur';
$strStructPropose = 'Tabel structuur voorstellen';
$strStructure = 'Structuur';
$strSubmit = 'Verzenden';
$strSuccess = 'Uw SQL-query is succesvol uitgevoerd.';
$strSum = 'Som';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabel opmerkingen';
$strTableEmpty = 'De tabel naam is leeg!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s is vervallen';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s is leeg gemaakt';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s is geschoond';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabel onderhoud';
$strTableStructure = 'Tabel structuur voor tabel';
$strTableType = 'Tabel type';
$strTables = '%s tabel(len)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Vanwege z\'n lengte,<br /> is dit veld misschien niet te wijzigen ';
$strTheContent = 'De inhoud van uw bestand is ingevoegd.';
$strTheContents = 'De inhoud van het bestand vervangt de inhoud van de geselecteerde tabel voor rijen met een identieke primaire of unieke sleutel.';
$strTheTerminator = 'De afsluiter van de velden.';
$strTotal = 'totaal';
$strType = 'Type';
$strUncheckAll = 'Deselecteer alles';
$strUnique = 'Unieke waarde';
$strUnselectAll = 'Deselecteer alles';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'U heeft de rechten aangepast voor %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Pas profiel aan:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Het profiel is aangepast.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Wijzig Query';
$strUsage = 'Gebruik';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Gebruik backquotes (`) bij tabellen en velden\' namen';
$strUseTables = 'Gebruik tabellen';
$strUser = 'Gebruiker';
$strUserEmpty = 'De gebruikersnaam is leeg!';
$strUserName = 'Gebruikersnaam';
$strUsers = 'Gebruikers';
$strValidateSQL = 'Valideer SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'De SQL validatie kon niet worden geinitialiseerd. Controleer of u de nodige php extensies heeft geinstalleerd zoals beschreven in de %sdocumentatie%s.';
$strValue = 'Waarde';
$strViewDump = 'Bekijk een dump (schema) van tabel';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Bekijk een dump (schema) van database';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'De directory die u heeft ingesteld om te uploaden kan niet worden bereikt.';
$strWelcome = 'Welkom op %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Met geselecteerd:';
$strWrongUser = 'Verkeerde gebruikersnaam/wachtwoord. Toegang geweigerd.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = '"Gezipt"';
// To translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.38 2002/11/28 09:15:27 rabus Exp $ */
* Updated by "CaliMonk" <calimonk at> on 2002/11/07.
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Zo', 'Ma', 'Di', 'Wo', 'Do', 'Vr', 'Za');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mei', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = ' %e %B %Y om %H:%M';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Een primaire sleutel is toegevoegd aan %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Toegang geweigerd ';
$strAction = 'Actie';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Toevoegen/Verwijderen Veld Kolommen';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Toevoegen/Verwijderen Criteria Rij';
$strAddNewField = 'Nieuw veld toevoegen';
$strAddPriv = 'Voeg nieuwe rechten toe';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'U heeft nieuwe rechten toegevoegd.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Zoek condities toevoegen (het "where" gedeelte van de query):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Voeg %s kolom(men) toe aan index';
$strAddUser = 'Voeg een nieuwe gebruiker toe';
$strAddUserMessage = 'U heeft een nieuwe gebruiker toegevoegd.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Getroffen rijen:';
$strAfter = 'Na %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Terug';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Voeg een nieuw record toe';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Alle tabellen weergeven met dezelfde breedte?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Wijzig het \"Sorteren op/Order by\" van de tabel';
$strAnIndex = 'Een index is toegevoegd aan %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyseer tabel';
$strAnd = 'En';
$strAny = 'Elke'; //! Willekeurige?
$strAnyColumn = 'Een willekeurige kolom';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Een willekeurige database';
$strAnyHost = 'Een willekeurige host';
$strAnyTable = 'Een willekeurige tabel';
$strAnyUser = 'Een willekeurige gebruiker';
$strAscending = 'Oplopend';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Aan het begin van de tabel';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Aan het eind van de tabel';
$strAttr = 'Attributen';
$strBack = 'Terug';
$strBeginCut = 'Begin KNIP';
$strBeginRaw = 'Begin RAW';
$strBinary = ' Binair ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binair - niet aanpassen ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'De boekenlegger (Bookmark) is verwijderd.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Label';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Opgeslagen SQL-query';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Sla deze SQL-query op';
$strBookmarkView = 'Alleen bekijken';
$strBrowse = 'Verkennen';
$strBzip = '"ge-bzipt"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'kan de MySQL extensie niet laden,<br />controleer de PHP configuratie.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Kan iconv of recode extenties niet laden die nodig zijn voor de Karakterset conversie, configureer php om deze extensies toe te laten of schakel Karakterset conversie uit in phpMyAdmin';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kan index niet naar PRIMARY hernoemen';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Kan iconv, libiconv en recode_string functies niet gebruiken zolang de extensies geladen moeten worden. Controleer de php configuratie.';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinaliteit';
$strCarriage = 'Harde return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Veranderen';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Kies weer te geven veld';
$strChangePassword = 'Wijzig paswoord';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Karakter set van het bestand:';
$strCheckAll = 'Selecteer alles';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Controleer database rechten';
$strCheckTable = 'Controleer tabel';
$strChoosePage = 'Kies een pagina om aan te passen';
$strColComFeat = 'Toon kolom commentaar';
$strColumn = 'Kolom';
$strColumnNames = 'Kolom namen';
$strComments = 'Commentaar';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Invoegen voltooid';
$strCompression = 'Compressie';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin kon het configuratie bestand niet lezen! <br />Dit kan gebeuren als php een parse error in dit bestand aantreft of dit bestand helemaal niet gevonden kan worden.<br />Roep het configuratie bestand direct aan met de snelkoppeling hieronder en lees de php foutmelding(en). In de meeste gevallen ontbreekt er ergens bijvoorbeeld een quote.<br /> Wanneer er een blanco pagina wordt weergegeven zijn er geen problemen.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Configureer de coördinaten voor de tabel %s';
$strConfirm = 'Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Cookies moeten aan staan voorbij dit punt.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopieer tabel naar (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabel %s is gekopieerd naar %s.';
$strCreate = 'Aanmaken';
$strCreateIndex = 'Creëer een index op kolommen %s ';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Creëer een nieuwe index';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Nieuwe database aanmaken';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Nieuwe tabel aanmaken in database %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Creëer een nieuwe pagina';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Aanmaken van PDF bestanden';
$strCriteria = 'Criteria';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDataDict = 'Data Woordenboek';
$strDataOnly = 'Alleen data';
$strDatabase = 'Database ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Database %s is vervallen.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (wildcards toegestaan):';
$strDatabases = 'databases';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Database statistieken';
$strDefault = 'Standaardwaarde';
$strDelete = 'Verwijderen';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Verwijderen mislukt!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'U heeft de gebruiker %s verwijderd.';
$strDeleted = 'De rij is verwijderd';
$strDeletedRows = 'Verwijder rijen:';
$strDescending = 'Aflopend';
$strDisabled = 'Uitgeschakeld';
$strDisplay = 'Laat zien';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Toon Opties';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Weergave volgorde:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Geef het PDF schema weer';
$strDoAQuery = 'Voer een query op basis van een vergelijking uit (wildcard: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt ';
$strDocu = 'Documentatie';
$strDrop = 'Verwijderen';
$strDropDB = 'Verwijder database %s';
$strDropTable = 'Verwijder tabel';
$strDumpXRows = '%s rijen aan het dumpen, start bij rij %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Gegevens worden uitgevoerd voor tabel';
$strDynamic = 'dynamisch';
$strEdit = 'Wijzigen';
$strEditPDFPages = 'PDF Pagina\'s aanpassen';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Wijzig rechten';
$strEffective = 'Effectief';
$strEmpty = 'Legen';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL gaf een lege resultaat set terug (0 rijen).';
$strEnabled = 'Ingeschakeld';
$strEnd = 'Einde';
$strEndCut = 'Einde KNIP';
$strEndRaw = 'Einde RAW';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Aantekening: de namen van de MySQL rechten zijn uitgelegd in het Engels ';
$strError = 'Fout';
$strExplain = 'Verklaar SQL';
$strExport = 'Exporteer';
$strExportToXML = 'Exporteer naar XML formaat';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Uitgebreide invoegingen';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Veld';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Veld %s is vervallen';
$strFields = 'Velden';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Het velden aantal is leeg! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Velden ingesloten door';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Velden ontsnapt door';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Velden beëindigd door';
$strFixed = 'vast';
$strFlushTable = 'Schoon de tabel ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Er ontbreekt een waarde in het formulier!';
$strFormat = 'Formatteren';
$strFullText = 'Volledige teksten';
$strFunction = 'Functie';
$strGenBy = 'Gegenereerd door';
$strGenTime = 'Generatie Tijd';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Basis relatie opties';
$strGo = 'Start';
$strGrants = 'Toekennen';
$strGzip = '"ge-gzipt"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'is veranderd.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'is aangemaakt.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Er moet ten minste 1 weer te geven kolom worden gekozen';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Officiële phpMyAdmin Website';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download Pagina';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'De hostnaam is leeg!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Volledige tekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Indien u slechts enkele van de tabelkolommen wilt laden, voer dan een door komma\'s gescheiden veldlijst in.';
$strIgnore = 'Negeer';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importeer docSQL Bestanden';
$strInUse = 'in gebruik';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s is vervallen';
$strIndexName = 'Index naam :';
$strIndexType = 'Index type :';
$strIndexes = 'Indices';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Uw configuratie bestand bevat instellingen (root zonder wachtwoord) die betrekking hebben tot de standaard MySQL account. Uw MySQL server draait met deze standaard waardes, en is open voor ongewilde toegang, het wordt dus aangeraden dit op te lossen.';
$strInsert = 'Invoegen';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Voeg toe als nieuwe rij';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Nieuwe rij invoegen';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Invoegen tekstbestanden in tabel';
$strInsertedRows = 'Ingevoegde rijen:';
$strInstructions = 'Instructies';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" is een gereserveerd woord, u kunt het niet gebruiken voor een database/tabel/veld naam.';
$strKeepPass = 'Wijzig het wachtwoord niet';
$strKeyname = 'Sleutelnaam';
$strKill = 'stop proces';
$strLength = 'Lengte';
$strLengthSet = 'Lengte/Waardes*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'records per pagina';
$strLineFeed = 'Regelopschuiving: \\n';
$strLines = 'Regels';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Regels beëindigd door';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link niet gevonden';
$strLinksTo = 'Gelinked naar';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Locatie van het tekstbestand';
$strLogPassword = 'Wachtwoord:';
$strLogUsername = 'Gebruikers naam:';
$strLogin = 'Inloggen';
$strLogout = 'Uitloggen';
$strMissingBracket = 'Er ontbreekt een bracket';
$strModifications = 'Wijzigingen opgeslagen.';
$strModify = 'Aanpassen';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Wijzig een index';
$strMoveTable = 'Verplaats tabel naar (database<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s is verplaatst naar %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Karakterset';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL opnieuw geladen.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL retourneerde: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% draait op %pma_s2% als %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Laat processen zien';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'MySQL runtime informatie';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'MySQL systeemvariabelen';
$strName = 'Naam';
$strNext = 'Volgende';
$strNo = 'Nee';
$strNoDatabases = 'Geen databases';
$strNoDescription = 'Geen beschrijving aanwezig';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" opdrachten zijn niet mogelijk.';
$strNoExplain = 'Uitleg SQL overslaan';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin is werkt gebruiksvriendelijker met een browser die <b>frames</b> aan kan.';
$strNoIndex = 'Geen index gedefinieerd!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Geen index delen gedefinieerd!';
$strNoModification = 'Geen verandering';
$strNoPassword = 'Geen wachtwoord';
$strNoPhp = 'zonder PHP Code';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Geen rechten';
$strNoQuery = 'Geen SQL query!';
$strNoRights = 'U heeft niet genoeg rechten om hier te zijn!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Geen tabellen gevonden in de database.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Geen gebruiker(s) gevonden.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'SQL validatie overslaan';
$strNone = 'Geen';
$strNotNumber = 'Dit is geen cijfer!';
$strNotOK = 'Niet Goed';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabel niet gevonden of niet ingesteld in %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' geen geldig rijnummer!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s overeenkomst(en) in de tabel<i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Totaal:</b> <i>%s</i> overeenkomst(en)';
$strOK = 'Correct';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Meestal aanhalingstekens. OPTIONEEL betekent dat alleen char en varchar velden omsloten worden met het "omsloten met"-karakter.';
$strOperations = 'Handelingen';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimaliseer tabel';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optioneel. Geeft aan hoe speciale karakters geschreven of gelezen moeten worden.'; // 'Optional. Controls how to write or read special characters.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONEEL';
$strOptions = 'Opties';
$strOr = 'Of';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPHP40203 = 'U gebruikt PHP 4.2.3, deze versie bevat een grote fout in de multi-byte strings (mbstring). Voor meer informatie zie PHP bug report 19404. Het wordt sterk afgeraden deze versie van PHP te gebruiken met phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP Versie';
$strPageNumber = 'Pagina nummer:';
$strPartialText = 'Gedeeltelijke teksten';
$strPassword = 'Wachtwoord';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Het wachtwoord is leeg!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'De wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema van de "%s" database - Pagina %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Ongedefinieerd PDF pagina nummer!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'De tabel "%s" bestaat niet!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Geen Tabellen';
$strPhp = 'Creëer PHP Code';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin Documentatie';
$strPmaUriError = 'De <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> richtlijn MOET gezet zijn in het configuratie bestand!';
$strPos1 = 'Begin';
$strPrevious = 'Vorige';
$strPrimary = 'Primaire sleutel';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primaire sleutel';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'De primaire sleutel is vervallen';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'De naam van de primaire sleutel moet PRIMARY zijn!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>moet</b> de naam van en <b>alleen van</b> een primaire sleutel zijn!)';
$strPrint = 'Afdrukken';
$strPrintView = 'Printopmaak';
$strPrivileges = 'Rechten';
$strProperties = 'Eigenschappen';
$strPutColNames = 'Plaats veldnamen in de eerste rij';
$strQBE = 'Query opbouwen';
$strQBEDel = 'Verwijder';
$strQBEIns = 'Toevoegen';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query op database <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Type opnieuw';
$strRecords = 'Records';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Controleer referentiële integriteit';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Extra opties om met tabellen te werken die gelinked zijn, zijn uitgeschakeld. Om te weten te komen waarom klik %shier%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Relatie overzicht';
$strReloadFailed = 'Opnieuw laden van MySQL mislukt.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'MySQL opnieuw laden.';
$strRememberReload = 'Vergeet niet de server opnieuw te starten.';
$strRenameTable = 'Tabel hernoemen naar';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabel %s is hernoemt naar %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Repareer tabel';
$strReplace = 'Vervangen';
$strReplaceTable = 'Vervang tabelgegevens met het bestand';
$strReset = 'Opnieuw';
$strRevoke = 'Ongedaan maken';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Trek Grant recht in';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'U heeft het Grant recht ingetrokken voor %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'U heeft de rechten ingetrokken voor %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Trek rechten in';
$strRowLength = 'Lengte van de rij';
$strRowSize = ' Grootte van de rij';
$strRows = 'Rijen';
$strRowsFrom = 'rijen beginnend bij';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontaal';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'in %s modus en herhaal kopregels na %s cellen';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'verticaal';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Rij statistiek';
$strRunQuery = 'Query uitvoeren';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Draai SQL query/queries op database %s';
$strRunning = 'wordt uitgevoerd op %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Er is een kans dat u een fout heeft aangetroffen in de SQL parser. Let er goed op, dat de query op de correcte plaatsen quotes heeft. Een ander mogelijkheid voor deze foutmelding kan zijn dat u het ge-quote text gedeelte in bineary mode heeft. U kunt ook uw query proberen in de command line van MySQL. De MySQL server foutmelding hieronder, mocht die aanwezig zijn, kan ook helpen met het opsporen van fouten. Blijft u problemen houden of als de parser fouten geeft terwijl het goed gaat in de command line van MySQL, probeer dan de SQL query in te korten en een bug report met het stukje data te sturen van het CUT gedeelte hieronder:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Er schijnt een fout te zijn in uw SQL query. Mocht de MySQL server een error hebben terug gegeven, probeer dan of uw hiermee uw fout kunt oplossen.';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-query';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL resultaat';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Ongeldige Identifer';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Quote niet afgesloten';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Onbekende Punctuatie String';
$strSave = 'Opslaan';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'De schaal factor is te klein om het schema op een pagina te zetten';
$strSearch = 'Zoeken';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Zoeken in de database';
$strSearchInTables = 'In de tabel(len):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Woord(en) of waarde(s) waarnaar gezocht moet worden (wildcard: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'ten minste een van de woorden';
$strSearchOption2 = 'alle woorden';
$strSearchOption3 = 'de exacte zin';
$strSearchOption4 = 'als een reguliere expressie';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Zoek resultaten voor "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Zoek:';
$strSelect = 'Selecteren';
$strSelectADb = 'Selecteer A.U.B. een database';
$strSelectAll = 'Selecteer alles';
$strSelectFields = 'Selecteer velden (tenminste 1):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in query';
$strSelectTables = 'Selecteer tabellen';
$strSend = 'verzenden';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Server keuze';
$strServerVersion = 'Server versie';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Als het veldtype "enum" of "set" is, voer dan de waardes in volgens dit formaat: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Als u ooit een backslash moet plaatsen ("\") of een enkel aanhalingsteken ("\'") bij deze waardes, backslash het (voorbeeld \'\\\\xyz\' of \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Toon';
$strShowAll = 'Toon alles';
$strShowColor = 'Toon kleur';
$strShowCols = 'Toon kolommen';
$strShowGrid = 'Toon grid';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Laat informatie over PHP zien';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Geef de dimensies van de tabellen weer';
$strShowTables = 'Toon tabellen';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Laat deze query hier zien ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Toon Records';
$strSingly = '(apart)';
$strSize = 'Grootte';
$strSort = 'Sorteren';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Ruimte gebruik';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Woorden worden gesplit door een spatie karakter (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Opdrachten';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV gegevens';
$strStrucData = 'Structuur en gegevens';
$strStrucDrop = '\'drop table\' toevoegen';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV voor MS Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Alleen structuur';
$strStructPropose = 'Tabel structuur voorstellen';
$strStructure = 'Structuur';
$strSubmit = 'Verzenden';
$strSuccess = 'Uw SQL-query is succesvol uitgevoerd.';
$strSum = 'Som';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabel opmerkingen';
$strTableEmpty = 'De tabel naam is leeg!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s is vervallen';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s is leeg gemaakt';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s is geschoond';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabel onderhoud';
$strTableStructure = 'Tabel structuur voor tabel';
$strTableType = 'Tabel type';
$strTables = '%s tabel(len)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Vanwege z\'n lengte,<br /> is dit veld misschien niet te wijzigen ';
$strTheContent = 'De inhoud van uw bestand is ingevoegd.';
$strTheContents = 'De inhoud van het bestand vervangt de inhoud van de geselecteerde tabel voor rijen met een identieke primaire of unieke sleutel.';
$strTheTerminator = 'De afsluiter van de velden.';
$strTotal = 'totaal';
$strType = 'Type';
$strUncheckAll = 'Deselecteer alles';
$strUnique = 'Unieke waarde';
$strUnselectAll = 'Deselecteer alles';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'U heeft de rechten aangepast voor %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Pas profiel aan:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Het profiel is aangepast.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Wijzig Query';
$strUsage = 'Gebruik';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Gebruik backquotes (`) bij tabellen en velden\' namen';
$strUseTables = 'Gebruik tabellen';
$strUser = 'Gebruiker';
$strUserEmpty = 'De gebruikersnaam is leeg!';
$strUserName = 'Gebruikersnaam';
$strUsers = 'Gebruikers';
$strValidateSQL = 'Valideer SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'De SQL validatie kon niet worden geinitialiseerd. Controleer of u de nodige php extensies heeft geinstalleerd zoals beschreven in de %sdocumentatie%s.';
$strValue = 'Waarde';
$strViewDump = 'Bekijk een dump (schema) van tabel';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Bekijk een dump (schema) van database';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'De directory die u heeft ingesteld om te uploaden kan niet worden bereikt.';
$strWelcome = 'Welkom op %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Met geselecteerd:';
$strWrongUser = 'Verkeerde gebruikersnaam/wachtwoord. Toegang geweigerd.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = '"Gezipt"';
// To translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.36 2002/11/28 09:15:27 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'A primary key has been added on %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Access denied';
$strAction = 'Action';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Add/Delete Field Columns';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Add/Delete Criteria Row';
$strAddNewField = 'Add new field';
$strAddPriv = 'Add a new Privilege';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'You have added a new privilege.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Add search conditions (body of the "where" clause):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Add to index %s column(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Add a new User';
$strAddUserMessage = 'You have added a new user.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Affected rows:';
$strAfter = 'After %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Go back to previous page';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Insert another new row';
$strAll = 'All';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Alter table order by';
$strAnIndex = 'An index has been added on %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyze table';
$strAnd = 'And';
$strAny = 'Any';
$strAnyColumn = 'Any Column';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Any database';
$strAnyHost = 'Any host';
$strAnyTable = 'Any table';
$strAnyUser = 'Any user';
$strAscending = 'Ascending';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'At Beginning of Table';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'At End of Table';
$strAttr = 'Attributes';
$strBack = 'Back';
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT';
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW';
$strBinary = 'Binary';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binary - do not edit';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'The bookmark has been deleted.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Label';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Bookmarked SQL-query';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Bookmark this SQL-query';
$strBookmarkView = 'View only';
$strBrowse = 'Browse';
$strBzip = '"bzipped"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'cannot load MySQL extension,<br />please check PHP Configuration.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Can\'t rename index to PRIMARY!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
$strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Change';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display';
$strChangePassword = 'Change password';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:';
$strCheckAll = 'Check All';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Check Database Privileges';
$strCheckTable = 'Check table';
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit';
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments';
$strColumn = 'Column';
$strColumnNames = 'Column names';
$strComments = 'Comments';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Complete inserts';
$strCompression = 'Compression';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s';
$strConfirm = 'Do you really want to do it?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Cookies must be enabled past this point.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copy table to (database<b>.</b>table):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Table %s has been copied to %s.';
$strCreate = 'Create';
$strCreateIndex = 'Create an index on %s columns';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Create a new index';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Create new database';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Create new table on database %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Criteria';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary';
$strDataOnly = 'Data only';
$strDatabase = 'Database ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Database %s has been dropped.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (wildcards allowed):';
$strDatabases = 'databases';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Databases statistics';
$strDefault = 'Default';
$strDelete = 'Delete';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Deleted Failed!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'You have deleted the user %s.';
$strDeleted = 'The row has been deleted';
$strDeletedRows = 'Deleted rows:';
$strDescending = 'Descending';
$strDisabled = 'Disabled';
$strDisplay = 'Display';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Display order:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema';
$strDoAQuery = 'Do a "query by example" (wildcard: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Do you really want to ';
$strDocu = 'Documentation';
$strDrop = 'Drop';
$strDropDB = 'Drop database %s';
$strDropTable = 'Drop table';
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s row(s) starting at record # %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dumping data for table';
$strDynamic = 'dynamic';
$strEdit = 'Edit';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Edit Privileges';
$strEffective = 'Effective';
$strEmpty = 'Empty';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).';
$strEnabled = 'Enabled';
$strEnd = 'End';
$strEndCut = 'END CUT';
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Note: MySQL privilege names are expressed in English ';
$strError = 'Error';
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL';
$strExport = 'Export';
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Extended inserts';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Field';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Field %s has been dropped';
$strFields = 'Fields';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' The field count is empty! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Fields enclosed by';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Fields escaped by';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Fields terminated by';
$strFixed = 'fixed';
$strFlushTable = 'Flush the table ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Missing value in the form !';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFullText = 'Full Texts';
$strFunction = 'Function';
$strGenBy = 'Generated by';
$strGenTime = 'Generation Time';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features';
$strGo = 'Go';
$strGrants = 'Grants';
$strGzip = '"gzipped"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'has been altered.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'has been created.';
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Official phpMyAdmin Homepage';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download Page';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'The host name is empty!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fulltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'If you wish to load only some of a table\'s columns, specify a comma separated field list.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignore';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files';
$strInUse = 'in use';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s has been dropped';
$strIndexName = 'Index name :';
$strIndexType = 'Index type :';
$strIndexes = 'Indexes';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.';
$strInsert = 'Insert';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Insert as a new row';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Insert new row';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Insert data from a textfile into table';
$strInsertedRows = 'Inserted rows:';
$strInstructions = 'Instructions';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" is a reserved word, you can\'t use it as a database/table/field name.';
$strKeepPass = 'Do not change the password';
$strKeyname = 'Keyname';
$strKill = 'Kill';
$strLength = 'Length';
$strLengthSet = 'Length/Values*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Number of rows per page';
$strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n';
$strLines = 'Lines';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Lines terminated by';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found';
$strLinksTo = 'Links to';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Location of the textfile';
$strLogPassword = 'Password:';
$strLogUsername = 'Username:';
$strLogin = 'Login';
$strLogout = 'Log out';
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket';
$strModifications = 'Modifications have been saved';
$strModify = 'Modify';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modify an index';
$strMoveTable = 'Move table to (database<b>.</b>table):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Table %s has been moved to %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL charset';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reloaded.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL said: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% running on %pma_s2% as %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Show processes';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Show MySQL runtime information';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Show MySQL system variables';
$strName = 'Name';
$strNext = 'Next';
$strNo = 'No';
$strNoDatabases = 'No databases';
$strNoDescription = 'no Description';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" statements are disabled.';
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin is more friendly with a <b>frames-capable</b> browser.';
$strNoIndex = 'No index defined!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'No index parts defined!';
$strNoModification = 'No change';
$strNoPassword = 'No Password';
$strNoPhp = 'Without PHP Code';
$strNoPrivileges = 'No Privileges';
$strNoQuery = 'No SQL query!';
$strNoRights = 'You don\'t have enough rights to be here right now!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'No tables found in database.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'No user(s) found.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL';
$strNone = 'None';
$strNotNumber = 'This is not a number!';
$strNotOK = 'not OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' is not a valid row number!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';
$strNumTables = 'Tables';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Often quotation marks. OPTIONALLY means that only char and varchar fields are enclosed by the "enclosed by"-character.';
$strOperations = 'Operations';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimize table';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optional. Controls how to write or read special characters.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONALLY';
$strOptions = 'Options';
$strOr = 'Or';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP Version';
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:';
$strPartialText = 'Partial Texts';
$strPassword = 'Password';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'The password is empty!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'The passwords aren\'t the same!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table doesn\'t exist!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables';
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin documentation';
$strPmaUriError = 'The <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> directive MUST be set in your configuration file!';
$strPos1 = 'Begin';
$strPrevious = 'Previous';
$strPrimary = 'Primary';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primary key';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'The primary key has been dropped';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'The name of the primary key must be... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>must</b> be the name of and <b>only of</b> a primary key!)';
$strPrint = 'Print';
$strPrintView = 'Print view';
$strPrivileges = 'Privileges';
$strProperties = 'Properties';
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row';
$strQBE = 'Query';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query on database <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Re-type';
$strRecords = 'Records';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Check referential integrity:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Relation view';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL reload failed.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Reload MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Remember reload the server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Rename table to';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Table %s has been renamed to %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Repair table';
$strReplace = 'Replace';
$strReplaceTable = 'Replace table data with file';
$strReset = 'Reset';
$strRevoke = 'Revoke';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revoke Grant';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'You have revoked the Grant privilege for %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'You have revoked the privileges for %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revoke Privileges';
$strRowLength = 'Row length';
$strRowSize = ' Row size ';
$strRows = 'Rows';
$strRowsFrom = 'row(s) starting from record #';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'in %s mode and repeat headers after %s cells';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Row Statistic';
$strRunQuery = 'Submit Query';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Run SQL query/queries on database %s';
$strRunning = 'running on %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-query';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String';
$strSave = 'Save';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page';
$strSearch = 'Search';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Find:';
$strSelect = 'Select';
$strSelectADb = 'Please select a database';
$strSelectAll = 'Select All';
$strSelectFields = 'Select fields (at least one):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in query';
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables';
$strSend = 'Save as file';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Server Choice';
$strServerVersion = 'Server version';
$strSetEnumVal = 'If field type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Show';
$strShowAll = 'Show all';
$strShowColor = 'Show color';
$strShowCols = 'Show columns';
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Show PHP information';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables';
$strShowTables = 'Show tables';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Show this query here again ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Showing rows';
$strSingly = '(singly)';
$strSize = 'Size';
$strSort = 'Sort';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Space usage';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are separated by a space character (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Statements';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Structure and data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Add \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV for Ms Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Structure only';
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure';
$strStructure = 'Structure';
$strSubmit = 'Submit';
$strSuccess = 'Your SQL-query has been executed successfully';
$strSum = 'Sum';
$strTable = 'Table';
$strTableComments = 'Table comments';
$strTableEmpty = 'The table name is empty!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Table %s has been dropped';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Table %s has been emptied';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Table %s has been flushed';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Table maintenance';
$strTableStructure = 'Table structure for table';
$strTableType = 'Table type';
$strTables = '%s table(s)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Because of its length,<br /> this field might not be editable ';
$strTheContent = 'The content of your file has been inserted.';
$strTheContents = 'The contents of the file replaces the contents of the selected table for rows with identical primary or unique key.';
$strTheTerminator = 'The terminator of the fields.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strTotalUC = 'Total';
$strType = 'Type';
$strUncheckAll = 'Uncheck All';
$strUnique = 'Unique';
$strUnselectAll = 'Unselect All';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'You have updated the privileges for %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Update profile:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'The profile has been updated.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Update Query';
$strUsage = 'Usage';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Enclose table and field names with backquotes';
$strUseTables = 'Use Tables';
$strUser = 'User';
$strUserEmpty = 'The user name is empty!';
$strUserName = 'User name';
$strUsers = 'Users';
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.';
$strValue = 'Value';
$strViewDump = 'View dump (schema) of table';
$strViewDumpDB = 'View dump (schema) of database';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached';
$strWelcome = 'Welcome to %s';
$strWithChecked = 'With selected:';
$strWrongUser = 'Wrong username/password. Access denied.';
$strYes = 'Yes';
$strZip = '"zipped"';
@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.36 2002/11/28 09:15:27 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'A primary key has been added on %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Access denied';
$strAction = 'Action';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Add/Delete Field Columns';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Add/Delete Criteria Row';
$strAddNewField = 'Add new field';
$strAddPriv = 'Add a new Privilege';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'You have added a new privilege.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Add search conditions (body of the "where" clause):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Add to index %s column(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Add a new User';
$strAddUserMessage = 'You have added a new user.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Affected rows:';
$strAfter = 'After %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Go back to previous page';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Insert another new row';
$strAll = 'All';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Alter table order by';
$strAnIndex = 'An index has been added on %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyze table';
$strAnd = 'And';
$strAny = 'Any';
$strAnyColumn = 'Any Column';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Any database';
$strAnyHost = 'Any host';
$strAnyTable = 'Any table';
$strAnyUser = 'Any user';
$strAscending = 'Ascending';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'At Beginning of Table';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'At End of Table';
$strAttr = 'Attributes';
$strBack = 'Back';
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT';
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW';
$strBinary = 'Binary';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binary - do not edit';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'The bookmark has been deleted.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Label';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Bookmarked SQL-query';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Bookmark this SQL-query';
$strBookmarkView = 'View only';
$strBrowse = 'Browse';
$strBzip = '"bzipped"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'cannot load MySQL extension,<br />please check PHP Configuration.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Can not load iconv or recode extension needed for charset conversion, configure php to allow using these extensions or disable charset conversion in phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Can\'t rename index to PRIMARY!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
$strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r';
$strChange = 'Change';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Choose Field to display';
$strChangePassword = 'Change password';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:';
$strCheckAll = 'Check All';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Check Database Privileges';
$strCheckTable = 'Check table';
$strChoosePage = 'Please choose a Page to edit';
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments';
$strColumn = 'Column';
$strColumnNames = 'Column names';
$strComments = 'Comments';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Complete inserts';
$strCompression = 'Compression';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!<br />This might happen if php finds a parse error in it or php cannot find the file.<br />Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the php error message(s) that you recieve. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.<br />If you recieve a blank page, everything is fine.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Please configure the coordinates for table %s';
$strConfirm = 'Do you really want to do it?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Cookies must be enabled past this point.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copy table to (database<b>.</b>table):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Table %s has been copied to %s.';
$strCreate = 'Create';
$strCreateIndex = 'Create an index on %s columns';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Create a new index';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Create new database';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Create new table on database %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Create a new Page';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Criteria';
$strData = 'Data';
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary';
$strDataOnly = 'Data only';
$strDatabase = 'Database ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Database %s has been dropped.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Database (wildcards allowed):';
$strDatabases = 'databases';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Databases statistics';
$strDefault = 'Default';
$strDelete = 'Delete';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Deleted Failed!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'You have deleted the user %s.';
$strDeleted = 'The row has been deleted';
$strDeletedRows = 'Deleted rows:';
$strDescending = 'Descending';
$strDisabled = 'Disabled';
$strDisplay = 'Display';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Display order:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Display PDF schema';
$strDoAQuery = 'Do a "query by example" (wildcard: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Do you really want to ';
$strDocu = 'Documentation';
$strDrop = 'Drop';
$strDropDB = 'Drop database %s';
$strDropTable = 'Drop table';
$strDumpXRows = 'Dump %s row(s) starting at record # %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dumping data for table';
$strDynamic = 'dynamic';
$strEdit = 'Edit';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Edit PDF Pages';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Edit Privileges';
$strEffective = 'Effective';
$strEmpty = 'Empty';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).';
$strEnabled = 'Enabled';
$strEnd = 'End';
$strEndCut = 'END CUT';
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Note: MySQL privilege names are expressed in English ';
$strError = 'Error';
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL';
$strExport = 'Export';
$strExportToXML = 'Export to XML format';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Extended inserts';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Field';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Field %s has been dropped';
$strFields = 'Fields';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' The field count is empty! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Fields enclosed by';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Fields escaped by';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Fields terminated by';
$strFixed = 'fixed';
$strFlushTable = 'Flush the table ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Missing value in the form !';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFullText = 'Full Texts';
$strFunction = 'Function';
$strGenBy = 'Generated by';
$strGenTime = 'Generation Time';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features';
$strGo = 'Go';
$strGrants = 'Grants';
$strGzip = '"gzipped"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'has been altered.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'has been created.';
$strHaveToShow = 'You have to choose at least one Column to display';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Official phpMyAdmin Homepage';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download Page';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'The host name is empty!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Fulltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'If you wish to load only some of a table\'s columns, specify a comma separated field list.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignore';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files';
$strInUse = 'in use';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s has been dropped';
$strIndexName = 'Index name :';
$strIndexType = 'Index type :';
$strIndexes = 'Indexes';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.';
$strInsert = 'Insert';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Insert as a new row';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Insert new row';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Insert data from a textfile into table';
$strInsertedRows = 'Inserted rows:';
$strInstructions = 'Instructions';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" is a reserved word, you can\'t use it as a database/table/field name.';
$strKeepPass = 'Do not change the password';
$strKeyname = 'Keyname';
$strKill = 'Kill';
$strLength = 'Length';
$strLengthSet = 'Length/Values*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Number of rows per page';
$strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n';
$strLines = 'Lines';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Lines terminated by';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Link not found';
$strLinksTo = 'Links to';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Location of the textfile';
$strLogPassword = 'Password:';
$strLogUsername = 'Username:';
$strLogin = 'Login';
$strLogout = 'Log out';
$strMissingBracket = 'Missing Bracket';
$strModifications = 'Modifications have been saved';
$strModify = 'Modify';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modify an index';
$strMoveTable = 'Move table to (database<b>.</b>table):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Table %s has been moved to %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL charset';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reloaded.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL said: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% running on %pma_s2% as %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Show processes';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Show MySQL runtime information';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Show MySQL system variables';
$strName = 'Name';
$strNext = 'Next';
$strNo = 'No';
$strNoDatabases = 'No databases';
$strNoDescription = 'no Description';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" statements are disabled.';
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin is more friendly with a <b>frames-capable</b> browser.';
$strNoIndex = 'No index defined!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'No index parts defined!';
$strNoModification = 'No change';
$strNoPassword = 'No Password';
$strNoPhp = 'Without PHP Code';
$strNoPrivileges = 'No Privileges';
$strNoQuery = 'No SQL query!';
$strNoRights = 'You don\'t have enough rights to be here right now!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'No tables found in database.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'No user(s) found.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL';
$strNone = 'None';
$strNotNumber = 'This is not a number!';
$strNotOK = 'not OK';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> table not found or not set in %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' is not a valid row number!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s match(es) inside table <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> match(es)';
$strNumTables = 'Tables';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Often quotation marks. OPTIONALLY means that only char and varchar fields are enclosed by the "enclosed by"-character.';
$strOperations = 'Operations';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimize table';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optional. Controls how to write or read special characters.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONALLY';
$strOptions = 'Options';
$strOr = 'Or';
$strOverhead = 'Overhead';
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP Version';
$strPageNumber = 'Page number:';
$strPartialText = 'Partial Texts';
$strPassword = 'Password';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'The password is empty!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'The passwords aren\'t the same!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema of the the "%s" database - Page %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefined PDF page number!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table doesn\'t exist!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables';
$strPhp = 'Create PHP Code';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin documentation';
$strPmaUriError = 'The <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> directive MUST be set in your configuration file!';
$strPos1 = 'Begin';
$strPrevious = 'Previous';
$strPrimary = 'Primary';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primary key';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'The primary key has been dropped';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'The name of the primary key must be... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>must</b> be the name of and <b>only of</b> a primary key!)';
$strPrint = 'Print';
$strPrintView = 'Print view';
$strPrivileges = 'Privileges';
$strProperties = 'Properties';
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row';
$strQBE = 'Query';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query on database <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Re-type';
$strRecords = 'Records';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Check referential integrity:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Relation view';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL reload failed.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Reload MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Remember reload the server.';
$strRenameTable = 'Rename table to';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Table %s has been renamed to %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Repair table';
$strReplace = 'Replace';
$strReplaceTable = 'Replace table data with file';
$strReset = 'Reset';
$strRevoke = 'Revoke';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revoke Grant';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'You have revoked the Grant privilege for %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'You have revoked the privileges for %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revoke Privileges';
$strRowLength = 'Row length';
$strRowSize = ' Row size ';
$strRows = 'Rows';
$strRowsFrom = 'row(s) starting from record #';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'in %s mode and repeat headers after %s cells';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Row Statistic';
$strRunQuery = 'Submit Query';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Run SQL query/queries on database %s';
$strRunning = 'running on %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-query';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL result';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String';
$strSave = 'Save';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page';
$strSearch = 'Search';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Word(s) or value(s) to search for (wildcard: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'at least one of the words';
$strSearchOption2 = 'all words';
$strSearchOption3 = 'the exact phrase';
$strSearchOption4 = 'as regular expression';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Search results for "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Find:';
$strSelect = 'Select';
$strSelectADb = 'Please select a database';
$strSelectAll = 'Select All';
$strSelectFields = 'Select fields (at least one):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in query';
$strSelectTables = 'Select Tables';
$strSend = 'Save as file';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Server Choice';
$strServerVersion = 'Server version';
$strSetEnumVal = 'If field type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Show';
$strShowAll = 'Show all';
$strShowColor = 'Show color';
$strShowCols = 'Show columns';
$strShowGrid = 'Show grid';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Show PHP information';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Show dimension of tables';
$strShowTables = 'Show tables';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Show this query here again ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Showing rows';
$strSingly = '(singly)';
$strSize = 'Size';
$strSort = 'Sort';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Space usage';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Words are separated by a space character (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Statements';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV data';
$strStrucData = 'Structure and data';
$strStrucDrop = 'Add \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV for Ms Excel data';
$strStrucOnly = 'Structure only';
$strStructPropose = 'Propose table structure';
$strStructure = 'Structure';
$strSubmit = 'Submit';
$strSuccess = 'Your SQL-query has been executed successfully';
$strSum = 'Sum';
$strTable = 'Table';
$strTableComments = 'Table comments';
$strTableEmpty = 'The table name is empty!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Table %s has been dropped';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Table %s has been emptied';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Table %s has been flushed';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Table maintenance';
$strTableStructure = 'Table structure for table';
$strTableType = 'Table type';
$strTables = '%s table(s)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Because of its length,<br /> this field might not be editable ';
$strTheContent = 'The content of your file has been inserted.';
$strTheContents = 'The contents of the file replaces the contents of the selected table for rows with identical primary or unique key.';
$strTheTerminator = 'The terminator of the fields.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strTotalUC = 'Total';
$strType = 'Type';
$strUncheckAll = 'Uncheck All';
$strUnique = 'Unique';
$strUnselectAll = 'Unselect All';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'You have updated the privileges for %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Update profile:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'The profile has been updated.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Update Query';
$strUsage = 'Usage';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Enclose table and field names with backquotes';
$strUseTables = 'Use Tables';
$strUser = 'User';
$strUserEmpty = 'The user name is empty!';
$strUserName = 'User name';
$strUsers = 'Users';
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.';
$strValue = 'Value';
$strViewDump = 'View dump (schema) of table';
$strViewDumpDB = 'View dump (schema) of database';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached';
$strWelcome = 'Welcome to %s';
$strWithChecked = 'With selected:';
$strWrongUser = 'Wrong username/password. Access denied.';
$strYes = 'Yes';
$strZip = '"zipped"';
@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.35 2002/12/03 22:29:03 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Baiti', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Püh', 'Esm', 'Tei', 'Kol', 'Nel', 'Ree', 'Lau');
$month = array('Jan', 'Veb', 'Mär', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Det');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d.%m.%Y kell %H:%M:%S';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Primaarne võti lisati %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Ligipääs keelatud';
$strAction = 'Tegevus';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Lisa/Kustuta välja veerud';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Lisa/Kustuta kriteeriumirida';
$strAddNewField = 'Lisa uus väli';
$strAddPriv = 'Lisa uus privileeg';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Te lisasite uue privileegi.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Lisa otsinguparameetrid ("where" lause sisu):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Lisa indeksisse %s rida(ead)';
$strAddUser = 'Lisa uus kasutaja';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Te lisasite uue kasutaja.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Mõjutatud read:';
$strAfter = 'Peale %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Mine eelmisele lehele tagasi';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Lisa järgmine uus rida';
$strAll = 'Kõik';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'kuva kõik tabelid sama laiusega?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Muuda tabeli sorteeringut';
$strAnIndex = 'Indeks lisati %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analüüsi tabelit';
$strAnd = 'ja';
$strAny = 'kõik';
$strAnyColumn = 'Kõik väljad';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Kõik andmebaasid';
$strAnyHost = 'Kõik masinad';
$strAnyTable = 'Kõik tabelid';
$strAnyUser = 'Kõik kasutajad';
$strAscending = 'Kasvav';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Tabeli algusesse';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Tabeli lõppu';
$strAttr = 'Parameetrid';
$strBack = 'Tagasi';
$strBeginCut = 'ALUSTA LÕIGET';
$strBeginRaw = 'ALUSTA PUHAST';
$strBinary = 'Binaarne';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binaarne - ärge muutke';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Märgistus kustutati.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Nimetus';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Märgistatud SQL päring';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Märgista see SQL päring';
$strBookmarkView = 'Vaata ainult';
$strBrowse = 'Vaata';
$strBzip = '"bzipitud"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'ei suutnud lugeda MySql laiendit,<br />palun kontrollige PHP konfiguratsiooni.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Ei suuda lugeda iconv või recode moodulit mida on vaja tähetabeli konvertimiseks, konfigureeriga php-d nii, et see sisaldaks antud mooduleid või keelake tähetabeli konvertimine phpMyAdminis.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Ei suuda muuta indeksit PRIMAARSEKS!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Ei suuda kasutada iconv-d või libiconvi või recode_string funktsiooni kuigi moodul on installitud Kontrollige oma php konfiguratsiooni.';
$strCardinality = 'Kasulikkus';
$strCarriage = 'Reavahetus: \\r';
$strChange = 'Muuda';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Vali väli mida kuvada';
$strChangePassword = 'Muuda parooli';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Faili tähekodeering:';
$strCheckAll = 'Märgista kõik';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Vaata andmebaasi privileege';
$strCheckTable = 'Kontrolli tabelit';
$strChoosePage = 'Palun valige leht muutmiseks';
$strColComFeat = 'Näitan veeru kommentaare';
$strColumn = 'Väli';
$strColumnNames = 'Väljade nimed';
$strComments = 'Kommentaarid';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Täispikk INSERT';
$strCompression = 'Pakkimine';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin ei suutnud lugeda Teie konfiguratsioonifaili!<br />See võib juhtuda kui PHP leiab vea selles või PHP ei leia antud faili üles.<br />Palun kutsuga konfiguratsioonifail välja otseselt kasutades linki allpool ja lugege PHP veateadet(eid) mis teile öeldakse. Enamustel juhtudel on kuskilt puudu ülakoma või semikoolon.<br />Kui Teile kuvatakse tühi leht on kõik korras.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Palun seadke koordinaadid tabelile %s';
$strConfirm = 'Kas Te tõesti tahate seda teha?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Küpsised(cookies) peavad alates sellest momendist lubatud olema.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopeeri tabel (andmebaas<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabel %s on kopeeritud andmebaasi %s.';
$strCreate = 'Loo';
$strCreateIndex = 'Loo indeks %s väljadest';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Loo uus indeks';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Loo uus andmebaas';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Loo uus tabel andmebaasi %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Loo uus leht';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'PDF-ide tegemine';
$strCriteria = 'Kriteerium';
$strData = 'Andmed';
$strDataOnly = 'Ainult andmed';
$strDatabase = 'Andmebaas ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Andmebaas %s kustutatud.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Andmebaas (lühendid lubatud):';
$strDatabases = 'andmebaasid';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Andmebaaside statistika';
$strDataDict = 'Andmesõnastik';
$strDefault = 'Vaikimisi';
$strDelete = 'Kustuta';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Kustutamine ebaõnnestus!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Te kustutasite kasutaja %s.';
$strDeleted = 'Rida kustutatud';
$strDeletedRows = 'Kustuta read:';
$strDescending = 'Kahanev';
$strDisabled = 'Keelatud';
$strDisplay = 'Näita';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Kuva võimalused';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Näitamise järjekord:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Näita PDF skeemi';
$strDoAQuery = 'Tee "päring näite järgi" (lühend: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Kas te tõesti tahate ';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentatsioon';
$strDrop = 'Kustuta';
$strDropDB = 'Kustuta andmebaas ';
$strDropTable = 'Kustuta tabel';
$strDumpXRows = 'Päri %s rida alustades reast %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Tabeli andmete salvestamine';
$strDynamic = 'dünaamiline';
$strEdit = 'Muuda';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Muuda PDF lehti';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Muuda privileege';
$strEffective = 'Efektiivne';
$strEmpty = 'Tühjenda';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL tagastas tühja tulemuse (s.t. null rida).';
$strEnabled = 'Lubatud';
$strEnd = 'Lõpp';
$strEndCut = 'LÕPETA LÕIGE';
$strEndRaw = 'LÕPETA PUHAS';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Märkus: MySQL privileegide nimed on ingliskeelsed ';
$strError = 'Viga';
$strExplain = 'Selete SQL-i';
$strExport = 'Ekspordi';
$strExportToXML = 'Ekspordi XML formaatt';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Laiendatud lisamised';
$strExtra = 'Ekstra';
$strField = 'Väli';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Väli %s kustutatud';
$strFields = 'Väljade arv';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Väljade loetelu on tühi! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Väljad ümbritsetud';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Väljad varjatud';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Väljad eraldatud';
$strFixed = 'parandatud';
$strFlushTable = 'Ühtlusta tabelid ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Puuduv väärtus vormis !';
$strFormat = 'Formaat';
$strFullText = 'Täistekstid';
$strFunction = 'Funktsioon';
$strGenBy = 'Genereerija ';
$strGenTime = 'Tegemisaeg';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Peamised seoste võimalused';
$strGo = 'Mine';
$strGrants = 'Õigused';
$strGzip = '"gzipitud"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'on muudetud.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'on loodud.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Te peate valima vähemalt ühe veeru kuvamiseks';
$strHome = 'Esileht';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Ametlik phpMyAdmini koduleht';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmini allalaadimisleht';
$strHost = 'Masin';
$strHostEmpty = 'Masin on tühi!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Täistekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Kui soovite lugeda ainult mõningaid tabeli välju, sisestage komaga eraldatud väljade loetelu.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignoreeri';
$strImportDocSQL = 'docSQL failide importimine';
$strInUse = 'kasutusel';
$strIndex = 'Indeks';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indeks %s kustutatud';
$strIndexName = 'Indeksi nimi :';
$strIndexType = 'Indeksi tüüp :';
$strIndexes = 'Indeksid';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Teie konfiguratsioonifail sisaldab seadeid (root kasutaja ilma paroolita) mis vastab MySQL-i vaikimisi priviligeeritud kasutajale. Kui Teie MySQL-i server jookseb sellise seadega on ta avatud rünnakutele, soovitav on see turvaauk kiiresti parandada.';
$strInsert = 'Lisa';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Lisa uue reana';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Lisa uus rida';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Lisa andmed tekstifailist tabelisse';
$strInsertedRows = 'Lisatud read:';
$strInstructions = 'sisestused';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" on reserveeritud sõna, te ei saa seda kasutada andmebaasi/tabeli/välja nimena.';
$strKeepPass = 'Ärge muutke parooli';
$strKeyname = 'Võtme nimi';
$strKill = 'Tapa';
$strLength = 'Pikkus';
$strLengthSet = 'Pikkus/Väärtused*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Ridade arv lehel';
$strLineFeed = 'Realõpp: \\n';
$strLines = 'Read';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Read lõpetatud';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Linki ei leitud';
$strLinksTo = 'Lingib ';
$strLocationTextfile = 'tekstifaili asukoht';
$strLogPassword = 'Parool:';
$strLogUsername = 'Kasutajanimi:';
$strLogin = 'Sisselogimine';
$strLogout = 'Logi välja';
$strMissingBracket = 'Puuduv ülakoma';
$strModifications = 'Muutused salvestatud';
$strModify = 'Muuda';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Muude indeksit';
$strMoveTable = 'Vii tabel üle (andmebaas<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s viidu üle andmebaasi %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQLi tähetabel';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL uuesti laetud.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL ütles: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% jookseb %pma_s2%\'is - %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Näita protsesse';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Näita MySQL-i jooksvat informatsiooni';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Näita MySQL süsteemseid muutujaid';
$strName = 'Nimi';
$strNext = 'Järgmine';
$strNo = 'Ei';
$strNoDatabases = 'Pole andmebaase';
$strNoDescription = 'pole kirjeldust';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" käsud keelatud.';
$strNoExplain = 'Jäta SQL-i seletamine vahele';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin on sõbralikum <b>frame toetava</b> browseriga.';
$strNoIndex = 'Indeksit pole defineeritud!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Indeksi osad pole defineeritud!';
$strNoModification = 'Ei muudetud';
$strNoPassword = 'Ilma paroolita';
$strNoPhp = 'ilma PHP koodita';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Ei oma ühtegi privileegi';
$strNoQuery = 'Ühtegi SQL päringut!';
$strNoRights = 'Teil pole piisavalt õigusi, et hetkel siin olla!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Andmebaasist ei leitud tabeleid.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Ei leitud ühtegi kasutajat.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Jäta SQL-i kontroll vahele';
$strNone = 'Pole';
$strNotNumber = 'See pole number!';
$strNotOK = 'Ei ole korras';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabelit ei leitud või ei eksisteeri %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' pole korrektne reanumber!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s vaste(t) tabelis <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Kokku:</b> <i>%s</i> vaste(t)';
$strNumTables = 'Tabelid';
$strOK = 'Korras';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Kasuta jutumärke koguaeg. VALIKULISELT tähendab, et ainult char ja varchar tüüpi väljad ümbritsetakse määratud märkidega.';
$strOperations = 'Tegevused';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiseeri tabelit';
$strOptionalControls = 'Mittekohustuslik. Kontrollib kuidas kirjutada või lugeda erimärke.';
$strOptionally = 'VALIKULISELT';
$strOptions = 'Valikud';
$strOr = 'või';
$strOverhead = 'Ülejääv';
$strPageNumber = 'Lehenumber:';
$strPartialText = 'Lühendatud tekstid';
$strPassword = 'Parool';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Parool on tühi!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Paroolid ei ühti!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Andmebaasi "%s" skeem - lehekülg %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Defineerimata PDF lehe number!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = '"%s" tabel ei eksisteeri!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Pole tabeleid';
$strPhp = 'Loo PHP kood';
$strPHP40203 = 'Te kasutate PHP 4.2.3, milles on tõsine viga mitmebaidiste tekstidega (mbstring). Vaadake PHP vearaportit 19404. Seda PHP versiooni ei soovitata kasutada phpMyAdminiga.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP versioon';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmini dokumentatsioon';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> konstant peab teie konfiguratsioonifailis määratud olema!';
$strPos1 = 'Algus';
$strPrevious = 'Eelmine';
$strPrimary = 'Primaarne';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primaarne võti';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primaarne võti kustutatud';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Primaarse võtme nimi peab olema... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>peab</b> olema ja <b>ainult</b> olema primaarse võtme nimi!)';
$strPrint = 'Prindi';
$strPrintView = 'Trükivaade';
$strPrivileges = 'Privileegid';
$strProperties = 'Seaded';
$strPutColNames = 'Pange väljade nimed esimesse ritta';
$strQBE = 'Päring näite järgi';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-päring andmebaasist <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Sisesta uuesti';
$strRecords = 'Kirjeid';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Kontrolli pärinevust:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Lisavõimalused töötamiseks lingitud tabelitega on deaktiveeritud. Et lugeda miks see nii on, vajutage %ssiia%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Pärinevuse vaade';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL taaslaadimine ebaõnnestus.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Taaslae MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Ärge unustage serverit taaslaadida.';
$strRenameTable = 'Nimeta tabel ümber';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabel %s on ümber nimetatud %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Paranda tabelit';
$strReplace = 'Asenda';
$strReplaceTable = 'Asenda tabeli andmed failiga';
$strReset = 'Tühista';
$strRevoke = 'Võta tagasi';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Võta nõudmine tagasi';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Te võtsite privileegi andmise %s -le tagasi';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Te võtsite tagasi privileegid %s-lt';
$strRevokePriv = 'Võtke privileegid';
$strRowLength = 'Rea pikkus';
$strRowSize = ' rea suurus ';
$strRows = 'Ridu';
$strRowsFrom = 'read alates';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horisontaalselt';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'näita %s and korda pealkirju iga %s järel';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikaalselt';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Rea statistika';
$strRunQuery = 'Lae päring';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Päri SQL päring(uid) andmebaasist %s';
$strRunning = 'jookseb masinas %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'On võimalus, et te leidsite vea SQL parseris. Palun kontrollige oma päringut täpsemalt ja kontrollige, et jutumärgid/ülakomad oleks korrektselt lõpetatud. Veel on võimalik, et te loete sisse faili kus on binaarne info väljaspool varjestatud tekstiala. Samuti võiksite te proovida oma päringut MySQLi käsureal. MySQLi viga väljastatakse päringu all, kui seal tõesti on mõni viga, siis see võib aidata teil leida vea algpõhjuseid. Kui teil on peale seda ikka veel probleeme või kui mu parser keeldub töötamast ning MySQL käsurida töötab, siis palun vähendage oma päringuid üksiku päringuni, mis põhjustab probleeme ja sisestage vea raport koos viga põhjustanud päringuga LÕIGET sektsioonis allpool:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Tundub, et teie SQL päringus on viga. MySQLi serveri error peaks ilmuma allpool, kui seal on midagi, siis peaks see teil aitama leia vea põhjust.';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-päring';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL tulemus';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Vigane identifikaator';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Sulgemata jutumärk/ülakoma';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Tundmatu suunav tekst';
$strSave = 'Salvesta';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Skalaarfaktor on liiga väike, et skeem mahuks ühele lehele.';
$strSearch = 'Otsi';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Otsi andmebaasist';
$strSearchInTables = 'Otsi tabeli(te)st:';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Sõna(d) või väärtus(ed) otsinguks (lühend: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'vähemalt üks sõnadest';
$strSearchOption2 = 'kõik sõnadest';
$strSearchOption3 = 'täpne fraas';
$strSearchOption4 = 'regulaaravaldisena';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Otsingu tulemused "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Leia:';
$strSelect = 'Vali';
$strSelectADb = 'Valige andmebaas';
$strSelectAll = 'Märgista kõik';
$strSelectFields = 'Vali väljad (vähemalt üks):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'päringus';
$strSelectTables = 'Vali tabelid';
$strSend = 'Salvesta failina';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Serveri valik';
$strServerVersion = 'Serveri versioon';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Kui välja tüüp on "enum" või "set", palun sisestage väärtused kasutades järgmist paigutust: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Kui te peate lisama kaldkriipsu ("\") või ülakoma ("\'") sinna paigutusse, varjestage see tagurpidi kaldkriipsuga (näiteks \'\\\\xyz\' või \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Näita';
$strShowAll = 'Näita kõiki';
$strShowColor = 'Näita värvi';
$strShowCols = 'Näita välju';
$strShowGrid = 'Näita võrgustiku';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Näita PHP informatsiooni';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Näita tabelite dimensiooni';
$strShowTables = 'Näita tabeleid';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Näita päringut siin uuesti ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Näita ridu';
$strSingly = '(üksikult)';
$strSize = 'Suurus';
$strSort = 'Sorteeri';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Ruumivõtt';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Sõnad on eraldatud tühikuga (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Parameerid';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV andmed';
$strStrucData = 'Struktuur ja andmed';
$strStrucDrop = 'Lisa \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV Ms Exceli jaoks';
$strStrucOnly = 'Ainult struktuur';
$strStructPropose = 'Soovita tabeli struktuuri';
$strStructure = 'Struktuur';
$strSubmit = 'Vali';
$strSuccess = 'Teie SQL päring täideti edukalt';
$strSum = 'Summa';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabeli kommentaarid';
$strTableEmpty = 'Tabeli nimi on tühi!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s kustutatud';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s tühjendatud';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s ühtlustatud';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabeli hooldus';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktuur tabelile';
$strTableType = 'Tabeli tüüp';
$strTables = '%s tabel(it)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Oma suuruse tõttu<br /> võib see väli olla mittemuudetav ';
$strTheContent = 'Teie faili sisu on lisatud.';
$strTheContents = 'Faili sisu asendab valitud tabeli sisu ridades kus on identsed primaarsed või unikaalsed võtmed.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Väljade eraldaja.';
$strTotal = 'kokku';
$strTotalUC = 'Kokku';
$strType = 'Tüüp';
$strUncheckAll = 'Puhasta kõik';
$strUnique = 'Unikaalne';
$strUnselectAll = 'Puhasta kõik';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Te uuendasite privileege %s-l.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Uuendatav profiil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profiil uuendatud.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Uuenda päringut';
$strUsage = 'Kasutus';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Kasutage tagurpidi kaldkriipse tabelites või tabelinimedes';
$strUseTables = 'Kasuta tabeleid';
$strUser = 'Kasutaja';
$strUserEmpty = 'Kasutajanimi on tühi!';
$strUserName = 'Kasutajanimi';
$strUsers = 'Kasutajad';
$strValidateSQL = 'Kontrolli SQL-i';
$strValidatorError = 'SQL-i valideerijat ei suudetud avada. Palun kontrollige, et te olete installinud vastavad php moodulid nagu on kirjeldatud %sdokumentatsioonis%s.';
$strValue = 'Väärtus';
$strViewDump = 'Vaata tabeli väljundit(skeemi)';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Vaata andmebaasi väljundit (skeemi)';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'webiserveri üleslaadimiskataloogi';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Kataloog mille Te üleslaadimiseks sättisite ei ole ligipääsetav';
$strWelcome = 'Tere tulemast %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Valitud:';
$strWrongUser = 'Vale kasutajanimi/parool. Ligipääd keelatud.';
$strYes = 'Jah';
$strZip = '"zipitud"';
@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.35 2002/12/03 22:29:03 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Baiti', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Püh', 'Esm', 'Tei', 'Kol', 'Nel', 'Ree', 'Lau');
$month = array('Jan', 'Veb', 'Mär', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Det');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d.%m.%Y kell %H:%M:%S';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Primaarne võti lisati %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Ligipääs keelatud';
$strAction = 'Tegevus';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Lisa/Kustuta välja veerud';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Lisa/Kustuta kriteeriumirida';
$strAddNewField = 'Lisa uus väli';
$strAddPriv = 'Lisa uus privileeg';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Te lisasite uue privileegi.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Lisa otsinguparameetrid ("where" lause sisu):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Lisa indeksisse %s rida(ead)';
$strAddUser = 'Lisa uus kasutaja';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Te lisasite uue kasutaja.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Mõjutatud read:';
$strAfter = 'Peale %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Mine eelmisele lehele tagasi';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Lisa järgmine uus rida';
$strAll = 'Kõik';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'kuva kõik tabelid sama laiusega?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Muuda tabeli sorteeringut';
$strAnIndex = 'Indeks lisati %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analüüsi tabelit';
$strAnd = 'ja';
$strAny = 'kõik';
$strAnyColumn = 'Kõik väljad';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Kõik andmebaasid';
$strAnyHost = 'Kõik masinad';
$strAnyTable = 'Kõik tabelid';
$strAnyUser = 'Kõik kasutajad';
$strAscending = 'Kasvav';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Tabeli algusesse';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Tabeli lõppu';
$strAttr = 'Parameetrid';
$strBack = 'Tagasi';
$strBeginCut = 'ALUSTA LÕIGET';
$strBeginRaw = 'ALUSTA PUHAST';
$strBinary = 'Binaarne';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binaarne - ärge muutke';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Märgistus kustutati.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Nimetus';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Märgistatud SQL päring';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Märgista see SQL päring';
$strBookmarkView = 'Vaata ainult';
$strBrowse = 'Vaata';
$strBzip = '"bzipitud"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'ei suutnud lugeda MySql laiendit,<br />palun kontrollige PHP konfiguratsiooni.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Ei suuda lugeda iconv või recode moodulit mida on vaja tähetabeli konvertimiseks, konfigureeriga php-d nii, et see sisaldaks antud mooduleid või keelake tähetabeli konvertimine phpMyAdminis.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Ei suuda muuta indeksit PRIMAARSEKS!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Ei suuda kasutada iconv-d või libiconvi või recode_string funktsiooni kuigi moodul on installitud Kontrollige oma php konfiguratsiooni.';
$strCardinality = 'Kasulikkus';
$strCarriage = 'Reavahetus: \\r';
$strChange = 'Muuda';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Vali väli mida kuvada';
$strChangePassword = 'Muuda parooli';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Faili tähekodeering:';
$strCheckAll = 'Märgista kõik';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Vaata andmebaasi privileege';
$strCheckTable = 'Kontrolli tabelit';
$strChoosePage = 'Palun valige leht muutmiseks';
$strColComFeat = 'Näitan veeru kommentaare';
$strColumn = 'Väli';
$strColumnNames = 'Väljade nimed';
$strComments = 'Kommentaarid';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Täispikk INSERT';
$strCompression = 'Pakkimine';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin ei suutnud lugeda Teie konfiguratsioonifaili!<br />See võib juhtuda kui PHP leiab vea selles või PHP ei leia antud faili üles.<br />Palun kutsuga konfiguratsioonifail välja otseselt kasutades linki allpool ja lugege PHP veateadet(eid) mis teile öeldakse. Enamustel juhtudel on kuskilt puudu ülakoma või semikoolon.<br />Kui Teile kuvatakse tühi leht on kõik korras.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Palun seadke koordinaadid tabelile %s';
$strConfirm = 'Kas Te tõesti tahate seda teha?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Küpsised(cookies) peavad alates sellest momendist lubatud olema.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopeeri tabel (andmebaas<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabel %s on kopeeritud andmebaasi %s.';
$strCreate = 'Loo';
$strCreateIndex = 'Loo indeks %s väljadest';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Loo uus indeks';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Loo uus andmebaas';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Loo uus tabel andmebaasi %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Loo uus leht';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'PDF-ide tegemine';
$strCriteria = 'Kriteerium';
$strData = 'Andmed';
$strDataOnly = 'Ainult andmed';
$strDatabase = 'Andmebaas ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Andmebaas %s kustutatud.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Andmebaas (lühendid lubatud):';
$strDatabases = 'andmebaasid';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Andmebaaside statistika';
$strDataDict = 'Andmesõnastik';
$strDefault = 'Vaikimisi';
$strDelete = 'Kustuta';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Kustutamine ebaõnnestus!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Te kustutasite kasutaja %s.';
$strDeleted = 'Rida kustutatud';
$strDeletedRows = 'Kustuta read:';
$strDescending = 'Kahanev';
$strDisabled = 'Keelatud';
$strDisplay = 'Näita';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Kuva võimalused';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Näitamise järjekord:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Näita PDF skeemi';
$strDoAQuery = 'Tee "päring näite järgi" (lühend: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Kas te tõesti tahate ';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentatsioon';
$strDrop = 'Kustuta';
$strDropDB = 'Kustuta andmebaas ';
$strDropTable = 'Kustuta tabel';
$strDumpXRows = 'Päri %s rida alustades reast %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Tabeli andmete salvestamine';
$strDynamic = 'dünaamiline';
$strEdit = 'Muuda';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Muuda PDF lehti';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Muuda privileege';
$strEffective = 'Efektiivne';
$strEmpty = 'Tühjenda';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL tagastas tühja tulemuse (s.t. null rida).';
$strEnabled = 'Lubatud';
$strEnd = 'Lõpp';
$strEndCut = 'LÕPETA LÕIGE';
$strEndRaw = 'LÕPETA PUHAS';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Märkus: MySQL privileegide nimed on ingliskeelsed ';
$strError = 'Viga';
$strExplain = 'Selete SQL-i';
$strExport = 'Ekspordi';
$strExportToXML = 'Ekspordi XML formaatt';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Laiendatud lisamised';
$strExtra = 'Ekstra';
$strField = 'Väli';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Väli %s kustutatud';
$strFields = 'Väljade arv';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Väljade loetelu on tühi! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Väljad ümbritsetud';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Väljad varjatud';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Väljad eraldatud';
$strFixed = 'parandatud';
$strFlushTable = 'Ühtlusta tabelid ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Puuduv väärtus vormis !';
$strFormat = 'Formaat';
$strFullText = 'Täistekstid';
$strFunction = 'Funktsioon';
$strGenBy = 'Genereerija ';
$strGenTime = 'Tegemisaeg';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Peamised seoste võimalused';
$strGo = 'Mine';
$strGrants = 'Õigused';
$strGzip = '"gzipitud"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'on muudetud.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'on loodud.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Te peate valima vähemalt ühe veeru kuvamiseks';
$strHome = 'Esileht';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Ametlik phpMyAdmini koduleht';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmini allalaadimisleht';
$strHost = 'Masin';
$strHostEmpty = 'Masin on tühi!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Täistekst';
$strIfYouWish = 'Kui soovite lugeda ainult mõningaid tabeli välju, sisestage komaga eraldatud väljade loetelu.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignoreeri';
$strImportDocSQL = 'docSQL failide importimine';
$strInUse = 'kasutusel';
$strIndex = 'Indeks';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indeks %s kustutatud';
$strIndexName = 'Indeksi nimi :';
$strIndexType = 'Indeksi tüüp :';
$strIndexes = 'Indeksid';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Teie konfiguratsioonifail sisaldab seadeid (root kasutaja ilma paroolita) mis vastab MySQL-i vaikimisi priviligeeritud kasutajale. Kui Teie MySQL-i server jookseb sellise seadega on ta avatud rünnakutele, soovitav on see turvaauk kiiresti parandada.';
$strInsert = 'Lisa';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Lisa uue reana';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Lisa uus rida';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Lisa andmed tekstifailist tabelisse';
$strInsertedRows = 'Lisatud read:';
$strInstructions = 'sisestused';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" on reserveeritud sõna, te ei saa seda kasutada andmebaasi/tabeli/välja nimena.';
$strKeepPass = 'Ärge muutke parooli';
$strKeyname = 'Võtme nimi';
$strKill = 'Tapa';
$strLength = 'Pikkus';
$strLengthSet = 'Pikkus/Väärtused*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Ridade arv lehel';
$strLineFeed = 'Realõpp: \\n';
$strLines = 'Read';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Read lõpetatud';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Linki ei leitud';
$strLinksTo = 'Lingib ';
$strLocationTextfile = 'tekstifaili asukoht';
$strLogPassword = 'Parool:';
$strLogUsername = 'Kasutajanimi:';
$strLogin = 'Sisselogimine';
$strLogout = 'Logi välja';
$strMissingBracket = 'Puuduv ülakoma';
$strModifications = 'Muutused salvestatud';
$strModify = 'Muuda';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Muude indeksit';
$strMoveTable = 'Vii tabel üle (andmebaas<b>.</b>tabel):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s viidu üle andmebaasi %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQLi tähetabel';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL uuesti laetud.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL ütles: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% jookseb %pma_s2%\'is - %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Näita protsesse';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Näita MySQL-i jooksvat informatsiooni';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Näita MySQL süsteemseid muutujaid';
$strName = 'Nimi';
$strNext = 'Järgmine';
$strNo = 'Ei';
$strNoDatabases = 'Pole andmebaase';
$strNoDescription = 'pole kirjeldust';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" käsud keelatud.';
$strNoExplain = 'Jäta SQL-i seletamine vahele';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin on sõbralikum <b>frame toetava</b> browseriga.';
$strNoIndex = 'Indeksit pole defineeritud!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Indeksi osad pole defineeritud!';
$strNoModification = 'Ei muudetud';
$strNoPassword = 'Ilma paroolita';
$strNoPhp = 'ilma PHP koodita';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Ei oma ühtegi privileegi';
$strNoQuery = 'Ühtegi SQL päringut!';
$strNoRights = 'Teil pole piisavalt õigusi, et hetkel siin olla!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Andmebaasist ei leitud tabeleid.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Ei leitud ühtegi kasutajat.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Jäta SQL-i kontroll vahele';
$strNone = 'Pole';
$strNotNumber = 'See pole number!';
$strNotOK = 'Ei ole korras';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabelit ei leitud või ei eksisteeri %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' pole korrektne reanumber!';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s vaste(t) tabelis <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Kokku:</b> <i>%s</i> vaste(t)';
$strNumTables = 'Tabelid';
$strOK = 'Korras';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Kasuta jutumärke koguaeg. VALIKULISELT tähendab, et ainult char ja varchar tüüpi väljad ümbritsetakse määratud märkidega.';
$strOperations = 'Tegevused';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiseeri tabelit';
$strOptionalControls = 'Mittekohustuslik. Kontrollib kuidas kirjutada või lugeda erimärke.';
$strOptionally = 'VALIKULISELT';
$strOptions = 'Valikud';
$strOr = 'või';
$strOverhead = 'Ülejääv';
$strPageNumber = 'Lehenumber:';
$strPartialText = 'Lühendatud tekstid';
$strPassword = 'Parool';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Parool on tühi!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Paroolid ei ühti!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Andmebaasi "%s" skeem - lehekülg %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Defineerimata PDF lehe number!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = '"%s" tabel ei eksisteeri!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Pole tabeleid';
$strPhp = 'Loo PHP kood';
$strPHP40203 = 'Te kasutate PHP 4.2.3, milles on tõsine viga mitmebaidiste tekstidega (mbstring). Vaadake PHP vearaportit 19404. Seda PHP versiooni ei soovitata kasutada phpMyAdminiga.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP versioon';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmini dokumentatsioon';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> konstant peab teie konfiguratsioonifailis määratud olema!';
$strPos1 = 'Algus';
$strPrevious = 'Eelmine';
$strPrimary = 'Primaarne';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primaarne võti';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primaarne võti kustutatud';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Primaarse võtme nimi peab olema... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>peab</b> olema ja <b>ainult</b> olema primaarse võtme nimi!)';
$strPrint = 'Prindi';
$strPrintView = 'Trükivaade';
$strPrivileges = 'Privileegid';
$strProperties = 'Seaded';
$strPutColNames = 'Pange väljade nimed esimesse ritta';
$strQBE = 'Päring näite järgi';
$strQBEDel = 'Del';
$strQBEIns = 'Ins';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-päring andmebaasist <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Sisesta uuesti';
$strRecords = 'Kirjeid';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Kontrolli pärinevust:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Lisavõimalused töötamiseks lingitud tabelitega on deaktiveeritud. Et lugeda miks see nii on, vajutage %ssiia%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Pärinevuse vaade';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL taaslaadimine ebaõnnestus.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Taaslae MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Ärge unustage serverit taaslaadida.';
$strRenameTable = 'Nimeta tabel ümber';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabel %s on ümber nimetatud %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Paranda tabelit';
$strReplace = 'Asenda';
$strReplaceTable = 'Asenda tabeli andmed failiga';
$strReset = 'Tühista';
$strRevoke = 'Võta tagasi';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Võta nõudmine tagasi';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Te võtsite privileegi andmise %s -le tagasi';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Te võtsite tagasi privileegid %s-lt';
$strRevokePriv = 'Võtke privileegid';
$strRowLength = 'Rea pikkus';
$strRowSize = ' rea suurus ';
$strRows = 'Ridu';
$strRowsFrom = 'read alates';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horisontaalselt';
$strRowsModeOptions = 'näita %s and korda pealkirju iga %s järel';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikaalselt';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Rea statistika';
$strRunQuery = 'Lae päring';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Päri SQL päring(uid) andmebaasist %s';
$strRunning = 'jookseb masinas %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'On võimalus, et te leidsite vea SQL parseris. Palun kontrollige oma päringut täpsemalt ja kontrollige, et jutumärgid/ülakomad oleks korrektselt lõpetatud. Veel on võimalik, et te loete sisse faili kus on binaarne info väljaspool varjestatud tekstiala. Samuti võiksite te proovida oma päringut MySQLi käsureal. MySQLi viga väljastatakse päringu all, kui seal tõesti on mõni viga, siis see võib aidata teil leida vea algpõhjuseid. Kui teil on peale seda ikka veel probleeme või kui mu parser keeldub töötamast ning MySQL käsurida töötab, siis palun vähendage oma päringuid üksiku päringuni, mis põhjustab probleeme ja sisestage vea raport koos viga põhjustanud päringuga LÕIGET sektsioonis allpool:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Tundub, et teie SQL päringus on viga. MySQLi serveri error peaks ilmuma allpool, kui seal on midagi, siis peaks see teil aitama leia vea põhjust.';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-päring';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL tulemus';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Vigane identifikaator';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Sulgemata jutumärk/ülakoma';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Tundmatu suunav tekst';
$strSave = 'Salvesta';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Skalaarfaktor on liiga väike, et skeem mahuks ühele lehele.';
$strSearch = 'Otsi';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Otsi andmebaasist';
$strSearchInTables = 'Otsi tabeli(te)st:';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Sõna(d) või väärtus(ed) otsinguks (lühend: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'vähemalt üks sõnadest';
$strSearchOption2 = 'kõik sõnadest';
$strSearchOption3 = 'täpne fraas';
$strSearchOption4 = 'regulaaravaldisena';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Otsingu tulemused "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Leia:';
$strSelect = 'Vali';
$strSelectADb = 'Valige andmebaas';
$strSelectAll = 'Märgista kõik';
$strSelectFields = 'Vali väljad (vähemalt üks):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'päringus';
$strSelectTables = 'Vali tabelid';
$strSend = 'Salvesta failina';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Serveri valik';
$strServerVersion = 'Serveri versioon';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Kui välja tüüp on "enum" või "set", palun sisestage väärtused kasutades järgmist paigutust: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Kui te peate lisama kaldkriipsu ("\") või ülakoma ("\'") sinna paigutusse, varjestage see tagurpidi kaldkriipsuga (näiteks \'\\\\xyz\' või \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Näita';
$strShowAll = 'Näita kõiki';
$strShowColor = 'Näita värvi';
$strShowCols = 'Näita välju';
$strShowGrid = 'Näita võrgustiku';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Näita PHP informatsiooni';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Näita tabelite dimensiooni';
$strShowTables = 'Näita tabeleid';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Näita päringut siin uuesti ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Näita ridu';
$strSingly = '(üksikult)';
$strSize = 'Suurus';
$strSort = 'Sorteeri';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Ruumivõtt';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Sõnad on eraldatud tühikuga (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Parameerid';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV andmed';
$strStrucData = 'Struktuur ja andmed';
$strStrucDrop = 'Lisa \'drop table\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV Ms Exceli jaoks';
$strStrucOnly = 'Ainult struktuur';
$strStructPropose = 'Soovita tabeli struktuuri';
$strStructure = 'Struktuur';
$strSubmit = 'Vali';
$strSuccess = 'Teie SQL päring täideti edukalt';
$strSum = 'Summa';
$strTable = 'Tabel';
$strTableComments = 'Tabeli kommentaarid';
$strTableEmpty = 'Tabeli nimi on tühi!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s kustutatud';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s tühjendatud';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s ühtlustatud';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabeli hooldus';
$strTableStructure = 'Struktuur tabelile';
$strTableType = 'Tabeli tüüp';
$strTables = '%s tabel(it)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Oma suuruse tõttu<br /> võib see väli olla mittemuudetav ';
$strTheContent = 'Teie faili sisu on lisatud.';
$strTheContents = 'Faili sisu asendab valitud tabeli sisu ridades kus on identsed primaarsed või unikaalsed võtmed.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Väljade eraldaja.';
$strTotal = 'kokku';
$strTotalUC = 'Kokku';
$strType = 'Tüüp';
$strUncheckAll = 'Puhasta kõik';
$strUnique = 'Unikaalne';
$strUnselectAll = 'Puhasta kõik';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Te uuendasite privileege %s-l.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Uuendatav profiil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profiil uuendatud.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Uuenda päringut';
$strUsage = 'Kasutus';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Kasutage tagurpidi kaldkriipse tabelites või tabelinimedes';
$strUseTables = 'Kasuta tabeleid';
$strUser = 'Kasutaja';
$strUserEmpty = 'Kasutajanimi on tühi!';
$strUserName = 'Kasutajanimi';
$strUsers = 'Kasutajad';
$strValidateSQL = 'Kontrolli SQL-i';
$strValidatorError = 'SQL-i valideerijat ei suudetud avada. Palun kontrollige, et te olete installinud vastavad php moodulid nagu on kirjeldatud %sdokumentatsioonis%s.';
$strValue = 'Väärtus';
$strViewDump = 'Vaata tabeli väljundit(skeemi)';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Vaata andmebaasi väljundit (skeemi)';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'webiserveri üleslaadimiskataloogi';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Kataloog mille Te üleslaadimiseks sättisite ei ole ligipääsetav';
$strWelcome = 'Tere tulemast %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Valitud:';
$strWrongUser = 'Vale kasutajanimi/parool. Ligipääd keelatud.';
$strYes = 'Jah';
$strZip = '"zipitud"';
@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.36 2002/11/28 09:15:28 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ' ';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Octets', 'Ko', 'Mo', 'Go');
$day_of_week = array('Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi');
$month = array('Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre');
// Voir pour la variable
// ci-dessous
$datefmt = '%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Une clé primaire a été ajoutée sur %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Accès refusé';
$strAction = 'Action';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Ajouter/effacer x colonne(s)';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Ajouter/effacer x ligne(s)';
$strAddNewField = 'Ajouter un champ';
$strAddPriv = 'Ajouter un privilège';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Vous avez ajouté un privilège';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Critères de recherche (pour l\'énoncé "where"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Ajouter à la clef %s colonne(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Ajouter un utilisateur';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Vous avez ajouté un utilisateur';
$strAffectedRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements affectés :';
$strAfter = 'Après %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Retourner à la page précédente';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Insérer un nouvel enregistrement';
$strAll = 'Tout';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Afficher toutes les tables avec une largeur identique';
$strAlterOrderBy = '<b>Ordonner</b> la table par';
$strAnIndex = 'Un index a été ajouté sur %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyser la table';
$strAnd = 'et';
$strAny = 'N\'importe quel';
$strAnyColumn = 'Toute colonne';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Toute base de données';
$strAnyHost = 'Tout serveur';
$strAnyTable = 'Toute table';
$strAnyUser = 'Tout utilisateur';
$strAscending = 'Croissant';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'En début de Table';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'En fin de Table';
$strAttr = 'Attributs';
$strBack = 'Retour';
$strBeginCut = 'Début de la section à couper';
$strBeginRaw = 'Début des informations sur l\'anomalie';
$strBinary = 'Binaire';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binaire - ne pas éditer';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Le bookmark a été effacé.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Intitulé';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Requêtes bookmarkées';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Bookmarker cette requête';
$strBookmarkView = 'Voir uniquement';
$strBrowse = 'Afficher';
$strBzip = '"bzippé"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'ne peux charger l\'extension MySQL,<br />vérifiez la configuration PHP';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Erreur lors du chargement de l\'extension iconv ou recode, utilisée pour convertir le jeu de caractères; veuillez activer l\'une de ces extensions dans PHP, ou désactiver la conversion des jeux de caractères dans phpMyAdmin';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'La clef ne peut être renommée PRIMARY !';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Erreur lors de l\'utilisation de iconv, libiconv et recode_string, alors que ces extensions semblent chargées. Veuillez vérifier votre configuration de PHP.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalité';
$strCarriage = 'Retour de chariot : \\r';
$strChange = 'Modifier';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Champ à afficher';
$strChangePassword = 'Modifier le mot de passe';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Jeu de caractères du fichier:';
$strCheckAll = 'Tout cocher';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Afficher les privilèges sur';
$strCheckTable = 'Vérifier la table';
$strChoosePage = 'Page à éditer';
$strColComFeat = 'Commentaires de colonnes';
$strColumn = 'Colonne';
$strColumnNames = 'Nom des colonnes';
$strComments = 'Commentaires';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Insertions complètes';
$strCompression = 'Compression';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin n\'a pu lire votre fichier de configuration!<br />Il est possible qu\'il contienne une erreur de syntaxe, ou que PHP soit incapable de le trouver<br />À l\'aide du lien suivant, vous pouvez vérifier le message d\'erreur généré par PHP;<br />la plupart du temps, un apostrophe ou un point-virgule sont manquants.<br />Si vous recevez une page blanche, aucune erreur n\'a été détectée.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Les coordonnées de la table %s n\'ont pas été configurées';
$strConfirm = 'Veuillez confirmer';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Vous devez accepter les cookies pour poursuivre.';
$strCopyTable = '<b>Copier</b> la table vers (base<b>.</b>table) :';
$strCopyTableOK = 'La table %s a été copiée vers %s.';
$strCreate = 'Créer';
$strCreateIndex = 'Créer une clef sur %s colonne(s)';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Créer un nouvelle clef';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Créer une base de données';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Créer une nouvelle table sur la base %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Créer une page';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Génération de schémas en PDF';
$strCriteria = 'Critère';
$strData = 'Données';
$strDataDict = 'Dictionnaire de données';
$strDataOnly = 'Données seulement';
$strDatabase = 'Base de données';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'La base de données %s a été effacée.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Base de données (passepartout autorisé):';
$strDatabases = 'bases de données';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistiques sur les bases de données';
$strDefault = 'Défaut';
$strDelete = 'Effacer';
$strDeleteFailed = 'L\'effacement a échoué';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Vous avez effacé l\'utilisateur %s.';
$strDeleted = 'L\'enregistrement a été effacé';
$strDeletedRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements effacés :';
$strDescending = 'Décroissant';
$strDisabled = 'désactivé';
$strDisplay = 'Montrer';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Affichage infobulle';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Ordre d\'affichage :';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Afficher le schéma en PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Recherche par valeur (passepartout: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Voulez-vous vraiment effectuer ';
$strDocu = 'Documentation';
$strDrop = 'Supprimer';
$strDropDB = 'Supprimer la base %s';
$strDropTable = 'Supprimer la table';
$strDumpXRows = 'Exporte %s enregistrement(s) à partir du rang n° %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Contenu de la table';
$strDynamic = 'dynamique';
$strEdit = 'Modifier';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Préparer le schéma en PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Changer les privilèges';
$strEffective = 'effectif';
$strEmpty = 'Vider';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL n\'a retourné aucun enregistrement.';
$strEnabled = 'activé';
$strEnd = 'Fin';
$strEndCut = 'Fin de la section à couper';
$strEndRaw = 'Fin des informations sur l\'anomalie';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Veuillez noter que les noms de privilèges sont exprimés en anglais';
$strError = 'Erreur';
$strExplain = 'Expliquer SQL';
$strExport = 'Exporter';
$strExportToXML = 'Exporter en format XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Insertions étendues';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Champ';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Le champ %s a été effacé';
$strFields = 'Champs';
$strFieldsEmpty = 'Il faut indiquer le nombre de champs';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Champs entourés par';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Caractère spécial';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Champs terminés par';
$strFixed = 'fixe';
$strFlushTable = 'Recharger la table ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Formulaire incomplet !';
$strFormat = 'format';
$strFullText = 'Textes complets';
$strFunction = 'Fonction';
$strGenBy = 'Généré par';
$strGenTime = 'Généré le ';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Fonctions relationnelles';
$strGo = 'Exécuter';
$strGrants = 'Autres privilèges';
$strGzip = '"gzippé"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'a été modifié(e).';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'a été créé(e).';
$strHaveToShow = 'Vous devez choisir au moins une colonne à afficher';
$strHome = 'Accueil';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Site officiel de phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Page de Téléchargement phpMyAdmin sur Sourceforge';
$strHost = 'Serveur';
$strHostEmpty = 'Le nom de serveur est vide';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Texte entier';
$strIfYouWish = 'Si vous désirez ne charger que certaines colonnes, indiquez leurs noms, séparés par des virgules.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorer';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importer des fichiers docSQL';
$strInUse = 'utilisé';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'L\'index %s a été effacé';
$strIndexName = 'Nom de la clef :';
$strIndexType = 'Type de clef :';
$strIndexes = 'Index';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Votre fichier de configuration fait référence à l\'utilisateur root sans mot de passe, ce qui correspond à la valeur par défaut de MySQL. Votre serveur MySQL est donc ouvert aux intrusions, et vous devriez corriger ce problème de sécurité.';
$strInsert = 'Insérer';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Insérer en tant que nouvel enregistrement';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Insérer un nouvel enregistrement';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Insérer des données provenant d\'un fichier texte dans la table';
$strInsertedRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements insérés :';
$strInstructions = 'Instructions';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" est un mot réservé, il ne peut être utilisé comme nom de base/table/champ.';
$strKeepPass = 'Conserver le mot de passe';
$strKeyname = 'Nom de la clé';
$strKill = 'Supprimer';
$strLength = 'Long.';
$strLengthSet = 'Taille/Valeurs*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements par page';
$strLineFeed = 'Saut de ligne : \\n';
$strLines = 'Lignes';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Lignes terminées par';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Lien absent';
$strLinksTo = 'Relié à';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Emplacement du fichier texte';
$strLogPassword = 'Mot de passe :';
$strLogUsername = 'Nom d\'utilisateur :';
$strLogin = 'Connexion';
$strLogout = 'Quitter';
$strMissingBracket = 'Parenthèse manquante';
$strModifications = 'Les modifications ont été sauvegardées.';
$strModify = 'Modifier';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modifier une clef';
$strMoveTable = '<b>Déplacer</b> la table vers (base<b>.</b>table) :';
$strMoveTableOK = 'La table %s a été déplacée vers %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Jeu de caractères pour MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL rechargé.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL a répondu:';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% sur le serveur %pma_s2% - utilisateur : %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Afficher les processus';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Afficher l\'état du serveur MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Afficher les variables du serveur MySQL';
$strName = 'Nom';
$strNext = 'Suivant';
$strNo = 'Non';
$strNoDatabases = 'Aucune base de données';
$strNoDescription = 'pas de description';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'La commande "DROP DATABASE" est désactivée.';
$strNoExplain = 'Ne pas expliquer SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'L\'utilisation de phpMyAdmin est plus aisée avec un navigateur <b>supportant les "frames"</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Aucune clef n\'est définie !';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Aucune colonne n\'a été définie pour cette clef !';
$strNoModification = 'Pas de modifications';
$strNoPassword = 'aucun mot de passe';
$strNoPhp = 'Sans source PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'aucun privilège';
$strNoQuery = 'Aucune requête SQL !';
$strNoRights = 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Aucune table n\'a été trouvée dans cette base.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Il n\'y a aucun utilisateur';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Ne pas valider SQL';
$strNone = 'aucune';
$strNotNumber = 'Ce n\'est pas un nombre !';
$strNotOK = 'en erreur';
$strNotSet = 'La table <b>%s</b> est absente ou non définie dans %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' n\'est pas un nombre valide !';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s occurence(s) dans la table <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total :</b> <i>%s</i> occurence(s)';
$strNumTables = 'Tables';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Souvent des guillemets. OPTIONNEL signifie que seuls les champs de type char et varchar sont entourés par ce caractère.';
$strOperations = 'Opérations';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiser la table';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optionnel. Indique le caractère qui permet d\'enlever l\'effet des caractères spéciaux.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONNEL';
$strOptions = 'Options';
$strOr = 'Ou';
$strOverhead = 'Perte';
$strPHP40203 = 'Vous utilisez PHP 4.2.3, et cette version a un sérieux problème avec les caractères multi-octets (mbstring), tel que décrit sur le rapport d\'anomalies 19404 chez PHP. Il n\'est pas recommandé d\'utiliser cette version de PHP avec phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Version de PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Page n°:';
$strPartialText = 'Textes réduits';
$strPassword = 'Mot de passe';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Le mot de passe est vide';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Les mots de passe doivent être identiques';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema de la base "%s" - Page %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Numéro de page PDF non défini !';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'La table "%s" n\'existe pas !';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Pas de table !';
$strPhp = 'Créer source PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentation de phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'Le paramètre <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> DOIT être renseigné dans votre fichier de configuration !';
$strPos1 = 'Début';
$strPrevious = 'Précédent';
$strPrimary = 'Primaire';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Clé primaire';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'La clé primaire a été effacée';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Le nom d\'une clef primaire doit être PRIMARY !';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>doit et ne peut être</b> que le nom d\'une clef primaire !)';
$strPrint = 'Imprimer';
$strPrintView = 'Version imprimable';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilèges';
$strProperties = 'Propriétés';
$strPutColNames = 'Afficher les noms de champ en première ligne';
$strQBE = 'Requête';
$strQBEDel = 'Effacer';
$strQBEIns = 'Ajouter';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Requête SQL sur la base <b>%s</b> :';
$strReType = 'Entrer à nouveau';
$strRecords = 'Enregistrements';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Vérifier l\'intégrité référentielle';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Certaines fonctionnalités ayant trait aux tables reliées sont désactivées. Pour une analyse du problème, cliquez %sici%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Gestion des relations';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL n\'a pu être rechargé.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Recharger MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'N\'oubliez pas de recharger MySQL';
$strRenameTable = '<b>Changer le nom</b> de la table pour';
$strRenameTableOK = 'La table %s se nomme maintenant %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Réparer la table';
$strReplace = 'Remplacer';
$strReplaceTable = 'Remplacer les données de la table avec le fichier';
$strReset = 'Réinitialiser les valeurs';
$strRevoke = 'Révoquer';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Révoquer "grant option"';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Vous avez révoqué "grant option" pour %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Vous avez révoqué les privilèges pour %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Révoquer les privilèges';
$strRowLength = 'Longueur enr.';
$strRowSize = ' Taille enr. ';
$strRows = 'Enregistrements';
$strRowsFrom = 'ligne(s) à partir de l\'enregistrement n°';
$strRowsModeHorizontal= 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions= 'en mode %s et répéter les en-têtes à chaque groupe de %s';
$strRowsModeVertical= 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistiques';
$strRunQuery = 'Exécuter la requête';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Exécuter une ou des <b>requêtes</b> sur la base %s';
$strRunning = 'sur le serveur %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Il semble que vous ayiez trouvé une anomalie dans l\'analyseur syntaxique SQL. Veuillez examiner votre requête attentivement, et vérifier que vos apostrophes sont conformes. Il se pourrait aussi que vous ayiez chargé un fichier dont le contenu binaire n\'est pas entre apostrophes. Si vous avez accès à MySQL via son interface de commande en mode ligne, vous pouvez y essayer votre requête. Le message d\'erreur présenté plus bas pourrait vous indiquer la source du problème. En dernier recours, veuillez trouver la plus courte requête possible qui cause le problème, et soumettre un rapport d\'anomalie en incluant la section à couper:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Il semble qu\'il y ait une erreur dans votre requête SQL. Le message ci-bas peut vous aider à en trouver la cause.';
$strSQLQuery = 'requête SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Resultat de la requête SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Identificateur invalide';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Apostrophe non fermé';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Ponctuation invalide';
$strSave = 'Sauvegarder';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Veuillez augmenter l\'échelle car le schéma déborde la page';
$strSearch = 'Rechercher';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Effectuer une nouvelle recherche dans la base de données';
$strSearchInTables = 'Dans la(les) table(s) :';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Mot(s) ou Valeur à rechercher (passe-partout: "%") :';
$strSearchOption1 = 'au moins un mot';
$strSearchOption2 = 'tous les mots';
$strSearchOption3 = 'phrase exacte';
$strSearchOption4 = 'expression réguliére';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Résultats de la recherche de "<i>%s</i>" %s :';
$strSearchType = 'Type de recherche :';
$strSelect = 'Sélectionner';
$strSelectADb = 'Choisissez une base de données';
$strSelectAll = 'Tout sélectionner';
$strSelectFields = 'Choisir les champs à afficher (au moins un)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'dans la requête';
$strSelectTables = 'Choisissez les tables';
$strSend = 'Transmettre';
$strServer = 'Serveur %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Choix du serveur';
$strServerVersion = 'Version du serveur';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Les différentes valeurs des champs de type enum/set sont à spécifier sous la forme \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Pour utiliser un caractère "\\" ou "\'" dans l\'une de ces valeurs, faites le précéder du caractère d\'échappement "\\" (par exemple \'\\\\xyz\' ou \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Afficher';
$strShowAll = 'Tout afficher';
$strShowColor = 'Couleurs';
$strShowCols = 'Afficher les colonnes';
$strShowGrid = 'Grille';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Afficher les informations relatives à PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Dimension des tables';
$strShowTables = 'Afficher les tables';
$strShowThisQuery = 'Réafficher la requête après exécution';
$strShowingRecords = 'Affichage des enregistrements';
$strSingly = '(à refaire après insertions/destructions)';
$strSize = 'Taille';
$strSort = 'Tri';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Espace utilisé';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Séparer les mots par un espace (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Information';
$strStrucCSV = 'Données CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Structure et données';
$strStrucDrop = 'Ajouter des énoncés "drop table"';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'Données CSV pour Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Structure seule';
$strStructPropose = 'Suggérer des optimisations quant à la structure de la table';
$strStructure = 'Structure';
$strSubmit = 'Exécuter';
$strSuccess = 'Votre requête SQL a été exécutée avec succès';
$strSum = 'Somme';
$strTable = 'Table';
$strTableComments = 'Commentaires sur la table';
$strTableEmpty = 'Le nom de la table est vide';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'La table %s a été effacée';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'La table %s a été vidée';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'La table %s a été rechargée';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Maintenance de la table';
$strTableStructure = 'Structure de la table';
$strTableType = 'Table en format';
$strTables = '%s table(s)';
$strTextAreaLength = 'Il est possible que ce champ<br />ne soit pas éditable<br />en raison de sa longueur';
$strTheContent = 'Le contenu de votre fichier a été inséré.';
$strTheContents = 'Le contenu du fichier remplacera le contenu de la table pour les enregistrements ayant une valeur de clé primaire ou unique identique.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Le caractère qui sépare chacun des champs.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strTotalUC = 'Total';
$strType = 'Type';
$strUncheckAll = 'Tout décocher';
$strUnique = 'Unique';
$strUnselectAll = 'Tout déselectionner';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Vous avez modifié les privilèges pour %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Modifier le profil :';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Le profil a été modifié.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Mise-à-jour de la requête';
$strUsage = 'Espace';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Protéger les noms des tables et des champs par des "`"';
$strUseTables = 'Utiliser les tables';
$strUser = 'Utilisateur';
$strUserEmpty = 'Le nom d\'utilisateur est vide';
$strUserName = 'Nom d\'utilisateur';
$strUsers = 'Utilisateurs et privilèges';
$strValidateSQL = 'Valider SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'Le validateur SQL n\'a pas pu être initialisé. Vérifiez que les extensions PHP nécessaires ont bien été installées (voir la %sdocumentation%s).';
$strValue = 'Valeur';
$strViewDump = '<b>Afficher le schéma</b> de la table';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Afficher le schéma de la base ';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'répertoire de transfert du serveur Web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Le répertoire de transfert est inaccessible';
$strWelcome = 'Bienvenue à %s ';
$strWithChecked = 'Pour la sélection :';
$strWrongUser = 'Erreur d\'utilisateur/mot de passe. Accès refusé';
$strYes = 'Oui';
$strZip = '"zippé"';
@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.41 2002/11/28 09:15:29 rabus Exp $ */
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ' ';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Octets', 'Ko', 'Mo', 'Go');
$day_of_week = array('Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi');
$month = array('Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre');
// Voir pour la variable
// ci-dessous
$datefmt = '%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Une clé primaire a été ajoutée sur %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Accès refusé';
$strAction = 'Action';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Ajouter/effacer x colonne(s)';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Ajouter/effacer x ligne(s)';
$strAddNewField = 'Ajouter un champ';
$strAddPriv = 'Ajouter un privilège';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Vous avez ajouté un privilège';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Critères de recherche (pour l\'énoncé "where"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Ajouter à la clef %s colonne(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Ajouter un utilisateur';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Vous avez ajouté un utilisateur';
$strAffectedRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements affectés :';
$strAfter = 'Après %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Retourner à la page précédente';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Insérer un nouvel enregistrement';
$strAll = 'Tout';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Afficher toutes les tables avec une largeur identique';
$strAlterOrderBy = '<b>Ordonner</b> la table par';
$strAnIndex = 'Un index a été ajouté sur %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analyser la table';
$strAnd = 'et';
$strAny = 'N\'importe quel';
$strAnyColumn = 'Toute colonne';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Toute base de données';
$strAnyHost = 'Tout serveur';
$strAnyTable = 'Toute table';
$strAnyUser = 'Tout utilisateur';
$strAscending = 'Croissant';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'En début de Table';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'En fin de Table';
$strAttr = 'Attributs';
$strBack = 'Retour';
$strBeginCut = 'Début de la section à couper';
$strBeginRaw = 'Début des informations sur l\'anomalie';
$strBinary = 'Binaire';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binaire - ne pas éditer';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Le bookmark a été effacé.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Intitulé';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Requêtes bookmarkées';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Bookmarker cette requête';
$strBookmarkView = 'Voir uniquement';
$strBrowse = 'Afficher';
$strBzip = '"bzippé"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'ne peux charger l\'extension MySQL,<br />vérifiez la configuration PHP';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Erreur lors du chargement de l\'extension iconv ou recode, utilisée pour convertir le jeu de caractères; veuillez activer l\'une de ces extensions dans PHP, ou désactiver la conversion des jeux de caractères dans phpMyAdmin';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'La clef ne peut être renommée PRIMARY !';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Erreur lors de l\'utilisation de iconv, libiconv et recode_string, alors que ces extensions semblent chargées. Veuillez vérifier votre configuration de PHP.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalité';
$strCarriage = 'Retour de chariot : \\r';
$strChange = 'Modifier';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Champ à afficher';
$strChangePassword = 'Modifier le mot de passe';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Jeu de caractères du fichier:';
$strCheckAll = 'Tout cocher';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Afficher les privilèges sur';
$strCheckTable = 'Vérifier la table';
$strChoosePage = 'Page à éditer';
$strColComFeat = 'Commentaires de colonnes';
$strColumn = 'Colonne';
$strColumnNames = 'Nom des colonnes';
$strComments = 'Commentaires';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Insertions complètes';
$strCompression = 'Compression';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin n\'a pu lire votre fichier de configuration!<br />Il est possible qu\'il contienne une erreur de syntaxe, ou que PHP soit incapable de le trouver<br />À l\'aide du lien suivant, vous pouvez vérifier le message d\'erreur généré par PHP;<br />la plupart du temps, un apostrophe ou un point-virgule sont manquants.<br />Si vous recevez une page blanche, aucune erreur n\'a été détectée.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Les coordonnées de la table %s n\'ont pas été configurées';
$strConfirm = 'Veuillez confirmer';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Vous devez accepter les cookies pour poursuivre.';
$strCopyTable = '<b>Copier</b> la table vers (base<b>.</b>table) :';
$strCopyTableOK = 'La table %s a été copiée vers %s.';
$strCreate = 'Créer';
$strCreateIndex = 'Créer une clef sur %s colonne(s)';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Créer un nouvelle clef';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Créer une base de données';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Créer une nouvelle table sur la base %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Créer une page';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Génération de schémas en PDF';
$strCriteria = 'Critère';
$strData = 'Données';
$strDataDict = 'Dictionnaire de données';
$strDataOnly = 'Données seulement';
$strDatabase = 'Base de données';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'La base de données %s a été effacée.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Base de données (passepartout autorisé):';
$strDatabases = 'bases de données';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistiques sur les bases de données';
$strDefault = 'Défaut';
$strDelete = 'Effacer';
$strDeleteFailed = 'L\'effacement a échoué';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Vous avez effacé l\'utilisateur %s.';
$strDeleted = 'L\'enregistrement a été effacé';
$strDeletedRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements effacés :';
$strDescending = 'Décroissant';
$strDisabled = 'désactivé';
$strDisplay = 'Montrer';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Affichage infobulle';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Ordre d\'affichage :';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Afficher le schéma en PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Recherche par valeur (passepartout: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Voulez-vous vraiment effectuer ';
$strDocu = 'Documentation';
$strDrop = 'Supprimer';
$strDropDB = 'Supprimer la base %s';
$strDropTable = 'Supprimer la table';
$strDumpXRows = 'Exporte %s enregistrement(s) à partir du rang n° %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Contenu de la table';
$strDynamic = 'dynamique';
$strEdit = 'Modifier';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Préparer le schéma en PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Changer les privilèges';
$strEffective = 'effectif';
$strEmpty = 'Vider';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL n\'a retourné aucun enregistrement.';
$strEnabled = 'activé';
$strEnd = 'Fin';
$strEndCut = 'Fin de la section à couper';
$strEndRaw = 'Fin des informations sur l\'anomalie';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Veuillez noter que les noms de privilèges sont exprimés en anglais';
$strError = 'Erreur';
$strExplain = 'Expliquer SQL';
$strExport = 'Exporter';
$strExportToXML = 'Exporter en format XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Insertions étendues';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Champ';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Le champ %s a été effacé';
$strFields = 'Champs';
$strFieldsEmpty = 'Il faut indiquer le nombre de champs';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Champs entourés par';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Caractère spécial';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Champs terminés par';
$strFixed = 'fixe';
$strFlushTable = 'Recharger la table ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Formulaire incomplet !';
$strFormat = 'format';
$strFullText = 'Textes complets';
$strFunction = 'Fonction';
$strGenBy = 'Généré par';
$strGenTime = 'Généré le ';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Fonctions relationnelles';
$strGo = 'Exécuter';
$strGrants = 'Autres privilèges';
$strGzip = '"gzippé"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'a été modifié(e).';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'a été créé(e).';
$strHaveToShow = 'Vous devez choisir au moins une colonne à afficher';
$strHome = 'Accueil';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Site officiel de phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Page de Téléchargement phpMyAdmin sur Sourceforge';
$strHost = 'Serveur';
$strHostEmpty = 'Le nom de serveur est vide';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Texte entier';
$strIfYouWish = 'Si vous désirez ne charger que certaines colonnes, indiquez leurs noms, séparés par des virgules.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorer';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importer des fichiers docSQL';
$strInUse = 'utilisé';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'L\'index %s a été effacé';
$strIndexName = 'Nom de la clef :';
$strIndexType = 'Type de clef :';
$strIndexes = 'Index';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Votre fichier de configuration fait référence à l\'utilisateur root sans mot de passe, ce qui correspond à la valeur par défaut de MySQL. Votre serveur MySQL est donc ouvert aux intrusions, et vous devriez corriger ce problème de sécurité.';
$strInsert = 'Insérer';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Insérer en tant que nouvel enregistrement';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Insérer un nouvel enregistrement';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Insérer des données provenant d\'un fichier texte dans la table';
$strInsertedRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements insérés :';
$strInstructions = 'Instructions';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" est un mot réservé, il ne peut être utilisé comme nom de base/table/champ.';
$strKeepPass = 'Conserver le mot de passe';
$strKeyname = 'Nom de la clé';
$strKill = 'Supprimer';
$strLength = 'Long.';
$strLengthSet = 'Taille/Valeurs*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Nombre d\'enregistrements par page';
$strLineFeed = 'Saut de ligne : \\n';
$strLines = 'Lignes';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Lignes terminées par';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Lien absent';
$strLinksTo = 'Relié à';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Emplacement du fichier texte';
$strLogPassword = 'Mot de passe :';
$strLogUsername = 'Nom d\'utilisateur :';
$strLogin = 'Connexion';
$strLogout = 'Quitter';
$strMissingBracket = 'Parenthèse manquante';
$strModifications = 'Les modifications ont été sauvegardées.';
$strModify = 'Modifier';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modifier une clef';
$strMoveTable = '<b>Déplacer</b> la table vers (base<b>.</b>table) :';
$strMoveTableOK = 'La table %s a été déplacée vers %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Jeu de caractères pour MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL rechargé.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL a répondu:';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% sur le serveur %pma_s2% - utilisateur : %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Afficher les processus';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Afficher l\'état du serveur MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Afficher les variables du serveur MySQL';
$strName = 'Nom';
$strNext = 'Suivant';
$strNo = 'Non';
$strNoDatabases = 'Aucune base de données';
$strNoDescription = 'pas de description';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'La commande "DROP DATABASE" est désactivée.';
$strNoExplain = 'Ne pas expliquer SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'L\'utilisation de phpMyAdmin est plus aisée avec un navigateur <b>supportant les "frames"</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Aucune clef n\'est définie !';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Aucune colonne n\'a été définie pour cette clef !';
$strNoModification = 'Pas de modifications';
$strNoPassword = 'aucun mot de passe';
$strNoPhp = 'Sans source PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'aucun privilège';
$strNoQuery = 'Aucune requête SQL !';
$strNoRights = 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Aucune table n\'a été trouvée dans cette base.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Il n\'y a aucun utilisateur';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Ne pas valider SQL';
$strNone = 'aucune';
$strNotNumber = 'Ce n\'est pas un nombre !';
$strNotOK = 'en erreur';
$strNotSet = 'La table <b>%s</b> est absente ou non définie dans %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' n\'est pas un nombre valide !';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s occurence(s) dans la table <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total :</b> <i>%s</i> occurence(s)';
$strNumTables = 'Tables';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Souvent des guillemets. OPTIONNEL signifie que seuls les champs de type char et varchar sont entourés par ce caractère.';
$strOperations = 'Opérations';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiser la table';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optionnel. Indique le caractère qui permet d\'enlever l\'effet des caractères spéciaux.';
$strOptionally = 'OPTIONNEL';
$strOptions = 'Options';
$strOr = 'Ou';
$strOverhead = 'Perte';
$strPHP40203 = 'Vous utilisez PHP 4.2.3, et cette version a un sérieux problème avec les caractères multi-octets (mbstring), tel que décrit sur le rapport d\'anomalies 19404 chez PHP. Il n\'est pas recommandé d\'utiliser cette version de PHP avec phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Version de PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Page n°:';
$strPartialText = 'Textes réduits';
$strPassword = 'Mot de passe';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Le mot de passe est vide';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Les mots de passe doivent être identiques';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema de la base "%s" - Page %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Numéro de page PDF non défini !';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'La table "%s" n\'existe pas !';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Pas de table !';
$strPhp = 'Créer source PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentation de phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'Le paramètre <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> DOIT être renseigné dans votre fichier de configuration !';
$strPos1 = 'Début';
$strPrevious = 'Précédent';
$strPrimary = 'Primaire';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Clé primaire';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'La clé primaire a été effacée';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Le nom d\'une clef primaire doit être PRIMARY !';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>doit et ne peut être</b> que le nom d\'une clef primaire !)';
$strPrint = 'Imprimer';
$strPrintView = 'Version imprimable';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilèges';
$strProperties = 'Propriétés';
$strPutColNames = 'Afficher les noms de champ en première ligne';
$strQBE = 'Requête';
$strQBEDel = 'Effacer';
$strQBEIns = 'Ajouter';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Requête SQL sur la base <b>%s</b> :';
$strReType = 'Entrer à nouveau';
$strRecords = 'Enregistrements';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Vérifier l\'intégrité référentielle';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Certaines fonctionnalités ayant trait aux tables reliées sont désactivées. Pour une analyse du problème, cliquez %sici%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Gestion des relations';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL n\'a pu être rechargé.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Recharger MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'N\'oubliez pas de recharger MySQL';
$strRenameTable = '<b>Changer le nom</b> de la table pour';
$strRenameTableOK = 'La table %s se nomme maintenant %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Réparer la table';
$strReplace = 'Remplacer';
$strReplaceTable = 'Remplacer les données de la table avec le fichier';
$strReset = 'Réinitialiser les valeurs';
$strRevoke = 'Révoquer';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Révoquer "grant option"';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Vous avez révoqué "grant option" pour %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Vous avez révoqué les privilèges pour %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Révoquer les privilèges';
$strRowLength = 'Longueur enr.';
$strRowSize = ' Taille enr. ';
$strRows = 'Enregistrements';
$strRowsFrom = 'ligne(s) à partir de l\'enregistrement n°';
$strRowsModeHorizontal= 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions= 'en mode %s et répéter les en-têtes à chaque groupe de %s';
$strRowsModeVertical= 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Statistiques';
$strRunQuery = 'Exécuter la requête';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Exécuter une ou des <b>requêtes</b> sur la base %s';
$strRunning = 'sur le serveur %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Il semble que vous ayiez trouvé une anomalie dans l\'analyseur syntaxique SQL. Veuillez examiner votre requête attentivement, et vérifier que vos apostrophes sont conformes. Il se pourrait aussi que vous ayiez chargé un fichier dont le contenu binaire n\'est pas entre apostrophes. Si vous avez accès à MySQL via son interface de commande en mode ligne, vous pouvez y essayer votre requête. Le message d\'erreur présenté plus bas pourrait vous indiquer la source du problème. En dernier recours, veuillez trouver la plus courte requête possible qui cause le problème, et soumettre un rapport d\'anomalie en incluant la section à couper:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Il semble qu\'il y ait une erreur dans votre requête SQL. Le message ci-bas peut vous aider à en trouver la cause.';
$strSQLQuery = 'requête SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Resultat de la requête SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Identificateur invalide';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Apostrophe non fermé';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Ponctuation invalide';
$strSave = 'Sauvegarder';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Veuillez augmenter l\'échelle car le schéma déborde la page';
$strSearch = 'Rechercher';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Effectuer une nouvelle recherche dans la base de données';
$strSearchInTables = 'Dans la(les) table(s) :';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Mot(s) ou Valeur à rechercher (passe-partout: "%") :';
$strSearchOption1 = 'au moins un mot';
$strSearchOption2 = 'tous les mots';
$strSearchOption3 = 'phrase exacte';
$strSearchOption4 = 'expression réguliére';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Résultats de la recherche de "<i>%s</i>" %s :';
$strSearchType = 'Type de recherche :';
$strSelect = 'Sélectionner';
$strSelectADb = 'Choisissez une base de données';
$strSelectAll = 'Tout sélectionner';
$strSelectFields = 'Choisir les champs à afficher (au moins un)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'dans la requête';
$strSelectTables = 'Choisissez les tables';
$strSend = 'Transmettre';
$strServer = 'Serveur %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Choix du serveur';
$strServerVersion = 'Version du serveur';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Les différentes valeurs des champs de type enum/set sont à spécifier sous la forme \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Pour utiliser un caractère "\\" ou "\'" dans l\'une de ces valeurs, faites le précéder du caractère d\'échappement "\\" (par exemple \'\\\\xyz\' ou \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Afficher';
$strShowAll = 'Tout afficher';
$strShowColor = 'Couleurs';
$strShowCols = 'Afficher les colonnes';
$strShowGrid = 'Grille';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Afficher les informations relatives à PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Dimension des tables';
$strShowTables = 'Afficher les tables';
$strShowThisQuery = 'Réafficher la requête après exécution';
$strShowingRecords = 'Affichage des enregistrements';
$strSingly = '(à refaire après insertions/destructions)';
$strSize = 'Taille';
$strSort = 'Tri';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Espace utilisé';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Séparer les mots par un espace (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Information';
$strStrucCSV = 'Données CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Structure et données';
$strStrucDrop = 'Ajouter des énoncés "drop table"';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'Données CSV pour Ms Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Structure seule';
$strStructPropose = 'Suggérer des optimisations quant à la structure de la table';
$strStructure = 'Structure';
$strSubmit = 'Exécuter';
$strSuccess = 'Votre requête SQL a été exécutée avec succès';
$strSum = 'Somme';
$strTable = 'Table';
$strTableComments = 'Commentaires sur la table';
$strTableEmpty = 'Le nom de la table est vide';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'La table %s a été effacée';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'La table %s a été vidée';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'La table %s a été rechargée';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Maintenance de la table';
$strTableStructure = 'Structure de la table';
$strTableType = 'Table en format';
$strTables = '%s table(s)';
$strTextAreaLength = 'Il est possible que ce champ<br />ne soit pas éditable<br />en raison de sa longueur';
$strTheContent = 'Le contenu de votre fichier a été inséré.';
$strTheContents = 'Le contenu du fichier remplacera le contenu de la table pour les enregistrements ayant une valeur de clé primaire ou unique identique.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Le caractère qui sépare chacun des champs.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strTotalUC = 'Total';
$strType = 'Type';
$strUncheckAll = 'Tout décocher';
$strUnique = 'Unique';
$strUnselectAll = 'Tout déselectionner';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Vous avez modifié les privilèges pour %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Modifier le profil :';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Le profil a été modifié.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Mise-à-jour de la requête';
$strUsage = 'Espace';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Protéger les noms des tables et des champs par des "`"';
$strUseTables = 'Utiliser les tables';
$strUser = 'Utilisateur';
$strUserEmpty = 'Le nom d\'utilisateur est vide';
$strUserName = 'Nom d\'utilisateur';
$strUsers = 'Utilisateurs et privilèges';
$strValidateSQL = 'Valider SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'Le validateur SQL n\'a pas pu être initialisé. Vérifiez que les extensions PHP nécessaires ont bien été installées (voir la %sdocumentation%s).';
$strValue = 'Valeur';
$strViewDump = '<b>Afficher le schéma</b> de la table';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Afficher le schéma de la base ';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'répertoire de transfert du serveur Web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Le répertoire de transfert est inaccessible';
$strWelcome = 'Bienvenue à %s ';
$strWithChecked = 'Pour la sélection :';
$strWrongUser = 'Erreur d\'utilisateur/mot de passe. Accès refusé';
$strYes = 'Oui';
$strZip = '"zippé"';
@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.38 2002/11/28 09:15:29 rabus Exp $ */
* Translated by Xosé Calvo <xosecalvo at>
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Adicionouse unha chave primaria a %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Acceso Negado';
$strAction = 'Acción';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Adicionar/Eliminar columnas de campo';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Adicionar/Eliminar filas de criterios';
$strAddNewField = 'Adicionar un novo campo';
$strAddPriv = 'Adicionar un novo privilexio';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Privilexio adicionado.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Condición da pesquisa (ou sexa, o complemento da cláusula "WHERE"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Adicionar ao índice %s coluna(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Adicionar un novo usuario';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Usuario adicionado.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Filas que van ser afectadas:';
$strAfter = 'Despois de %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Voltar';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Inserir un novo rexistro';
$strAll = 'Todos';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'mostrar todas as tabelas co mesmo ancho?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Ordenar a tabela por';
$strAnIndex = 'Adicionouse un índice a %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analizar a tabela';
$strAnd = 'E';
$strAny = 'Calquer';
$strAnyColumn = 'Calquer columna';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Calquer banco de datos';
$strAnyHost = 'Calquer servidor';
$strAnyTable = 'Calquer tabela';
$strAnyUser = 'Calquer usuario';
$strAscending = 'Ascendente';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'No comezo da tabela';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Ao final da tabela';
$strAttr = 'Atributos';
$strBack = 'Voltar';
$strBeginCut = 'COMEZA O RECORTE';
$strBeginRaw = 'COMEZA O TEXTO SIMPLE ("RAW")';
$strBinary = ' Binario ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit= ' Binario - non editar ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Eliminouse o marcador.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Nome';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'A procura de SQL foi gardada';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Gardar esta procura de SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Só visualizar';
$strBrowse = 'Visualizar';
$strBzip = 'comprimido no formato "bzipped"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'Non foi posible carregar a extensión do MySQL;<br>comprobe, por favor, a configuración do PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Non se puido carregar iconv ou precísase da extensión recode para a conversión do charset. Configure o php para que se poidan usar estas extensións ou indique que non se use a conversión de charset en phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Non se pode facer que este índice sexa PRIMARIO!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Non se puido usar nen iconv nen libiconv nen a función recode_stringf mentres haxa extensións por carregar. Comprobe a súa configuración do php.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalidade';
$strCarriage = 'Carácter de retorno: \\r';
$strChange = 'Mudar';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Escolla o campo que se há de mostrar';
$strChangePassword = 'Trocar o contrasinal';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Conxunto de caracteres do ficheiro:';
$strCheckAll = 'Marcá-los todos';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Verificar os privilexios do banco de datos';
$strCheckTable = 'Verificar a tabela';
$strChoosePage = 'Escolla unha páxina para modificar';
$strColComFeat = 'Mostrando os comentarios das columnas';
$strColumn = 'Columna';
$strColumnNames = 'Nomes das Columnas';
$strComments = 'Comentarios';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Insercións completas';
$strCompression = 'Compresión';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin non puido ler o seu ficheiro de configuración<br/>Isto podería deberse a que php atopou un erro nel ou a que php non puido atopar o ficheiro.<br/>Invoque o ficheiro de configuración directamente mediante o vínculo que hai máis abaixo e lea a mensaxe de erro de php que receba. Na maioría dos casos simplesmente faltan unha aspa ou un ponto e vírcula <br/>Se recebe unha páxina en branco é que todo está ben.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Configure as coordenadas da tabela %s';
$strConfirm = 'Está seguro/a?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'A partir de aqui debe permitir cookies.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copiar a tabela a (base_de_datos<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabela \$table copiada para \$new_name.';
$strCreate = 'Crear';
$strCreateIndex = 'Crear un índice en %s colunas';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Crear un novo índice';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Crear un novo banco de datos';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Crear unha tabela nova na base de datos %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Crear unha páxina nova';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creación de PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Criterio';
$strData = 'Datos';
$strDataDict = 'Diccionario de datos';
$strDataOnly = 'Só os datos';
$strDatabase = 'Banco de Datos ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'A base de datos %s foi eliminada.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Base de datos (permítese usar os comodíns):';
$strDatabases = 'Bancos de Datos';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Estatísticas dos bancos de datos';
$strDefault = 'Padrón';
$strDelete = 'Eliminar';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Non foi posible eliminar!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Acaba de eliminar o usuario %s.';
$strDeleted = 'Rexistro eliminado';
$strDeletedRows = 'Filas borradas:';
$strDescending = 'Descendente';
$strDisabled = 'Desactivado';
$strDisplay = 'Mostrar';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Mostrar as características';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Mostrar en orde:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Mostrar o esquema PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Faga unha "procura por exemplo" (o comodín é "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Seguro? ';
$strDocu = 'Documentación';
$strDrop = 'Eliminar';
$strDropDB = 'Elimina o banco de datos %s';
$strDropTable = 'Eliminar a tabela';
$strDumpXRows = 'Pór %s filas a partir da fila %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Extraindo datos da tabela';
$strDynamic = 'dinámico';
$strEdit = 'Modificar';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Editar as páxinas PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Modificar privilexios';
$strEffective = 'Efectivo';
$strEmpty = 'Borrar';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL retornou um conxunto vacío (ex. cero rexistros).';
$strEnabled = 'Activado';
$strEnd = 'Fin';
$strEndCut = 'FIN DO RECORTE';
$strEndRaw = 'FIN DO TEXTO SIMPLE ("RAW")';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: os nomes de privilexios do MySQL están en inglés';
$strError = 'Erro';
$strExplain = 'Explicar SQL';
$strExport = 'Exportar';
$strExportToXML = 'Exportar no formato XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Insercións extendidas';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Campo';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse o campo %s';
$strFields = 'Campos';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' O reconto de campos di que non hai nengún! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Os campos delimítanse con';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Os campos escápanse con';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Os campos rematan por';
$strFixed = 'fixo';
$strFlushTable = 'Fechar a tabela ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Falta un valor no formulario!';
$strFormat = 'Formato';
$strFullText = 'Textos completos';
$strFunction = 'Funcións';
$strGenBy = 'Xerado por';
$strGenTime = 'Xerado en';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Características xerais das relacións';
$strGo = 'Executar';
$strGrants = 'Conceder';
$strGzip = 'comprimido no formato "gzipped"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'foi alterado.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'foi creado.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Ten que escoller polo menos unha columna para mostrar';
$strHome = 'Comezo ("Home")';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Páxina Oficial do phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Páxina do phpMyAdmin en Sourceforge';
$strHost = 'Servidor';
$strHostEmpty = 'O nome do servidor está vacío!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Texto completo';
$strIfYouWish = 'Para carregar só algunhas columnas da tabela, faga unha lista separada por vírgulas.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorar';
$strInUse = 'en uso';
$strIndex = 'Índice';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse o índice %s';
$strIndexName = 'Nome do índice :';
$strIndexType = 'Tipo de índice :';
$strIndexes = 'Índices';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'O seu ficheiro de configuración contén axustes (en concreto, o usuário root non ten contrasinal) que corresponden coa conta con todos os privilexios que MySQL fai por omisión. O seu servidor de MySQL está a rodar con esta configuración, está aberto a intrusións e habería que mirar de solucionar este problema de seguranza.';
$strInsert = 'Inserir';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Inserir unha nova columna';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Inserir un novo rexistro';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Inserir un arquivo de texto na tabela';
$strInsertedRows = 'Filas inseridas:';
$strInstructions = 'Instruccións';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" i unha palabra reservada. Non se pode utilizar como nome dun banco de datos, dunha tabela ou dun campo.';
$strKeepPass = 'Non mude o contrasinal';
$strKeyname = 'Nome chave';
$strKill = 'Matar (kill)';
$strLength = 'Tamaño';
$strLengthSet = 'Tamaño/Definir*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Número de rexistros por páxina';
$strLineFeed = 'Carácter de alimentación de liña: \\n';
$strLines = 'Liñas';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'As liñas rematan por';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Non se atopou o vínculo';
$strLinksTo = 'Vincúlase con';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Localización do arquivo de texto';
$strLogPassword = 'Contrasinal:';
$strLogUsername = 'Nome de usuario:';
$strLogin = 'Entrada (login)';
$strLogout = 'Sair';
$strMissingBracket = 'Falta un paréntese';
$strModifications = 'As modificacións foron gardadas';
$strModify = 'Modificar';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modificar un índice';
$strMoveTable = 'Mover a tabela a (base_de_datos<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Moveuse a tabela %s para %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Código de caracteres (Charset) MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reiniciado.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'Mensaxes do MySQL: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% a rodar no servidor %pma_s2% como %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Mostrar os procesos';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Mostrar información de tempo de execución do MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Mostrar as variables de sistema do MySQL';
$strName = 'Nome';
$strNext = 'Seguinte';
$strNo = 'Non';
$strNoDatabases = 'Non hai nengún banco de datos';
$strNoDescription = 'sen descrición';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Os comandos "Eliminar banco de datos" non están permitidos.';
$strNoExplain = 'Saltar a explicacion de SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin usa-se mellor cun navegador que <b>acepte molduras</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Non se definiu un índice';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Non se definiron partes do índice';
$strNoModification = 'Sen cambios';
$strNoPassword = 'Sen Contrasinal';
$strNoPhp = 'sen código PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Sen Privilexios';
$strNoQuery = 'Non hai procura SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'Non ten direitos suficientes para estar aquí agora!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Non se achou nengunha tabela no banco de datos';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Non se achou nengun(s) usuario(s).';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Saltarse a validacion de';
$strNone = 'Nengun';
$strNotNumber = 'Non é un número!';
$strNotOK = 'non conforme';
$strNotSet = 'Non se atopou a tabela <b>%s</b>ou non se indicou en %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' non é un número válido para unha fila!';
$strNull = 'Nulo';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s ocorrencias(s) dentro da tabela <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> ocorrencia(s)';
$strOK = 'Conforme';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Xeralmente son aspas. OPCIONAL significa que só os campos de caracteres son delimitados por caracteres "delimitadores"';
$strOperations = 'Operacións';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimizar a tabela';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opcional. Controla como se han de ler e escreber os caracteres especiais.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONAL';
$strOptions = 'Opcións';
$strOr = 'ou';
$strOverhead = 'De máis (Overhead)';
$strPHP40203 = 'Está a usar PHP 4.2.3, que contén un erro importante relacionado coas cadeas multi-byte (mbstring). Consulte o informe de erros número 19404. Non se recomenda usar esta versión do PHP co phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Versión do PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Número de páxina:';
$strPartialText = 'Textos parciais';
$strPassword = 'Contrasinal';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'O contrasinal está vacío!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Os contrasinais non son os mesmos!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Esquema da base de datos "%s" - Páxina %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'O número de páxina PDF non está definido';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Non existe a tabela "%s".';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Sen tabelas';
$strPhp = 'Crear código PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentación do phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'A directiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> DEBE estar asignada no seu ficheiro de configuración.';
$strPos1 = 'Inicio';
$strPrevious = 'Anterior';
$strPrimary = 'Primaria';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Chave primaria';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse a chave primaria';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'O nome da chave primaria debe ser... PRIMARIA';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARIA" <b>debe</b> ser o nome de e <b>só de</b> unha chave primaria)';
$strPrint = 'Imprimir';
$strPrintView = 'Visualización previa da impresión';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilexios';
$strProperties = 'Propiedades';
$strPutColNames = 'Pór os nomes dos campos na primeira fileira';
$strQBE = 'Procurar pondo un exemplo ("QBE")';
$strQBEDel = 'Eliminar';
$strQBEIns = 'Inserir';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Procura tipo SQL no banco de datos <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Reescreber';
$strRecords = 'Rexistros';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Comprobar a integridade das referencias:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Desactivouse a funcionalidade adicional para o traballo con tabelas vinculadas. Para saber o por que, faga click%saquí%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Vista das relacións';
$strReloadFailed = 'A reinicialización do MySQL fallou.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Reinicializar o MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Lembre-se recarregar o servidor.';
$strRenameTable = 'Renomear a tabela para';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabela \$table renomeada para \$new_name';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparar a tabela';
$strReplace = 'Substituir';
$strReplaceTable = 'Substituir os datos da tabela polos do ficheiro';
$strReset = 'Reiniciar';
$strRevoke = 'Revogar';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revogar privilexio de conceder';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Retirou-lle o privilexio de Permitir a %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Retirou-lle os privilexios a %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revogar privilexios';
$strRowLength = 'Lonxitude da fila';
$strRowSize= ' Tamaño da fila ';
$strRows = 'Filas';
$strRowsFrom = 'filas, a comezar da';
$strRowsModeHorizontal= 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions= 'en modo %s e repetir os cabezallos de cada %s celas';
$strRowsModeVertical= 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Estatistícas da Fila';
$strRunQuery = 'Enviar esta procura';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Efectuar unha procura SQL na base de datos %s';
$strRunning = 'a rodar no servidor %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Cabe a posibilidade de que atopase un erro no procesador de SQL. Examine a súa pesquisa con atención e comprobe que as aspas son correctas e que teñen o seu par. Outras causas posibles póden-se deber a que tentase enviar un ficheiro con binario fora dunha área de texto entre aspas. Tamén pode tentar facer a súa pesquisa na liña de comandos de MySQL. A mensaxe de erro que lle envía o servidor de MySQL e que aparece máis abaixo (de habela) tamén o pode axudar a diagnosticar o problema. Se persisten os erros ou se o procesador falla cando mesmo a liña de comandos vai ben,reduza o texto da pesquisa à parte concreta que produce o erro e envíe unha mensaxe de erro co texto da sección RECORTE que aparece a continuación:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Parece que houbo un problema na súa pesquisa en SQL. Se máis abaixo aparece unha mensaxe de erro do servidor de MySQL, isto pode axudar a diagnosticar o problema';
$strSQLQuery = 'comando SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Resultado SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'O identificador non é válido';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Falta pór a aspa final';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Hai unha secuencia de puntuación que resulta descoñecida';
$strSave = 'Gardar';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'O factor de reducción é demasiado pequeno para que o esquema caiba nunha única páxina';
$strSearch = 'Procurar';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Procurar na base de datos';
$strSearchInTables = 'Dentro da(s) tabela(s):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Palabras(s) ou valore(s) a procurar (o comodín é: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'polo menos unha das palabras';
$strSearchOption2 = 'todas as palabras';
$strSearchOption3 = 'a frase exacta';
$strSearchOption4 = 'como expresión regular';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Procurar os resultados para "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Atopar:';
$strSelect = 'Procurar';
$strSelectADb = 'Seleccione unha base de dados';
$strSelectAll = 'Seleccionar todo';
$strSelectFields = 'Seleccione os campos (mínimo 1)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'a procurar';
$strSelectTables = 'Seleccionar tabelas';
$strSend = 'Enviar <I>(gravar nun ficheiro)</I><br>';
$strServer = 'Servidor %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Escolla de Servidor';
$strServerVersion = 'Versión do servidor';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Se o tipo de campo é "enum" ou "set", introduza os valores usando este formato: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Se precisar pór unha barra invertida (" \ ") ou aspas simples (" \' ") entre estes valores, preceda a barra e as aspas de barras invertidas (por exemplo \'\\\\xyz\' ou \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Mostrar';
$strShowAll = 'Ver todos os rexistros';
$strShowColor = 'Mostrar a cor';
$strShowCols = 'Mostrar as columnas';
$strShowGrid = 'Mostrar a grella';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Mostrar información sobre o PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Mostrar a dimensión das tabelas';
$strShowTables = 'Mostrar as tabelas';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Mostrar esta procura aquí outra vez ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Mostrando rexistros ';
$strSingly = 'a refacer logo de insercións e destrucións (shingly)';
$strSize = 'Tamaño';
$strSort = 'Ordenar';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Uso do espazo';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'As palabras divídense cun carácter de espazo (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Informacións';
$strStrucCSV = 'Datos CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Estructura e datos';
$strStrucDrop = 'Adicionar \'Eliminar tabela anterior se existe\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV (para datos de Ms Excel)';
$strStrucOnly = 'Só a estructura';
$strStructPropose = 'Propor unha estructura para a tabela';
$strStructure = 'Estructura';
$strSubmit = 'Submeter';
$strSuccess = 'O seu comando de SQL executou-se com éxito';
$strSum = 'Suma';
$strTable = 'Tabela';
$strTableComments = 'Comentarios da tabela';
$strTableEmpty = 'O nome da tabela está vacío!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse a tabela %s';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Vaciouse a tabela %s';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Fechouse a tabela %s';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabela de manutención';
$strTableStructure = 'Estructura da tabela';
$strTableType = 'Tipo da tabela';
$strTables = '%s tabela(s)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Por causa da sua lonxitude,<br> este campo pode non ser editable ';
$strTheContent = 'O conteúdo do seu arquivo foi inserido';
$strTheContents = 'O conteúdo do arquivo substituíu o conteúdo da tabela que tiña a mesma chave primaria ou única';
$strTheTerminator = 'O carácter que separa os campos.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Tipo';
$strUncheckAll = 'Quitar-lles as marcas a todos';
$strUnique = 'Único';
$strUnselectAll = 'Non seleccionar nada';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Acaba de actualizar os privilexios de %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Actualizar o perfil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Actualizouse o perfil.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Actualizar a procura';
$strUsage = 'Uso';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Protexer os nomes das tabelas e dos campos con " ` "';
$strUseTables = 'Usar as tabelas';
$strUser = 'Usuario';
$strUserEmpty = 'O nome do usuario está vacío!';
$strUserName = 'Nome do usuario';
$strUsers = 'Usuarios';
$strValidateSQL = 'Validar SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'Non foi posible iniciar o comprobador de SQL. Comprobe que ten instaladas todas as extensións de php tal e como se descrebe na %sdocumentación%s.';
$strValue = 'Valor';
$strViewDump = 'Ver o esquema do volcado da tabela';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Ver o esquema do volcado do banco de datos';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'directorio de subida (upload) do servidor web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Non se pode acceder ao directorio que designou para as subidas (upload)';
$strWelcome = 'Benvida/o a %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Todos os marcados';
$strWrongUser = 'Usuario ou contrasinal errado. Acceso negado.';
$strYes = 'Si';
$strZip = 'comprimido no formato "zipped"';
// To translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.38 2002/11/28 09:15:29 rabus Exp $ */
* Translated by Xosé Calvo <xosecalvo at>
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Adicionouse unha chave primaria a %s';
$strAccessDenied = 'Acceso Negado';
$strAction = 'Acción';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Adicionar/Eliminar columnas de campo';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Adicionar/Eliminar filas de criterios';
$strAddNewField = 'Adicionar un novo campo';
$strAddPriv = 'Adicionar un novo privilexio';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Privilexio adicionado.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Condición da pesquisa (ou sexa, o complemento da cláusula "WHERE"):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Adicionar ao índice %s coluna(s)';
$strAddUser = 'Adicionar un novo usuario';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Usuario adicionado.';
$strAffectedRows = 'Filas que van ser afectadas:';
$strAfter = 'Despois de %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Voltar';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Inserir un novo rexistro';
$strAll = 'Todos';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'mostrar todas as tabelas co mesmo ancho?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Ordenar a tabela por';
$strAnIndex = 'Adicionouse un índice a %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analizar a tabela';
$strAnd = 'E';
$strAny = 'Calquer';
$strAnyColumn = 'Calquer columna';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Calquer banco de datos';
$strAnyHost = 'Calquer servidor';
$strAnyTable = 'Calquer tabela';
$strAnyUser = 'Calquer usuario';
$strAscending = 'Ascendente';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'No comezo da tabela';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Ao final da tabela';
$strAttr = 'Atributos';
$strBack = 'Voltar';
$strBeginCut = 'COMEZA O RECORTE';
$strBeginRaw = 'COMEZA O TEXTO SIMPLE ("RAW")';
$strBinary = ' Binario ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit= ' Binario - non editar ';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Eliminouse o marcador.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Nome';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'A procura de SQL foi gardada';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Gardar esta procura de SQL';
$strBookmarkView = 'Só visualizar';
$strBrowse = 'Visualizar';
$strBzip = 'comprimido no formato "bzipped"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'Non foi posible carregar a extensión do MySQL;<br>comprobe, por favor, a configuración do PHP.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Non se puido carregar iconv ou precísase da extensión recode para a conversión do charset. Configure o php para que se poidan usar estas extensións ou indique que non se use a conversión de charset en phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Non se pode facer que este índice sexa PRIMARIO!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Non se puido usar nen iconv nen libiconv nen a función recode_stringf mentres haxa extensións por carregar. Comprobe a súa configuración do php.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinalidade';
$strCarriage = 'Carácter de retorno: \\r';
$strChange = 'Mudar';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Escolla o campo que se há de mostrar';
$strChangePassword = 'Trocar o contrasinal';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Conxunto de caracteres do ficheiro:';
$strCheckAll = 'Marcá-los todos';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Verificar os privilexios do banco de datos';
$strCheckTable = 'Verificar a tabela';
$strChoosePage = 'Escolla unha páxina para modificar';
$strColComFeat = 'Mostrando os comentarios das columnas';
$strColumn = 'Columna';
$strColumnNames = 'Nomes das Columnas';
$strComments = 'Comentarios';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Insercións completas';
$strCompression = 'Compresión';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin non puido ler o seu ficheiro de configuración<br/>Isto podería deberse a que php atopou un erro nel ou a que php non puido atopar o ficheiro.<br/>Invoque o ficheiro de configuración directamente mediante o vínculo que hai máis abaixo e lea a mensaxe de erro de php que receba. Na maioría dos casos simplesmente faltan unha aspa ou un ponto e vírcula <br/>Se recebe unha páxina en branco é que todo está ben.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Configure as coordenadas da tabela %s';
$strConfirm = 'Está seguro/a?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'A partir de aqui debe permitir cookies.';
$strCopyTable = 'Copiar a tabela a (base_de_datos<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabela \$table copiada para \$new_name.';
$strCreate = 'Crear';
$strCreateIndex = 'Crear un índice en %s colunas';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Crear un novo índice';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Crear un novo banco de datos';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Crear unha tabela nova na base de datos %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Crear unha páxina nova';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creación de PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Criterio';
$strData = 'Datos';
$strDataDict = 'Diccionario de datos';
$strDataOnly = 'Só os datos';
$strDatabase = 'Banco de Datos ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'A base de datos %s foi eliminada.';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Base de datos (permítese usar os comodíns):';
$strDatabases = 'Bancos de Datos';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Estatísticas dos bancos de datos';
$strDefault = 'Padrón';
$strDelete = 'Eliminar';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Non foi posible eliminar!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Acaba de eliminar o usuario %s.';
$strDeleted = 'Rexistro eliminado';
$strDeletedRows = 'Filas borradas:';
$strDescending = 'Descendente';
$strDisabled = 'Desactivado';
$strDisplay = 'Mostrar';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Mostrar as características';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Mostrar en orde:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Mostrar o esquema PDF';
$strDoAQuery = 'Faga unha "procura por exemplo" (o comodín é "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Seguro? ';
$strDocu = 'Documentación';
$strDrop = 'Eliminar';
$strDropDB = 'Elimina o banco de datos %s';
$strDropTable = 'Eliminar a tabela';
$strDumpXRows = 'Pór %s filas a partir da fila %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Extraindo datos da tabela';
$strDynamic = 'dinámico';
$strEdit = 'Modificar';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Editar as páxinas PDF';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Modificar privilexios';
$strEffective = 'Efectivo';
$strEmpty = 'Borrar';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL retornou um conxunto vacío (ex. cero rexistros).';
$strEnabled = 'Activado';
$strEnd = 'Fin';
$strEndCut = 'FIN DO RECORTE';
$strEndRaw = 'FIN DO TEXTO SIMPLE ("RAW")';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: os nomes de privilexios do MySQL están en inglés';
$strError = 'Erro';
$strExplain = 'Explicar SQL';
$strExport = 'Exportar';
$strExportToXML = 'Exportar no formato XML';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Insercións extendidas';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Campo';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse o campo %s';
$strFields = 'Campos';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' O reconto de campos di que non hai nengún! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Os campos delimítanse con';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Os campos escápanse con';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Os campos rematan por';
$strFixed = 'fixo';
$strFlushTable = 'Fechar a tabela ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Falta un valor no formulario!';
$strFormat = 'Formato';
$strFullText = 'Textos completos';
$strFunction = 'Funcións';
$strGenBy = 'Xerado por';
$strGenTime = 'Xerado en';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Características xerais das relacións';
$strGo = 'Executar';
$strGrants = 'Conceder';
$strGzip = 'comprimido no formato "gzipped"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'foi alterado.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'foi creado.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Ten que escoller polo menos unha columna para mostrar';
$strHome = 'Comezo ("Home")';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Páxina Oficial do phpMyAdmin';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Páxina do phpMyAdmin en Sourceforge';
$strHost = 'Servidor';
$strHostEmpty = 'O nome do servidor está vacío!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Texto completo';
$strIfYouWish = 'Para carregar só algunhas columnas da tabela, faga unha lista separada por vírgulas.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorar';
$strInUse = 'en uso';
$strIndex = 'Índice';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse o índice %s';
$strIndexName = 'Nome do índice :';
$strIndexType = 'Tipo de índice :';
$strIndexes = 'Índices';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'O seu ficheiro de configuración contén axustes (en concreto, o usuário root non ten contrasinal) que corresponden coa conta con todos os privilexios que MySQL fai por omisión. O seu servidor de MySQL está a rodar con esta configuración, está aberto a intrusións e habería que mirar de solucionar este problema de seguranza.';
$strInsert = 'Inserir';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Inserir unha nova columna';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Inserir un novo rexistro';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Inserir un arquivo de texto na tabela';
$strInsertedRows = 'Filas inseridas:';
$strInstructions = 'Instruccións';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" i unha palabra reservada. Non se pode utilizar como nome dun banco de datos, dunha tabela ou dun campo.';
$strKeepPass = 'Non mude o contrasinal';
$strKeyname = 'Nome chave';
$strKill = 'Matar (kill)';
$strLength = 'Tamaño';
$strLengthSet = 'Tamaño/Definir*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Número de rexistros por páxina';
$strLineFeed = 'Carácter de alimentación de liña: \\n';
$strLines = 'Liñas';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'As liñas rematan por';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Non se atopou o vínculo';
$strLinksTo = 'Vincúlase con';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Localización do arquivo de texto';
$strLogPassword = 'Contrasinal:';
$strLogUsername = 'Nome de usuario:';
$strLogin = 'Entrada (login)';
$strLogout = 'Sair';
$strMissingBracket = 'Falta un paréntese';
$strModifications = 'As modificacións foron gardadas';
$strModify = 'Modificar';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modificar un índice';
$strMoveTable = 'Mover a tabela a (base_de_datos<b>.</b>tabela):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Moveuse a tabela %s para %s.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'Código de caracteres (Charset) MySQL';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL reiniciado.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'Mensaxes do MySQL: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% a rodar no servidor %pma_s2% como %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Mostrar os procesos';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Mostrar información de tempo de execución do MySQL';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Mostrar as variables de sistema do MySQL';
$strName = 'Nome';
$strNext = 'Seguinte';
$strNo = 'Non';
$strNoDatabases = 'Non hai nengún banco de datos';
$strNoDescription = 'sen descrición';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Os comandos "Eliminar banco de datos" non están permitidos.';
$strNoExplain = 'Saltar a explicacion de SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin usa-se mellor cun navegador que <b>acepte molduras</b>.';
$strNoIndex = 'Non se definiu un índice';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Non se definiron partes do índice';
$strNoModification = 'Sen cambios';
$strNoPassword = 'Sen Contrasinal';
$strNoPhp = 'sen código PHP';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Sen Privilexios';
$strNoQuery = 'Non hai procura SQL!';
$strNoRights = 'Non ten direitos suficientes para estar aquí agora!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Non se achou nengunha tabela no banco de datos';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Non se achou nengun(s) usuario(s).';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Saltarse a validacion de';
$strNone = 'Nengun';
$strNotNumber = 'Non é un número!';
$strNotOK = 'non conforme';
$strNotSet = 'Non se atopou a tabela <b>%s</b>ou non se indicou en %s';
$strNotValidNumber = ' non é un número válido para unha fila!';
$strNull = 'Nulo';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s ocorrencias(s) dentro da tabela <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Total:</b> <i>%s</i> ocorrencia(s)';
$strOK = 'Conforme';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Xeralmente son aspas. OPCIONAL significa que só os campos de caracteres son delimitados por caracteres "delimitadores"';
$strOperations = 'Operacións';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimizar a tabela';
$strOptionalControls = 'Opcional. Controla como se han de ler e escreber os caracteres especiais.';
$strOptionally = 'OPCIONAL';
$strOptions = 'Opcións';
$strOr = 'ou';
$strOverhead = 'De máis (Overhead)';
$strPHP40203 = 'Está a usar PHP 4.2.3, que contén un erro importante relacionado coas cadeas multi-byte (mbstring). Consulte o informe de erros número 19404. Non se recomenda usar esta versión do PHP co phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'Versión do PHP';
$strPageNumber = 'Número de páxina:';
$strPartialText = 'Textos parciais';
$strPassword = 'Contrasinal';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'O contrasinal está vacío!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Os contrasinais non son os mesmos!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Esquema da base de datos "%s" - Páxina %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'O número de páxina PDF non está definido';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Non existe a tabela "%s".';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Sen tabelas';
$strPhp = 'Crear código PHP';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'Documentación do phpMyAdmin';
$strPmaUriError = 'A directiva <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> DEBE estar asignada no seu ficheiro de configuración.';
$strPos1 = 'Inicio';
$strPrevious = 'Anterior';
$strPrimary = 'Primaria';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Chave primaria';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse a chave primaria';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'O nome da chave primaria debe ser... PRIMARIA';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARIA" <b>debe</b> ser o nome de e <b>só de</b> unha chave primaria)';
$strPrint = 'Imprimir';
$strPrintView = 'Visualización previa da impresión';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilexios';
$strProperties = 'Propiedades';
$strPutColNames = 'Pór os nomes dos campos na primeira fileira';
$strQBE = 'Procurar pondo un exemplo ("QBE")';
$strQBEDel = 'Eliminar';
$strQBEIns = 'Inserir';
$strQueryOnDb = 'Procura tipo SQL no banco de datos <b>%s</b>:';
$strReType = 'Reescreber';
$strRecords = 'Rexistros';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Comprobar a integridade das referencias:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Desactivouse a funcionalidade adicional para o traballo con tabelas vinculadas. Para saber o por que, faga click%saquí%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Vista das relacións';
$strReloadFailed = 'A reinicialización do MySQL fallou.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Reinicializar o MySQL';
$strRememberReload = 'Lembre-se recarregar o servidor.';
$strRenameTable = 'Renomear a tabela para';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabela \$table renomeada para \$new_name';
$strRepairTable = 'Reparar a tabela';
$strReplace = 'Substituir';
$strReplaceTable = 'Substituir os datos da tabela polos do ficheiro';
$strReset = 'Reiniciar';
$strRevoke = 'Revogar';
$strRevokeGrant = 'Revogar privilexio de conceder';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Retirou-lle o privilexio de Permitir a %s';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Retirou-lle os privilexios a %s';
$strRevokePriv = 'Revogar privilexios';
$strRowLength = 'Lonxitude da fila';
$strRowSize= ' Tamaño da fila ';
$strRows = 'Filas';
$strRowsFrom = 'filas, a comezar da';
$strRowsModeHorizontal= 'horizontal';
$strRowsModeOptions= 'en modo %s e repetir os cabezallos de cada %s celas';
$strRowsModeVertical= 'vertical';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Estatistícas da Fila';
$strRunQuery = 'Enviar esta procura';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Efectuar unha procura SQL na base de datos %s';
$strRunning = 'a rodar no servidor %s';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Cabe a posibilidade de que atopase un erro no procesador de SQL. Examine a súa pesquisa con atención e comprobe que as aspas son correctas e que teñen o seu par. Outras causas posibles póden-se deber a que tentase enviar un ficheiro con binario fora dunha área de texto entre aspas. Tamén pode tentar facer a súa pesquisa na liña de comandos de MySQL. A mensaxe de erro que lle envía o servidor de MySQL e que aparece máis abaixo (de habela) tamén o pode axudar a diagnosticar o problema. Se persisten os erros ou se o procesador falla cando mesmo a liña de comandos vai ben,reduza o texto da pesquisa à parte concreta que produce o erro e envíe unha mensaxe de erro co texto da sección RECORTE que aparece a continuación:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Parece que houbo un problema na súa pesquisa en SQL. Se máis abaixo aparece unha mensaxe de erro do servidor de MySQL, isto pode axudar a diagnosticar o problema';
$strSQLQuery = 'comando SQL';
$strSQLResult = 'Resultado SQL';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'O identificador non é válido';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Falta pór a aspa final';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Hai unha secuencia de puntuación que resulta descoñecida';
$strSave = 'Gardar';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'O factor de reducción é demasiado pequeno para que o esquema caiba nunha única páxina';
$strSearch = 'Procurar';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Procurar na base de datos';
$strSearchInTables = 'Dentro da(s) tabela(s):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Palabras(s) ou valore(s) a procurar (o comodín é: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'polo menos unha das palabras';
$strSearchOption2 = 'todas as palabras';
$strSearchOption3 = 'a frase exacta';
$strSearchOption4 = 'como expresión regular';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Procurar os resultados para "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Atopar:';
$strSelect = 'Procurar';
$strSelectADb = 'Seleccione unha base de dados';
$strSelectAll = 'Seleccionar todo';
$strSelectFields = 'Seleccione os campos (mínimo 1)';
$strSelectNumRows = 'a procurar';
$strSelectTables = 'Seleccionar tabelas';
$strSend = 'Enviar <I>(gravar nun ficheiro)</I><br>';
$strServer = 'Servidor %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Escolla de Servidor';
$strServerVersion = 'Versión do servidor';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Se o tipo de campo é "enum" ou "set", introduza os valores usando este formato: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Se precisar pór unha barra invertida (" \ ") ou aspas simples (" \' ") entre estes valores, preceda a barra e as aspas de barras invertidas (por exemplo \'\\\\xyz\' ou \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Mostrar';
$strShowAll = 'Ver todos os rexistros';
$strShowColor = 'Mostrar a cor';
$strShowCols = 'Mostrar as columnas';
$strShowGrid = 'Mostrar a grella';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Mostrar información sobre o PHP';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Mostrar a dimensión das tabelas';
$strShowTables = 'Mostrar as tabelas';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Mostrar esta procura aquí outra vez ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Mostrando rexistros ';
$strSingly = 'a refacer logo de insercións e destrucións (shingly)';
$strSize = 'Tamaño';
$strSort = 'Ordenar';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Uso do espazo';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'As palabras divídense cun carácter de espazo (" ").';
$strStatement = 'Informacións';
$strStrucCSV = 'Datos CSV';
$strStrucData = 'Estructura e datos';
$strStrucDrop = 'Adicionar \'Eliminar tabela anterior se existe\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV (para datos de Ms Excel)';
$strStrucOnly = 'Só a estructura';
$strStructPropose = 'Propor unha estructura para a tabela';
$strStructure = 'Estructura';
$strSubmit = 'Submeter';
$strSuccess = 'O seu comando de SQL executou-se com éxito';
$strSum = 'Suma';
$strTable = 'Tabela';
$strTableComments = 'Comentarios da tabela';
$strTableEmpty = 'O nome da tabela está vacío!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Eliminouse a tabela %s';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Vaciouse a tabela %s';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Fechouse a tabela %s';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabela de manutención';
$strTableStructure = 'Estructura da tabela';
$strTableType = 'Tipo da tabela';
$strTables = '%s tabela(s)';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Por causa da sua lonxitude,<br> este campo pode non ser editable ';
$strTheContent = 'O conteúdo do seu arquivo foi inserido';
$strTheContents = 'O conteúdo do arquivo substituíu o conteúdo da tabela que tiña a mesma chave primaria ou única';
$strTheTerminator = 'O carácter que separa os campos.';
$strTotal = 'total';
$strType = 'Tipo';
$strUncheckAll = 'Quitar-lles as marcas a todos';
$strUnique = 'Único';
$strUnselectAll = 'Non seleccionar nada';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Acaba de actualizar os privilexios de %s.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Actualizar o perfil:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Actualizouse o perfil.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Actualizar a procura';
$strUsage = 'Uso';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Protexer os nomes das tabelas e dos campos con " ` "';
$strUseTables = 'Usar as tabelas';
$strUser = 'Usuario';
$strUserEmpty = 'O nome do usuario está vacío!';
$strUserName = 'Nome do usuario';
$strUsers = 'Usuarios';
$strValidateSQL = 'Validar SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'Non foi posible iniciar o comprobador de SQL. Comprobe que ten instaladas todas as extensións de php tal e como se descrebe na %sdocumentación%s.';
$strValue = 'Valor';
$strViewDump = 'Ver o esquema do volcado da tabela';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Ver o esquema do volcado do banco de datos';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'directorio de subida (upload) do servidor web';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Non se pode acceder ao directorio que designou para as subidas (upload)';
$strWelcome = 'Benvida/o a %s';
$strWithChecked = 'Todos os marcados';
$strWrongUser = 'Usuario ou contrasinal errado. Acceso negado.';
$strYes = 'Si';
$strZip = 'comprimido no formato "zipped"';
// To translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.31 2002/11/28 09:15:29 rabus Exp $ */
* Translation by Kakha Mchedlidze <kakha at>
* It requires some special Unicode font faces that can downloaded at
$charset = "utf-8";
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = "Sylfaen";
$right_font_family = "Sylfaen";
$number_thousands_separator = " ";
$number_decimal_separator = ",";
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array("ბაიტი", "KB", "MB", "GB");
$day_of_week = array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p';
$strAccessDenied = 'აკრძალულია';
$strAction = 'მოქმედება';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'დაამატე/წაშალე სვეტის ველები';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'დაამატე/წაშალე სტრიქონის კრიტერია';
$strAddNewField = 'ახალი ველის დამატება.';
$strAddPriv = 'ახალი პრივილეგიის დამატება.';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'თქვენ დაამატეთ ახალი პრივილეგია.';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'ძებნის პარამეტრების დამატება ("where" ნაწილის ტანი):';
$strAddToIndex = ' %s ამ ინდექსში სვეტის(სვეტების) დამატება';
$strAddUser = 'ახალი მომხმარებლის დამატება.';
$strAddUserMessage = 'თქვენ დაამატეთ ახალი მომხმარებელი.';
$strAffectedRows = 'გააქტიურებული რიგები:';
$strAfter = '%s შემდეგ';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'წინა გვერდზე დაბრუნება';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'ახალი სვეტის ჩამატება';
$strAll = 'ყველა';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'შეცვლილი ცხრილი სორტირებული';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'ცხრილის ანალიზი';
$strAnd = 'და';
$strAnIndex = 'ინდექსი დამატებულია ველზე %s';
$strAny = 'ნებისმიერი.';
$strAnyColumn = 'ნებისმიერი სვეტი';
$strAnyDatabase = 'ნებისმიერი მონაცემთა ბაზა';
$strAnyHost = 'ნებისმიერი ჰოსტი';
$strAnyTable = 'ნებისმიერი ცხრილი';
$strAnyUser = 'ნებისმიერი მომხმარებელი';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'პირველადი გასაღები დამატებულია ველზე %s';
$strAscending = 'ამომავალი';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'ცხრილის დასაწყისში';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'ცხრილის დასასრულში';
$strAttr = 'ატრიბუტები';
$strBack = 'უკან';
$strBinary = 'ბინარული';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'ბინარული - არ რედაქტირდება';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'სანიშნი წაიშალა.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'ჭდე';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'SQL-შეკითხვის(მოთხოვნის) სანიშნი';
$strBookmarkThis = 'მოცემული SQL-შეკითხვის(მოთხოვნის) სანიშნი';
$strBookmarkView = 'მხოლოდ დათვალიერება';
$strBrowse = 'ნახვა';
$strBzip = '"bzip შეკუმშვა"';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'MySQL გაფართოება არ ჩაიტვირტა,<br />გთხოვთ შეამოწმეთ PHP კონფიგურაცია.';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'ვერ ჩაიტვირთა iconv,რაც საჭიროა charset-ის ასამუშავებლად, შეცვალეთ php-ს კონფიგურირება თუ გინდათ ამ ფუნქციის გამოყენება, ან გამორთეთ charset ფუნქცია phpMyAdmin-ში';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'PRIMARY-ში ინდექსის სახელის შეცვლა შეუძლებელია!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'iconv-ს ან libiconv-ს და recode_string-ს ვერ იყენებს, მაშინ როდესაც ფუნქცია ჩატვირთულია. შეამოწმეთ php კონფიგურაცია.';
$strCardinality = 'ელემენტების რაოდენობა';
$strCarriage = 'კურსორის გადატანა: \\r';
$strChange = 'შეცვლა';
$strChangeDisplay = 'აირჩიეთ მონაცემი გვერდზე გამოსაჩენად';
$strChangePassword = 'შეცვალე პაროლი';
$strCheckAll = 'მონიშნე ყველა';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'შეამოწმეთ მონაცემთა ბაზის პრივილეგიები';
$strCheckTable = 'ცხრილის შემოწმება';
$strChoosePage = 'აირჩიეთ გვერდი რედაქტირებისთვის';
$strColumn = 'სვეტი';
$strColumnNames = 'სვეტის სახელები';
$strComments = 'კომენტარი';
$strCompleteInserts = 'სრულყოფილი ჩამატება';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin-მა ვერ შეძლო კონფიგურაციის ფაილის წაკითხვა!<br/>ეს მაშინ ხდება თუ php-მ იპოვა parse შეცდომა, ან php-მ ვერ იპოვა ფაილი.<br />გამოიძახეთ კონფიგურაციის ფაილი და ქვევით ჩამოწერილი შეცდომები გაასწორეთ. უმეტეს შემთხვევაში წერტილ-მძიმე აკლია ხოლმე.<br />თუ ცარიელი გვერდი ჩამოიტვირთა, ესეიგი ყველაფერი რიგზეა.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'საჭიროა %s ცხრილის კოორდინატების კონფიგურირება';
$strConfirm = 'თქვენ დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გინდათ ამის გაკეთება?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'ამ ადგილის შემდეგ Cookies უნდა ჩართოთ.';
$strCopyTable = 'ცხრილის კოპირება (ბაზა<b>.</b>ცხრილი):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'ცხრილი %s კოპირებულია %s ცხრილში.';
$strCreate = 'შექმნა';
$strCreateIndex = ' %s ინდექსის შექმნა სვეტებზე';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'ახალი ინდექსის შექმნა';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'ახალი მონაცემთა ბაზის შექმნა';
$strCreateNewTable = 'მონაცემთა ბაზაში ახალი ცხრილის შექმნა %s';
$strCreatePage = 'შექმენი ახალი გვერდი';
$strCriteria = 'კრიტერია';
$strData = 'მონაცემები';
$strDatabase = 'მონაცემთა ბაზა ';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'მონაცემთა ბაზა %s წაიშალა.';
$strDatabases = 'ბაზები';
$strDatabasesStats = 'მონაცემთა ბაზის სტატისტიკა';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'მონაცემთა ბაზა (wildcards allowed):';
$strDataOnly = 'მხოლოდ მონაცემები';
$strDefault = 'ავტო მნიშვნელობა';
$strDelete = 'წაშლა';
$strDeleted = 'სტრიქონი წაიშალა';
$strDeletedRows = 'სტრიქონები წაიშალა:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'წაშლილი ველი!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'თქვენ წაშალეთ მომხმარებელი %s.';
$strDescending = 'შუთავსებელი';
$strDisplay = 'აჩვენე';
$strDisplayOrder = 'დათვალიერების წესი:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'PDF სქემის ჩვენება';
$strDoAQuery = 'შეასრულე "მოთხოვნა მაგალითის მოხედვით" (ნებისმიერი სიმბოლოს აღმნიშვნელია: "%")';
$strDocu = 'დოკუმენტაცია';
$strDoYouReally = 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გინდათ ';
$strDrop = 'წაშლა';
$strDropDB = 'წაშალე მონაცემთა ბაზა %s';
$strDropTable = 'სვეტის წაშლა';
$strDumpingData = 'მონაცემები ცხრილიდან ';
$strDynamic = 'დინამიური';
$strEdit = 'შესწორება';
$strEditPDFPages = 'PDF გვერდების რედაქტირება';
$strEditPrivileges = 'პრივილეგიების რედაქტირება';
$strEffective = 'ეფექტური';
$strEmpty = 'ცარიელი';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL-ის მიერ დააბრუნებული ჩანაწერების რაოდენობაა 0.';
$strEnd = 'დასასრული';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' შენიშვნა: MySQL-ის პრივილეგიები ენიჭება ინგლისურად ';
$strError = 'შეცდომა';
$strExport = 'ექსპორტი';
$strExtendedInserts = 'ჩამატების გაფართოება';
$strExtra = 'სხვა';
$strField = 'ველი';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'ველი %s წაიშალა';
$strFields = 'ველები';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' ველების მთვლელი ცარიელია! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'ველები ჩაკეტილია by';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'ველები გახსნილია by';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'ველები განცალკავებულია by';
$strFixed = 'გამართულია';
$strFlushTable = 'კეში გადატანა ("FLUSH") ცხრილში';
$strFormat = 'ფორმატი';
$strFormEmpty = 'საჭიროა ფორმის აღმნიშვნელები!';
$strFullText = 'სრული ტექსტი';
$strFunction = 'ფუნქცია';
$strGenBy = 'შექმნილია by';
$strGenTime = 'შექმნის დრო';
$strGo = 'შესრულება';
$strGrants = 'უფლებები';
$strGzip = '"gzip-ში შეკუმშვა"';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'შეიცვალა.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'შეიქმნა.';
$strHaveToShow = 'თქვენ ერთი ცხრილი მაინც უნდა აირჩიოთ';
$strHome = 'დასაწყისი';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'phpMyAdmin ოფიციალური ვებგვერდი';
$strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforge phpMyAdmin Download გვერდი';
$strHost = 'ჰოსტი';
$strHostEmpty = 'ჰოსტის სახელი ცარიელია!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'სრული ტექსტი';
$strIfYouWish = 'თუ თქვენ მხოლოდ რამოდენიმე სვეტის მონაცემების ჩატვირთვა, მიუთითეთ მძიმეებით გამოყოფილი ველების ჩამონათვალი.';
$strIgnore = 'იგნორირება';
$strIndex = 'ინდექსირება';
$strIndexes = 'ინდექსები';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'ინდექსი %s წაიშალა';
$strIndexName = 'ინდექსის სახელი :';
$strIndexType = 'ინდექსის ტიპი :';
$strInsert = 'დამატება';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'დამატება ახალ ჩანაწერად';
$strInsertedRows = 'სტრიქონების დამატება:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'დაამატე ახალი სტრიქონი';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'ჩაამატე ტექსტური ფაილები ცხრილში';
$strInstructions = 'ინსტრუქცია';
$strInUse = 'გამოყენებულია';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" ეს რეგისტირებული სიტყვაა, შენ არ შეგიძლიათ ის გამოიყენო მონაცემთა ბაზის/ცხრილის/ველის სახელად.';
$strKeepPass = 'არ შეცვალო ეს პაროლი';
$strKeyname = 'Keyname';
$strKill = 'Kill';
$strLength = 'სიგრძე';
$strLengthSet = 'სიგრძე/მნიშვნელობა*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'სტრიქონის რაოდენობა თითოეულ გვერდზე';
$strLineFeed = 'ახალი ხაზი: \\n';
$strLines = 'სტრიქონები(ჩანაწერები) ';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'სტრიქონები დაყოფილია by';
$strLinkNotFound = 'ლინკი ვერ ვიპოვე';
$strLinksTo = 'ლინკები';
$strLocationTextfile = 'მიუთითეთ ტექსტური ფაილის მდებარეობა';
$strLogin = 'ლოგინი';
$strLogout = 'გასვლა';
$strLogPassword = 'პაროლი:';
$strLogUsername = 'სახელი:';
$strMissingBracket = 'ბრჭყალები არ არსებობს';
$strModifications = 'ცვლილებები შენახულია';
$strModify = 'შეცვალე';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'ინდექსის შეცვლა';
$strMoveTable = 'გადაიტანე ცხრილები (მონაცემთა ბაზა<b>.</b>ცხრილი):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'ცხრილი %s გადატანილია %s ში.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Charset-ი';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL გადაიტვირთა.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL-მა თქვა: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% მუშაობს on %pma_s2% როგორც %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'პროცესების შვენება';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'MySQL მონაცემთა ბაზის მდგომარეობის ჩვენება';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'MySQL მონაცემთა ბაზის სისტემური ცვლადები';
$strName = 'სახელი';
$strNbRecords = 'სტრიქონების რაოდენობა';
$strNext = 'შემდეგი';
$strNo = 'არა';
$strNoDatabases = 'ცარიელია';
$strNoDescription = 'შინაარსი არ არის';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" ოპერატორები გათიშულია.';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin-თან სამუშაოდ საჭიროა ისეთი ბროუზერი რომელიც <b>ფრეიმებთან</b> მუშაობს.';
$strNoIndex = 'ინდექსი არ არსებობს!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'ინდექსის ნაწილები არ არსებობს!';
$strNoModification = 'ცვლილებები არ მომხდარა';
$strNone = 'არა';
$strNoPassword = 'არ არის პარილი';
$strNoPhp = 'PHP კოდის გარეშე';
$strNoPrivileges = 'არ არის პრივილეგიები';
$strNoQuery = 'SQL შეკითხვა არ არსებობს!';
$strNoRights = 'თქვენ არაგაქვთ ამის უფლება!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'მონაცემთა ბაზა არ შეიცავს ცხრილებს.';
$strNotNumber = 'ეს რიცხვი არაა!';
$strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> ცხრილი ვერ ვიპვე ან უწესრიგობაა %s-ში';
$strNotValidNumber = ' სტრიქონების მიუწვდომელი რაოდენობა!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'მომხმარებელი არ არის ნაპოვნი.';
$strNull = 'ნული';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s შესაბამისობა ცხრილის შიგნით<i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>სულ:</b> <i>%s</i> შესაბამისობა';
$strOftenQuotation = 'ველების მნიშვნელობები მოთავსდება ამ სიმბოლოებში OPTIONALLY ნიშნავს რომ მხოლოდ char და varchar ტიპის ველების მნიშვნელობები მოთავსდება მითითებულ სიმბოლოებში.';
$strOperations = 'ოპერაციები';
$strOptimizeTable = 'ცხრილის ოპტიმიზაცია';
$strOptionalControls = 'არააუცილებელია. განსაზღვრავს როგორ უნდა იქნას ჩაწერილი და წაკითხული სპეციალური სიმბოლოები.';
$strOptionally = 'აქრჩევანის მიხედვით';
$strOptions = 'ოფციები';
$strOr = 'ან';
$strOverhead = 'ზედმეტი';
$strPageNumber = 'გვერდის ნომერი:';
$strPartialText = 'ტექსტების ნაწილი';
$strPassword = 'პაროლი';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'პაროლი ცარიელია!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'პაროლები განსხვავდება!';
$strPdfDbSchema = '"%s"-ს სქემა %s მონაცემთა ბაზაში';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'PDF გვერდების რაოდენობა გაურკვეველია!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'The "%s" table does not exist!';
$strPhp = 'PHP კოდის შექმნა';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP ვერსია';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin-ის დოკუმენტაცია';
$strPmaUriError = 'დირექტივა <tt>$cfgPmaAbsoluteUri</tt> უნდა დაყენდეს კონფიგურაციის ფაილში!';
$strPos1 = 'დასაწყისი';
$strPrevious = 'წინა';
$strPrimary = 'პირველადი';
$strPrimaryKey = 'პირველადი ველი';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'პირველი გასაღები წაშლილია';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'პირველი გასაღების სახელი უნდა იყოს PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>უნდა იყოს მხოლოდ</b> პირველი გასაღების სახელი!)';
$strPrintView = 'ბეჭდვისთვის';
$strPrivileges = 'პრივილეგიები';
$strProperties = 'თვისებები';
$strQBE = 'ამორჩევა მაგალითის მიხედვით';
$strQBEDel = 'წაშლა';
$strQBEIns = 'დამატება';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-შეკითხვა <b>%s</b> მონაცემთა ბაზაში:';
$strRecords = 'ჩანაწერები';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'მონაცემთა შემოწმება:';
$strRelationView = 'ურთიერთობათა სახე';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL წარუმატებლად გადაიტვირთა.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'MySQL-ის გადატვირთვა';
$strRememberReload = 'არ დაგავიწყდეთ სერვერის გადატვირთვა.';
$strRenameTable = 'სახელის შეცვლა';
$strRenameTableOK = 'ცხრილი %s გადაკეთდა %s-დ';
$strRepairTable = 'ცხრილის აღდგენა';
$strReplace = 'შეცვლა';
$strReplaceTable = 'შეცვალე ცხრილი მონაცემებით შემდეგი ფაილიდან';
$strReset = 'საწყისი მნიშვნელობები';
$strReType = 'დამოწმება';
$strRevoke = 'გაუქმება';
$strRevokeGrant = 'უფლებების გაუქმება';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'უფლებების პრივილეგია გაუუქმდა %s-ს';
$strRevokeMessage = 'თქვენ შეცვალეთ პრივიკებიები %s-სთვის';
$strRevokePriv = 'პრივილეგიების შეცვლა';
$strRowLength = 'სტრიქონის სიგრძე ';
$strRows = 'ჩანაწერები';
$strRowsFrom = 'სტრიქონი. საწყისი სტრიქონი:';
$strRowSize = ' სტრიქონის ზომა ';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'ჰორიზონტალური';
$strRowsModeOptions = '%s-ს რეჟიმში, სათაურები %s სვეტების სემდეგ';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'ვერტიკალური';
$strRowsStatistic = 'სტრიქონის სტატისტიკა';
$strRunning = 'გაშვებულია ჰოსტზე %s';
$strRunQuery = 'სესრულება';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'შეასრულე SQL მოთხოვნა/მოთხოვნები მონაცემთა ბაზაზე %s';
$strSave = 'შენახვა';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'მაშტაბის ფაქტორი ძალიან პატარაა იმისთვის, რომ გვერდის სქემაში აისახოს';
$strSearch = 'ძებნა';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'ძებნა მონაცემთა ბაზაში';
$strSearchInTables = 'Inside ცხრილი:';
$strSearchNeedle = 'საძიებელი სიტყვები ან მნიშვნელობები (wildcard: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'ერთი სიტყვა მაინც';
$strSearchOption2 = 'ყველა სიტყვა';
$strSearchOption3 = 'ზუსტი ფრაზა';
$strSearchOption4 = 'როგორც სწორი ფრაზა';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'ძებნის შედეგი "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'ძიება:';
$strSelect = 'ამორჩევა';
$strSelectADb = 'გთხოვთ მონიშნეთ მონაცემთა ბაზა';
$strSelectAll = 'ყველას მონიშვნა';
$strSelectFields = 'აირჩიეთ ველები (მინიმუმ ერთი მაინც):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'მოთხოვნაში';
$strSelectTables = 'ცხრილის მონიშვნა';
$strSend = 'ფაილად შენახვა';
$strServerChoice = 'სერვერის არჩევა';
$strServerVersion = 'სერვერის ვერსია';
$strSetEnumVal = '"enum" ან "set" ტიპის ველებისათვის მონაცემები შეიყვანეთ შემდეგი ფორმატის მიხედვით: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />თუ თქვენ დაგჭირდებათ დახრილი ხაზის ("\") ან დახრილი ხაზისა და აპოსტროფის ("\'") შეყვანა, ამ სიმბოლოების წინ და შორის ჩასვით დახრილი ხაზი ისე როგორც აქაა (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'გამოიტანე';
$strShowAll = 'ყველას დათვალიერება';
$strShowColor = 'ფერების ჩვენება';
$strShowCols = 'სვეტების დათვალიერება';
$strShowGrid = 'ჩვენების ბადე';
$strShowingRecords = 'ნაჩვენებია ჩანაწერები ';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'PHP ინფორმაცია';
$strShowTableDimension = 'ცხრილის ჩვენების ცვლილება';
$strShowTables = 'ცხრილების დათვალიერება';
$strShowThisQuery = ' მოცემული შეკითხვის ხელახლა ჩვენება ';
$strSingly = '(ცალკე)';
$strSize = 'ზომა';
$strSort = 'სორტირება';
$strSpaceUsage = 'გამოყენებული სივრცე';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'სიტყვები არის დაშლილია ცალკეულ სიმბოლოენად (" ").';
$strSQL = 'SQL-ი';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-ის ამორჩევა';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL შედეგი';
$strStartingRecord = 'სტრიქონის ჩაწერის დაწყება';
$strStatement = 'აღწერა';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV მონაცემები';
$strStrucData = 'სტრუქტურა და მონაცემები';
$strStrucDrop = 'არსებულის წაშლა და დამატება';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV Ms Excel-ის მონაცემებისთვის ';
$strStrucOnly = 'მხოლოდ სტრუქტურა';
$strStructPropose = 'ცხრილის სტრუქტურის შეთავაზება';
$strStructure = 'სტრუქტურა';
$strSubmit = 'თანხმობა';
$strSuccess = 'თქვენი SQL მოთხოვნა წარმატებით შესრულდა';
$strSum = 'ჯამი';
$strTable = 'ცხრილი ';
$strTableComments = 'კომენტარი ცხრილზე';
$strTableEmpty = 'ცხრილის სახელი არა არის მითითებული!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'ცხრილი %s წაიშალა';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'ცხრილი %s დაცარიელდა';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'ცხრილი %s კეშირებულია';
$strTableMaintenance = 'ცხრილის მომსახურება';
$strTables = '%s ცხრილი';
$strTableStructure = 'ცხრილის სტრუქტურა. ცხრილი:';
$strTableType = 'ცხრილის ტიპი';
$strTextAreaLength = ' მისი სიგრძის გამო,<br /> ეს ველი შეიძლება არ არის რედაქტირებადი ';
$strTheContent = 'ფაილის შემცველობა დამატებულ იქნა.';
$strTheContents = 'ცხრილის ის ჩანაწერები, რომლებსაც ჰქონდათ იდენტური პირველადი ან უნიკალური გასაღები შეცვლილია ფაილის შემცველობით.';
$strTheTerminator = 'ველების ტერმინატორი.';
$strTotal = 'სულ ცხრილში';
$strType = 'ტიპი';
$strUncheckAll = 'Uncheck All';
$strUnique = 'უნიკალური';
$strUnselectAll = 'მონიშვნის გაუქმება';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'პრივილეგიები განახლდა %s-სთვის.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'პროფაილის განახლება:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'პროფაილი განახლდა.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'შეკითხვის (მოთხოვნის) განახლება';
$strUsage = 'მოცულობა';
$strUseBackquotes = 'შებრუნებული ბრჭყალები';
$strUser = 'მომხმარებელი';
$strUserEmpty = 'მომხმარებლის სახელი ცარიელია!';
$strUserName = 'მომხმარებლის სახელი';
$strUsers = 'მომხმარებლები';
$strUseTables = 'მომხმარებლის ცხრილები';
$strValue = 'მნიშვნელობა';
$strViewDump = 'ცხრილისი სქემა';
$strViewDumpDB = 'მონაცემთა ბაზის სქემა';
$strWelcome = 'კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება %s';
$strWithChecked = 'მონიშნულებთან:';
$strWrongUser = 'არასწორი სახელი/პაროლი. მიმართვა ბლოკირებულია';
$strYes = 'კი';
$strZip = '"zip-ში შეკუმშვა"';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'display all Tables with same width?'; //to translate
$strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT'; //to translate
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW'; //to translate
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Character set of the file:'; //to translate
$strColComFeat = 'Displaying Column Comments'; //to translate
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Creation of PDFs'; //to translate
$strDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
$strDisplayFeat = 'Display Features'; //to translate
$strEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
$strEndCut = 'END CUT'; //to translate
$strEndRaw = 'END RAW'; //to translate
$strExplain = 'Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'General relation features'; //to translate
$strNoExplain = 'Skip Explain SQL'; //to translate
$strNotOK = 'not OK'; //to translate
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Skip Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strOK = 'OK'; //to translate
$strPdfNoTables = 'No tables'; //to translate
$strRelationNotWorking = 'The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click %shere%s.'; //to translate
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:'; //to translate
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem'; //to translate
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote'; //to translate
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String'; //to translate
$strValidateSQL = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
$strServer = 'Server %s'; //to translate
$strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate
$strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate
$strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate
$strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate
$strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
$strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate
$strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate
$strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate
@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.45 2002/11/28 09:15:30 rabus Exp $ */
* For suggestions concerning this file please contact
* Alexander M. Turek <rabus at>.
* Bei Verbesserungsvorschlägen diese Datei betreffend wenden Sie sich bitte an
* Alexander M. Turek <rabus at>.
$charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa');
$month = array('Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d. %B %Y um %H:%M';
$strAccessDenied = 'Zugriff verweigert.';
$strAction = 'Aktion';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Spalten hinzufügen/entfernen';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Zeilen hinzufügen/entfernen';
$strAddNewField = 'Neue Felder hinzufügen';
$strAddPriv = 'Rechte hinzufügen';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Rechte wurden hinzugefügt';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Suchkondition (Argumente für den WHERE-Ausdruck):';
$strAddToIndex = '%s Spalten zum Index hinzufügen';
$strAddUser = 'Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Der Benutzer wurde hinzugefügt.';
$strAffectedRows = ' Betroffene Datensätze: ';
$strAfter = 'Nach %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'zurück';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'anschließend einen weiteren Datensatz einfügen';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Sollen alle Tabellen mit der gleichen Breite angezeigt werden?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Tabelle sortieren nach';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analysiere Tabelle';
$strAnd = 'und';
$strAnIndex = 'Ein Index wurde in %s erzeugt';
$strAny = 'Jeder';
$strAnyColumn = 'Jede Spalte';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Jede Datenbank';
$strAnyHost = 'Jeder Host';
$strAnyTable = 'Jede Tabelle';
$strAnyUser = 'Jeder Benutzer';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Ein Primärschlüssel wurde in %s erzeugt';
$strAscending = 'aufsteigend';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'An den Anfang der Tabelle';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'An das Ende der Tabelle';
$strAttr = 'Attribute';
$strBack = 'Zurück';
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGINN DER AUSGABE';
$strBinary = ' Binär ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binär - nicht editierbar !';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'SQL-Abfrage wurde gelöscht.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Titel';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Gespeicherte SQL-Abfrage';
$strBookmarkThis = 'SQL-Abfrage speichern';
$strBookmarkView = 'Nur zeigen';
$strBrowse = 'Anzeigen';
$strBzip = 'BZip-komprimiert';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'Die MySQL-Erweiterung konnte nicht geladen werden.<br />Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre PHP-Konfiguration!';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Die PHP-Erweiterungen iconv und recode, welche für die Zeichensatzkonvertierung benötigt werden, konnten nicht geladen werden. Bitte ändern Sie Ihre PHP-Konfiguration und aktivieren Sie diese Erweiterungen oder deaktivieren Sie die Zeichensatzkonvertierung in phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kann Index nicht in PRIMARY umbenennen!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Weder die iconv- noch libiconv- oder recode_string-Funktion konnte verwandt werden, obwohl die benötigten php-Erweiterungen angeblich geladen wurden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre PHP-Konfiguration.';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalität';
$strCarriage = 'Wagenrücklauf \\r';
$strChange = 'Ändern';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Anzuzeigende Spalte bestimmen';
$strChangePassword = 'Kennwort ändern';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Zeichencodierung der Datei:';
$strCheckAll = 'Alle auswählen';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Rechte einer Datenbank prüfen';
$strCheckTable = 'Überprüfe Tabelle';
$strChoosePage = 'Bitte wählen Sie die zu bearbeitende Seite.';
$strColComFeat = 'Darstellung von Spaltenkommentaren';
$strColumn = 'Spalte';
$strColumnNames = 'Spaltennamen';
$strComments = 'Kommentare';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Vollständige \'INSERT\'s';
$strCompression = 'Kompression';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin konnte Ihre Konfigurationsdatei nicht verarbeiten!<br />Dies kann passieren, wenn der PHP-Parser Syntaxfehler in ihr findet oder sie nicht existiert.<br />Bitte rufen Sie die Konfigurationsdatei üben den unteren Link direkt auf und lesen Sie die PHP-Fehlermeldungen, die Sie erhalten. Meistens fehlt bloß irgendwo ein Anführungszeichen oder Semikolon.<br />Wenn Sie eine leere Seite erhalten, ist Ihre Konfigurationsdatei in Ordnung.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Bitte konfigurieren Sie die Koordinaten für die Tabelle %s';
$strConfirm = 'Sind Sie wirklich sicher?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Ab diesem Punkt müssen Cookies aktiviert sein.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopiere Tabelle nach (Datenbank<b>.</b>Tabellenname):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabelle %s wurde nach %s kopiert.';
$strCreate = 'Anlegen';
$strCreateIndex = 'Index über %s Spalten anlegen';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Neuen Index anlegen';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Neue Datenbank anlegen';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Neue Tabelle in Datenbank %s erstellen';
$strCreatePage = 'Neue Seite erstellen';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Erzeugen von PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Kriterium';
$strData = 'Daten';
$strDatabase = 'Datenbank';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Datenbank %s wurde gelöscht.';
$strDatabases = 'Datenbanken';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistiken über alle Datenbanken';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Datenbank (Platzhalter sind erlaubt):';
$strDataDict = 'Strukturverzeichnis';
$strDataOnly = 'Nur Daten';
$strDefault = 'Standard';
$strDelete = 'Löschen';
$strDeleted = 'Die Zeile wurde gelöscht.';
$strDeletedRows = 'Gelöschte Zeilen:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Löschen fehlgeschlagen!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Der Benutzer %s wurde gelöscht.';
$strDescending = 'absteigend';
$strDisabled = 'Deaktiviert';
$strDisplay = 'Zeige';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Anzeige verknüpfter Daten';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Sortierung nach:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'PDF-Schema anzeigen';
$strDoAQuery = 'Suche über Beispielwerte ("query by example") (Platzhalter: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentation';
$strDoYouReally = 'Möchten Sie wirklich diese Abfrage ausführen: ';
$strDrop = 'Löschen';
$strDropDB = 'Datenbank %s löschen';
$strDropTable = 'Tabelle löschen:';
$strDumpingData = 'Daten für Tabelle';
$strDumpXRows = 'Exportiere %s Datensätze ab Zeile %s.';
$strDynamic = 'dynamisch';
$strEdit = 'Ändern';
$strEditPDFPages = 'PDF-Seiten bearbeiten';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Rechte ändern';
$strEffective = 'Effektiv';
$strEmpty = 'Leeren';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL lieferte ein leeres Resultat zurück (d.h. null Zeilen).';
$strEnabled = 'Aktiviert';
$strEnd = 'Ende';
$strEndRaw = 'ENDE DER AUSGABE';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Anmerkung: MySQL-Rechte werden auf Englisch angegeben. ';
$strError = 'Fehler';
$strExplain = 'SQL erklären';
$strExport = 'Exportieren';
$strExportToXML = 'Ins XML-Format exportieren';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Erweiterte \'INSERT\'s';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Feld';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Spalte %s wurde entfernt.';
$strFields = 'Felder';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Sie müssen angeben wie viele Felder die Tabelle haben soll! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Felder eingeschlossen von';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Felder escaped von';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Felder getrennt mit';
$strFixed = 'starr';
$strFlushTable = 'Leeren des Tabellenchaches ("FLUSH")';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFormEmpty = 'Das Formular ist leer !';
$strFullText = 'vollständige Textfelder';
$strFunction = 'Funktion';
$strGenBy = 'Erstellt von';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Allgemeine Verknüpfungsfunktionen';
$strGenTime = 'Erstellungszeit';
$strGo = 'OK';
$strGrants = 'Rechte';
$strGzip = 'GZip-komprimiert';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'wurde geändert.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'wurde erzeugt.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Bitte wählen Sie mindestens eine anzuzeigende Spalte';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = ' Offizielle phpMyAdmin-Homepage ';
$strHomepageSourceforge = ' phpMyAdmin-Downloadseite bei Sourceforge ';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'Es wurde kein Host angegeben!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Volltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'Wenn Sie nur bestimmte Spalten importieren möchten, geben Sie diese bitte hier an.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorieren';
$strImportDocSQL = 'docSQL-Dateien importieren';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexes = 'Indizes';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s wurde entfernt.';
$strIndexName = 'Index Name :';
$strIndexType = 'Index Typ :';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Ihre Konfigurationsdatei enthält Einstellungen (Benutzer "root" ohne Passwort), welche denen des MySQL-Stardardbenutzers entsprechen. Wird Ihr MySQL-Server mit diesen Einstellungen betrieben, so können Unbefugte leicht von außen auf ihn zugreifen. Sie sollten diese Sicherheitslücke unbedingt schließen!';
$strInsert = 'Einfügen';
$strInsertAsNewRow = ' Als neuen Datensatz speichern ';
$strInsertedRows = 'Eingefügte Zeilen:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Neue Zeile einfügen';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Textdatei in Tabelle einfügen';
$strInstructions = 'Befehle';
$strInUse = 'in Benutzung';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" ist ein reserviertes Wort, welches nicht als Datenbank-, Feld- oder Tabellenname verwendet werden darf.';
$strKeepPass = 'Kennwort nicht verändert';
$strKeyname = 'Name';
$strKill = 'Beenden';
$strLength = ' Länge ';
$strLengthSet = 'Länge/Set*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Einträge pro Seite';
$strLineFeed = 'Zeilenvorschub: \\n';
$strLines = 'Zeilen';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Zeilen getrennt mit';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Der Verweis wurde nicht gefunden.';
$strLinksTo = 'Verweise';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Datei';
$strLogin = 'Login';
$strLogout = 'Neu einloggen';
$strLogPassword = 'Kennwort:';
$strLogUsername = 'Benutzername:';
$strMissingBracket = 'Fehlende Klammer';
$strModifications = 'Änderungen gespeichert.';
$strModify = 'Verändern';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Index modifizieren';
$strMoveTable = 'Verschiebe Tabelle nach (Datenbank<b>.</b>Tabellenname):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabelle %s wurde nach %s verschoben.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL-Zeichensatz';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL wurde neu gestartet.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL meldet: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'Verbunden mit MySQL %pma_s1% auf %pma_s2% als %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Prozesse anzeigen';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'MySQL-Laufzeit-Informationen anzeigen';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'MySQL-System-Variablen anzeigen';
$strName = 'Name';
$strNext = 'Nächste';
$strNo = 'Nein';
$strNoDatabases = 'Keine Datenbanken';
$strNoDescription = 'keine Beschreibung';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Die Anweisung "DROP DATABASE" wurde deaktiviert.';
$strNoExplain = 'SQL-Erklärung umgehen';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin arbeitet besser mit einem <b>Frame</b>-fähigen Browser.';
$strNoIndex = 'Kein Index definiert!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Keine Indizies definiert.';
$strNoModification = 'Keine Änderung';
$strNone = 'keine';
$strNoPassword = 'Kein Kennwort';
$strNoPhp = 'ohne PHP-Code';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Keine Rechte';
$strNoQuery = 'Kein SQL-Befehl!';
$strNoRights = 'Sie haben nicht genug Rechte um fortzufahren!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Es wurden keine Tabellen in der Datenbank gefunden.';
$strNotNumber = 'Das ist keine Zahl!';
$strNotOK = 'fehlerhaft';
$strNotSet = 'Die Tabelle <b>%s</b> wurde entweder nicht gefunden oder in der Kofigurationsdatei %s nicht gesetzt.';
$strNotValidNumber = ' ist keine gültige Zeilennummer!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Es wurden keine Benutzer gefunden.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'SQL-Validierung umgehen';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s Treffer in der Tabelle <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Insgesamt</b> <i>%s</i> Treffer';
$strNumTables = 'Tabellen';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Häufig Anführungszeichen. Optional bedeutet, dass nur Textfelder von den angegeben Zeichen eingeschlossen sind.';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOperations = 'Operationen';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiere Tabelle';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optional. Bestimmt, wie Sonderzeichen kenntlich gemacht werden.';
$strOptionally = 'optional';
$strOptions = 'Optionen';
$strOr = 'oder';
$strOverhead = 'Überhang';
$strPageNumber = 'Seite:';
$strPartialText = 'gekürzte Textfelder';
$strPassword = 'Kennwort';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Es wurde kein Kennwort angegeben!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Die eingegebenen Kennwörter sind nicht identisch!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema der Datenbank "%s" - Seite %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefinierte PDF-Seitennummer!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Die Tabelle "%s" existiert nicht!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'keine Tabellen';
$strPhp = 'PHP-Code erzeugen';
$strPHP40203 = 'Sie verwenden die PHP-Version 4.2.3, welche leider fehlerhaft im Umgang mit Multibyte-Zeichenketten (mbstring) ist. Dieser Fehler ist in der PHP-Datenbank als Bug-Report #19404 dokumentiert. Aus diesem Grund wird diese PHP-Version nicht für den Betrieb von phpMyAdmin empfohlen.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP-Version';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin-Dokumentation';
$strPmaUriError = 'Das <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt>-Verzeichnis MUSS in Ihrer Konfigurationsdatei angegeben werden!';
$strPos1 = 'Anfang';
$strPrevious = 'Vorherige';
$strPrimary = 'Primärschlüssel';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primärschlüssel';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Der Primärschlüssel wurde gelöscht.';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Der Name des Primärschlüssels muss PRIMARY lauten!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = 'Der Name des Primärschlüssels darf <b>nur</b> "PRIMARY" lauten.';
$strPrint = 'Drucken';
$strPrintView = 'Druckansicht';
$strPrivileges = 'Rechte';
$strProperties = 'Eigenschaften';
$strPutColNames = 'Feldnamen in die erste Zeile setzen';
$strQBE = 'Abfrageeditor';
$strQBEDel = 'Entf.';
$strQBEIns = 'Einf.';
$strQueryOnDb = ' SQL-Befehl in der Datenbank <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Einträge';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Prüfe referentielle Integrität:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Die zusätzlichen Funktionen für verknüpfte Tabellen wurden automatisch deaktiviert. Klicken Sie %shier%s um herauszufinden warum.';
$strRelationView = 'Beziehungsübersicht';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL Neuladen fehlgeschlagen.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'MySQL neu starten';
$strRememberReload = 'Der Server muss neu gestartet werden.';
$strRenameTable = 'Tabelle umbenennen in';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabelle %s wurde umbenannt in %s.';
$strRepairTable = 'Repariere Tabelle';
$strReplace = 'Ersetzen';
$strReplaceTable = 'Tabelleninhalt ersetzen';
$strReset = 'Zurücksetzen';
$strReType = 'Wiederholen';
$strRevoke = 'Entfernen';
$strRevokeGrant = '\'Grant\' entfernen';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Sie haben das Recht \'Grant\' für %s entfernt.';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Sie haben die Rechte für %s entfernt.';
$strRevokePriv = 'Rechte entfernen';
$strRowLength = 'Zeilenlänge';
$strRows = 'Zeilen';
$strRowsFrom = 'Datensätze, beginnend ab';
$strRowSize = 'Zeilengröße';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'untereinander';
$strRowsModeOptions = '%s angeordnet und wiederhole die Kopfzeilen nach %s Datensätzen.';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'nebeneinander';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Zeilenstatistik';
$strRunning = 'auf %s';
$strRunQuery = 'SQL-Befehl ausführen';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'SQL-Befehl(e) in Datenbank %s ausführen';
$strSave = 'Speichern';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Der Skalierungsfaktor ist zu klein, sodass das Schma nicht auf eine Seite passt!';
$strSearch = 'Suche';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Durchsuche die Datenbank';
$strSearchInTables = 'In der / den Tabelle(n):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Zu suchende Wörter oder Werte (Platzhalter: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'mindestens eines der Wörter';
$strSearchOption2 = 'alle Wörter';
$strSearchOption3 = 'genau diese Zeichenkette';
$strSearchOption4 = 'als regulären Ausdruck';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Suchergebnisse für "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Finde:';
$strSelect = 'Teilw. anzeigen';
$strSelectADb = 'Bitte Datenbank auswählen';
$strSelectAll = 'Alle auswählen';
$strSelectFields = 'Felder auswählen (mind. eines):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in der Abfrage';
$strSelectTables = 'Tabellenauswahl';
$strSend = 'Senden';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Server Auswählen';
$strServerVersion = 'Server Version';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Wenn das Feld vom Typ \'ENUM\' oder \'SET\' ist, benutzen Sie bitte das Format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\',....<br />Wann immer Sie ein Backslash ("\") oder ein einfaches Anführungszeichen ("\'") verwenden,<br \>setzen Sie bitte ein Backslash vor das Zeichen. (z.B.: \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Zeige';
$strShowAll = 'Alles anzeigen';
$strShowColor = 'mehrfarbig';
$strShowCols = 'Reihen anzeigen';
$strShowGrid = 'Gitterlinien anzeigen';
$strShowingRecords = 'Zeige Datensätze ';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'PHP-Informationen anzeigen';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Tabellendimensionen anzeigen.';
$strShowTables = 'Tabellen anzeigen';
$strShowThisQuery = 'SQL-Befehl hier wieder anzeigen';
$strSingly = '(einmalig)';
$strSize = 'Größe';
$strSort = 'Sortierung';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Speicherplatzverbrauch';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Die Wörter werden durch Leerzeichen (" ") getrennt.';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Möglicherweise haben Sie einen Bug im SQL-Parser entdeckt. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Abfrage genaustens, insbesondere auf falsch gesetzte oder nicht geschlossene Anführungszeichen. Eine weitere Ursache könnte darin liegen, dass Sie versuchen eine Datei mit binären Daten, welche nicht von Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen sind, hochzuladen. Sie können alternativ versuchen Ihre Abfrage über das MySQL-Kommandozeileninterface zu senden. Die MySQL-Fehlerausgabe, falls vorhanden, kann Ihnen auch bei der Fehleranalyse helfen. Falls Sie weiterhin Probleme haben sollten oder der Parser dort versagt, wo die Kommandozeile erfolgreich ist, so reduzieren Sie bitte Ihre Abfrage auf den Befehl, welcher die Probleme verursacht, und senden Sie uns einen Bugreport mit den Datenausschnitt, den Sie weiter unten auf dieser Seite finden.:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Es scheint einen Fehler in Ihrer MySQL-Abfrage zu geben. Die MySQL-Fehlerausgabe, falls vorhanden, kann Ihnen auch bei der Fehleranalyse helfen.';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-Befehl';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL-Abfrageergebnis';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Ungültiger Bezeichner';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Nicht geschlossene Anführungszeichen';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unbekannte Interpunktion';
$strStatement = 'Angaben';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV-Daten';
$strStrucData = 'Struktur und Daten';
$strStrucDrop = 'Mit \'DROP TABLE\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV-Daten für MS Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Nur Struktur';
$strStructPropose = 'Tabellenstruktur analysieren';
$strStructure = 'Struktur';
$strSubmit = 'Abschicken';
$strSuccess = 'Ihr SQL-Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.';
$strSum = 'Gesamt';
$strTable = 'Tabelle';
$strTableComments = 'Tabellen-Kommentar';
$strTableEmpty = 'Der Tabellenname ist leer!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Die Tabelle %s wurde gelöscht.';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Die Tabelle %s wurde geleert.';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Die Tabelle %s wurde geschlossen und zwischengespeicherte Daten gespeichert.';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Hilfsmittel';
$strTables = '%s Tabellen';
$strTableStructure = 'Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle';
$strTableType = 'Tabellentyp';
$strTextAreaLength = 'Wegen seiner Länge ist dieses<br />Feld vielleicht nicht editierbar.';
$strTheContent = 'Der Inhalt Ihrer Datei wurde eingefügt.';
$strTheContents = 'Der Inhalt der CSV-Datei ersetzt die Einträge mit den gleichen Primär- oder Unique-Schlüsseln.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Der Trenner zwischen den Feldern.';
$strTotal = 'insgesamt';
$strTotalUC = 'Insgesamt';
$strType = 'Typ';
$strUncheckAll = 'Auswahl entfernen';
$strUnique = 'Unique';
$strUnselectAll = 'Auswahl entfernen';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Die Rechte für %s wurden geändert.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Benutzer ändern:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Benutzer wurde geändert.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Aktualisieren';
$strUsage = 'Verbrauch';
$strUseBackquotes = ' Tabellen- und Feldnamen in einfachen Anführungszeichen ';
$strUser = 'Benutzer';
$strUserEmpty = 'Kein Benutzername eingegeben!';
$strUserName = 'Benutzername';
$strUsers = 'Benutzer';
$strUseTables = 'Verwendete Tabellen';
$strValidateSQL = 'SQL validieren';
$strValidatorError = 'Bei der Initialisierung des SQL-Validators ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die in der %sDokumentation%s beschriebenen php-Erweiterungen installiert haben.';
$strValue = 'Wert';
$strViewDump = 'Dump (Schema) der Tabelle anzeigen';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Dump (Schema) der Datenbank anzeigen';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'Upload-Verzeichnis auf dem Webserver';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Auf das festgelegte Upload-Verzeichnis kann nicht zugegriffen werden.';
$strWelcome = 'Willkommen bei %s';
$strWithChecked = 'markierte:';
$strWrongUser = 'Falscher Benutzername/Kennwort. Zugriff verweigert.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = 'Zip-komprimiert';
@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
/* $Id:,v 1.56 2002/11/28 09:15:30 rabus Exp $ */
* For suggestions concerning this file please contact
* Alexander M. Turek <rabus at>.
* Bei Verbesserungsvorschlägen diese Datei betreffend wenden Sie sich bitte an
* Alexander M. Turek <rabus at>.
$charset = 'utf-8';
$allow_recoding = TRUE;
$text_dir = 'ltr';
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = '.';
$number_decimal_separator = ',';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa');
$month = array('Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember');
// See to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d. %B %Y um %H:%M';
$strAccessDenied = 'Zugriff verweigert.';
$strAction = 'Aktion';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Spalten hinzufügen/entfernen';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Zeilen hinzufügen/entfernen';
$strAddNewField = 'Neue Felder hinzufügen';
$strAddPriv = 'Rechte hinzufügen';
$strAddPrivMessage = 'Rechte wurden hinzugefügt';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Suchkondition (Argumente für den WHERE-Ausdruck):';
$strAddToIndex = '%s Spalten zum Index hinzufügen';
$strAddUser = 'Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Der Benutzer wurde hinzugefügt.';
$strAffectedRows = ' Betroffene Datensätze: ';
$strAfter = 'Nach %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'zurück';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'anschließend einen weiteren Datensatz einfügen';
$strAll = 'Alle';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'Sollen alle Tabellen mit der gleichen Breite angezeigt werden?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Tabelle sortieren nach';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analysiere Tabelle';
$strAnd = 'und';
$strAnIndex = 'Ein Index wurde in %s erzeugt';
$strAny = 'Jeder';
$strAnyColumn = 'Jede Spalte';
$strAnyDatabase = 'Jede Datenbank';
$strAnyHost = 'Jeder Host';
$strAnyTable = 'Jede Tabelle';
$strAnyUser = 'Jeder Benutzer';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Ein Primärschlüssel wurde in %s erzeugt';
$strAscending = 'aufsteigend';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'An den Anfang der Tabelle';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'An das Ende der Tabelle';
$strAttr = 'Attribute';
$strBack = 'Zurück';
$strBeginRaw = 'BEGINN DER AUSGABE';
$strBinary = ' Binär ';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Binär - nicht editierbar !';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'SQL-Abfrage wurde gelöscht.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Titel';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Gespeicherte SQL-Abfrage';
$strBookmarkThis = 'SQL-Abfrage speichern';
$strBookmarkView = 'Nur zeigen';
$strBrowse = 'Anzeigen';
$strBzip = 'BZip-komprimiert';
$strCantLoadMySQL = 'Die MySQL-Erweiterung konnte nicht geladen werden.<br />Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre PHP-Konfiguration!';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Die PHP-Erweiterungen iconv und recode, welche für die Zeichensatzkonvertierung benötigt werden, konnten nicht geladen werden. Bitte ändern Sie Ihre PHP-Konfiguration und aktivieren Sie diese Erweiterungen oder deaktivieren Sie die Zeichensatzkonvertierung in phpMyAdmin.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kann Index nicht in PRIMARY umbenennen!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Weder die iconv- noch libiconv- oder recode_string-Funktion konnte verwandt werden, obwohl die benötigten php-Erweiterungen angeblich geladen wurden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre PHP-Konfiguration.';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalität';
$strCarriage = 'Wagenrücklauf \\r';
$strChange = 'Ändern';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Anzuzeigende Spalte bestimmen';
$strChangePassword = 'Kennwort ändern';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Zeichencodierung der Datei:';
$strCheckAll = 'Alle auswählen';
$strCheckDbPriv = 'Rechte einer Datenbank prüfen';
$strCheckTable = 'Überprüfe Tabelle';
$strChoosePage = 'Bitte wählen Sie die zu bearbeitende Seite.';
$strColComFeat = 'Darstellung von Spaltenkommentaren';
$strColumn = 'Spalte';
$strColumnNames = 'Spaltennamen';
$strComments = 'Kommentare';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Vollständige \'INSERT\'s';
$strCompression = 'Kompression';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin konnte Ihre Konfigurationsdatei nicht verarbeiten!<br />Dies kann passieren, wenn der PHP-Parser Syntaxfehler in ihr findet oder sie nicht existiert.<br />Bitte rufen Sie die Konfigurationsdatei üben den unteren Link direkt auf und lesen Sie die PHP-Fehlermeldungen, die Sie erhalten. Meistens fehlt bloß irgendwo ein Anführungszeichen oder Semikolon.<br />Wenn Sie eine leere Seite erhalten, ist Ihre Konfigurationsdatei in Ordnung.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Bitte konfigurieren Sie die Koordinaten für die Tabelle %s';
$strConfirm = 'Sind Sie wirklich sicher?';
$strCookiesRequired = 'Ab diesem Punkt müssen Cookies aktiviert sein.';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopiere Tabelle nach (Datenbank<b>.</b>Tabellenname):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabelle %s wurde nach %s kopiert.';
$strCreate = 'Anlegen';
$strCreateIndex = 'Index über %s Spalten anlegen';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Neuen Index anlegen';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Neue Datenbank anlegen';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Neue Tabelle in Datenbank %s erstellen';
$strCreatePage = 'Neue Seite erstellen';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'Erzeugen von PDFs';
$strCriteria = 'Kriterium';
$strData = 'Daten';
$strDatabase = 'Datenbank';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Datenbank %s wurde gelöscht.';
$strDatabases = 'Datenbanken';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Statistiken über alle Datenbanken';
$strDatabaseWildcard = 'Datenbank (Platzhalter sind erlaubt):';
$strDataDict = 'Strukturverzeichnis';
$strDataOnly = 'Nur Daten';
$strDefault = 'Standard';
$strDelete = 'Löschen';
$strDeleted = 'Die Zeile wurde gelöscht.';
$strDeletedRows = 'Gelöschte Zeilen:';
$strDeleteFailed = 'Löschen fehlgeschlagen!';
$strDeleteUserMessage = 'Der Benutzer %s wurde gelöscht.';
$strDescending = 'absteigend';
$strDisabled = 'Deaktiviert';
$strDisplay = 'Zeige';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Anzeige verknüpfter Daten';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Sortierung nach:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'PDF-Schema anzeigen';
$strDoAQuery = 'Suche über Beispielwerte ("query by example") (Platzhalter: "%")';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentation';
$strDoYouReally = 'Möchten Sie wirklich diese Abfrage ausführen: ';
$strDrop = 'Löschen';
$strDropDB = 'Datenbank %s löschen';
$strDropTable = 'Tabelle löschen:';
$strDumpingData = 'Daten für Tabelle';
$strDumpXRows = 'Exportiere %s Datensätze ab Zeile %s.';
$strDynamic = 'dynamisch';
$strEdit = 'Ändern';
$strEditPDFPages = 'PDF-Seiten bearbeiten';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Rechte ändern';
$strEffective = 'Effektiv';
$strEmpty = 'Leeren';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL lieferte ein leeres Resultat zurück (d.h. null Zeilen).';
$strEnabled = 'Aktiviert';
$strEnd = 'Ende';
$strEndRaw = 'ENDE DER AUSGABE';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Anmerkung: MySQL-Rechte werden auf Englisch angegeben. ';
$strError = 'Fehler';
$strExplain = 'SQL erklären';
$strExport = 'Exportieren';
$strExportToXML = 'Ins XML-Format exportieren';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Erweiterte \'INSERT\'s';
$strExtra = 'Extra';
$strField = 'Feld';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Spalte %s wurde entfernt.';
$strFields = 'Felder';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Sie müssen angeben wie viele Felder die Tabelle haben soll! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Felder eingeschlossen von';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Felder escaped von';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Felder getrennt mit';
$strFixed = 'starr';
$strFlushTable = 'Leeren des Tabellenchaches ("FLUSH")';
$strFormat = 'Format';
$strFormEmpty = 'Das Formular ist leer !';
$strFullText = 'vollständige Textfelder';
$strFunction = 'Funktion';
$strGenBy = 'Erstellt von';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Allgemeine Verknüpfungsfunktionen';
$strGenTime = 'Erstellungszeit';
$strGo = 'OK';
$strGrants = 'Rechte';
$strGzip = 'GZip-komprimiert';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'wurde geändert.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'wurde erzeugt.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Bitte wählen Sie mindestens eine anzuzeigende Spalte';
$strHome = 'Home';
$strHomepageOfficial = ' Offizielle phpMyAdmin-Homepage ';
$strHomepageSourceforge = ' phpMyAdmin-Downloadseite bei Sourceforge ';
$strHost = 'Host';
$strHostEmpty = 'Es wurde kein Host angegeben!';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Volltext';
$strIfYouWish = 'Wenn Sie nur bestimmte Spalten importieren möchten, geben Sie diese bitte hier an.';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorieren';
$strImportDocSQL = 'docSQL-Dateien importieren';
$strIndex = 'Index';
$strIndexes = 'Indizes';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Index %s wurde entfernt.';
$strIndexName = 'Index Name :';
$strIndexType = 'Index Typ :';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Ihre Konfigurationsdatei enthält Einstellungen (Benutzer "root" ohne Passwort), welche denen des MySQL-Stardardbenutzers entsprechen. Wird Ihr MySQL-Server mit diesen Einstellungen betrieben, so können Unbefugte leicht von außen auf ihn zugreifen. Sie sollten diese Sicherheitslücke unbedingt schließen!';
$strInsert = 'Einfügen';
$strInsertAsNewRow = ' Als neuen Datensatz speichern ';
$strInsertedRows = 'Eingefügte Zeilen:';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Neue Zeile einfügen';
$strInsertTextfiles = 'Textdatei in Tabelle einfügen';
$strInstructions = 'Befehle';
$strInUse = 'in Benutzung';
$strInvalidName = '"%s" ist ein reserviertes Wort, welches nicht als Datenbank-, Feld- oder Tabellenname verwendet werden darf.';
$strKeepPass = 'Kennwort nicht verändert';
$strKeyname = 'Name';
$strKill = 'Beenden';
$strLength = ' Länge ';
$strLengthSet = 'Länge/Set*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Einträge pro Seite';
$strLineFeed = 'Zeilenvorschub: \\n';
$strLines = 'Zeilen';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Zeilen getrennt mit';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Der Verweis wurde nicht gefunden.';
$strLinksTo = 'Verweise';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Datei';
$strLogin = 'Login';
$strLogout = 'Neu einloggen';
$strLogPassword = 'Kennwort:';
$strLogUsername = 'Benutzername:';
$strMissingBracket = 'Fehlende Klammer';
$strModifications = 'Änderungen gespeichert.';
$strModify = 'Verändern';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Index modifizieren';
$strMoveTable = 'Verschiebe Tabelle nach (Datenbank<b>.</b>Tabellenname):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabelle %s wurde nach %s verschoben.';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL-Zeichensatz';
$strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL wurde neu gestartet.';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL meldet: ';
$strMySQLServerProcess = 'Verbunden mit MySQL %pma_s1% auf %pma_s2% als %pma_s3%';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Prozesse anzeigen';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'MySQL-Laufzeit-Informationen anzeigen';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'MySQL-System-Variablen anzeigen';
$strName = 'Name';
$strNext = 'Nächste';
$strNo = 'Nein';
$strNoDatabases = 'Keine Datenbanken';
$strNoDescription = 'keine Beschreibung';
$strNoDropDatabases = 'Die Anweisung "DROP DATABASE" wurde deaktiviert.';
$strNoExplain = 'SQL-Erklärung umgehen';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin arbeitet besser mit einem <b>Frame</b>-fähigen Browser.';
$strNoIndex = 'Kein Index definiert!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Keine Indizies definiert.';
$strNoModification = 'Keine Änderung';
$strNone = 'keine';
$strNoPassword = 'Kein Kennwort';
$strNoPhp = 'ohne PHP-Code';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Keine Rechte';
$strNoQuery = 'Kein SQL-Befehl!';
$strNoRights = 'Sie haben nicht genug Rechte um fortzufahren!';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Es wurden keine Tabellen in der Datenbank gefunden.';
$strNotNumber = 'Das ist keine Zahl!';
$strNotOK = 'fehlerhaft';
$strNotSet = 'Die Tabelle <b>%s</b> wurde entweder nicht gefunden oder in der Kofigurationsdatei %s nicht gesetzt.';
$strNotValidNumber = ' ist keine gültige Zeilennummer!';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Es wurden keine Benutzer gefunden.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'SQL-Validierung umgehen';
$strNull = 'Null';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s Treffer in der Tabelle <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Insgesamt</b> <i>%s</i> Treffer';
$strNumTables = 'Tabellen';
$strOftenQuotation = 'Häufig Anführungszeichen. Optional bedeutet, dass nur Textfelder von den angegeben Zeichen eingeschlossen sind.';
$strOK = 'OK';
$strOperations = 'Operationen';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimiere Tabelle';
$strOptionalControls = 'Optional. Bestimmt, wie Sonderzeichen kenntlich gemacht werden.';
$strOptionally = 'optional';
$strOptions = 'Optionen';
$strOr = 'oder';
$strOverhead = 'Überhang';
$strPageNumber = 'Seite:';
$strPartialText = 'gekürzte Textfelder';
$strPassword = 'Kennwort';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Es wurde kein Kennwort angegeben!';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Die eingegebenen Kennwörter sind nicht identisch!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Schema der Datenbank "%s" - Seite %s';
$strPdfInvalidPageNum = 'Undefinierte PDF-Seitennummer!';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Die Tabelle "%s" existiert nicht!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'keine Tabellen';
$strPhp = 'PHP-Code erzeugen';
$strPHP40203 = 'Sie verwenden die PHP-Version 4.2.3, welche leider fehlerhaft im Umgang mit Multibyte-Zeichenketten (mbstring) ist. Dieser Fehler ist in der PHP-Datenbank als Bug-Report #19404 dokumentiert. Aus diesem Grund wird diese PHP-Version nicht für den Betrieb von phpMyAdmin empfohlen.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP-Version';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin-Dokumentation';
$strPmaUriError = 'Das <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt>-Verzeichnis MUSS in Ihrer Konfigurationsdatei angegeben werden!';
$strPos1 = 'Anfang';
$strPrevious = 'Vorherige';
$strPrimary = 'Primärschlüssel';
$strPrimaryKey = 'Primärschlüssel';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Der Primärschlüssel wurde gelöscht.';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Der Name des Primärschlüssels muss PRIMARY lauten!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = 'Der Name des Primärschlüssels darf <b>nur</b> "PRIMARY" lauten.';
$strPrint = 'Drucken';
$strPrintView = 'Druckansicht';
$strPrivileges = 'Rechte';
$strProperties = 'Eigenschaften';
$strPutColNames = 'Feldnamen in die erste Zeile setzen';
$strQBE = 'Abfrageeditor';
$strQBEDel = 'Entf.';
$strQBEIns = 'Einf.';
$strQueryOnDb = ' SQL-Befehl in der Datenbank <b>%s</b>:';
$strRecords = 'Einträge';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Prüfe referentielle Integrität:';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Die zusätzlichen Funktionen für verknüpfte Tabellen wurden automatisch deaktiviert. Klicken Sie %shier%s um herauszufinden warum.';
$strRelationView = 'Beziehungsübersicht';
$strReloadFailed = 'MySQL Neuladen fehlgeschlagen.';
$strReloadMySQL = 'MySQL neu starten';
$strRememberReload = 'Der Server muss neu gestartet werden.';
$strRenameTable = 'Tabelle umbenennen in';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabelle %s wurde umbenannt in %s.';
$strRepairTable = 'Repariere Tabelle';
$strReplace = 'Ersetzen';
$strReplaceTable = 'Tabelleninhalt ersetzen';
$strReset = 'Zurücksetzen';
$strReType = 'Wiederholen';
$strRevoke = 'Entfernen';
$strRevokeGrant = '\'Grant\' entfernen';
$strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Sie haben das Recht \'Grant\' für %s entfernt.';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Sie haben die Rechte für %s entfernt.';
$strRevokePriv = 'Rechte entfernen';
$strRowLength = 'Zeilenlänge';
$strRows = 'Zeilen';
$strRowsFrom = 'Datensätze, beginnend ab';
$strRowSize = 'Zeilengröße';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'untereinander';
$strRowsModeOptions = '%s angeordnet und wiederhole die Kopfzeilen nach %s Datensätzen.';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'nebeneinander';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Zeilenstatistik';
$strRunning = 'auf %s';
$strRunQuery = 'SQL-Befehl ausführen';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'SQL-Befehl(e) in Datenbank %s ausführen';
$strSave = 'Speichern';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Der Skalierungsfaktor ist zu klein, sodass das Schma nicht auf eine Seite passt!';
$strSearch = 'Suche';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Durchsuche die Datenbank';
$strSearchInTables = 'In der / den Tabelle(n):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Zu suchende Wörter oder Werte (Platzhalter: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'mindestens eines der Wörter';
$strSearchOption2 = 'alle Wörter';
$strSearchOption3 = 'genau diese Zeichenkette';
$strSearchOption4 = 'als regulären Ausdruck';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Suchergebnisse für "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Finde:';
$strSelect = 'Teilw. anzeigen';
$strSelectADb = 'Bitte Datenbank auswählen';
$strSelectAll = 'Alle auswählen';
$strSelectFields = 'Felder auswählen (mind. eines):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'in der Abfrage';
$strSelectTables = 'Tabellenauswahl';
$strSend = 'Senden';
$strServer = 'Server %s';
$strServerChoice = 'Server Auswählen';
$strServerVersion = 'Server Version';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Wenn das Feld vom Typ \'ENUM\' oder \'SET\' ist, benutzen Sie bitte das Format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\',....<br />Wann immer Sie ein Backslash ("\") oder ein einfaches Anführungszeichen ("\'") verwenden,<br \>setzen Sie bitte ein Backslash vor das Zeichen. (z.B.: \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Zeige';
$strShowAll = 'Alles anzeigen';
$strShowColor = 'mehrfarbig';
$strShowCols = 'Reihen anzeigen';
$strShowGrid = 'Gitterlinien anzeigen';
$strShowingRecords = 'Zeige Datensätze ';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'PHP-Informationen anzeigen';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Tabellendimensionen anzeigen.';
$strShowTables = 'Tabellen anzeigen';
$strShowThisQuery = 'SQL-Befehl hier wieder anzeigen';
$strSingly = '(einmalig)';
$strSize = 'Größe';
$strSort = 'Sortierung';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Speicherplatzverbrauch';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Die Wörter werden durch Leerzeichen (" ") getrennt.';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Möglicherweise haben Sie einen Bug im SQL-Parser entdeckt. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Abfrage genaustens, insbesondere auf falsch gesetzte oder nicht geschlossene Anführungszeichen. Eine weitere Ursache könnte darin liegen, dass Sie versuchen eine Datei mit binären Daten, welche nicht von Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen sind, hochzuladen. Sie können alternativ versuchen Ihre Abfrage über das MySQL-Kommandozeileninterface zu senden. Die MySQL-Fehlerausgabe, falls vorhanden, kann Ihnen auch bei der Fehleranalyse helfen. Falls Sie weiterhin Probleme haben sollten oder der Parser dort versagt, wo die Kommandozeile erfolgreich ist, so reduzieren Sie bitte Ihre Abfrage auf den Befehl, welcher die Probleme verursacht, und senden Sie uns einen Bugreport mit den Datenausschnitt, den Sie weiter unten auf dieser Seite finden.:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Es scheint einen Fehler in Ihrer MySQL-Abfrage zu geben. Die MySQL-Fehlerausgabe, falls vorhanden, kann Ihnen auch bei der Fehleranalyse helfen.';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL-Befehl';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL-Abfrageergebnis';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Ungültiger Bezeichner';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Nicht geschlossene Anführungszeichen';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unbekannte Interpunktion';
$strStatement = 'Angaben';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV-Daten';
$strStrucData = 'Struktur und Daten';
$strStrucDrop = 'Mit \'DROP TABLE\'';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV-Daten für MS Excel';
$strStrucOnly = 'Nur Struktur';
$strStructPropose = 'Tabellenstruktur analysieren';
$strStructure = 'Struktur';
$strSubmit = 'Abschicken';
$strSuccess = 'Ihr SQL-Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.';
$strSum = 'Gesamt';
$strTable = 'Tabelle';
$strTableComments = 'Tabellen-Kommentar';
$strTableEmpty = 'Der Tabellenname ist leer!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Die Tabelle %s wurde gelöscht.';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Die Tabelle %s wurde geleert.';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Die Tabelle %s wurde geschlossen und zwischengespeicherte Daten gespeichert.';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Hilfsmittel';
$strTables = '%s Tabellen';
$strTableStructure = 'Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle';
$strTableType = 'Tabellentyp';
$strTextAreaLength = 'Wegen seiner Länge ist dieses<br />Feld vielleicht nicht editierbar.';
$strTheContent = 'Der Inhalt Ihrer Datei wurde eingefügt.';
$strTheContents = 'Der Inhalt der CSV-Datei ersetzt die Einträge mit den gleichen Primär- oder Unique-Schlüsseln.';
$strTheTerminator = 'Der Trenner zwischen den Feldern.';
$strTotal = 'insgesamt';
$strTotalUC = 'Insgesamt';
$strType = 'Typ';
$strUncheckAll = 'Auswahl entfernen';
$strUnique = 'Unique';
$strUnselectAll = 'Auswahl entfernen';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Die Rechte für %s wurden geändert.';
$strUpdateProfile = 'Benutzer ändern:';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Benutzer wurde geändert.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Aktualisieren';
$strUsage = 'Verbrauch';
$strUseBackquotes = ' Tabellen- und Feldnamen in einfachen Anführungszeichen ';
$strUser = 'Benutzer';
$strUserEmpty = 'Kein Benutzername eingegeben!';
$strUserName = 'Benutzername';
$strUsers = 'Benutzer';
$strUseTables = 'Verwendete Tabellen';
$strValidateSQL = 'SQL validieren';
$strValidatorError = 'Bei der Initialisierung des SQL-Validators ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die in der %sDokumentation%s beschriebenen php-Erweiterungen installiert haben.';
$strValue = 'Wert';
$strViewDump = 'Dump (Schema) der Tabelle anzeigen';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Dump (Schema) der Datenbank anzeigen';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'Upload-Verzeichnis auf dem Webserver';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Auf das festgelegte Upload-Verzeichnis kann nicht zugegriffen werden.';
$strWelcome = 'Willkommen bei %s';
$strWithChecked = 'markierte:';
$strWrongUser = 'Falscher Benutzername/Kennwort. Zugriff verweigert.';
$strYes = 'Ja';
$strZip = 'Zip-komprimiert';