@ -34,22 +34,24 @@ function public_dashboard_view($stats, $free_shifts)
$isFiltered = request()->get('filtered');
$filter = collect(session()->get('shifts-filter'))->only(['rooms', 'types'])->toArray();
return page([
div('public-dashboard', [
div('first', [
stats(__('Angels needed in the next 3 hrs'), $stats['needed-3-hours']),
stats(__('Angels needed for nightshifts'), $stats['needed-night']),
stats(__('Angels currently working'), $stats['angels-working'], 'default'),
stats(__('Hours to be worked'), $stats['hours-to-work'], 'default'),
$(function() {
setInterval(function() {
$(\'#public-dashboard\').load(window.location.href + \' #public-dashboard\');
}, 60000);
], 'statistics'),
], 'public-dashboard'),
div('wrapper', [
div('public-dashboard', [
div('first row', [
stats(__('Angels needed in the next 3 hrs'), $stats['needed-3-hours']),
stats(__('Angels needed for nightshifts'), $stats['needed-night']),
stats(__('Angels currently working'), $stats['angels-working'], 'default'),
stats(__('Hours to be worked'), $stats['hours-to-work'], 'default'),
$(function() {
setInterval(function() {
$(\'#content .wrapper\').load(window.location.href + \' #public-dashboard\');
}, 60000);
], 'statistics'),
], 'public-dashboard'),
div('first col-md-12 text-center', [buttons([
@ -91,9 +93,14 @@ function public_dashboard_shift_render($shift)
. '</span>';
return div('col-md-3', [
div('dashboard-panel panel panel-' . $shift['style'], [
div('panel-body', [
$type = 'bg-dark';
if (theme_type() == 'light') {
$type = 'bg-light';
return div('col-md-3 mb-3', [
div('dashboard-card card card-' . $shift['style'] . ' ' . $type, [
div('card-body', [
'<a class="panel-link" href="' . shift_link($shift) . '"></a>',