Reword 'wants to operate a car for the PL'

As discussed in #sha2017-angel
Arnout Engelen 8 years ago
parent cb9a132790
commit cf20b65902

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ function UserDriverLicense_edit_view($user_source, $wants_to_drive, $user_driver
form_info(_("Privacy"), _("Your driving license information is only visible for supporters and admins.")),
form_checkbox('wants_to_drive', _("I am willing to operate cars for the PL"), $wants_to_drive),
form_checkbox('wants_to_drive', _("I am willing to drive a car for the event"), $wants_to_drive),
div('panel panel-default', [
div('panel-body', [
form_checkbox('has_car', _("I have my own car with me and am willing to use it for the PL (You'll get reimbursed for fuel)"), $user_driver_license['has_car']),
form_checkbox('has_car', _("I have my own car with me and am willing to use it for the event (You'll get reimbursed for fuel)"), $user_driver_license['has_car']),
heading(_("Driver license"), 3),
form_checkbox('has_license_car', _("Car"), $user_driver_license['has_license_car']),
form_checkbox('has_license_3_5t_transporter', _("Transporter 3,5t"), $user_driver_license['has_license_3_5t_transporter']),

@ -2308,15 +2308,15 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Deine Führerschein-Infos sind nur für Supporter und Admins sichtbar."
#: /Users/msquare/workspace/projects/engelsystem/includes/view/UserDriverLicenses_view.php:22
msgid "I am willing to operate cars for the PL"
msgstr "Ich möchte für die PL Auto fahren"
msgid "I am willing to drive a car for the event"
msgstr "Ich möchte für das Event Auto fahren"
#: /Users/msquare/workspace/projects/engelsystem/includes/view/UserDriverLicenses_view.php:25
msgid ""
"I have my own car with me and am willing to use it for the PL (You'll get "
"I have my own car with me and am willing to use it for the event (You'll get "
"reimbursed for fuel)"
msgstr ""
"Ich habe mein eigenes Auto dabei und möchte würde es zum Fahren für die PL "
"Ich habe mein eigenes Auto dabei und möchte würde es zum Fahren für das Event "
"verwenden (Du wirst für Spritkosten entschädigt)"
#: /Users/msquare/workspace/projects/engelsystem/includes/view/UserDriverLicenses_view.php:26

@ -2159,12 +2159,12 @@ msgstr ""
"e os admins."
#: includes/view/UserDriverLicenses_view.php:22
msgid "I am willing to operate cars for the PL"
msgid "I am willing to drive a car for the event"
msgstr "Eu desejo dirigir carros para o evento"
#: includes/view/UserDriverLicenses_view.php:25
msgid ""
"I have my own car with me and am willing to use it for the PL (You'll get "
"I have my own car with me and am willing to use it for the event (You'll get "
"reimbursed for fuel)"
msgstr ""
"Eu tenho meu próprio carro e estou disposto a usá-lo no evento\n"