diff --git a/www-ssl/admin/menu.php b/www-ssl/admin/menu.php
index bd0761ed..45c59725 100755
--- a/www-ssl/admin/menu.php
+++ b/www-ssl/admin/menu.php
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ $Menu["Entry"][11]["Line"] = " ";
$Menu["Entry"][10]["File"] = "list.php";
$Menu["Entry"][10]["Name"] = "Debug";
-if ($_SESSION['CVS']["MenueShowAdminSection"] == "Y") {
+if ($_SESSION['CVS']["MenueShowAdminSection"] == "Y")
$MenuAdmin["Name"] = "Erzengel";
$MenuAdmin["Entry"][0]["File"] = "../nonpublic/index.php";
$MenuAdmin["Entry"][0]["Name"] = "Engel-Menü";
diff --git a/www-ssl/admin/user.php b/www-ssl/admin/user.php
index a1c2aa4b..678a8a36 100755
--- a/www-ssl/admin/user.php
+++ b/www-ssl/admin/user.php
@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ $title = "User-Liste";
$header = "Editieren der Engelliste";
include ("./inc/header.php");
include ("./inc/funktion_db_list.php");
+include ("./inc/funktion_user.php");
if (!IsSet($_GET["enterUID"]))
// Userliste, keine UID uebergeben...
echo "Neuen Engel eintragen \n";
+ echo "\nEdit logout User \n";
if( !isset($_GET["OrderBy"]) ) $_GET["OrderBy"] = "Nick";
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM User ORDER BY ". $_GET["OrderBy"]. " ASC";
@@ -98,27 +101,26 @@ else
// UserID wurde mit uebergeben --> Aendern...
- $SQL = "SELECT * FROM User where UID=". $_GET["enterUID"];
- $Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
+ echo "Hallo, ".
+ "hier kannst du den Eintrag ändern. Unter dem Punkt 'Gekommen' ".
+ "wird der Engel als anwesend markiert, ein Ja bei Aktiv bedeutet, ".
+ "dass der Engel aktiv war und damit ein Anspruch auf ein T-Shirt hat. ".
+ "Wenn T-Shirt ein 'Ja' enthält, bedeutet dies, dass der Engel ".
+ "bereits sein T-Shirt erhalten hat. \n";
- $anzahl = mysql_num_rows($Erg);
+ echo "
echo " \n";
- echo " \n";
+ echo " \n";
echo " ";
- if( $_GET["Type"] == "Normal" )
- {
- echo "\n";
- echo " \n";
- echo " \n";
- echo " ";
- }
- }
+ }
include ("./inc/footer.php");
diff --git a/www-ssl/inc/funktion_user.php b/www-ssl/inc/funktion_user.php
index a420a09a..573a59d8 100755
--- a/www-ssl/inc/funktion_user.php
+++ b/www-ssl/inc/funktion_user.php
@@ -7,7 +7,15 @@ function UID2Nick($UID) {
$Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
//echo $UID."#";
- return mysql_result($Erg, 0);
+ if( mysql_num_rows($Erg))
+ return mysql_result($Erg, 0);
+ else
+ {
+ if( $UID == -1)
+ return "logout User";
+ else
+ return "UserID $UID not found";
+ }
diff --git a/www-ssl/makeuser.php b/www-ssl/makeuser.php
deleted file mode 100755
index ae21b44a..00000000
--- a/www-ssl/makeuser.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-if( !isset($_POST["action"]) )
- $_POST["action"]="new";
-if( $_POST["action"]=="newsave")
- $eNick = trim($_POST["eNick"]);
- if( strlen($_POST["eNick"]) < 2 )
- {
- $error= "error: nick '".$_POST["eNick"]."' is to short (min. 2 characters) ";
- }
- elseif( strlen($_POST["eemail"]) <= 7 ||
- strstr($_POST["eemail"], "@") == FALSE ||
- strstr($_POST["eemail"], ".") == FALSE )
- {
- $error= "error: e-mail address is not correct ";
- }
- elseif( $_POST["ePasswort"] != $_POST["ePasswort2"] )
- {
- $error= "error: passswords are not identical";
- }
- elseif( strlen($_POST["ePasswort"]) < 6 )
- {
- $error= "error: password is to short (min. 6 characters)";
- }
- else
- {
- $_POST["ePasswort"] = PassCrypt($_POST["ePasswort"]);
- $SQL = "INSERT INTO `User` (`Nick`, `Name`, `Vorname`, `Alter`, `Telefon`, `DECT`, `Handy`, ".
- "`email`, `Size`, `Passwort`) ".
- "VALUES ('". $_POST["eNick"]. "', '". $_POST["eName"]. "', '". $_POST["eVorname"].
- "', '". $_POST["eAlter"]. "', '". $_POST["eTelefon"]. "', '". $_POST["eDECT"].
- "', '". $_POST["eHandy"]. "', '". $_POST["eemail"]. "', '". $_POST["eSize"].
- "', '". $_POST["ePasswort"]. "');";
- $Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
- if ($Erg != 1)
- echo "error: can't save personal informations...(error: ".mysql_error($con).") ";
- else
- {
- echo "personal informations was saved... ";
- $SQL2 = "SELECT UID FROM `User` WHERE Nick='". $_POST["eNick"]. "';";
- $Erg2 = mysql_query($SQL2, $con);
- $Data = mysql_fetch_array($Erg2);
- $SQL3 = "INSERT INTO `UserCVS` (`UID`) VALUES (". $Data["UID"]. ");";
- $Erg3 = mysql_query($SQL3, $con);
- if ($Erg3 != 1)
- {
- echo "error: can't save userright... (".mysql_error($con).") ";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "userright was saved... ";
- echo " Your acount was sucsessfull creat, hafe al lot of fun.";
- }
- }
- }
-if( $_POST["action"] == "new" || isset($error))
- if( !isset($error) )
- echo "If you wont to be an angel please insert your personal information into this form: ";
- else
- echo $error;
- echo "\n\n\n";
- echo "\n";
- echo " \n";
- echo " \n";
- echo " ";
- echo "\n\n\n\t* entry required!\n";
-include ("./inc/footer.php");
diff --git a/www-ssl/makeuser.php.de b/www-ssl/makeuser.php.de
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..00033de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-ssl/makeuser.php.de
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ $value){
+ $value = strtr($value, get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES));
+ $keys .= $key.", ";
+ $values .= "'".$value."', ";
+ }
+ $keys = substr($keys, 0, -2);
+ $values = substr($values, 0, -2);
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (".$keys.") VALUES (".$values.")";
+ mysql_query($sql, $con);
+ }
+ mysqlinsert('User', $con, $_POST);
+ $Erg = mysql_affected_rows();
+ if ($Erg != 1) {
+ echo "Fehler: Kann die eingegebenen Daten nicht sichern?!? ";
+ echo "\n(Fehler: ".mysql_error($con).") ";
+ } else {
+ echo "Die Anmeldung war erfolgreich. Vielen Dank für deine Anmeldung.
\n ";
+ $SQL2 = "SELECT UID FROM `User` WHERE Nick='". $_POST["Nick"]. "';";
+ $Erg2 = mysql_query($SQL2, $con);
+ $Data = mysql_fetch_array($Erg2);
+ }
+ }
+ if( !isset($error) ){
+ echo "Wenn du dich zum Chaos-Engel anmelden möchtest, fülle bitte folgendes Formular aus: ";
+ } else {
+ echo "\n$error\n
+ }
+ //init vars
+ $_POST["Nick"] = "";
+ $_POST["Name"] = "";
+ $_POST["Vorname"] = "";
+ $_POST["Alta"] = "";
+ $_POST["Telefon"] = "";
+ $_POST["DECT"] = "";
+ $_POST["Handy"] = "";
+ $_POST["email"] = "";
+ $_POST["Size"] = "";
+ $_POST["Art"] = "";
+Anmeldung zum Chaos-Engel
+Mit dieser Maske meldet Ihr euch im Engelsystem an. Durch das Engelsystem findet auf dem Congress die Aufgabenverteilung der Engel statt.
+ * Dieser Eintrag ist eine Pflichtangabe.
diff --git a/www-ssl/makeuser.php.en b/www-ssl/makeuser.php.en
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..86ee286d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-ssl/makeuser.php.en
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ $value){
+ $value = strtr($value, get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES));
+ $keys .= $key.", ";
+ $values .= "'".$value."', ";
+ }
+ $keys = substr($keys, 0, -2);
+ $values = substr($values, 0, -2);
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (".$keys.") VALUES (".$values.")";
+ mysql_query($sql, $con);
+ }
+ mysqlinsert('User', $con, $_POST);
+ $Erg = mysql_affected_rows();
+ if ($Erg != 1) {
+ echo "error: can't save your data...(error: ".mysql_error($con).") ";
+ } else {
+ echo "transmitted. Thank you for your participation..
\n ";
+ $SQL2 = "SELECT UID FROM `User` WHERE Nick='". $_POST["Nick"]. "';";
+ $Erg2 = mysql_query($SQL2, $con);
+ $Data = mysql_fetch_array($Erg2);
+ }
+ }
+ if( !isset($error) ){
+ echo "If you would like to be an chaos angel please insert following details into this form: ";
+ } else {
+ echo "\n$error\n
+ }
+ //init vars
+ $_POST["Nick"] = "";
+ $_POST["Name"] = "";
+ $_POST["Vorname"] = "";
+ $_POST["Alta"] = "";
+ $_POST["Telefon"] = "";
+ $_POST["DECT"] = "";
+ $_POST["Handy"] = "";
+ $_POST["email"] = "";
+ $_POST["Size"] = "";
+ $_POST["Art"] = "";
+Chaos-Angel registration
+By completing this form you're registering as a Chaos-Angel. This script will create you an account in the congress angel task system.
+ * entry required!
diff --git a/www-ssl/menu.php b/www-ssl/menu.php
index f2789d17..9d9c7efa 100755
--- a/www-ssl/menu.php
+++ b/www-ssl/menu.php
@@ -34,4 +34,13 @@ $Menu["Entry"][3]["Line"] = " ";
$Menu["Entry"][4]["File"] = "nonpublic/schichtplan_beamer.php";
$Menu["Entry"][4]["Name"] = Get_Text("pub_menu_SchichtplanBeamer");
+if ($_SESSION['CVS']["nonpublic/index.php"] == "Y")
+ $MenuAdmin["Path"] = "";
+ $MenuAdmin["Name"] = Get_Text("pub_menu_menuname");
+ $MenuAdmin["Entry"][0]["File"] = "nonpublic/index.php";
+ $MenuAdmin["Entry"][0]["Name"] = "Engel-Menü";
+} // MenueShowAdminSection
diff --git a/www-ssl/nonpublic/menu.php b/www-ssl/nonpublic/menu.php
index 7dac48bb..10cf2a2d 100755
--- a/www-ssl/nonpublic/menu.php
+++ b/www-ssl/nonpublic/menu.php
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ $Menu["Entry"][8]["File"] = "../logout.php";
$Menu["Entry"][8]["Name"] = Get_Text("pub_menu_Abmelden");
-if ($_SESSION['CVS']["MenueShowAdminSection"] == "Y") {
+if ($_SESSION['CVS']["MenueShowAdminSection"] == "Y")
+ $MenuAdmin["Path"] = "";
$MenuAdmin["Name"] = "Erzengel";
$MenuAdmin["Entry"][0]["File"] = "../admin/index.php";
$MenuAdmin["Entry"][0]["Name"] = "Erzengel-Menü";
diff --git a/www-ssl/pic/external.png b/www-ssl/pic/external.png
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8ae475d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/www-ssl/pic/external.png differ