Commit Graph

10 Commits (184c36baab3116c002db2b054afa9952c2ba3634)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Igor Scheller 79c92da8c1 Formatting
php-cs-fixer fix --allow-risky=yes --rules=@PSR2,psr4,mb_str_functions.php_unit_construct,php_unit_ordered_covers,trailing_comma_in_multiline_array --rules='{"array_syntax": {"syntax":"short"}}' [tests/|src/]
Igor Scheller c74fa7955d phpunit: Upgrade to version 8, fixed tests, formatting
Use `dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts` after `assertArraySubset` got deprecated
Igor Scheller 58ca7113f3 PSR-7: Replaced implementation with `Nyholm\Psr7`
Igor Scheller d9f898a0bb Bugfix: Replaced Diactoros with Symfony PsrHttpFactory to use PhpExtended\HttpMessage implementation
Prevents warnings that get converted to errors when run in dev mode
Igor Scheller 944c29b964 Require POST for sending forms
* Ensure that the form is submitted with a post request
* Replaced several links with forms

Closes  (Security Vulnerability)
Igor Scheller b0e7bc0df2 Made Engelsystem\Http\Request PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface compatible
Igor Scheller 5427ee385d Made Engelsystem\Http\Request PSR-7 RequestInterface compatible
Igor Scheller 3c08829205 Added Http\Response and Psr7{Request,Response}
msquare f8807c4efb fix behaviour of HTTP/Request get
Igor Scheller 8c703e1202 Added request test