Commit Graph

8 Commits (7b5ce5b6ced2efe6cee237fea1d3331152972eb4)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Igor Scheller 64dc16e4d9 Logger: Added handling for exceptions and log exceptions if they occur
Igor Scheller 79c92da8c1 Formatting
php-cs-fixer fix --allow-risky=yes --rules=@PSR2,psr4,mb_str_functions.php_unit_construct,php_unit_ordered_covers,trailing_comma_in_multiline_array --rules='{"array_syntax": {"syntax":"short"}}' [tests/|src/]
Igor Scheller c74fa7955d phpunit: Upgrade to version 8, fixed tests, formatting
Use `dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts` after `assertArraySubset` got deprecated
Igor Scheller 25e434bce4 Refactored ExceptionHandler
Igor Scheller 6eea072376 Added ExceptionHandler Interface
Igor Scheller e15e863625 Added tests for base_path and config_path
Igor Scheller 411ea5bb6d Refactored service provider tests
Igor Scheller 60fd72cd1a Added service providers