Commit Graph

99 Commits (cbe88ad8013f7459ad9a700b7a8791b54f1c76db)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Igor Scheller e727b367cc Moved includes to own file
Igor Scheller 8c81adc8e8 Implemented container
Igor Scheller 0a20883aa8 Reimplementation of 2840bb619 (signup requires arrival), closes
Igor Scheller cc01c906ba : Integration of symfony/http-foundation request
Igor Scheller 73175e2b64 : Added routing
Igor Scheller e1762e7764 replaced template_render with dynamic renderer class
Igor Scheller 3a1e460249 Changed $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST to use the Request object
Igor Scheller 68da2a4eb8 Renamed "default_theme" config to "theme"
Igor Scheller 8506d6d27e Refactoring: Config cleanup / moved to class
Bot 740026a9de Replaced [0-9] with \d
Bot 55141154c0 Replaced " with '
Bot 356b2582f3 PPHDoc, formatting, fixes, cleanup
Bot d71e7bbfad Formatting
Bot 7313e15ce8 PSR-2 formatting
Igor Scheller 00d8709ae8 Fix relative paths
msquare f5a5f234e4 fixes : add checkbox allowing the users email to be used by humans like event-team
msquare 6fff6a6c1a begin room view and shifts filter renderer
msquare 07ddbb0f4c make short variable names longer
msquare 4c288e957e prohibit inline control structures on includes and index
msquare 6685beb397 display event countdowns on start page
msquare 50bf7feff0 show event info in footer text line
msquare 031fc3057c rename settings to event config and implement mvc pattern on it
kamishetty sreeja 8a20b43f6d Added Feature Admin Settings Page
Philip Häusler facc32f133 add basic driver license information
Johannes Lauinger ff7dd61040 adds configuration variable $contact_email
gnomus 7a5dc34835 Merge pull request from jere123/patch-1
Endlosschleife gefixt
Philip Häusler 53737666c6 add bootstrap datepicker
Philip Häusler 1da5604f47 remove json auth feature (will be covered by api)
Philip Häusler 45c8a68beb deleted counter function - never needed in the last 4 years
Philip Häusler 218b305a3e fix broken session creation
Philip Häusler 0a59089e2b add room model tests
Philip Häusler 284ed12f59 add bootstrap file
jere123 e41df963bb Endlosschleife gefixt
Bei der Installation gibt der browser die Errormeldung zurück, dass die Anfrage zu oft umgeleitet würde.
Habe in Zeile 96 "login" zum array $free_pages hinzugefügt, da sonst der Abschnitt "gewünschte Seite/Funktion" sich immer wieder wiederholt ($p = "login" -> erste Bedingung (Z. 103) nicht erfüllt -> zweite Bedingung (Zeile 223) ist nicht erfüllt, da user nicht eingeloggt -> $p wird als login gesetzt (Z. 228) -> beginnt von vorne).
Philip Häusler 6a05c3d9de rewrite create shifts for shifttypes
Philip Häusler d02272afd6 add basic shift view
Philip Häusler c8cc46886b shift type list
Philip Häusler a73e98a8e0 prepare shift types controller and view
Philip Häusler 25889920cf prepare for shift types model, add db update
Felix Favre d644952fcd also allow atom feed without login
Felix Favre 96d2aee2cb always allow access to ical and json_export_shifts
Philip Häusler fa0e38ebff add shift create model
Felix Favre 9e0cc40e6d added shift mailer
Philip Häusler d34fae3c40 move hints to toolbar
Philip Häusler 8261933bec try to prevent hint duplication
Philip Häusler 57a92dbdcd add opt-in bool for shiftinfo mails and remove icq from users
Philip Häusler 4516cbe5d6 renamed mysql provider to mysqli, updated system requirements, fixes
Philip Häusler 086ddc2248 better application name
Philip Häusler 50fea6d371 fix session security issue (same session on multiple instances)
Philip Häusler 8a0bd3d55c several fixes
- syntax error in index.php
- switched from sass to less because of bootstrap submodule
Moritz Kaspar Rudert (mortzu) 27b8223611 removed bootstrap.php