Commit Graph

12 Commits (d5640c4c69f3505d52e59971ff567ed1cc883cbf)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Igor Scheller 93ae2442f6 Formatting, syntax, typehint and namespace fixes, cleanups
Igor Scheller 867d720f15 Tests: Replaced setMethods as it is deprecated
Igor Scheller 79c92da8c1 Formatting
php-cs-fixer fix --allow-risky=yes --rules=@PSR2,psr4,mb_str_functions.php_unit_construct,php_unit_ordered_covers,trailing_comma_in_multiline_array --rules='{"array_syntax": {"syntax":"short"}}' [tests/|src/]
Igor Scheller c74fa7955d phpunit: Upgrade to version 8, fixed tests, formatting
Use `dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts` after `assertArraySubset` got deprecated
Igor Scheller f845a5ab8b Added caching for templating and routing
See  (Implement caching)
Igor Scheller c1a1180d1f Moved frontend, templates and lang to resources
Igor Scheller bb3d16d273 Added Twig template renderer, closes
Igor Scheller 18fd73a899 Moved middleware to application config
Igor Scheller e15e863625 Added tests for base_path and config_path
Igor Scheller d49e49c364 Implemented service provider functionality
Igor Scheller 212760d4c9 Changed Container to Illuminate/Container
Igor Scheller c8d32d23e1 Added Application unit test