<?php require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/engelsystem_provider.php'); $free_pages = [ 'admin_event_config', 'angeltypes', 'api', 'atom', 'credits', 'ical', 'login', 'rooms', 'shifts', 'shifts_json_export', 'shifts_json_export_all', 'stats', 'users', 'user_driver_licenses', 'user_password_recovery' ]; // Gewünschte Seite/Funktion $page = ''; $title = ''; $content = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['p'])) { $_REQUEST['p'] = isset($user) ? 'news' : 'login'; } if ( isset($_REQUEST['p']) && preg_match('/^\w*$/i', $_REQUEST['p']) && ( in_array($_REQUEST['p'], $free_pages) || (isset($privileges) && in_array($_REQUEST['p'], $privileges)) ) ) { $page = $_REQUEST['p']; $title = $page; if ($page == 'api') { error('Api disabled temporily.'); redirect(page_link_to()); require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/controller/api.php'); api_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'ical') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/user_ical.php'); user_ical(); } elseif ($page == 'atom') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/user_atom.php'); user_atom(); } elseif ($page == 'shifts_json_export') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/controller/shifts_controller.php'); shifts_json_export_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'shifts_json_export_all') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/controller/shifts_controller.php'); shifts_json_export_all_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'stats') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/guest_stats.php'); guest_stats(); } elseif ($page == 'user_password_recovery') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/controller/users_controller.php'); $title = user_password_recovery_title(); $content = user_password_recovery_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'angeltypes') { list($title, $content) = angeltypes_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'shifts') { list($title, $content) = shifts_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'users') { list($title, $content) = users_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'user_angeltypes') { list($title, $content) = user_angeltypes_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'user_driver_licenses') { list($title, $content) = user_driver_licenses_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'shifttypes') { list($title, $content) = shifttypes_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_event_config') { list($title, $content) = event_config_edit_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'rooms') { list($title, $content) = rooms_controller(); } elseif ($page == 'news') { $title = news_title(); $content = user_news(); } elseif ($page == 'news_comments') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/user_news.php'); $title = user_news_comments_title(); $content = user_news_comments(); } elseif ($page == 'user_meetings') { $title = meetings_title(); $content = user_meetings(); } elseif ($page == 'user_myshifts') { $title = myshifts_title(); $content = user_myshifts(); } elseif ($page == 'user_shifts') { $title = shifts_title(); $content = user_shifts(); } elseif ($page == 'user_messages') { $title = messages_title(); $content = user_messages(); } elseif ($page == 'user_questions') { $title = questions_title(); $content = user_questions(); } elseif ($page == 'user_settings') { $title = settings_title(); $content = user_settings(); } elseif ($page == 'login') { $title = login_title(); $content = guest_login(); } elseif ($page == 'register') { $title = register_title(); $content = guest_register(); } elseif ($page == 'logout') { $title = logout_title(); $content = guest_logout(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_questions') { $title = admin_questions_title(); $content = admin_questions(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_user') { $title = admin_user_title(); $content = admin_user(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_arrive') { $title = admin_arrive_title(); $content = admin_arrive(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_active') { $title = admin_active_title(); $content = admin_active(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_free') { $title = admin_free_title(); $content = admin_free(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_news') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/admin_news.php'); $content = admin_news(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_rooms') { $title = admin_rooms_title(); $content = admin_rooms(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_groups') { $title = admin_groups_title(); $content = admin_groups(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_import') { $title = admin_import_title(); $content = admin_import(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_shifts') { $title = admin_shifts_title(); $content = admin_shifts(); } elseif ($page == 'admin_log') { $title = admin_log_title(); $content = admin_log(); } elseif ($page == 'credits') { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/guest_credits.php'); $title = credits_title(); $content = guest_credits(); } else { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/guest_start.php'); $content = guest_start(); } } else { // Wenn schon eingeloggt, keine-Berechtigung-Seite anzeigen if (isset($user)) { $title = _('No Access'); $content = _('You don\'t have permission to view this page . You probably have to sign in or register in order to gain access!'); } else { // Sonst zur Loginseite leiten redirect(page_link_to('login')); } } $event_config = EventConfig(); echo template_render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/layout.html', [ 'theme' => isset($user) ? $user['color'] : config('theme'), 'title' => $title, 'atom_link' => ($page == 'news' || $page == 'user_meetings') ? ' <link href="' . page_link_to('atom') . (($page == 'user_meetings') ? '&meetings=1' : '') . '&key=' . (isset($user) ? $user['api_key'] : '') . '" type = "application/atom+xml" rel = "alternate" title = "Atom Feed">' : '', 'menu' => make_menu(), 'content' => msg() . $content, 'header_toolbar' => header_toolbar(), 'faq_url' => config('faq_url'), 'contact_email' => config('contact_email'), 'locale' => locale(), 'event_info' => EventConfig_info($event_config) . ' <br />' ]);