personalData; $enable_dect = config('enable_dect'); $enable_planned_arrival = config('enable_planned_arrival'); return page_with_title(settings_title(), [ msg(), div('row', [ div('col-md-6', [ form([ form_info('', __('Here you can change your user details.')), form_info(entry_required() . ' = ' . __('Entry required!')), form_text('nick', __('Nick'), $user_source->name, true), form_info( '', __('Use up to 23 letters, numbers, connecting punctuations or spaces for your nickname.') ), form_text('lastname', __('Last name'), $personalData->last_name), form_text('prename', __('First name'), $personalData->first_name), $enable_planned_arrival ? form_date( 'planned_arrival_date', __('Planned date of arrival') . ' ' . entry_required(), $personalData->planned_arrival_date ? $personalData->planned_arrival_date->getTimestamp() : '', $buildup_start_date, $teardown_end_date ) : '', $enable_planned_arrival ? form_date( 'planned_departure_date', __('Planned date of departure'), $personalData->planned_departure_date ? $personalData->planned_departure_date->getTimestamp() : '', $buildup_start_date, $teardown_end_date ) : '', $enable_dect ? form_text('dect', __('DECT'), $user_source->contact->dect) : '', form_text('mobile', __('Mobile'), $user_source->contact->mobile), form_text('mail', __('E-Mail') . ' ' . entry_required(), $user_source->email), form_checkbox( 'email_shiftinfo', __( 'The %s is allowed to send me an email (e.g. when my shifts change)', [config('app_name')] ), $user_source->settings->email_shiftinfo ), form_checkbox( 'email_by_human_allowed', __('Humans are allowed to send me an email (e.g. for ticket vouchers)'), $user_source->settings->email_human ), $enable_tshirt_size ? form_select( 'tshirt_size', __('Shirt size'), $tshirt_sizes, $personalData->shirt_size, __('Please select...') ) : '', form_info('', __('Please visit the angeltypes page to manage your angeltypes.')), form_submit('submit', __('Save')) ]) ]), div('col-md-6', [ form([ form_info(__('Here you can change your password.')), form_password('password', __('Old password:')), form_password('new_password', __('New password:')), form_password('new_password2', __('Password confirmation:')), form_submit('submit_password', __('Save')) ]), form([ form_info(__('Here you can choose your color settings:')), form_select('theme', __('Color settings:'), $themes, $user_source->settings->theme), form_submit('submit_theme', __('Save')) ]), form([ form_info(__('Here you can choose your language:')), form_select('language', __('Language:'), $locales, $user_source->settings->language), form_submit('submit_language', __('Save')) ]) ]) ]) ]); } /** * Displays the welcome message to the user and shows a login form. * * @param string $event_welcome_message * @return string */ function User_registration_success_view($event_welcome_message) { $parsedown = new Parsedown(); $event_welcome_message = $parsedown->text($event_welcome_message); return page_with_title(__('Registration successful'), [ msg(), div('row', [ div('col-md-4', [ $event_welcome_message ]), div('col-md-4', [ '
' . __('Please read about the jobs you can do to help us.') . '
', buttons([ button(page_link_to('angeltypes', ['action' => 'about']), __('Teams/Job description') . ' »') ]) ]) ]) ]); } /** * Gui for deleting user with password field. * * @param User $user * @return string */ function User_delete_view($user) { return page_with_title(sprintf(__('Delete %s'), User_Nick_render($user)), [ msg(), buttons([ button(user_edit_link($user->id), glyph('chevron-left') . __('back')) ]), error( __('Do you really want to delete the user including all his shifts and every other piece of his data?'), true ), form([ form_password('password', __('Your password')), form_submit('submit', __('Delete')) ]) ]); } /** * View for editing the number of given vouchers * * @param User $user * @return string */ function User_edit_vouchers_view($user) { return page_with_title(sprintf(__('%s\'s vouchers'), User_Nick_render($user)), [ msg(), buttons([ button(user_link($user->id), glyph('chevron-left') . __('back')) ]), info(sprintf( __('Angel should receive at least %d vouchers.'), User_get_eligable_voucher_count($user) ), true), form( [ form_spinner('vouchers', __('Number of vouchers given out'), $user->state->got_voucher), form_submit('submit', __('Save')) ], page_link_to('users', ['action' => 'edit_vouchers', 'user_id' => $user->id]) ) ]); } /** * @param User[] $users * @param string $order_by * @param int $arrived_count * @param int $active_count * @param int $force_active_count * @param int $freeloads_count * @param int $tshirts_count * @param int $voucher_count * @return string */ function Users_view( $users, $order_by, $arrived_count, $active_count, $force_active_count, $freeloads_count, $tshirts_count, $voucher_count ) { $usersList = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $u = []; $u['name'] = User_Nick_render($user); $u['first_name'] = $user->personalData->first_name; $u['last_name'] = $user->personalData->last_name; $u['dect'] = $user->contact->dect; $u['arrived'] = glyph_bool($user->state->arrived); $u['got_voucher'] = $user->state->got_voucher; $u['freeloads'] = $user->getAttribute('freeloads'); $u['active'] = glyph_bool($user->state->active); $u['force_active'] = glyph_bool($user->state->force_active); $u['got_shirt'] = glyph_bool($user->state->got_shirt); $u['shirt_size'] = $user->personalData->shirt_size; $u['arrival_date'] = $user->personalData->planned_arrival_date ? $user->personalData->planned_arrival_date->format(__('Y-m-d')) : ''; $u['departure_date'] = $user->personalData->planned_departure_date ? $user->personalData->planned_departure_date->format(__('Y-m-d')) : ''; $u['last_login_at'] = $user->last_login_at ? $user->last_login_at->format(__('m/d/Y h:i a')) : ''; $u['actions'] = table_buttons([ button_glyph(page_link_to('admin_user', ['id' => $user->id]), 'edit', 'btn-xs') ]); $usersList[] = $u; } $usersList[] = [ 'name' => '' . __('Sum') . '', 'arrived' => $arrived_count, 'got_voucher' => $voucher_count, 'active' => $active_count, 'force_active' => $force_active_count, 'freeloads' => $freeloads_count, 'got_shirt' => $tshirts_count, 'actions' => '' . count($usersList) . '' ]; return page_with_title(__('All users'), [ msg(), buttons([ button(page_link_to('register'), glyph('plus') . __('New user')) ]), table([ 'name' => Users_table_header_link('name', __('Nick'), $order_by), 'first_name' => Users_table_header_link('first_name', __('Prename'), $order_by), 'last_name' => Users_table_header_link('last_name', __('Name'), $order_by), 'dect' => Users_table_header_link('dect', __('DECT'), $order_by), 'arrived' => Users_table_header_link('arrived', __('Arrived'), $order_by), 'got_voucher' => Users_table_header_link('got_voucher', __('Voucher'), $order_by), 'freeloads' => __('Freeloads'), 'active' => Users_table_header_link('active', __('Active'), $order_by), 'force_active' => Users_table_header_link('force_active', __('Forced'), $order_by), 'got_shirt' => Users_table_header_link('got_shirt', __('T-Shirt'), $order_by), 'shirt_size' => Users_table_header_link('shirt_size', __('Size'), $order_by), 'arrival_date' => Users_table_header_link('planned_arrival_date', __('Planned arrival'), $order_by), 'departure_date' => Users_table_header_link('planned_departure_date', __('Planned departure'), $order_by), 'last_login_at' => Users_table_header_link('last_login_at', __('Last login'), $order_by), 'actions' => '' ], $usersList) ]); } /** * @param string $column * @param string $label * @param string $order_by * @return string */ function Users_table_header_link($column, $label, $order_by) { return '' . $label . ($order_by == $column ? ' ' : '') . ''; } /** * @param User $user * @return string|false */ function User_shift_state_render($user) { if (!$user->state->arrived) { return ''; } $upcoming_shifts = ShiftEntries_upcoming_for_user($user->id); if (empty($upcoming_shifts)) { return '' . __('Free') . ''; } $nextShift = array_shift($upcoming_shifts); if ($nextShift['start'] > time()) { if ($nextShift['start'] - time() > 3600) { return '' . __('Next shift %c') . ''; } return '' . __('Next shift %c') . ''; } $halfway = ($nextShift['start'] + $nextShift['end']) / 2; if (time() < $halfway) { return '' . __('Shift started %c') . ''; } return '' . __('Shift ends %c') . ''; } function User_last_shift_render($user) { if (!$user->state->arrived) { return ''; } $last_shifts = ShiftEntries_finished_by_user($user->id); if (empty($last_shifts)) { return ''; } $lastShift = array_shift($last_shifts); return '' . __('Shift ended %c') . ''; } /** * @param array $needed_angel_type * @return string */ function User_view_shiftentries($needed_angel_type) { $shift_info = '' . sprintf('%.2f', -($shift['end'] - $shift['start']) / 3600 * 2) . ' h' . '
'; if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { $myshift['comment'] .= '' . __('Freeloaded') . ': ' . $shift['freeload_comment'] . '
'; } else { $myshift['comment'] .= '' . __('Freeloaded') . '
'; } } $myshift['actions'] = [ button(shift_link($shift), glyph('eye-open') . __('view'), 'btn-xs') ]; if ($its_me || auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { $myshift['actions'][] = button( page_link_to('user_myshifts', ['edit' => $shift['id'], 'id' => $user_source->id]), glyph('edit') . __('edit'), 'btn-xs' ); } if (Shift_signout_allowed($shift, ['id' => $shift['TID']], $user_source->id)) { $myshift['actions'][] = button( shift_entry_delete_link($shift), glyph('trash') . __('sign off'), 'btn-xs' ); } $myshift['actions'] = table_buttons($myshift['actions']); return $myshift; } /** * Helper that prepares the shift table for user view * * @param array[] $shifts * @param User $user_source * @param bool $its_me * @param int $tshirt_score * @param bool $tshirt_admin * @param array[] $user_worklogs * @param bool $admin_user_worklog_privilege * @return array */ function User_view_myshifts( $shifts, $user_source, $its_me, $tshirt_score, $tshirt_admin, $user_worklogs, $admin_user_worklog_privilege ) { $myshifts_table = []; $timeSum = 0; foreach ($shifts as $shift) { $myshifts_table[$shift['start'] . $shift['SID']] = User_view_myshift($shift, $user_source, $its_me); if (!$shift['freeloaded']) { $timeSum += ($shift['end'] - $shift['start']); } } if ($its_me || $admin_user_worklog_privilege) { $day_counter = 1; foreach ($user_worklogs as $worklog) { // Check if more than one worklog per day if (isset($myshifts_table[$worklog['work_timestamp']])) { $worklog['work_timestamp'] += $day_counter++; } $myshifts_table[$worklog['work_timestamp']] = User_view_worklog($worklog, $admin_user_worklog_privilege); $timeSum += $worklog['work_hours'] * 3600; } } if (count($myshifts_table) > 0) { ksort($myshifts_table); $myshifts_table[] = [ 'date' => '' . __('Sum:') . '', 'duration' => '' . sprintf('%.2f', round($timeSum / 3600, 2)) . ' h', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => '', 'comment' => '', 'actions' => '' ]; if (config('enable_tshirt_size', false) && ($its_me || $tshirt_admin)) { $myshifts_table[] = [ 'date' => '' . __('Your t-shirt score') . '™:', 'duration' => '' . $tshirt_score . '', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => '', 'comment' => '', 'actions' => '' ]; } } return $myshifts_table; } /** * Renders table entry for user work log * * @param array $worklog * @param bool $admin_user_worklog_privilege * @return array */ function User_view_worklog($worklog, $admin_user_worklog_privilege) { $actions = ''; if ($admin_user_worklog_privilege) { $actions = table_buttons([ button( user_worklog_edit_link($worklog), glyph('edit') . __('edit'), 'btn-xs' ), button( user_worklog_delete_link($worklog), glyph('trash') . __('delete'), 'btn-xs' ) ]); } return [ 'date' => glyph('calendar') . date('Y-m-d', $worklog['work_timestamp']), 'duration' => sprintf('%.2f', $worklog['work_hours']) . ' h', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => __('Work log entry'), 'comment' => $worklog['comment'] . '