<?php namespace Engelsystem; class ShiftsFilterRenderer { /** * The shiftFilter to render. * * @var ShiftsFilter */ private $shiftsFilter; /** * Should the filter display a day selection. * * @var boolean */ private $daySelectionEnabled = false; /** * Days that can be selected. * Format Y-m-d * * @var string[] */ private $days = []; /** * ShiftsFilterRenderer constructor. * * @param ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter */ public function __construct(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter) { $this->shiftsFilter = $shiftsFilter; } /** * Renders the filter. * * @param string $page_link Link pointing to the actual page. * @return string Generated HTML */ public function render($page_link) { $toolbar = []; if ($this->daySelectionEnabled && !empty($this->days)) { $selected_day = date('Y-m-d', $this->shiftsFilter->getStartTime()); $day_dropdown_items = []; foreach ($this->days as $day) { $link = $page_link . '&shifts_filter_day=' . $day; $day_dropdown_items[] = toolbar_item_link($link, '', $day); } $toolbar[] = toolbar_dropdown('', $selected_day, $day_dropdown_items, 'active'); } return div('form-group', [ toolbar_pills($toolbar) ]); } /** * Should the filter display a day selection. * * @param string[] $days */ public function enableDaySelection($days) { $this->daySelectionEnabled = true; $this->days = $days; } /** * Should the filter display a day selection. * * @return bool */ public function isDaySelectionEnabled() { return $this->daySelectionEnabled; } }