$enable_user_name = config('enable_user_name');
$enable_pronoun = config('enable_pronoun');
$enable_dect = config('enable_dect');
$enable_planned_arrival = config('enable_planned_arrival');
$showOauth = false;
foreach ($oauth2_providers as $name => $config) {
$showOauth = $showOauth || !isset($config['hidden']) || !$config['hidden'];
return page_with_title(settings_title(), [
div('row', [
div('col-md-6', [
form_info('', __('Here you can change your user details.')),
form_info(entry_required() . ' = ' . __('Entry required!')),
form_text('nick', __('Nick'), $user_source->name, true),
__('Use up to 23 letters, numbers, connecting punctuations or spaces for your nickname.')
? form_text('pronoun', __('Pronoun'), $personalData->pronoun, false, 15)
. form_info('', __('Will be shown on your profile page and in angel lists.'))
: '',
$enable_user_name ? form_text('lastname', __('Last name'), $personalData->last_name) : '',
$enable_user_name ? form_text('prename', __('First name'), $personalData->first_name) : '',
$enable_planned_arrival ? form_date(
__('Planned date of arrival') . ' ' . entry_required(),
$personalData->planned_arrival_date ? $personalData->planned_arrival_date->getTimestamp() : '',
) : '',
$enable_planned_arrival ? form_date(
__('Planned date of departure'),
$personalData->planned_departure_date ? $personalData->planned_departure_date->getTimestamp() : '',
) : '',
$enable_dect ? form_text('dect', __('DECT'), $user_source->contact->dect) : '',
form_text('mobile', __('Mobile'), $user_source->contact->mobile),
form_text('mail', __('E-Mail') . ' ' . entry_required(), $user_source->email),
'The %s is allowed to send me an email (e.g. when my shifts change)',
__('Humans are allowed to send me an email (e.g. for ticket vouchers)'),
$enable_tshirt_size ? form_select(
__('Shirt size'),
__('Please select...')
) : '',
form_info('', __('Please visit the angeltypes page to manage your angeltypes.')),
form_submit('submit', __('Save'))
div('col-md-6', [
($showOauth ?
. button(url('/settings/oauth'), __('settings.oauth'), 'btn-primary')
: ''
form_info(__('Here you can choose your color settings:')),
form_select('theme', __('Color settings:'), $themes, $user_source->settings->theme),
form_submit('submit_theme', __('Save'))
form_info(__('Here you can choose your language:')),
form_select('language', __('Language:'), $locales, $user_source->settings->language),
form_submit('submit_language', __('Save'))
* Gui for deleting user with password field.
* @param User $user
* @return string
function User_delete_view($user)
return page_with_title(sprintf(__('Delete %s'), User_Nick_render($user)), [
button(user_edit_link($user->id), glyph('chevron-left') . __('back'))
__('Do you really want to delete the user including all his shifts and every other piece of his data?'),
form_password('password', __('Your password')),
form_submit('submit', __('Delete'))
* View for editing the number of given vouchers
* @param User $user
* @return string
function User_edit_vouchers_view($user)
return page_with_title(sprintf(__('%s\'s vouchers'), User_Nick_render($user)), [
button(user_link($user->id), glyph('chevron-left') . __('back'))
__('Angel should receive at least %d vouchers.'),
), true),
form_spinner('vouchers', __('Number of vouchers given out'), $user->state->got_voucher),
form_submit('submit', __('Save'))
page_link_to('users', ['action' => 'edit_vouchers', 'user_id' => $user->id])
* @param User[] $users
* @param string $order_by
* @param int $arrived_count
* @param int $active_count
* @param int $force_active_count
* @param int $freeloads_count
* @param int $tshirts_count
* @param int $voucher_count
* @return string
function Users_view(
) {
$usersList = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$u = [];
$u['name'] = User_Nick_render($user) . User_Pronoun_render($user);
$u['first_name'] = $user->personalData->first_name;
$u['last_name'] = $user->personalData->last_name;
$u['dect'] = $user->contact->dect;
$u['arrived'] = glyph_bool($user->state->arrived);
$u['got_voucher'] = $user->state->got_voucher;
$u['freeloads'] = $user->getAttribute('freeloads');
$u['active'] = glyph_bool($user->state->active);
$u['force_active'] = glyph_bool($user->state->force_active);
$u['got_shirt'] = glyph_bool($user->state->got_shirt);
$u['shirt_size'] = $user->personalData->shirt_size;
$u['arrival_date'] = $user->personalData->planned_arrival_date
? $user->personalData->planned_arrival_date->format(__('Y-m-d')) : '';
$u['departure_date'] = $user->personalData->planned_departure_date
? $user->personalData->planned_departure_date->format(__('Y-m-d')) : '';
$u['last_login_at'] = $user->last_login_at ? $user->last_login_at->format(__('m/d/Y h:i a')) : '';
$u['actions'] = table_buttons([
button_glyph(page_link_to('admin_user', ['id' => $user->id]), 'edit', 'btn-xs')
$usersList[] = $u;
$usersList[] = [
'name' => '' . __('Sum') . '',
'arrived' => $arrived_count,
'got_voucher' => $voucher_count,
'active' => $active_count,
'force_active' => $force_active_count,
'freeloads' => $freeloads_count,
'got_shirt' => $tshirts_count,
'actions' => '' . count($usersList) . ''
$user_table_headers = [
'name' => Users_table_header_link('name', __('Nick'), $order_by)
if (config('enable_user_name')) {
$user_table_headers['first_name'] = Users_table_header_link('first_name', __('Prename'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['last_name'] = Users_table_header_link('last_name', __('Name'), $order_by);
if (config('enable_dect')) {
$user_table_headers['dect'] = Users_table_header_link('dect', __('DECT'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['arrived'] = Users_table_header_link('arrived', __('Arrived'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['got_voucher'] = Users_table_header_link('got_voucher', __('Voucher'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['freeloads'] = Users_table_header_link('freeloads', __('Freeloads'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['active'] = Users_table_header_link('active', __('Active'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['force_active'] = Users_table_header_link('force_active', __('Forced'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['got_shirt'] = Users_table_header_link('got_shirt', __('T-Shirt'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['shirt_size'] = Users_table_header_link('shirt_size', __('Size'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['arrival_date'] = Users_table_header_link(
__('Planned arrival'),
$user_table_headers['departure_date'] = Users_table_header_link(
__('Planned departure'),
$user_table_headers['last_login_at'] = Users_table_header_link('last_login_at', __('Last login'), $order_by);
$user_table_headers['actions'] = '';
return page_with_title(__('All users'), [
button(page_link_to('register'), glyph('plus') . __('New user'))
table($user_table_headers, $usersList)
* @param string $column
* @param string $label
* @param string $order_by
* @return string
function Users_table_header_link($column, $label, $order_by)
return ''
. $label . ($order_by == $column ? ' ' : '')
. '';
* @param User $user
* @return string|false
function User_shift_state_render($user)
if (!$user->state->arrived) {
return '';
$upcoming_shifts = ShiftEntries_upcoming_for_user($user->id);
if (empty($upcoming_shifts)) {
return '' . __('Free') . '';
$nextShift = array_shift($upcoming_shifts);
if ($nextShift['start'] > time()) {
if ($nextShift['start'] - time() > 3600) {
return ''
. __('Next shift %c')
. '';
return ''
. __('Next shift %c')
. '';
$halfway = ($nextShift['start'] + $nextShift['end']) / 2;
if (time() < $halfway) {
return ''
. __('Shift started %c')
. '';
return ''
. __('Shift ends %c')
. '';
function User_last_shift_render($user)
if (!$user->state->arrived) {
return '';
$last_shifts = ShiftEntries_finished_by_user($user->id);
if (empty($last_shifts)) {
return '';
$lastShift = array_shift($last_shifts);
return ''
. __('Shift ended %c')
. '';
* @param array $needed_angel_type
* @return string
function User_view_shiftentries($needed_angel_type)
$shift_info = '
' . $needed_angel_type['name'] . ': ';
$shift_entries = [];
foreach ($needed_angel_type['users'] as $user_shift) {
$member = User_Nick_render($user_shift);
if ($user_shift['freeloaded']) {
$member = '' . $member . '';
$shift_entries[] = $member;
$shift_info .= join(', ', $shift_entries);
return $shift_info;
* Helper that renders a shift line for user view
* @param array $shift
* @param User $user_source
* @param bool $its_me
* @return array
function User_view_myshift($shift, $user_source, $its_me)
$shift_info = '' . $shift['name'] . '';
if ($shift['title']) {
$shift_info .= '
' . $shift['title'] . '';
foreach ($shift['needed_angeltypes'] as $needed_angel_type) {
$shift_info .= User_view_shiftentries($needed_angel_type);
$myshift = [
'date' => glyph('calendar')
. date('Y-m-d', $shift['start']) . '
. glyph('time') . date('H:i', $shift['start'])
. ' - '
. date('H:i', $shift['end']),
'duration' => sprintf('%.2f', ($shift['end'] - $shift['start']) / 3600) . ' h',
'room' => Room_name_render(Room::find($shift['RID'])),
'shift_info' => $shift_info,
'comment' => ''
if ($its_me) {
$myshift['comment'] = $shift['Comment'];
if ($shift['freeloaded']) {
$myshift['duration'] = '
' . sprintf('%.2f', -($shift['end'] - $shift['start']) / 3600 * 2) . ' h' . '
'; if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { $myshift['comment'] .= '' . __('Freeloaded') . ': ' . $shift['freeload_comment'] . '
'; } else { $myshift['comment'] .= '' . __('Freeloaded') . '
'; } } $myshift['actions'] = [ button(shift_link($shift), glyph('eye-open') . __('view'), 'btn-xs') ]; if ($its_me || auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { $myshift['actions'][] = button( page_link_to('user_myshifts', ['edit' => $shift['id'], 'id' => $user_source->id]), glyph('edit') . __('edit'), 'btn-xs' ); } if (Shift_signout_allowed($shift, ['id' => $shift['TID']], $user_source->id)) { $myshift['actions'][] = button( shift_entry_delete_link($shift), glyph('trash') . __('sign off'), 'btn-xs' ); } $myshift['actions'] = table_buttons($myshift['actions']); return $myshift; } /** * Helper that prepares the shift table for user view * * @param array[] $shifts * @param User $user_source * @param bool $its_me * @param int $tshirt_score * @param bool $tshirt_admin * @param Worklog[]|Collection $user_worklogs * @param bool $admin_user_worklog_privilege * * @return array */ function User_view_myshifts( $shifts, $user_source, $its_me, $tshirt_score, $tshirt_admin, $user_worklogs, $admin_user_worklog_privilege ) { $myshifts_table = []; $timeSum = 0; foreach ($shifts as $shift) { $key = $shift['start'] . '-shift-' . $shift['SID'] . '-' . $shift['id']; $myshifts_table[$key] = User_view_myshift($shift, $user_source, $its_me); if (!$shift['freeloaded']) { $timeSum += ($shift['end'] - $shift['start']); } } if ($its_me || $admin_user_worklog_privilege) { foreach ($user_worklogs as $worklog) { $key = $worklog->worked_at->timestamp . '-worklog-' . $worklog->id; $myshifts_table[$key] = User_view_worklog($worklog, $admin_user_worklog_privilege); $timeSum += $worklog->hours * 3600; } } if (count($myshifts_table) > 0) { ksort($myshifts_table); $myshifts_table[] = [ 'date' => '' . __('Sum:') . '', 'duration' => '' . sprintf('%.2f', round($timeSum / 3600, 2)) . ' h', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => '', 'comment' => '', 'actions' => '' ]; if (config('enable_tshirt_size', false) && ($its_me || $tshirt_admin)) { $myshifts_table[] = [ 'date' => '' . __('Your t-shirt score') . '™:', 'duration' => '' . $tshirt_score . '', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => '', 'comment' => '', 'actions' => '' ]; } } return $myshifts_table; } /** * Renders table entry for user work log * * @param Worklog $worklog * @param bool $admin_user_worklog_privilege * @return array */ function User_view_worklog(Worklog $worklog, $admin_user_worklog_privilege) { $actions = ''; if ($admin_user_worklog_privilege) { $actions = table_buttons([ button( user_worklog_edit_link($worklog), glyph('edit') . __('edit'), 'btn-xs' ), button( user_worklog_delete_link($worklog), glyph('trash') . __('delete'), 'btn-xs' ) ]); } return [ 'date' => glyph('calendar') . date('Y-m-d', $worklog->worked_at->timestamp), 'duration' => sprintf('%.2f', $worklog->hours) . ' h', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => __('Work log entry'), 'comment' => $worklog->comment . '