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* Check if a shift collides with other shifts (in time).
* @param Shift $shift
* @param array<Shift> $shifts
function Shift_collides($shift, $shifts) {
foreach ($shifts as $other_shift)
if ($shift['SID'] != $other_shift['SID'])
if (! ($shift['start'] >= $other_shift['end'] || $shift['end'] <= $other_shift['start']))
return true;
return false;
* Check if an angel can sign up for given shift.
* @param Shift $shift
* @param AngelType $angeltype
* @param array<Shift> $user_shifts
function Shift_signup_allowed($shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype = null, $user_shifts = null) {
global $user, $privileges;
if ($user_shifts == null) {
$user_shifts = Shifts_by_user($user);
if ($user_shifts === false)
engelsystem_error('Unable to load users shifts.');
$collides = Shift_collides($shift, $user_shifts);
if ($user_angeltype == null) {
$user_angeltype = UserAngelType_by_User_and_AngelType($user, $angeltype);
if ($user_angeltype === false)
engelsystem_error('Unable to load user angeltype.');
$signed_up = false;
foreach ($user_shifts as $user_shift)
if ($user_shift['SID'] == $shift['SID']) {
$signed_up = true;
$needed_angeltypes = NeededAngelTypes_by_shift($shift['SID']);
if ($needed_angeltypes === false)
engelsystem_error('Unable to load needed angel types.');
// is the shift still running or alternatively is the user shift admin?
$user_may_join_shift = true;
// you canot join if shift is full
foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $needed_angeltype)
if ($needed_angeltype['angel_type_id'] == $angeltype['id']) {
if ($needed_angeltype['taken'] >= $needed_angeltype['count'])
$user_may_join_shift = false;
// you cannot join if user alread joined a parallel or this shift
$user_may_join_shift &= ! $collides;
// you cannot join if you already singed up for this shift
$user_may_join_shift &= ! $signed_up;
// you cannot join if user is not of this angel type
$user_may_join_shift &= $user_angeltype != null;
// you cannot join if you are not confirmed
if ($angeltype['restricted'] == 1 && $user_angeltype != null)
$user_may_join_shift &= isset($user_angeltype['confirm_user_id']);
// you can only join if the shift is in future
$user_may_join_shift &= time() < $shift['start'];
// User shift admins may join anybody in every shift
$user_may_join_shift |= in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges);
return $user_may_join_shift;
* Delete a shift by its external id.
function Shift_delete_by_psid($shift_psid) {
return sql_query("DELETE FROM `Shifts` WHERE `PSID`='" . sql_escape($shift_psid) . "'");
* Delete a shift.
function Shift_delete($shift_id) {
return sql_query("DELETE FROM `Shifts` WHERE `SID`='" . sql_escape($shift_id) . "'");
* Update a shift.
function Shift_update($shift) {
global $user;
$shift['name'] = ShiftType($shift['shifttype_id'])['name'];
mail_shift_change(Shift($shift['SID']), $shift);
return sql_query("UPDATE `Shifts` SET
`shifttype_id`='" . sql_escape($shift['shifttype_id']) . "',
`start`='" . sql_escape($shift['start']) . "',
`end`='" . sql_escape($shift['end']) . "',
`RID`='" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . "',
`title`=" . sql_null($shift['title']) . ",
`URL`=" . sql_null($shift['URL']) . ",
`PSID`=" . sql_null($shift['PSID']) . ",
`edited_by_user_id`='" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "',
`edited_at_timestamp`=" . time() . "
WHERE `SID`='" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . "'");
* Update a shift by its external id.
function Shift_update_by_psid($shift) {
$shift_source = sql_select("SELECT `SID` FROM `Shifts` WHERE `PSID`=" . $shift['PSID']);
if ($shift_source === false)
return false;
if (count($shift_source) == 0)
return null;
$shift['SID'] = $shift_source[0]['SID'];
return Shift_update($shift);
* Create a new shift.
* @return new shift id or false
function Shift_create($shift) {
global $user;
$result = sql_query("INSERT INTO `Shifts` SET
`shifttype_id`='" . sql_escape($shift['shifttype_id']) . "',
`start`='" . sql_escape($shift['start']) . "',
`end`='" . sql_escape($shift['end']) . "',
`RID`='" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . "',
`title`=" . sql_null($shift['title']) . ",
`URL`=" . sql_null($shift['URL']) . ",
`PSID`=" . sql_null($shift['PSID']) . ",
`created_by_user_id`='" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "',
`created_at_timestamp`=" . time());
if ($result === false)
return false;
return sql_id();
* Return users shifts.
function Shifts_by_user($user) {
return sql_select("
SELECT `ShiftTypes`.`id` as `shifttype_id`, `ShiftTypes`.`name`, `ShiftEntry`.*, `Shifts`.*, `Room`.*
FROM `ShiftEntry`
JOIN `Shifts` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID`)
JOIN `ShiftTypes` ON (`ShiftTypes`.`id` = `Shifts`.`shifttype_id`)
JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`)
WHERE `UID`='" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "'
ORDER BY `start`
* TODO: $_REQUEST is not allowed in model!
* Returns Shift id array
function Shifts_filtered() {
global $_REQUEST;
$filter = "";
// filterRoom (Array of integer) - Array of Room IDs (optional, for list request)
if (isset($_REQUEST['filterRoom']) && is_array($_REQUEST['filterRoom'])) {
foreach ($_REQUEST['filterRoom'] as $key => $value) {
$filter .= ", `RID`='" . sql_escape($value) . "' ";
// filterTask (Array of integer) - Array if Task (optional, for list request)
if (isset($_REQUEST['filterTask']) && is_array($_REQUEST['filterTask'])) {
foreach ($_REQUEST['filterTask'] as $key => $value) {
// TODO $filter .= ", `RID`=" . sql_escape($value) . " ";
// filterOccupancy (integer) - Occupancy state: (optional, for list request)
// 1 occupied, 2 free, 3 occupied and free
if (isset($_REQUEST['filterOccupancy']) && is_array($_REQUEST['filterOccupancy'])) {
foreach ($_REQUEST['filterOccupancy'] as $key => $value) {
// TODO $filter .= ", `RID`=" . sql_escape($value) . " ";
// format filter
if ($filter != "") {
$filter = ' WHERE ' . substr($filter, 1);
// real request
$shifts_source = sql_select("SELECT `SID` FROM `Shifts`" . $filter);
if ($shifts_source === false)
return false;
if (count($shifts_source) > 0) {
return $shifts_source;
return null;
* Returns Shift by id.
* @param $id Shift
* ID
function Shift($id) {
$shifts_source = sql_select("
SELECT `Shifts`.*, `ShiftTypes`.`name`
FROM `Shifts`
JOIN `ShiftTypes` ON (`ShiftTypes`.`id` = `Shifts`.`shifttype_id`)
WHERE `SID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "'");
$shiftsEntry_source = sql_select("SELECT `id`, `TID` , `UID` , `freeloaded` FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "'");
if ($shifts_source === false)
return false;
if (count($shifts_source) > 0) {
$result = $shifts_source[0];
$result['ShiftEntry'] = $shiftsEntry_source;
$result['NeedAngels'] = [];
$temp = NeededAngelTypes_by_shift($id);
foreach ($temp as $e) {
$result['NeedAngels'][] = array(
'TID' => $e['angel_type_id'],
'count' => $e['count'],
'restricted' => $e['restricted'],
'taken' => $e['taken']
return $result;
return null;
* Returns all shifts with needed angeltypes and count of subscribed jobs.
function Shifts() {
$shifts_source = sql_select("
SELECT `ShiftTypes`.`name`, `Shifts`.*, `Room`.`RID`, `Room`.`Name` as `room_name`
FROM `Shifts`
JOIN `ShiftTypes` ON (`ShiftTypes`.`id` = `Shifts`.`shifttype_id`)
JOIN `Room` ON `Room`.`RID` = `Shifts`.`RID`
if ($shifts_source === false)
return false;
foreach ($shifts_source as &$shift) {
$needed_angeltypes = NeededAngelTypes_by_shift($shift['SID']);
if ($needed_angeltypes === false)
return false;
$shift['angeltypes'] = $needed_angeltypes;
return $shifts_source;