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42 lines
1009 B

function ShowMenu( $Menu )
if( !isset($Menu["Entry"]) ) return;
global $MenueTableStart, $MenueTableEnd, $_SESSION, $DEBUG;
echo $MenueTableStart;
echo "<h4 class=\"menu\">". $Menu["Name"]. "</h4>";
foreach( $Menu["Entry"] as $Entry )
//wenn File mit ../ beginnt wird "../" abgeschnitten und der Ordener weggelassen
if( strstr( $Entry["File"], "../" ) != FALSE )
$MenuFile = substr( $Entry["File"], strpos( $Entry["File"], "../" )+ 3) ;
$MenuFile = $Menu["Path"]. $Entry["File"];
if( $_SESSION['CVS'][$MenuFile] == "Y")
echo "\t\t\t<li><a href=\"". $Entry["File"]. "\">". $Entry["Name"]. "</a></li>\n";
echo $Entry["Line"];
if( $DEBUG )
if( !isset($_SESSION['CVS'][$MenuFile] ) )
echo "ERROR CVS: '". $MenuFile. "' not set";
if( $_SESSION['CVS'][$MenuFile] != "Y")
echo "\t\t\t<li>". $Entry["File"]. " (". $Entry["Name"]. ")</li>\n";
} // DEBUG
} //foreach
echo $MenueTableEnd;
} //function ShowMenue