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167 lines
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use Carbon\Carbon;
use Engelsystem\Models\Question;
* @return string
function admin_questions_title()
return __('Answer questions');
* Renders a hint for new questions to answer.
* @return string|null
function admin_new_questions()
if (current_page() != 'admin_questions') {
if (auth()->can('admin_questions')) {
$unanswered_questions = Question::unanswered()->count();
if ($unanswered_questions > 0) {
return '<a href="' . page_link_to('admin_questions') . '">'
. __('There are unanswered questions!')
. '</a>';
return null;
* @return string
function admin_questions()
$user = auth()->user();
$request = request();
if (!$request->has('action')) {
$unanswered_questions_table = [];
$unanswered_questions = Question::unanswered()->orderByDesc('created_at')->get();
foreach ($unanswered_questions as $question) {
/* @var Question $question */
$user_source = $question->user;
$unanswered_questions_table[] = [
'from' => User_Nick_render($user_source) . User_Pronoun_render($user_source),
'question' => nl2br(htmlspecialchars($question->text)),
'created_at' => $question->created_at,
'answer' => form([
form_textarea('answer', '', ''),
form_submit('submit', __('Send'))
], page_link_to('admin_questions', ['action' => 'answer', 'id' => $question->id])),
'actions' => form([
form_submit('submit', __('delete'), 'btn-xs'),
], page_link_to('admin_questions', ['action' => 'delete', 'id' => $question->id])),
$answered_questions_table = [];
$answered_questions = Question::answered()->orderByDesc('answered_at')->get();
foreach ($answered_questions as $question) {
/* @var Question $question */
$user_source = $question->user;
$answer_user_source = $question->answerer;
$answered_questions_table[] = [
'from' => User_Nick_render($user_source),
'question' => nl2br(htmlspecialchars($question->text)),
'created_at' => $question->created_at,
'answered_by' => User_Nick_render($answer_user_source),
'answer' => nl2br(htmlspecialchars($question->answer)),
'answered_at' => $question->answered_at,
'actions' => form([
form_submit('submit', __('delete'), 'btn-xs')
], page_link_to('admin_questions', ['action' => 'delete', 'id' => $question->id]))
return page_with_title(admin_questions_title(), [
'<h2>' . __('Unanswered questions') . '</h2>',
'from' => __('From'),
'question' => __('Question'),
'created_at' => __('Asked at'),
'answer' => __('Answer'),
'actions' => ''
], $unanswered_questions_table),
'<h2>' . __('Answered questions') . '</h2>',
'from' => __('From'),
'question' => __('Question'),
'created_at' => __('Asked at'),
'answered_by' => __('Answered by'),
'answer' => __('Answer'),
'answered_at' => __('Answered at'),
'actions' => ''
], $answered_questions_table)
} else {
switch ($request->input('action')) {
case 'answer':
if (
&& preg_match('/^\d{1,11}$/', $request->input('id'))
&& $request->hasPostData('submit')
) {
$question_id = $request->input('id');
} else {
return error('Incomplete call, missing Question ID.', true);
$question = Question::find($question_id);
if (!empty($question) && empty($question->answerer_id)) {
$answer = trim($request->input('answer'));
if (!empty($answer)) {
$question->answerer_id = $user->id;
$question->answer = $answer;
$question->answered_at = Carbon::now();
'Question '
. $question->text
. ' (' . $question->id . ')'
. ' answered: '
. $answer
} else {
return error('Enter an answer!', true);
} else {
return error('No question found.', true);
case 'delete':
if (
&& preg_match('/^\d{1,11}$/', $request->input('id'))
&& $request->hasPostData('submit')
) {
$question_id = $request->input('id');
} else {
return error('Incomplete call, missing Question ID.', true);
$question = Question::find($question_id);
if (!empty($question)) {
engelsystem_log('Question deleted: ' . $question->text);
} else {
return error('No question found.', true);
return '';