You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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function user_shifts() {
global $user, $privileges;
if (isset ($_REQUEST['entry_id']) && in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['entry_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['entry_id']))
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['entry_id'];
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
sql_query("DELETE FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `id`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
return success("The shift entry has been deleted.");
elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['shift_id'])) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['shift_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['shift_id']))
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['shift_id'];
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$shift = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if (count($shift) == 0)
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$shift = $shift[0];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['type_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['type_id']))
$type_id = $_REQUEST['type_id'];
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$type = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` WHERE `TID`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if (count($type) == 0)
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$type = $type[0];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['user_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['user_id']))
$user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id'];
$user_id = $user['UID'];
$user_test = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `UID`=" . sql_escape($user_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if (count($user_test) == 0)
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
} else
$user_id = $user['UID'];
// TODO: Kollisionserkennung, andere Schichten zur gleichen Uhrzeit darf der Engel auch nicht belegt haben...
$entries = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']));
foreach ($entries as $entry)
if ($entry['UID'] == $user_id)
return error("This angel does already have an entry for this shift.");
$comment = strip_request_item_nl($_REQUEST['comment']);
sql_query("INSERT INTO `ShiftEntry` SET `UID`=" . sql_escape($user_id) . ", `TID`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . ", `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id));
return success("Now it's your shift. Thank you!") . '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '">View my shifts &raquo;</a>';
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$users = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` ORDER BY `Nick`");
$users_select = array ();
foreach ($users as $usr)
$users_select[$usr['UID']] = $usr['Nick'];
$user_text = html_select_key('user_id', $users_select, $user['UID']);
} else
$user_text = $user['Nick'];
return template_render('../templates/user_shifts_add.html', array (
'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . ', ' . date("H:i", $shift['end'] - $shift['start']) . 'h',
'title' => $shift['name'],
'location' => $shift['Name'],
'angel' => $user_text,
'type' => $type['Name']
} else {
$shifts = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` ORDER BY `start`");
$days = array ();
foreach ($shifts as $shift)
$days[] = date("Y-m-d", $shift['start']);
$days = array_unique($days);
$day = $days[0];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['day']))
$day = $_REQUEST['day'];
$rooms = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Room` WHERE `show`='Y' ORDER BY `Name`");
$id = 0;
if (isset ($_REQUEST['room_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['room_id']))
$id = $_REQUEST['room_id'];
$day_timestamp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d-Hi", $day . "-0000")->getTimestamp();
if ($id == 0)
$shifts = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`) ORDER BY `start`");
$shifts = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` WHERE `RID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " AND `start` >= " . sql_escape($day_timestamp) . " AND `start` < " . sql_escape($day_timestamp +24 * 60 * 60) . " ORDER BY `start`");
$shifts_table = "";
$row_count = 0;
foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
$shift_row = '<tr><td>' . date(($id == 0 ? "Y-m-d " : "") . "H:i", $shift['start']) . ' - ' . date("H:i", $shift['end']) .($id == 0 ? "<br />".$shift['Name'] : ""). '</td><td>' . $shift['name'] . '<br />';
$show_shift = false;
$angeltypes = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `RoomAngelTypes` JOIN `AngelTypes` ON (`RoomAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`TID`) WHERE `room_id`=" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . " AND `count` > 0 ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`Name`");
if (count($angeltypes) > 0) {
$my_shift = sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `UID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " LIMIT 1") > 0;
foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) {
$entries = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` JOIN `User` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`UID` = `User`.`UID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `TID`=" . sql_escape($angeltype['TID']) . " ORDER BY `Nick`");
$entry_list = array ();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges))
$entry_list[] = $entry['Nick'] . ' <a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&entry_id=' . $entry['id'] . '">[x]</a>';
$entry_list[] = $entry['Nick'];
if ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) > 0)
if (!$my_shift || in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$entry_list[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['TID'] . '">' . ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' angel' . ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) != 1 ? 's' : '') . ' missing &raquo;</a>';
$show_shift = true;
} else
$entry_list[] = ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' angel missing';
$shift_row .= '<b>' . $angeltype['Name'] . ':</b> ';
$shift_row .= join(", ", $entry_list);
$shift_row .= '<br />';
if ($id != 0 || ($show_shift && $row_count++ < 15))
$shifts_table .= $shift_row . '</td></tr>';
return template_render('../templates/user_shifts.html', array (
'room_select' => make_room_select($rooms, $id, $day),
'day_select' => make_day_select($days, $day, $id),
'shifts_table' => $shifts_table
function make_day_select($days, $day, $id) {
$html = array ();
foreach ($days as $d) {
if ($day == $d && $id != 0)
$html[] = '<b>' . $d . '</b>';
$html[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&day=' . $d . '&room_id=' . $id . '">' . $d . '</a>';
return join(' | ', $html);
function make_room_select($rooms, $id, $day) {
$html = array ();
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
if ($room['RID'] == $id)
$html[] = '<b>' . $room['Name'] . '</b>';
$html[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&room_id=' . $room['RID'] . '&day=' . $day . '">' . $room['Name'] . '</a>';
if ($id == 0)
$html[] = '<b>Next 15 free shifts</b>';
$html[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&room_id=0">Next 15 free shifts</a>';
return join(' | ', $html);