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// Assistent zum Anlegen mehrerer neuer Schichten
function admin_shifts() {
$msg = "";
$ok = true;
$name = "";
$rid = 0;
$start = date('Y-m-d 00:00');
$end = date('Y-m-d 00:00', time() + 24 * 60 * 60);
// Locations laden
$rooms = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Room` WHERE `show`='Y' ORDER BY `Name`");
$room_array = array ();
foreach ($rooms as $room)
$room_array[$room['RID']] = $room['Name'];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['preview'])) {
// Name/Bezeichnung der Schicht, darf nicht leer sein
if (isset ($_REQUEST['name']) && strlen($_REQUEST['name']) > 0)
$name = strip_request_item('name');
else {
$ok = false;
$name = "";
$msg .= error("Gib bitte einen Namen für die Schicht(en) an.");
// Auswahl der sichtbaren Locations für die Schichten
if (isset ($_REQUEST['rid']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['rid']) && isset ($room_array[$_REQUEST['rid']]))
$rid = $_REQUEST['rid'];
else {
$ok = false;
$rid = $rooms[0]['RID'];
$msg .= error("Wähle bitte einen Raum aus.");
$room_select = html_select_key('rid', $room_array, '');
$types = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `Name`");
$angel_types = "";
foreach ($types as $type) {
$angel_types .= template_render('../templates/admin_shifts_angel_types.html', array (
'id' => $type['TID'],
'type' => $type['Name'],
'value' => "0"
return template_render('../templates/admin_shifts.html', array (
'angel_types' => $angel_types,
'room_select' => $room_select,
'msg' => $msg,
'name' => $name,
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end