Go to file
msquare c59bf69f0c add fonts to rc3 theme
bin migration: Prevent parallel migration runs
config add fonts to rc3 theme
db Questions: Add current timestamp on migration
docker Use more configs from env, improved docker setup
includes Add pronouns to angeltype members
public Moved emojis to assets
resources add fonts to rc3 theme
src News: Render as markdown
storage storage/: .gitignore fixups
tests News: Render as markdown
.babelrc Use core-js as polyfill to really support older browsers.
.browserslistrc Use core-js as polyfill to really support older browsers.
.dockerignore Use more configs from env, improved docker setup
.editorconfig .editorconfig: Fixed max_line_length
.gitignore Use more configs from env, improved docker setup
.gitlab-ci.yml CI: Add initial-install.sql to release file
.phpcs.xml Add phpcs config file
CONTRIBUTING.md CI: Added .editorconfig linting
DEVELOPMENT.md chore: update node version to 14
LICENSE directory renames and cleanup
README.md use the easier compose syntax here
composer.json PHPUnit: Upgraded phpunit and config file format
deployment.tpl.yaml Added k8s health checks and metrics scraping
package.json chore: update dependencies, remove imports-loader
phpunit.xml PHPUnit: Upgraded phpunit and config file format
webpack.config.js add fonts to rc3 theme
yarn.lock chore: update dependencies, remove imports-loader


pipeline status coverage report Codacy Badge GPL


Please visit engelsystem.de for a feature list.

To report bugs use engelsystem/issues.

Since the Engelsystem is open source, you can help improving it. We really love to get pull requests containing fixes or improvements. Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md and DEVELOPMENT.md before you start.


The Engelsystem may be installed manually or by using the provided docker setup.


  • PHP >= 7.3
    • Required modules:
      • dom
      • json
      • mbstring
      • PDO
        • mysql
      • tokenizer
      • xml/libxml/SimpleXML
      • xmlwriter
  • MySQL-Server >= 5.7.8 or MariaDB-Server >= 10.2.2
  • Webserver, i.e. lighttpd, nginx, or Apache


  • Go to the Releases page and download the latest stable release file.
  • Extract the files to your webroot and continue with the directions for configurations and setup.

Configuration and Setup

  • The webserver must have write access to the storage directory and read access for all other directories

  • The webserver must point to the public directory.

  • The webserver must read the .htaccess file and mod_rewrite must be enabled

  • Recommended: Directory Listing should be disabled.

  • There must be a MySQL database set up with a user who has full rights to that database.

  • If necessary, create a config/config.php to override values from config/config.default.php.

    • To remove values from the footer_items, available_themes, locales, tshirt_sizes or headers lists the config file has to be renamed.
  • To import the database, the bin/migrate script has to be run. If you can't execute scripts, you can use the initial-install.sql file from the release zip.

  • In the browser, login with credentials admin : asdfasdf and change the password.

The Engelsystem can now be used.

Session Settings

  • Make sure the config allows for sessions.
  • Both Apache and Nginx allow for different VirtualHost configurations.



To build the es_nginx and the es_php_fpm containers:

cd docker
docker-compose build

or to build the containers separately

docker build -f docker/nginx/Dockerfile . -t es_nginx
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile . -t es_php_fpm


Start the Engelsystem

cd docker
docker-compose up -d


Import database changes to migrate it to the newest version

cd docker
docker-compose exec es_php_fpm bin/migrate



The bin/deploy.sh script can be used to deploy the Engelsystem. It uses rsync to deploy the application to a server over ssh.

For usage see ./bin/deploy.sh -h


The bin/migrate script can be used to import and update the database of the Engelsystem.

For more information on how to use it call ./bin/migrate help