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if( !function_exists("db_query"))
function Ausgabe_Daten($SQL)
global $con;
$Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
echo mysql_error($con);
$Zeilen = mysql_num_rows($Erg);
$Anzahl_Felder = mysql_num_fields($Erg);
$Diff = "<table border=1>";
$Diff .= "<tr>";
for ($m = 0 ; $m < $Anzahl_Felder ; $m++)
$Diff .= "<th>". mysql_field_name($Erg, $m). "</th>";
$Diff .= "</tr>";
for ($n = 0 ; $n < $Zeilen ; $n++)
$Diff .= "<tr>";
for ($m = 0 ; $m < $Anzahl_Felder ; $m++)
$Diff .= "<td>".mysql_result($Erg, $n, $m). "</td>";
$Diff .= "</tr>";
$Diff .= "</table>";
return $Diff;
function db_query( $SQL, $comment)
global $con;
//commed anlyse udn daten sicherung
$Diff = "";
if( strpos( "#$SQL", "UPDATE") > 0)
//Tabellen name ermitteln
$Table_Start = strpos( $SQL, "`");
$Table_End = strpos( $SQL, "`", $Table_Start+1);
$Table = substr( $SQL, $Table_Start, ($Table_End-$Table_Start+1));
//WHERE ermitteln
$Where_Start = strpos( $SQL, "WHERE");
$Where = substr( $SQL, $Where_Start);
//Daten auslesen
$Diff .= Ausgabe_Daten( "SELECT * FROM $Table $Where");
//execute command
$querry_erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
//Daten auslesen
$Diff .= Ausgabe_Daten( "SELECT * FROM $Table $Where");
//execute command
$querry_erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
//LOG commands in DB
$SQL_SEC = "INSERT INTO `ChangeLog` ( `UID` , `SQLCommad` , `Commend` ) ".
" VALUES ( ".
"'". $_SESSION['UID']. "', ".
"'SQL:<br>". htmlentities( $SQL, ENT_QUOTES). "<br><br>".
"Diff:<br>$Diff', ".
"'". htmlentities( $comment, ENT_QUOTES). "' );";
$erg = mysql_query($SQL_SEC, $con);
echo mysql_error($con);
return $querry_erg;
}//function db_query(