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use Engelsystem\Database\DB;
use Engelsystem\ValidationResult;
* User model
* Delete a user
* @param int $user_id
function User_delete($user_id)
DB::delete('DELETE FROM `User` WHERE `UID`=?', [$user_id]);
* Update user.
* @param array $user
function User_update($user)
* Counts all forced active users.
* @return int
function User_force_active_count()
$result = DB::selectOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `User` WHERE `force_active` = 1');
if (empty($result)) {
return 0;
return (int)array_shift($result);
* @return int
function User_active_count()
$result = DB::selectOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `User` WHERE `Aktiv` = 1');
if (empty($result)) {
return 0;
return (int)array_shift($result);
* @return int
function User_got_voucher_count()
$result = DB::selectOne('SELECT SUM(`got_voucher`) FROM `User`');
if (empty($result)) {
return 0;
return (int)array_shift($result);
* @return int
function User_arrived_count()
$result = DB::selectOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `User` WHERE `Gekommen` = 1');
if (empty($result)) {
return 0;
return (int)array_shift($result);
* @return int
function User_tshirts_count()
$result = DB::selectOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `User` WHERE `Tshirt` = 1');
if (empty($result)) {
return 0;
return (int)array_shift($result);
* Returns all column names for sorting in an array.
* @return array
function User_sortable_columns()
return [
* Get all users, ordered by Nick by default or by given param.
* @param string $order_by
* @return array
function Users($order_by = 'Nick')
return DB::select(sprintf('
FROM `User`
trim(DB::getPdo()->quote($order_by), '\'')
* Returns true if user is freeloader
* @param array $user
* @return bool
function User_is_freeloader($user)
global $user;
return count(ShiftEntries_freeloaded_by_user($user)) >= config('max_freeloadable_shifts');
* Returns all users that are not member of given angeltype.
* @param array $angeltype Angeltype
* @return array
function Users_by_angeltype_inverted($angeltype)
return DB::select('
SELECT `User`.*
FROM `User`
LEFT JOIN `UserAngelTypes`
ON (`User`.`UID`=`UserAngelTypes`.`user_id` AND `angeltype_id`=?)
WHERE `UserAngelTypes`.`id` IS NULL
* Returns all members of given angeltype.
* @param array $angeltype
* @return array
function Users_by_angeltype($angeltype)
return DB::select('
`UserAngelTypes`.`id` AS `user_angeltype_id`,
(`UserDriverLicenses`.`user_id` IS NOT NULL) AS `wants_to_drive`,
FROM `User`
JOIN `UserAngelTypes` ON `User`.`UID`=`UserAngelTypes`.`user_id`
LEFT JOIN `UserDriverLicenses` ON `User`.`UID`=`UserDriverLicenses`.`user_id`
WHERE `UserAngelTypes`.`angeltype_id`=?
* Returns User id array
* @return array
function User_ids()
return DB::select('SELECT `UID` FROM `User`');
* Strip unwanted characters from a users nick.
* @param string $nick
* @return string
function User_validate_Nick($nick)
return preg_replace('/([^\wüöäß. +*-]{1,})/ui', '', $nick);
* Validate user email address.
* @param string $mail
* The email address to validate
* @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_mail($mail)
$mail = strip_item($mail);
return new ValidationResult(check_email($mail), $mail);
* Validate user jabber address
* @param string $jabber
* Jabber-ID to validate
* @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_jabber($jabber)
$jabber = strip_item($jabber);
if ($jabber == '') {
// Empty is ok
return new ValidationResult(true, '');
return new ValidationResult(check_email($jabber), $jabber);
* Validate the planned arrival date
* @param int $planned_arrival_date Unix timestamp
* @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_planned_arrival_date($planned_arrival_date)
if ($planned_arrival_date == null) {
// null is not okay
return new ValidationResult(false, time());
$event_config = EventConfig();
if ($event_config == null) {
// Nothing to validate against
return new ValidationResult(true, $planned_arrival_date);
if (isset($event_config['buildup_start_date']) && $planned_arrival_date < $event_config['buildup_start_date']) {
// Planned arrival can not be before buildup start date
return new ValidationResult(false, $event_config['buildup_start_date']);
if (isset($event_config['teardown_end_date']) && $planned_arrival_date > $event_config['teardown_end_date']) {
// Planned arrival can not be after teardown end date
return new ValidationResult(false, $event_config['teardown_end_date']);
return new ValidationResult(true, $planned_arrival_date);
* Validate the planned departure date
* @param int $planned_arrival_date
* Unix timestamp
* @param int $planned_departure_date
* Unix timestamp
* @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_planned_departure_date($planned_arrival_date, $planned_departure_date)
if ($planned_departure_date == null) {
// null is okay
return new ValidationResult(true, null);
if ($planned_arrival_date > $planned_departure_date) {
// departure cannot be before arrival
return new ValidationResult(false, $planned_arrival_date);
$event_config = EventConfig();
if ($event_config == null) {
// Nothing to validate against
return new ValidationResult(true, $planned_departure_date);
if (isset($event_config['buildup_start_date']) && $planned_departure_date < $event_config['buildup_start_date']) {
// Planned arrival can not be before buildup start date
return new ValidationResult(false, $event_config['buildup_start_date']);
if (isset($event_config['teardown_end_date']) && $planned_departure_date > $event_config['teardown_end_date']) {
// Planned arrival can not be after teardown end date
return new ValidationResult(false, $event_config['teardown_end_date']);
return new ValidationResult(true, $planned_departure_date);
* Returns user by id.
* @param int $user_id UID
* @return array|null
function User($user_id)
return DB::selectOne('SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `UID`=? LIMIT 1', [$user_id]);
* Returns User by api_key.
* @param string $api_key
* User api key
* @return array|null Matching user, null if not found
function User_by_api_key($api_key)
return DB::selectOne('SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `api_key`=? LIMIT 1', [$api_key]);
* Returns User by email.
* @param string $email
* @return array|null Matching user, null or false on error
function User_by_email($email)
return DB::selectOne('SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1', [$email]);
* Returns User by password token.
* @param string $token
* @return array|null Matching user, null when not found
function User_by_password_recovery_token($token)
return DB::selectOne('SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `password_recovery_token`=? LIMIT 1', [$token]);
* Generates a new api key for given user.
* @param array $user
* @param bool $log
function User_reset_api_key(&$user, $log = true)
$user['api_key'] = md5($user['Nick'] . time() . rand());
SET `api_key`=?
if ($log) {
engelsystem_log(sprintf('API key resetted (%s).', User_Nick_render($user)));
* Generates a new password recovery token for given user.
* @param array $user
* @return string
function User_generate_password_recovery_token(&$user)
$user['password_recovery_token'] = md5($user['Nick'] . time() . rand());
SET `password_recovery_token`=?
engelsystem_log('Password recovery for ' . User_Nick_render($user) . ' started.');
return $user['password_recovery_token'];
* @param array $user
* @return float
function User_get_eligable_voucher_count(&$user)
$voucher_settings = config('voucher_settings');
$shifts_done = count(ShiftEntries_finished_by_user($user));
$earned_vouchers = $user['got_voucher'] - $voucher_settings['initial_vouchers'];
$elegible_vouchers = $shifts_done / $voucher_settings['shifts_per_voucher'] - $earned_vouchers;
if ($elegible_vouchers < 0) {
return 0;
return $elegible_vouchers;