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131 lines
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if( $Page["ShowTabel"]=="Y" )
//############################### ShowTable Start ##############################
<!-- anfang des footers //-->
<p align="center">
<?PHP If (IsSet($_SESSION['oldurl']))
echo "<a href=\"". $_SESSION["oldurl"]. "\">".Get_Text(11)."</a>&nbsp;";
<a href="#top"><?PHP echo Get_Text(12); ?></a>
<!-- anfang des menue parts //-->
<td width="160" valign="top">
<table align=\"center\" class=\"border\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\">
<td width=\"160\" class=\"menu\">
if( isset( $Menu))
ShowMenu( $Menu );
echo "<br>";
if( isset( $MenuAdmin))
ShowMenu( $MenuAdmin );
echo "<br>";
if( !isset($submenus))
$submenus = 0;
if ($submenus >= 1 ) {
$filenamepos=strrpos($inc_name, '/');
$filename = substr ($inc_name, $filenamepos );
$filepost = substr ($filename, 0, -4);
$filepre = substr ($filename, -4 );
$verzeichnis = substr ($inc_name, 0 , $filenamepos);
for ($index_nummer=1; $index_nummer <= $submenus; $index_nummer++) {
<table align="center" class="border" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<td width="160" class="menu">
<?php include ("./".$filepost.".".$index_nummer.$filepre); ?>
if( isset($_SESSION['UID']))
<table align="center" class="border" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<td width="160" class="menu">
<?php include("./inc/funktion_activeUser.php"); ?>
<!-- ende des menue parts //-->
<td colspan="2">
<h5 align="center"> &#169; copyleft - <a href="">Kontakt</a></h5>
<!-- </div> -->
<?php mysql_close($con); ?>
//############################### ShowTable Start ##############################
} /* if (ShowTabel....*/