@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ function admin_import() {
$import_file = '../import/import_' . $user['UID'] . '.xml';
$shifttype_id = null;
$add_minutes_start = 15;
$add_minutes_end = 15;
$shifttypes_source = ShiftTypes();
if ($shifttypes_source === false)
@ -48,6 +50,20 @@ function admin_import() {
error(_('Please select a shift type.'));
if (isset($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start']) && is_numeric(trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start'])))
$add_minutes_start = trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start']);
else {
$ok = false;
error(_("Please enter an amount of minutes to add to a talk's begin."));
if (isset($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end']) && is_numeric(trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end'])))
$add_minutes_end = trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end']);
else {
$ok = false;
error(_("Please enter an amount of minutes to add to a talk's end."));
if (isset($_FILES['xcal_file']) && ($_FILES['xcal_file']['error'] == 0)) {
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['xcal_file']['tmp_name'], $import_file)) {
@ -67,7 +83,7 @@ function admin_import() {
if ($ok) {
redirect(page_link_to('admin_import') . "&step=check&shifttype_id=" . $shifttype_id);
redirect(page_link_to('admin_import') . "&step=check&shifttype_id=" . $shifttype_id . "&add_minutes_end=" . $add_minutes_end . "&add_minutes_start=" . $add_minutes_start);
} else {
$html .= div('well well-sm text-center', [
_('File Upload') . mute(glyph('arrow-right')) . mute(_('Validation')) . mute(glyph('arrow-right')) . mute(_('Import'))
@ -76,6 +92,8 @@ function admin_import() {
form_info('', _("This import will create/update/delete rooms and shifts by given FRAB-export file. The needed file format is xcal.")),
form_select('shifttype_id', _('Shifttype'), $shifttypes, $shifttype_id),
form_spinner('add_minutes_start', _("Add minutes to start"), $add_minutes_start),
form_spinner('add_minutes_end', _("Add minutes to end"), $add_minutes_end),
form_file('xcal_file', _("xcal-File (.xcal)")),
form_submit('submit', _("Import"))
@ -97,8 +115,22 @@ function admin_import() {
if (isset($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start']) && is_numeric(trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start'])))
$add_minutes_start = trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start']);
else {
error(_("Please enter an amount of minutes to add to a talk's begin."));
if (isset($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end']) && is_numeric(trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end'])))
$add_minutes_end = trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end']);
else {
error(_("Please enter an amount of minutes to add to a talk's end."));
list($rooms_new, $rooms_deleted) = prepare_rooms($import_file);
list($events_new, $events_updated, $events_deleted) = prepare_events($import_file, $shifttype_id);
list($events_new, $events_updated, $events_deleted) = prepare_events($import_file, $shifttype_id, $add_minutes_start, $add_minutes_end);
$html .= div('well well-sm text-center', [
'<span class="text-success">' . _('File Upload') . glyph('ok-circle') . '</span>' . mute(glyph('arrow-right')) . _('Validation') . mute(glyph('arrow-right')) . mute(_('Import'))
@ -141,7 +173,7 @@ function admin_import() {
'room' => _("Room")
), shifts_printable($events_deleted, $shifttypes)),
form_submit('submit', _("Import"))
], page_link_to('admin_import') . '&step=import&shifttype_id=' . $shifttype_id);
], page_link_to('admin_import') . '&step=import&shifttype_id=' . $shifttype_id . "&add_minutes_end=" . $add_minutes_end . "&add_minutes_start=" . $add_minutes_start);
case 'import':
@ -160,6 +192,20 @@ function admin_import() {
if (isset($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start']) && is_numeric(trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start'])))
$add_minutes_start = trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_start']);
else {
error(_("Please enter an amount of minutes to add to a talk's begin."));
if (isset($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end']) && is_numeric(trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end'])))
$add_minutes_end = trim($_REQUEST['add_minutes_end']);
else {
error(_("Please enter an amount of minutes to add to a talk's end."));
list($rooms_new, $rooms_deleted) = prepare_rooms($import_file);
foreach ($rooms_new as $room) {
$result = Room_create($room, true, true);
@ -170,7 +216,7 @@ function admin_import() {
foreach ($rooms_deleted as $room)
sql_query("DELETE FROM `Room` WHERE `Name`='" . sql_escape($room) . "' LIMIT 1");
list($events_new, $events_updated, $events_deleted) = prepare_events($import_file, $shifttype_id);
list($events_new, $events_updated, $events_deleted) = prepare_events($import_file, $shifttype_id, $add_minutes_start, $add_minutes_end);
foreach ($events_new as $event) {
$result = Shift_create($event);
if ($result === false)
@ -238,7 +284,7 @@ function prepare_rooms($file) {
function prepare_events($file, $shifttype_id) {
function prepare_events($file, $shifttype_id, $add_minutes_start, $add_minutes_end) {
global $rooms_import;
$data = read_xml($file);
@ -255,8 +301,8 @@ function prepare_events($file, $shifttype_id) {
'event-id' });
$shifts_pb[$event_id] = array(
'shifttype_id' => $shifttype_id,
'start' => DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd\THis", $event->dtstart)->getTimestamp(),
'end' => DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd\THis", $event->dtend)->getTimestamp(),
'start' => DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd\THis", $event->dtstart)->getTimestamp() - $add_minutes_start * 60,
'end' => DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd\THis", $event->dtend)->getTimestamp() + $add_minutes_end * 60,
'RID' => $rooms_import[trim($event->location)],
'title' => trim($event->summary),
'URL' => trim($event->url),