@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ function admin_active() {
$set_active = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']))
$search = strip_request_item('search');
if (isset($_REQUEST['set_active'])) {
$ok = true;
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ function admin_active() {
$count = strip_request_item('count');
else {
$ok = false;
$msg .= error("Please enter a number of angels to be marked as active.", true);
$msg .= error(_( "Please enter a number of angels to be marked as active.") , true);
if ($ok)
@ -37,9 +36,9 @@ function admin_active() {
engelsystem_log("These angels are active now: " . join(", ", $user_nicks));
$limit = "";
$msg = success("Marked angels.", true);
$msg = success(_( "Marked angels.") , true);
} else {
$set_active = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&serach=' . $search . '" > « back< / a > | < a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&search=' . $search . '&count=' . $count . '&set_active&ack" > apply< / a > ';
$set_active = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&serach=' . $search . '" > « ' . _(" back") . ' < / a > | < a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&search=' . $search . '&count=' . $count . '&set_active&ack" > ' . _(" apply") . ' < / a > ';
@ -49,49 +48,46 @@ function admin_active() {
if ($user_source != null) {
sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Aktiv`=1 WHERE `UID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1");
engelsystem_log("User " . User_Nick_render($user_source) . " is active now.");
$msg = success("Angel has been marked as active.", true);
else $msg = error("Angel not found.", true);
elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['not_active']) & & preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['not_active'])) {
$msg = success(_("Angel has been marked as active."), true);
} else
$msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['not_active']) & & preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['not_active'])) {
$id = $_REQUEST['not_active'];
$user_source = User($id);
if ($user_source != null) {
sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Aktiv`=0 WHERE `UID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1");
engelsystem_log("User " . User_Nick_render($user_source) . " is NOT active now.");
$msg = success("Angel has been marked as not active.", true);
else $msg = error("Angel not found.", true);
elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['tshirt']) & & preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['tshirt'])) {
$msg = success(_("Angel has been marked as not active."), true);
} else
$msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['tshirt']) & & preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['tshirt'])) {
$id = $_REQUEST['tshirt'];
$user_source = User($id);
if ($user_source != null) {
sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Tshirt`=1 WHERE `UID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1");
engelsystem_log("User " . User_Nick_render($user_source) . " has tshirt now.");
$msg = success("Angel has got a t-shirt.", true);
else $msg = error("Angel not found.", true);
elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['not_tshirt']) & & preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['not_tshirt'])) {
$msg = success(_("Angel has got a t-shirt."), true);
} else
$msg = error("Angel not found.", true);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['not_tshirt']) & & preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['not_tshirt'])) {
$id = $_REQUEST['not_tshirt'];
$user_source = User($id);
if ($user_source != null) {
sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Tshirt`=0 WHERE `UID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1");
engelsystem_log("User " . User_Nick_render($user_source) . " has NO tshirt.");
$msg = success("Angel has got no t-shirt.", true);
else $msg = error("Angel not found." , true);
$msg = success(_( "Angel has got no t-shirt.") , true);
} else
$msg = error(_("Angel not found.") , true);
$users = sql_select("SELECT `User`.*, COUNT(`ShiftEntry`.`id`) as `shift_count`, ${shift_sum_formula} as `shift_length` FROM `User` LEFT JOIN `ShiftEntry` ON `User`.`UID` = `ShiftEntry`.`UID` LEFT JOIN `Shifts` ON `ShiftEntry`.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID` WHERE `User`.`Gekommen` = 1 GROUP BY `User`.`UID` ORDER BY `shift_length` DESC" . $limit);
$table = "" ;
$matched_users = array() ;
if ($search == "")
$tokens = array();
$tokens = explode(" ", $search);
foreach ($users as $usr) {
foreach ($users as & $usr) {
if (count($tokens) > 0) {
$match = false;
$index = join("", $usr);
@ -103,46 +99,45 @@ function admin_active() {
if (! $match)
$table .= '< tr > ';
$table .= '< td > ' . User_Nick_render($usr) . '< / td > ';
$table .= '< td > ' . $tshirt_sizes[$usr['Size']] . '< / td > ';
$table .= '< td > ' . $usr['shift_count'] . '< / td > ';
if ($usr['shift_count'] == 0)
$table .= '< td > -< / td > ';
$table .= '< td > ' . round($usr['shift_length'] / 60) . ' min (' . round($usr['shift_length'] / 3600) . ' h)< / td > ';
if ($usr['Aktiv'] == 1)
$table .= '< td > yes< / td > ';
$table .= '< td > < / td > ';
if ($usr['Tshirt'] == 1)
$table .= '< td > yes< / td > ';
$table .= '< td > < / td > ';
$usr['nick'] = User_Nick_render($usr);
$usr['shirt_size'] = $tshirt_sizes[$usr['Size']];
$usr['work_time'] = round($usr['shift_length'] / 60) . ' min (' . round($usr['shift_length'] / 3600) . ' h)';
$usr['active'] = $usr['Aktiv'] == 1 ? _("yes") : "";
$usr['tshirt'] = $usr['Tshirt'] == 1 ? _("yes") : "";
$actions = array();
if ($usr['Aktiv'] == 0)
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&active=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > set active< / a > ';
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&active=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > ' . _("set active") . '< / a > ';
if ($usr['Aktiv'] == 1 & & $usr['Tshirt'] == 0) {
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&not_active=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > remove active< / a > ';
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&tshirt=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > got t-shirt< / a > ';
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&not_active=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > ' . _("remove active") . '< / a > ';
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&tshirt=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > ' . _("got t-shirt") . '< / a > ';
if ($usr['Tshirt'] == 1)
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&not_tshirt=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > remove t-shirt< / a > ';
$actions[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('admin_active') . '&not_tshirt=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '" > ' . _("remove t-shirt") . '< / a > ';
$table .= '< td > ' . join(' | ', $actions) . '< / td > ' ;
$usr['actions'] = join(' ', $actions);
$table .= '< / tr > ';
return template_render('../templates/admin_active.html', array (
'search' => $search,
'count' => $count,
'set_active' => $set_active,
'table' => $table,
'msg' => $msg,
'link' => page_link_to('admin_active')
$matched_users[] = $usr;
return page(array(
form_text('search', _("Search angel:"), $search),
form_submit('submit', _("Search"))
$set_active == "" ? form(array(
form_text('count', _("How much angels should be active?"), $count),
form_submit('set_active', _("Preview"))
)) : $set_active,
'nick' => _("Nickname"),
'shirt_size' => _("Size"),
'shift_count' => _("Shifts"),
'work_time' => _("Length"),
'active' => _("Active?"),
'tshirt' => _("T-shirt?"),
'actions' => ""
), $matched_users)