@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use Engelsystem\ShiftsFilter;
use Engelsystem\ShiftCalendarRenderer;
function shifts_title() {
return _("Shifts");
@ -137,229 +138,6 @@ function view_user_shifts() {
$shifts_table = "";
* [0] => Array ( [SID] => 1 [start] => 1355958000 [end] => 1355961600 [RID] => 1 [name] => [URL] => [PSID] => [room_name] => test1 [has_special_needs] => 1 [is_full] => 0 )
$first = 15 * 60 * floor($shiftsFilter->getStartTime() / (15 * 60));
$maxshow = ceil(($shiftsFilter->getEndTime() - $first) / (60 * 15));
$block = [];
$todo = [];
$myrooms = $rooms;
// delete un-selected rooms from array
foreach ($myrooms as $k => $v) {
if (array_search($v["id"], $shiftsFilter->getRooms()) === false) {
// initialize $block array
$block[$v["id"]] = array_fill(0, $maxshow, 0);
// calculate number of parallel shifts in each timeslot for each room
foreach ($shifts as $k => $shift) {
$rid = $shift["RID"];
$blocks = ($shift["end"] - $shift["start"]) / (15 * 60);
$firstblock = floor(($shift["start"] - $first) / (15 * 60));
for ($i = $firstblock; $i < $blocks + $firstblock & & $i < $maxshow; $i ++) {
$block[$rid][$i] ++;
$shifts[$k]['own'] = in_array($shift['SID'], array_keys($ownshifts));
$shifts_table = '< div class = "shifts-table" > < table id = "shifts" class = "table scrollable" > < thead > < tr > < th > -< / th > ';
foreach ($myrooms as $key => $room) {
$rid = $room["id"];
if (array_sum($block[$rid]) == 0) {
// do not display columns without entries
$colspan = call_user_func_array('max', $block[$rid]);
if ($colspan == 0) {
$colspan = 1;
$todo[$rid] = array_fill(0, $maxshow, $colspan);
$shifts_table .= "< th " . ( ( $ colspan > 1) ? ' colspan="' . $colspan . '"' : '') . ">" . Room_name_render([
'RID' => $room['id'],
'Name' => $room['name']
]) . "< / th > \n";
unset($block, $blocks, $firstblock, $colspan, $key, $room);
$shifts_table .= "< / tr > < / thead > < tbody > ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $maxshow; $i ++) {
$thistime = $first + ($i * 15 * 60);
if ($thistime % (24 * 60 * 60) == 23 * 60 * 60 & & $shiftsFilter->getEndTime() - $shiftsFilter->getStartTime() > 24 * 60 * 60) {
$shifts_table .= "< tr class = \"row-day\" > < th class = \"row-header\" > ";
$shifts_table .= date('Y-m-d< b \ r / > H:i', $thistime);
} elseif ($thistime % (60 * 60) == 0) {
$shifts_table .= "< tr class = \"row-hour\" > < th > ";
$shifts_table .= date("H:i", $thistime);
} else {
$shifts_table .= "< tr > < th > ";
$shifts_table .= "< / th > ";
foreach ($myrooms as $room) {
$rid = $room["id"];
foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
if ($shift["RID"] == $rid) {
if (floor($shift["start"] / (15 * 60)) == $thistime / (15 * 60)) {
$blocks = ($shift["end"] - $shift["start"]) / (15 * 60);
if ($blocks < 1 ) {
$blocks = 1;
$collides = in_array($shift['SID'], array_keys($ownshifts));
if (! $collides) {
foreach ($ownshifts as $ownshift) {
if ($ownshift['start'] >= $shift['start'] & & $ownshift['start'] < $shift['end'] || $ownshift['end'] > $shift['start'] & & $ownshift['end'] < = $shift['end'] || $ownshift['start'] < $shift['start'] & & $ownshift['end'] > $shift['end']) {
$collides = true;
$is_free = false;
$shifts_row = '';
if (in_array('admin_shifts', $privileges)) {
$shifts_row .= '< div class = "pull-right" > ' . table_buttons([
button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '& edit_shift=' . $shift['SID'], glyph('edit'), 'btn-xs'),
button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '& delete_shift=' . $shift['SID'], glyph('trash'), 'btn-xs')
]) . '< / div > ';
$shifts_row .= Room_name_render([
'RID' => $room['id'],
'Name' => $room['name']
]) . '< br / > ';
$shifts_row .= '< a href = "' . shift_link($shift) . '" > ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $shift['start']);
$shifts_row .= " – ";
$shifts_row .= date('H:i', $shift['end']);
$shifts_row .= "< br / > < b > ";
$shifts_row .= ShiftType($shift['shifttype_id'])['name'];
$shifts_row .= "< / b > < br / > ";
if ($shift['title'] != '') {
$shifts_row .= $shift['title'];
$shifts_row .= "< br / > ";
$shifts_row .= '< / a > ';
$shifts_row .= '< br / > ';
$query = "SELECT `NeededAngelTypes`.`count`, `AngelTypes`.`id`, `AngelTypes`.`restricted`, `UserAngelTypes`.`confirm_user_id`, `AngelTypes`.`name`, `UserAngelTypes`.`user_id`
FROM `NeededAngelTypes`
JOIN `AngelTypes` ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `UserAngelTypes` ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `UserAngelTypes`.`angeltype_id`AND `UserAngelTypes`.`user_id`='" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "')
`count` > 0
AND ";
if ($shift['has_special_needs']) {
$query .= "`shift_id` = '" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . "'";
} else {
$query .= "`room_id` = '" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . "'";
if (! empty($shiftsFilter->getTypes())) {
$query .= " AND `angel_type_id` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getTypes()) . ") ";
$query .= " ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`";
$angeltypes = sql_select($query);
if (count($angeltypes) > 0) {
foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) {
$entries = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` JOIN `User` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`UID` = `User`.`UID`) WHERE `SID`='" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . "' AND `TID`='" . sql_escape($angeltype['id']) . "' ORDER BY `Nick`");
$entry_list = [];
$freeloader = 0;
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$style = '';
if ($entry['freeloaded']) {
$freeloader ++;
$style = " text-decoration: line-through;";
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$entry_list[] = "< span style = \"$style\" > " . User_Nick_render($entry) . ' ' . table_buttons([
button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '& entry_id=' . $entry['id'], glyph('trash'), 'btn-xs')
]) . '< / span > ';
} else {
$entry_list[] = "< span style = \"$style\" > " . User_Nick_render($entry) . "< / span > ";
if ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) - $freeloader > 0) {
$inner_text = sprintf(ngettext("%d helper needed", "%d helpers needed", $angeltype['count'] - count($entries)), $angeltype['count'] - count($entries));
// is the shift still running or alternatively is the user shift admin?
$user_may_join_shift = true;
// you cannot join if user alread joined a parallel or this shift
$user_may_join_shift & = ! $collides;
// you cannot join if user is not of this angel type
$user_may_join_shift & = isset($angeltype['user_id']);
// you cannot join if you are not confirmed
if ($angeltype['restricted'] == 1 & & isset($angeltype['user_id'])) {
$user_may_join_shift & = isset($angeltype['confirm_user_id']);
// you can only join if the shift is in future or running
$user_may_join_shift & = time() < $shift['start'];
// User shift admins may join anybody in every shift
$user_may_join_shift |= in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges);
if ($user_may_join_shift) {
$entry_list[] = '< a href = "' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'] . '" > ' . $inner_text . '< / a > ' . button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '& shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '& type_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _('Sign up'), 'btn-xs');
} else {
if (time() > $shift['start']) {
$entry_list[] = $inner_text . ' (' . _('ended') . ')';
} elseif ($angeltype['restricted'] == 1 & & isset($angeltype['user_id']) & & ! isset($angeltype['confirm_user_id'])) {
$entry_list[] = $inner_text . glyph('lock');
} elseif ($angeltype['restricted'] == 1) {
$entry_list[] = $inner_text;
} elseif ($collides) {
$entry_list[] = $inner_text;
} else {
$entry_list[] = $inner_text . '< br / > ' . button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '& action=add& angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], sprintf(_('Become %s'), $angeltype['name']), 'btn-xs');
$is_free = true;
$shifts_row .= '< strong > ' . AngelType_name_render($angeltype) . ':< / strong > ';
$shifts_row .= join(", ", $entry_list);
$shifts_row .= '< br / > ';
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$shifts_row .= ' ' . button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '& shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '& type_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("Add more angels"), 'btn-xs');
if ($shift['own'] & & ! in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$class = 'own';
} elseif ($collides & & ! in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$class = 'collides';
} elseif ($is_free) {
$class = 'free';
} else {
$class = 'occupied';
$shifts_table .= '< td rowspan = "' . $blocks . '" class = "' . $class . '" > ';
$shifts_table .= $shifts_row;
$shifts_table .= "< / td > ";
// also output that shift on ical export
$ical_shifts[] = $shift;
for ($j = 0; $j < $blocks & & $i + $j < $maxshow; $j ++) {
$todo[$rid][$i + $j] --;
// fill up row with empty < td >
while ($todo[$rid][$i] -- > 0) {
$shifts_table .= '< td class = "empty" > < / td > ';
$shifts_table .= "< / tr > \n";
$shifts_table .= '< / tbody > < / table > < / div > ';
if ($user['api_key'] == "") {
User_reset_api_key($user, false);
@ -379,6 +157,7 @@ function view_user_shifts() {
$end_day = date("Y-m-d", $shiftsFilter->getEndTime());
$end_time = date("H:i", $shiftsFilter->getEndTime());
$shiftCalendarRenderer = new ShiftCalendarRenderer($shifts, $shiftsFilter);
return page([
div('col-md-12', [
@ -392,7 +171,7 @@ function view_user_shifts() {
'type_select' => make_select($types, $shiftsFilter->getTypes(), "types", _("Angeltypes") . '< sup > 1< / sup > '),
'filled_select' => make_select($filled, $shiftsFilter->getFilled(), "filled", _("Occupancy")),
'task_notice' => '< sup > 1< / sup > ' . _("The tasks shown here are influenced by the angeltypes you joined already!") . " < a href = \"" . page_link_to ( ' angeltypes ' ) . ' & action = about' . " \ " > " . _("Description of the jobs.") . "< / a > ",
'shifts_table' => msg() . $shifts_table ,
'shifts_table' => msg() . $shiftCalendarRenderer->render() ,
'ical_text' => '< h2 > ' . _("iCal export") . '< / h2 > < p > ' . sprintf(_("Export of shown shifts. < a href = \"%s\" > iCal format< / a > or < a href = \"%s\" > JSON format< / a > available (please keep secret, otherwise < a href = \"%s\" > reset the api key< / a > )."), page_link_to_absolute('ical') . '& key=' . $user['api_key'], page_link_to_absolute('shifts_json_export') . '& key=' . $user['api_key'], page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '& reset') . '< / p > ',
'filter' => _("Filter")