form_checkboxes('angel_types', "What do you want to do?<br>(<ahref=\"\">Description of job types</a>)", $angel_types, $selected_angel_types),
form_info("", "Restricted angel types need will be confirmed later by an archangel. You can change your selection in the options section."),
form_textarea('comment', _("Did you help at former CCC events and which tasks have you performed then?"), $comment),
form_checkboxes('angel_types', _("What do you want to do?") . sprintf("<br>(<ahref=\"\">%s</a>)", _("Description of job types")), $angel_types, $selected_angel_types),
form_info("", _("Restricted angel types need will be confirmed later by an archangel. You can change your selection in the options section.")),
return sprintf('<pclass="info"><ahref="%s">%s</a></p><hr/>', page_link_to("user_messages"), sprintf(_("You have %s new messages.", $new_messages)));
return "";
@ -15,10 +19,10 @@ function user_unread_messages() {
function user_messages() {
global $user;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
$users = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE NOT `UID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " ORDER BY `Nick`");
$to_select_data = array(
$to_select_data = array(
"" => "Select recipient..."
@ -31,89 +35,81 @@ function user_messages() {
$messages = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Messages` WHERE `SUID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " OR `RUID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " ORDER BY `isRead`,`Datum` DESC");
$id == $user['UID'] ? sprintf(_('These are your shifts.<br/>Please try to appear <b>15 minutes</b> before your shift begins!<br/>You can remove yourself from a shift up to %d hours before it starts.'), $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN) : '',
$id == $user['UID'] && count($shifts) == 0 ? error(sprintf(_("Go to the <ahref=\"%s\">shifts table</a> to sign yourself up for some shifts."), page_link_to('user_shifts')), true) : '',
"<h2>Exports</h2>" . sprintf(_("Export of shown shifts. <ahref=\"%s\">iCal format</a> or <ahref=\"%s\">JSON format</a> available (please keep secret, otherwise <ahref=\"%s\">reset the api key</a>)."), page_link_to_absolute('ical') . '&key=' . $shifts_user['api_key'], page_link_to_absolute('shifts_json_export') . '&key=' . $shifts_user['api_key'], page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '&reset')
form_checkboxes('angel_types', "<spanid=\"angel_types_anchor\">What do you want to do?</span><br>(<ahref=\"\">Description of job types</a>)", $angel_types, $selected_angel_types),
form_submit('submit', Get_Text("save"))
form_info("", _("Here you can change your user details.")),
form_checkboxes('angel_types', _("What do you want to do?") . sprintf("<br>(<ahref=\"\">%s</a>)", _("Description of job types")), $angel_types, $selected_angel_types),
form_submit('submit', _("Save"))
form_info("", Get_Text(14)),
form_password('password', Get_Text(15)),
form_password('new_password', Get_Text(16)),
form_password('new_password2', Get_Text(17)),
form_submit('submit_password', Get_Text("save"))
form_info("", _("Here you can change your password.")),
'task_notice' => '<sup>1</sup>' . _("The tasks shown here are influenced by the preferences you defined in your settings! <ahref=\"\">Description of the jobs</a>."),
'new_style_checkbox' => '<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="new_style"value="1"'.($_SESSION['user_shifts']['new_style']?'checked':'').'> Use new style if possible</label>',
$html .= '<p>' . sprintf(_("Hello %s, here you can register for a wake-up call. Simply say when and where the angel should come to wake you."), User_Nick_render($user)) . '</p>';
$html .= _("All ordered wake-up calls, next first.");
// Wenn schon eingeloggt, keine-Berechtigung-Seite anzeigen
if (isset($user)) {
$title = Get_Text("no_access_title");
$content = Get_Text("no_access_text");
$title = _("No Access");
$content = _("You don't have permission to view this page. You probably have to sign in or register in order to gain access!");
} else {
// Sonst zur Loginseite leiten
@ -169,7 +188,7 @@ if (isset($user) && $p != "user_messages")
// Hinweis für Engel, die noch nicht angekommen sind
if (isset($user) && $user['Gekommen'] == 0)
$content = error("You are not marked as arrived. Please go to heaven's desk, get your angel badge and/or tell them that you arrived already.", true) . $content;
$content = error(_("You are not marked as arrived. Please go to heaven's desk, get your angel badge and/or tell them that you arrived already."), true) . $content;